Posting the last issue of X-23 until the next relaunch. I know that will make Yea Forums happy because you hate Gabby, and Laura when she's not acting like a broken doll waifu.
X-23 #12 Storytime
is gabby gone or is she still pulling Laura down in a downward spiral
Last issue, the sisters had a fight and Gabby took Jonathan and walked out on Laura.
>only made it to issue #12
how many fucking relaunches is she going to get lmao
They're both gone after Hickman reboots the X.
Well she's Wolverine, but also a girl, so she has to work twice as hard at starring in books to catch up to him.
Pure fucking trash
Come on, Gabby.
How horrifying
Seems like they could feed a lot of people with that though...
The End.
Sorry, Yea Forums doesn't get its wish today.
I miss my broken doll murdery midriff waifu :(
She's never coming back, is she?
Cwhuuaaaa, surprisingly close to claw.
She became better than what she was.
>I know that will make Yea Forums happy because you hate Gabby
And here I was thinking most people on Yea Forums would like her. She's like Aracely but for Laura.
Kaine and Laura crossover when.
Am I the only one that takes issue with Laura talking like that? It just doesn't fit to me.
thx for the storytime, op.
bump, i guess. don't think a lot of anons care.
No, but the ship has sailed on her being a taciturn, quiet character. She's all about the quippy Bendis speak now.
>Aracely and Gabby become fast friends
>They work together to make Laura and Kaine hookup
Seriously, how can you not love this?
Gabby's adorable. Haters don't know shit.
Literal cunny-tier.
Now I understand why this garbage is being canceled.
Laura's a quirky teenager.
Gabby's a quirky teenager.
And my god what did they do to my boy Daken. He's like a new character and I hate it.
>mania meets up with them
>it becomes a rivalry between the three of them to see if flash or kaine is a better fit for laura
Gabby was adorable, where can i find her from now on?
Dumpster where she belongs
Both are too old for her.
>And here I was thinking most people on Yea Forums would like her.
She's a clone of a clone, and exemplifies the gwenpool/kamala/squirrel girl/nadia manic pixie quirky girl trope that pervades Marvel these days. She's not cute or charming. She's obnoxious, one-note and narcissistic.
You didn't even buy this series don't lie.
How the fuck can the artist fuck up so bad as to give Laura a 4 fingered hand? Is quality control for the cover of a comic book that costs 4 bucks too much to ask of nu-Marvel?
Can someone with such a strong healing factor even contract VDs?
Shit, I dunno. Probably? Logan had a bunch of diseases cooking in him when his healing factor was gone. Could be a walking petri dish for all I know.
> Gabby and Laura go to Mexico.
> Meet Kaine and Aracely.
> Laura and Kaine get it on with Aracely popping in on them.
This book really deserved a chance
>Gabby's asking if he's snikting inside her or thwipping inside her.
Eh. All-New Wolverine was nice at first though.
This bore me, something about the color palette and the 'attitude' of the story , i didn't buy any of it but i'm still really happy its cancelled
Blame Hickman, he proposed the relaunch of the whole X-Line, maybe it would last longer otherwise.
I want to see Gabby finally meeting Logan
I used to like Laura
>And my god what did they do to my boy Daken. He's like a new character and I hate it.
What do you mean? He di-
Oh come on
Gabby is fun but this laura was basically shit.
She already did thuogh. Old man Logan anyway.
Why is it not legal to kill pedos on sight?
>because you hate Gabby
I like Gabby.
>and Laura when she's not acting like a broken doll waifu.
The problem isn't that she's not some broken doll waifu anymore. The problem is that she seemed to just wake up one day as a completely different character. Her slow but consistent character growth was derailed utterly by Bendis having her talk and act like a generic action girl, and then this version of the character being picked up. It's not character development when said character just magically changes into someone else entirely. To add insult to injury, nuX-23 seems to have no discernible personality beyond "strong girl that does occasional quips." She's vanilla as fuck, indistinguishable from every other stock action girl character. Old X-23, at the very least, was distinct. She had a particular voice and characterization that stood out. New X-23 could be replaced by literally anyone else, she's that much of a cardboard cutout.
This really fucks up the execution of Gabby as a concept. The idea of Laura having to care for a younger Facility clone that is a little more zany and weird than her is pretty compelling. It stops being interesting, though, when it has no real consequences for her character. Healing and growing through having someone more vulnerable depend on you isn't an effective character arc when you have no healing or growing left to do. Furthermore, having a wacky foil to serious Laura doesn't work when serious Laura is quipping about and making liek so ironic xDDD internal monologues.
These recent comics with Gabby read like the writers saw Logan but completely misunderstood what made that film work.
Because you're a pedo.
Because not all pedophiles are dangerous.
Isn't murder supposed to be illegal?
X23 is very much one of those cases where marvel wants her to be a lot more popular than she actually is. Every book she gets has been cancelled for some reason or another and yet they still force her down everyone's throats.
>Begone THOT
Gaby is a copy of a copy. A knockoff of a knockoff.
It's like someone in India was told to make Gucci knockoffs to sell to tourists and they didn't know what a real one looked like so they bought a a Chinese knockoff and based their knockoff on that.
Anyway. This is her final appearance and she's getting erased from continuity. Good riddance.
>Marvel wants a female/minority variant of an established white male character to be more popular than it is
Quelle surprise.
Yeah that doesn't count
Yeah, well... I enjoyed his recent run. The first (second) volume especially. So there.
>He's like a new character and I hate it.
Isn't he dead?
Fucking kek. I did not expect that url to take me where it took me. And I did not expect these thighs.
Making edits of these are way too fun.
keep em coming
Ha, I gots to sleep my dude. Happy Saturday.
keep posting your edits somewhere.
I will pray for a good new Laura book.
Your prayers will go unanswered.
>she's not acting like a broken doll waifu.
so you mean actually unique, interesting and likable instead of the same feminist, marie sue strong wyman again which has been done to death for the last 5 years?
>sjw take another character famous for being cute and sexy and turn her into another "girl power, fuck drump and white men" book
it´s all so tiresome. why do liberals constantly have to destroy hobbies?
Whats even the point of these characters?
No. Worse. He's a good guy. As in "we're a family" and he's... nice. Not using his sexuality to his advantage. Not manipulating people for his personal gain. Not being a sneaky bastard. He's a typical good guy now.
>it's an x hero but it's a woman.
>implying X-23 isn't incredibly popular
In reality, she's more popular than Marvel ever expected, and - this is the real kicker - Marvel has no fucking idea why. They haven't been able to fully capitalize on her popularity since Kyle & Yost since nobody else at the company seems to know why people latched on to the character. Marvel continually push her, understanding that there's something about her that work, but also continually tell most of the people that like her to fuck off.
Also, modern Marvel books in general rarely make it past fifteen or so issues unless they're Spider-Man.
it was a different time
>Also, modern Marvel books in general rarely make it past fifteen or so issues unless they're Spider-Man.
because modern marvel only produces the same sjw shit nowadays
Wasn't his last appearance in those Return of Wolverine tie-ins where he was literally saying he was trying to kill him before he comes back and then he "died" again?
Fuck the both of them.
it's so bad that all these SJW issues are being canceled
t. oldman from familyguy
This is for X-Men: Evolution though right? I don't think they'd have made her gay in the comics, because they were pushing her and Julian really hard.
Ask Jean Grey.
pedo leave
i think it's just him trying to get some brownie points.
I was calling them pedos to leave you gay faggot
>gay faggot
Big words from a pedo, you pedo. Why don't you go back to making sure our children don't die you, you pedoatric fuck.
I hope you have a good day, user.
I hate you, and I hate pedos
I hate you too you big gay pedo baby.
get fucked motherfucking bitch[spoiler
You first pedo.
She became every other supposedly-teenage female Marvel hero. She COULD have grown into better than what she was, instead they just threw a generic personality at her because at the time they wanted her to be Wolverine.
I liked Gabby to start with, but she feels like they are trying too hard. Oh-so-quirky but sweet hearted.
This 100%
Oop. Lettering is fun you guys. Anyone know the standard font Marvel uses?
quality post
Gabby a cute, Laura a best, this book a shit.
I grantee you if you had asked him when x-men evolution was still new he would have said no.
he is just being intimidated by the sjw mob
What a fucking Rowling
Evo had at least one case of deliberate lesbian undertones (confirmed by Steven Gordon), with Rogue and Risty. Made weirder by the fact that Risty is actually Mystique in disguise.
>Made weirder by the fact that Risty is actually Mystique in disguise.
Is it? Mysti is top tier mommy fetish
Speaking of which, has Laura met with Logan since his return?
>Hi dad. So, this is your granddaughter Gabby, but I call her my sister because reasons. Also, I took your suit and played Wolverine for a while, but got bored I guess. We just freed some chickens from this big bad cloning corporation. Okay, whatever. Bye.
Modern Big Two books running only very briefly is a thing that predates the brief SJW-y era. There's also very little SJW stuff left at Marvel.
Fucking hell.
Well, looks like the only remaining hope for a good X-23 ongoing is Marvel raising Crusty Jones from the dead.
Laura being Wolverine's daughter was fucking retarded. He referred to her as his sister - which she absolutely is - in NXM.
While there's less overt SJW stuff now than a couple of years ago, it's clear that the writers they hire aren't passionate about anything else. Hence snoozefests like this one.
Now imagine if they asked Greg Weisman about any of his shows.
And people forgot she used to be a lot of fun and interesting when paired up with certain characters. She was also cute with Jubilee.
Don't worry, I've got you covered.
>Speaking of which, has Laura met with Logan since his return?
MOTHER SYNERGY commands it
humane vegan mutant run eco responsible institution
what is this fucking lib tard crap
Logan adopting Laura as a daughter happened before the movie.
That's vaguely ominous.
You will know in due time.