Man remains optimistic despite hardships faced in his long life

>Man remains optimistic despite hardships faced in his long life
>This is somehow racist

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It was shunned for the depiction of slaves as being happy and well treated, which was a revisionist history being pushed hard by the kkk at the time.

>for the depiction of slaves as being happy and well treated
For the last fucking time he was not a slave in the film

What about Briar rabbit and the tar baby? I know they are used as entertaining stories but tar baby is not an innocent turn of phrase. Also plantation life wasn't all smiles and dancing. It was film released at the wrong time and not one of Disney's better films

>Takes place during the Reconstruction era so they can't be slaves
It's like you didn't watch the movie

It doesn't take place during the slavery period, care to explain what you're talking about ?

>It's like you didn't watch the movie
Neiter did the people who criticize the movie for that aspect

Lots of schools either skip, or outright down play the positive parts of the Reconstruction Era. It's treated as a flawed time because Lincoln wasn't helming the project.

Reconstruction wasn't exactly an idyllic time to be black either.

The movie was bland and corny, nobody would care about it if it wasn´t for the cartoon segments and its supposed racism

Walt Disney wanted to do the a movie adaptation to the stories he heard of as a child.

Walt lived a really boring childhood then.

Walt was just one of us, all he did one day was to go outside and spread his joy to the world.
Now sadly he is dead, and all we got is a husk of something that was amazing

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Define Boring because Walk worked paper routes and had to get up at 4:30 in the morning for the job, and did art on the side. He was also pretty shy.

the black man playing the lead role also was not allowed to show up or attend the premerie

>The Chad Walt
>The Virgin Nickelodeon

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Thanks for showing us you are an NPC without free will who didn’t even watched the movie.

Haha, oh fuck.

Also did you know he was right wing?

Oh yeah?

Fucking This.

The Reconstruction was still fucking awful for the freed black people. History books tend to gloss over the part where The South bitched and screamed until all of the laws granting equal rights were gutted, the 13th Amendment barely held
any power and the Goddamn Klan got started. The freedoms black people got were token at best and many of them were still treated like fucking shit if not lynched outright.

Meanwhile the White South romanticized the shit out of the War being about unreasonable laws (laws over slavery) and every other fanciful lie they could throw at public opinion.

Mark Twain himself called bullshit on this alot.

And while the animated parts of this film are really gorgeous and the film is *technically* about a young, in awe boy learning these stories with hidden morals from a black man he truly respects and considers wiser than anyone else in his life, the background of this movie paints a prettier picture of a time that is insidiously false. We don't goddamn need Disney to feed an idyllic interpretation of one of the suckiest parts of our history to children especially given the subject matter.

The Br'er Rabbit stories themselves? Aside form some issues with the Tar Baby itself--these are perfectly fine folklore tales to spin a movie around, but not fucking like this.

Hattie Mcdaniel understood the game. It's a shame because a lot of black actors at the time were truly talented and had layers of personality. THe only problem is that the public can't tell the difference between the public and private persona.