So what kind of manpower, weapons, vehicles, resources,etc. would you need to take down the crystal gems?

So what kind of manpower, weapons, vehicles, resources,etc. would you need to take down the crystal gems?

Attached: crystal gems.png (4000x2468, 1.01M)

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a big dick

Depends whether or not they fuse.

You call him

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The same as a human. Spear through the chest got pearl and the diamonds just stood on them. Amethyst fell off a cliff and nearly died.

The crystal gems are a joke. Lost nearly even battle they were in and only won with fusion. Lapis destroyed them on her own so she's the only real threat

One /pol/ user

a hammer

Attached: latest.png (1620x1000, 629K)

just to see bismuth's face that a long range breaking point is going to be used on her and the crystal gems...

Attached: tumblr_onzzveb6rs1solld8o1_500.gif (500x160, 260K)

Pearl's aren't meant for fighting. Other gems are much more durable.

>other gems are more durable
>Bismuth's 'Diamond killer' weapon is basically an hydraulic hammer/pickaxe/etc.

Poofing =/= shattering.

thou if you poof a gem she is completely defenseless

Just say half of the things Yea Forums calls them and they'll break down emotionally. They're so fucking mentally sensitive that a pre-teen has more willpower. They're lucky that everyone around them is too retarded or too incompetent to get shit done. Except White, she's the real OG.

I still love them, especially Pearl

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I don't know why some people are asking "well. are they gonna fuse?" No shit. You're trying to kill them.

Of course, but that's a different kettle of fish.

A tank a

user you know that's a meme. Jasper was like the only one to actually call them names and they didn't so much as flinch.

I want this monstrosity to sit on me

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The only real threats are peridot, lapis and lion. The rest could be taken out by a lightly armed but well positioned platoon. Peridot needs to be taken on separately with ceramic or plastics. Lion's a teleporting revenant so you're gonna have to find a way to attach explosives to him quickly. Lapis might be too much to handle on Earth unless taken by surprise first.

Don't underestimate Bismuth, she seems to have drill instructor levels of warfare know-how.

>provoke the gems
>fight the gems
>stand your ground for 10 seconds
>wait for them to fuse
>say your regret your actions and see error of your ways
>seduce the fusion with your human charm
>murdercock the fusion

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I think you're under selling Garnet. Her gems aren't in the open like the others and are surrounded by those gauntlets. You could poof her to get to them but you'd first have to get past her future vision.

>past her future vision
that every other day doesnt work

Precognition can be manipulated. With enough planning you could force her down a decision tree where her only option is self sacrifice.

a high powered gun could poof pretty much any gem, and any gem that could tank it would be virtually impossible for a single human to take on. I don't know how Garnet's body would react to a bullet since she can take a bath in lava like it's nothing.

Attached: Steven vs. Amethyst_trim.webm (960x540, 2.36M)

Idk man a single killdoser could kill a gem