>ITT Yea Forums characters who's most popular ship is an incest ship.
ITT Yea Forums characters who's most popular ship is an incest ship
Other urls found in this thread:
you better give the fucking sauce
How did you not start with this?
You start.
slipped my mind
what's this from?
You both better be on phones and unable to see filenames.
The incredibles has actually ruined incest for me. The amount of low quality repetitive garbage is so infuriating that I can't go to incest threads our of sheer rage.
The incredibles did to incest what Overwatch did to SFM porn.
I actually think that incredibles incest is much worse than sfm overwatch.
>Bart & Lisa
>Lincoln loud & Loud Sisters
Yeah seriously. It’s Like one of THE earliest and most notable ones
Literally that and Gumball, and in both cases it's a hardcore group of maybe 10 anons max who commission all the "art".
with the exception of maybe Luna for the dyke-bait
Is it incest if she isn't really your mother and is just a copy?
Incest is best...when someone else is doing it.
>with the exception of maybe Luna for the dyke-bait
But dicking the gay out of the dyke is patrician, user.
>Lily Loud has the fewest entries
Faith in humanity somewhat restored?
more like shit tier
Any character that has a family member prominently featured in the series
I fucking wish
it sucks actually
>Lily Loud - 114
>I'm telling mom
What did she mean by this?
It's a kink and a joke m8.
>That hair tag.
>there are 55 entries including the baby
The fuck is wrong with your fandom
She is gonna tell her to join in
>The fuck is wrong with your fandom
>The Loud House
I can think of only one condition.
Shut up, kid
Benfags are fucking stupid
it went up to 114 those are an year and a half apart
There are several reasons why Yea Forums exiled The Loud House threads to /trash/ and baby slut Lily wasn't one of the big ones
Lincoln +1680
Leni +686
Lori +616
Lola +568
Lucy +529
Luna +429
Lana +367
Luan +314
Lynn +268
Lisa +211
Lily +59
Dipper should have kicked Mable in the dick
>The incredibles did to incest what Overwatch did to SFM porn.
And that is?
>more than a hundred results for the baby
Both of you are morons. Paheal purged todllercon, so all of those are aged-up.
>Paheal purged todllercon
Paheal yes but not TLH booru
There are more of you idiots! Why the fuck are you even here if you don't know simple things like this
>Why the are you even here?
I didn't know that in-depth knowledge of paheal was a requirement to be able to post on Yea Forums. Unlike you faggot, I don't jerk off to children's cartoons enough to know shit like that.
Based and truthpilled.
And thank goodness. The sheer level of moralfaggotry makes me want to puke. How autistic do people have to be to of consider drawings of imaginary characters something immoral and how retarded to dispute their legality? Shame on paheal, really, and on the retarded countries that control what their citizens can draw.
Exactly, so get the fuck out and go to a christian family-friendly forum where everyone supports your high moral values and polices speech to make sure nothing offends your sensibilities.
>TLH booru
You sound like an underage newfag.
>cropped porn on 2019 Yea Forums
Have fun getting banned, dumbass.
T. Boomer
>t. /pol/ cancer who didn't know this place existed 4 years ago
And don't even try to deny it, who the fuck else saves those jewish nose edits?
Someone's needs to wash your mouth out with soap because that is a terminal case of shit taste
How many Siberians died to mine all that Salt?
Pedophiles should hang.
I save them just to aggrevate people. I don't browse /pol/, too boring. Just fags larping like idiots about stupid ideologies. I'm more of a Yea Forums and Yea Forums fag.
>Actually supporting pedos.
I wish the mods would just ban all you loli fags.
>Yea Forums-user
>thinking he’s even above anything, including /pol/
Are you the drawings=people kind of retard, or the liking imaginary things = liking real things type of retard? Because the first one is literally retarded and the second is Jack Thompson retarded.
And this is why I told you to go to a normie forum where you tender anus wouldn't be inflamed by people jerking off to drawings and other immoral travesties. Why the fuck did you come to a free* speech board if you can't handle other people's interests and opinions?
Im practicing my freedom to hate speech user. I hate you so Im expressing my free speech by telling you that you're a sick fuck.
Are you saying that you think that just liking young cartoon characters is horrible? I don't believe you. Why would you think that? I'm more than sure that you have the type of autism that makes you put lolicons on the same shelf as child molesters in your mind.
My nigga
Wait are people shipping this?
You can see filenames on phones.
yeap, Soren and Claudia are love
There is no difference between lolicons and pedophiles except that a lolicon is just a pedophile in denial.
This whole family.
>there's no difference between FPS players and murderers
Yep, autism. What did I tell you? Next case.
where is the incest episodes compilation? and does Roger count?
A pedophile is still a pedophile even if he hasn't diddled any kiddies. A murderer is only a murderer if he has taken life. So your comparison kinda sucks.
>Yea Forums poster thinking they have any right insulting any other board
Get off your high horse it's half the reason Yea Forums is the laughing stock it is.
You know they have intimate bath times together...to save on heated water of course
unfortunately Elsa is going ditch Anna for a loli
One is a type of fetish that if acted upon becomes a crime, the other is just a crime. Unless the thought of killing turns you on then its Necrophilla
Why is the bad guy's two children always shipped together?
Some of it's even fucking canon.
how are the bets about Elsa getting the gay in the next movie going?
Weirdo fan theories will not sway me untill I have seen the movie
user, is disney
Not as big as her remaining single. While I don't think that most of the supposed reasons against really matter, I just don't think there will be time for a romance plot given everything else the movie is supposedly going to be juggling
not all of it is porn, the booru has safe image too
You've lost me. Thats what I just said. The comparison doesn't hold up between FPS players and murderers and pedophiles and lolicons. Lolicons are no different from pedophiles save for the fact that they delude themselves into thinking its okay because what they do it to is fictitious. But its the mere thought of thinking about doing it with a child that's disgusting and heinous. I'm voicing my disgust about that.
Like the bible its not that wholesome when you go back and really look.
Snow White was 14 and dead when the primce decided that fucking a corpse was A ok
>your comparison
You're the one who made the comparison, dummy. I just replaced a thing that scrambles moralfag brains to one that let you compare these two and realize the comparison is stupid. It's as big of a reach to assume FPS players are attracted to the idea of murder IRL as it is that lolicons are attracted to real kids. One is an imaginary interaction that stimulates you by simulating something taboo and dangerous while being safe and harmless. The other is a crime with a victim that only a mentally sick person with an atrophied sense of empathy would consider.
>You're the one who made the comparison
How many levels of autism are you on? Like I've already stated bro, a pedophile doesn't need to commit the crime to be a pedophile. You're a pedophile if you find the thought of having sex with children to be appealing. Lolicons think having sex with children is appealing. Therefore lolicons are pedophiles. Pedophiles are sick and deserve to be told that. You said that it was like FPS players and actual shooters but its clearly not the same relationship. Lolicons are legitimate pedophiles no matter what way you look at it, whereas FPS players are obviously not shooters.
Not really but is still pretty fucked up
Why did they write them like a typical tsundere anime romance? How were they expecting fans to react to that?
they where expecting offerings of porn to the porn god. the porn god was pleased
But the crew didnt like fans shipping Ben and Gwen or making porn of her so they decided to make her ugly in the following sequels
They had to, the jews were onto them.
Jews don't like incest?
shes fine in alien force, is omniverse that fucked her up, and og adult gwen looks great
love me some r34 metrics
>blah blah thought crimes
Don't you have a book burning to attend?
something about the phrase "pure race" or anything close to it makes them uncomfortable
Jews hate non live action porn. Who's gonna pay for videos of them abusing goy kids if everyone can just go to paheal.
>Thinking im some orwellian boogey man
Nigga I didn't say we should arrest them and have them executed for shit like that. I'm just arguing that I have the right to say shit about things I don't like. Just like you have the right to tell me you don't like what I say. So with my right to say what I want, I'll say it again: Lolicons are pedophiles and are sick fucks.
I don't believe you.
Hair pulling
You're the autist, and not as an insult, as a diagnosis. You apparently literally can't differentiate between people who fap to drawings and people who lust after real children. If you absolutely insist on the "sexuality is in it's own special box" approach then I'll tell you like this: people who are into gore don't want to dismember real people, people who are into inflation don't want to hook up a real person to an industrial pump, people who are into transformation don't want to literally experience a faith worse than death and turn into a dildo, a lot of people who are into something as vanilla as anal or deepthroat often don't enjoy said thing in real life because there are things like discomfort and pain involved. You are literally autistic if you think that people who like cute drawn characters MUST have a thing for real children. It's not even a matter of not doing something because of norms, it's a matter of not wanting to do it.
Doesn't fucking matter brainlet. Pedophillia is inherently linked to sexuality and the lust of children. You can act like its different cause its pictures, but at the end of the day, regardless if a lolicon has actually fucked a child or not, or if they want to or not, they are still sick pedophiles. That's it, final.
>it doesn't matter if you literally don't correspond to the meaning of this word, for me you're still this thing
You can't argue with your autistic reality substitute as factual base. Autistic perception are not fact. They are delusion.
You're stupid.
What is it with incest being so big in fandoms?
The best.
Its forbidden love, and not fake forbidden like gay shit
its prime fap material and anyone who tells you otherwise is lying.
It's forbidden for a reason but god damned if it isn't also hot as hell.
That's unironically a good question. I imagine it's something to do with the wholesomeness of familial love.
Or maybe this.
Regardless of the reason, it's always this.
Don't bother, it's a purely emotional knee jerk reaction. Some people also have a gnarly fucked up history with this stuff that makes them sensitive to it. Cultural taboos are cultural taboos.
>drawings are real people
What's with people not being able to tell the difference between fiction and reality
My autistic nephew is smarter than you. He wants to discover planets. He has memorized star charts. You are an actual 2000% autist
I hope your nephew gets hit by a car. Retards don't deserve to live and we should be committed to eliminating autism from the gene pool
Mouth breather detected
It wasn't really inbreeding for old Chuck, he just came out wrong.
Not all birth deformities are from incest.
Incest just tends to increase the chances of those occurring.
Please don't lump loli fags in with toddler fags, unlike toddler fags we have some morality.
As I recall from watching some inane documentary about sexual attraction between siblings separated at birth, the people that actually commit incest aren't the brightest of people to begin with, and not to defend incest, but a single close-relation birth between non-braindead, healthy people doesn't have that great of a chance to fuck the kid for life.
My boy Charles and his waterbed head was the genetic equivalent of trying to skip a brick across a light mist.
The only person more fucked up than the person giving the cheese pizza 5 stars is the person giving it 3 user.
What makes you think that?
Yeah but Charlie had a perfectly normal sister
>one drawing is more/less moral than the other
You're worse than both the moralfags and the toddlerfags. You think that a drawing can be immoral, but you still look at such drawings. You're a weak-willed imbecile.
Do you not know what the word "chances" means?
I’m betting you really do want to fuck kids in real life, you know you can’t so you project online. It’s good that you’re not diddling babies though, just try to control yourself and society can move along just fine OK?
Will from W.I.T.C.H.
Well, either together or as bread of a Bolin sandwich.
You are just dieing to lick Lily’s shithole clean aren’t you.
Post a pic, fag. It's an image board.
This pairing is pretty sweet since it's mostly just Will being overprotective of her mom.
I would but I couldn't find any
Do want to fuck dogs in real life? Do you like to put women’s underwear on them and go on secret dates before taking the small canine down into your bedroom and start raping her?
Some classic Yea Forums there, brother.
There is not enough rule 34 of them.
Yes, yes, it's funny how big profile cases prove that the people who try to galvanize public ire towards loli often turn out being child molesters who tried to shift attention away from their shady activities. But post more incest instead.
and here i thought it was a video
Thanks asshole, now I have to spend the entire day listening to the theme.
What you’re saying is the equivalent of 1+1= 7, we ain’t trying to stop you from talking, just pointing out how stupid you sound and that if you want people applauding your stupidity then go somewhere else.
Generally incestuous relationships are most likely to occur when the family members in question have experienced shared trauma, like say from an abusive parent. This isolates them from their peers, leaving them with only each other to use as emotional support, which combined with teen hormones can lead to sexytimes.
So it's probably a case of art reflecting real life.
Don't you love your family user?
Incest is literally one of the oldest if not THE oldest fetish in human history
sourceless rumor
Your forgetting about the Westermarck effect
The westermarck effect is both debatable science and would not apply in extreme cases where children do not develop healthy connections to their family or people outside of it
The oldest fetish in human history is pregnancy.
I wouldn't really consider that a true fetish anymore than saying "I have a fetish for breasts" or "a fetish for penis" would be.
What episode?
Episode 7, the one whereit's an edit
Most people aren't attracted to bloated bellies user
The crew changed in between shows. That’s why all of them have such different art styles and tones.
I think he meant an "impregnation" fetish, not a "pregnant bellies" fetish. If he meant "pregnant bellies" fetish then you are right. But really, one of the oldest fetishes is rape.
Imagine, in the dystopian far future, datamining archaeologists will find this imagine and determine that this was one of the oldest fetishes of mankind. I suppose it would make sense in the context of their ecologically devastated world
>that hair pull
this show, man
the fucking best bruh
It's not moralfagging. Literally the opposite: shota/loli is actually banned outright in a lot of countries, including some states in the US. Content hosting legal limitations vary wildly by physical location of the server. They host through GoDaddy, and contrary to popular belief, drawn child pornography is illegal in the US in every state under the 2003 Federal PROTECT act. They'd probably keep it up if they didn't have a legal responsibility.
I mean, you're royally fucked in the head for wanting it because you obviously only want it to masturbate. So, fuck off with your "art" excuse, you fucking creep.
Jesus christ I thought this faggot was banned
>This thread
I like headcanons and fanfics as any other user.
But is there any Yea Forums instance where there is actual canon incest?
I know there was an infamous X-men run where the Maximoff twins admited they were in a relationship, but other than that I can't remember any.
Based and Gwenpilled.
One of the seth macfarlane type shows maybe, like American Dad? Seems like a thing I'm sure came up once.
They probably weren't expecting it and as it's known they were originally classmates and likely meant to be love interests eventually. However they never really did anything to lessen the extreme incest vibes that persisted until the end of the series.
You know a normal person would think this scene to be heartwarming and entirely innocent, like two siblings meeting after a long separation
Even Youtube comments, normie central, ship them.
THIS scene however screams incest vibes. Like holy shit who wrote this thinking it wouldn't be interpreted romantically? It had to be on purpose.
Incest is still too radioactive for normalization just yet. Pedophilia will be first.
>top 4 girls are also my favorite
Feels good. Also Lynn fell hard kek
As someone that peddled both I can tell you that it has become even more difficult to put out content for both. At least in a way you can monetize it. Less websites you can promote on and people just seem to be unwilling to support in places that you can.
...Does it lead to sex?
Yes but it takes a long, long time to do so. Definitely the slow burn you get from Area's Between Friends comic.
Don't they start fucking like 10 pages after this
The fuck you say. Have you never heard of Game of Thrones?
From what I remember there's a lot of foreplay. I stopped following a couple years ago and they were just at Ben eating her out.
What's the artist's name?
Fuck no, just blowjobs start at page 29, sex doesn't happen until page 113.
Or if you want to cut a little deeper, Arrested Development.
Shows on premium channels get away with so much. There's graphic sex scenes, incest, and rape. Stuff like that gets most movies an NC-17.
Or if you want to cut REALLY deep, Zathura.
You mean that show where the incestuous couple are the antagonists, their relationship is depicted as self destructive, and it's suggested they may be outright mentally unbalanced?
bwen is best cest
This is THE ship; daddy of Della x donald
Oh, yeah, you are right. Family Guy had the Meg and Chris kissing in one episode.
Lion King, but I dunno if it counts.
The show has plenty of other popular incest ships though. Jon and Dany, for example.
>daddy of Della x donald
I think Daisy just being the worst is more responsible to for Donald-shipping than anything else.
Would've been nice to see their mum before the show was canned.
Targaryens are infamous crazy people and Jon literally kills Dany because he knew their relationship was wrong. She went nuts in the first place because her nephew was withholding dick from her
desna > eska
My sister and I are in our late twenties and we've never hugged even once in our lives.
I'll never not love yuri incest
man of taste
Have you gone through the same shit as them? Also, I've hugged with my brother a few times, if I had a sister, I can imagine I could hug with her too, you're just a family of autists proabably.
Only Gwen please for the thread.
>forgetting the best ship
Yeah how could you
They knew what the internet would become and so they took advantage of it.
>Bumi and Kya are both Sokka's
based Sokka
we should have more Gwen x Stinkfly porn
That was Ultimate Marvel, user. Millar implied it as a edgy joke, Loeb actually made it canon, then killed them both.
In 616 Marvel canon, there's the Strucker twins, plus the Nate Grey/Madelyne Pryor ship.
>Does Roger count?
About as much as an adopted family member who's been there before you were born.
heck even the Japanese like Sumo Gwen over AF Gwen
Half of her popularity is shipping. She can't have a partner or sexual orientation anymore because people would be upset..
the only things good about her were her bend over skirt and that grabable ponytail
Funny thing is the scene is very suggestive originally even if it wasn't intended. Claudia closes her eyes and leans toward Soren for several seconds like someone who is waiting for a kiss.
Cousins aren’t incest, it used to be normal
Not as taboo but still taboo. But it most certainly is still incest.
... At first I thought that was supposed to be an inkling smartphone.
>tfw shad will never finish the incestibles
t. Perfidious Hapsburg
That's kinda sad, bro.
Any father/daughter ships?
No, not Clarissa.
that comic sucks anyway, I dont know whats up with shadman and licking buttholes but is just bad
Are you both literally autistic?
But it's legal in many countires.
And it's legal to never bathe. What's your point?
The guy just likes butthole licking, no need to judge him.
Still incest, still taboo. Just because it's not illegal in some places doesn't change that.
TO /trash/ WITH YOU!
Dr. Thirteen and Traci Thirteen. They made her a lesbian in New 52 along with Natasha Irons.
but it was just getting good...a shame he's pretty much said he's done doing his usual art and is going to focus more on these small little comics
licking buttholes is hot though
I might be, never got checked or anything, I was kind of a weird kid and never really had many friends but my father just told me to man up and act normal. My sister used to pick on me even though she's younger than I am for being ugly and socially awkward. I'm not bummed or anything, but seeing siblings that get along in cartoons and stuff, let alone incest, always seems so strange.
Eh, it’s a whole different level of taboo, cousin incest is still considered as sometime understandable and relatable, many people already found their cousin attractice.
Closer incest are generally considered simply inhumane, fundamentally disgusting and dehumanising for the conernece people who aren’t better than animals.
You come from a broken home and have led a sad life that will scar you until the end of your days
>Closer incest are generally considered simply inhumane, fundamentally disgusting and dehumanising for the conernece people who aren’t better than animals.
That's why it's hot.
Odd, I feel fine.
One who has never felt the warmth of a loved one's embrace will never know true joy, only the feeling of merely being "fine".
> t. Last words of a late stage cancer patient before their terminal diagnosis
You make me feel something. I'm not sure what it is though.
Don't worry user I have faith in you. But your physical distance with your sister is kind of sad. Not in any perverse way but I have a little brother and I hug him all the time and we don't even live with each other. Whenever I'm watching him he's playing games with friends but we love each other and he knows I have his back.
shoul've touched your sister when you had the chance
Look at pornhub's featured page and you'll see most of the videos have some incest-y title and theme.
Best Gwen..
thats when they ruined gwen and magic
All step-this and that. Basically the Western version of "not blood related." The problem I have is that the "sons and daughters" are just as old as the "parents." Like could they not get actual 18 to 20s pornstars?
I made out with my second cousin once. First time I'd ever kissed a girl. She was only a couple years older than me. They moved to a different state for her dad's work so I never saw her after that until we were both out of school. She's still pretty hot, though. I had a girlfriend I know that's probably hard to believe after I got out of school and got my first job that wanted to call me daddy and wanted me to call her sweetie. She was a straight psycho, though. Sometimes I regret breaking up with her, when I'm lonely, but she probably would have killed me in my sleep by now had I not.
>Look at pornhub's featured page and you'll see most of the videos have some incest-y title and theme.
his wish came true
>not moralfagging
>calling something a "drawn [crime]"
lol, nigger... who are you even lying to?
>it's illegal in "a lot of countries" (the anglosphere and Middle-eastern shitholes that ban all porn)
Well good thing not all of us live in whatever shithole bans it's citizens from viewing drawings they disapprove of. There's a reason US hasn't been in a top 10 in any freedom indexes for decades now.
>i-it's OK to limit free speech if I don't like the the stuff that's getting banned
Wow, you're quite the dumb faggot.
>when people keep shipping you with your relative and you think they might be onto something
"Muh upbringing" is a meme excuse invented by failures. There are a lot of successful orphans out there. The only difference is that you need to work harder.
and banned
Kinda based desu
Lion King is 100 percent about Incest.
Violet/Helen; Ben/Gwen, Azula/Zuko, the Frozen chicks.
It does. It's implied Nala is related to Simba.
what a waste of trips, fuck off
>that wanted to call me daddy and wanted me to call her sweetie.
it is important to ask your girlfriend what to do when she calls you daddy. because this could go other ways.
when a latina gf said "¡ay, papi!" that was my cue to say "¡ay, mami!" and also to say a quiet prayer of gratitude that I had gotten a vasectomy.
>you'll never be the one sandwiched between two warm, brown bodies in a cozy igloo all night
This Gwen was so hot. I hate that they made her so passive, why couldn't they have kept the characterization from the original show?
Incest is wincest
I prefer to ship her with myself, if that could be arranged
It was alright
Of course they did
>each incarnation gets worse
issing the og 2nd older, 3D and live action Gwens
for real, Mabel have a very unhealthy obsession for Dipper, she is willing to destroy any dream her brother have to keep hima round.
imagine what is going to happen when Dipper go college, i can see Mabel trying to seduced him to stay home.
Concept looks great, love that hairstyle.
Concept through 2011 is fine, except 2010 kid version.
2012 kid version looks fine, adult versions are decent but worse than 2008-2011 adult versions, unnecessarily so.
2016 reboot's unoriginal art style is lame in all senses, including Gwen's cuteness.
The original's adult/future version and UA's adult version are the best. I wanna see them making out
I can't see Violet with anybody besides Mavis after that one video.
who? what video?
and even with him? chan.sankakucomplex.com
one thing I want to see is how Ben 10Thousand and adult Gwen will look in the reboot
I'm not an orphan though, and my upbringing wasn't bad, and I never said it was. My father telling me to man up and act normal was good advice.
She's so kinky
It's not implied, it's a fact, so long as lion mating habits are the same in disney as they are in real life.
I don't mind the nose or the fuller lips (if done right) but the eye and hair color changes and additions of random freckles is lame.
It's not so much character traits tho, more so art style.
I wish skuddbuts hade made his Gwen model closer to the 3d movie desingn
Not enough content of these guys together in the actual show.
Do you guys get along with your female cousin(s)?
I made out with mine and another user said they did to theirs as well. Cousins are just siblings you don't see as often.
I get you, I always found it weird that niggas were interested in my sisters, as they are the absolute worst human being ever scrounged up from the depths of the bin.
I love them, but they bleed and shit everywhere.
Not really, mine tried to kill herself.
What's up with this gwen? Why does she have older gwen's face and hair color but og gwen's body and hairstyle?
>there are 55 entries of the BABY
just a sideways method of saying "same race" because you can't have racist search tags on videos.
> want a funny video
> type in clown
> results are just trailers for horror movies featuring clowns
Alternate universe younger Gwen meant to be the OS version. They updated her design.
heck even females like Bwen
you mean downgraded
Popularized it with normies.
Constant Payne would have had a really good one if it was greenlit.
shame it didnt got greenlit, it looked fun
It is a disturbing double standard on the part of the West.
"It's not okay when it's a cartoon but we'll totally give those IRL TV shows a pass."
>produce shota and loli porn
>but it's illegal to show parts of genitalia
Japan is the weird one. At least in the West you can have drawn porn and show everything. Even shota and loli but less and less sites are allowing it.
unfornutely BH6 is mostly forgotten, thou there is alot of pics of Hiro with Tadashi
Not the most popular cartoon, but every thread I see is about how close this guy and his sister are.
this thread needs more m/s
It's not even remotely canon, but once again, The Loud House.
it's been years but the comic finally moved up to anal a few months ago
Imagine drawing a fully colored Ben/Gwen fuckcomic for literal years.
124 pages. one page a week... jesus christ
>825 Patreon backers with the dollar amount hidden
Imagine not being able to.
>m-muh autism rebuttal
actually kill yourself
They're not biologically related.
Pip pip
>that chin
What a chad.
>hello little boy
>auntie Gwen?
>today you become a man
>da.. dad?
>go for it son, is a family tradition at this point. also, remember me to tell you about your mom after you're done
>Pedophilia will be first.
Delusional cum stain. The only place in the world pedophilia will ever be accepted is third world shit holes and japan.
That's kind of unsettling
that sounds fucking delicious
or America
Not true but nice meme
ma nigga
>Not true but nice meme
You're deluding yourself friend. The Left is pushing pedophilia as a sexual orientation. Once that becomes accepted by the normies all bets are off.
No, and it amerits a storytime.
>be 9 or 10
>be absolutely innocent and sweet as a kid to the point of gullibility (still am)
>live with 4 cousins and brother. Only one female cousin, 3 or 2 years younger than me.
>the six of us play all time together and do all kinds of goofy family fun
>me and female cousin start fooling around "playing house". Don't remember if she or me initiated it.
>we played with our younger cousins as our kids, and we as mom and dad had to do grown up stuff, which basically was grinding with clothes.
>we keep playing at any chance we have, but for me it was only a game. A forbidden game, but a game nonetheless. We both felt good without knowing why.
>as time goes on the game evolves into dropping our pants and rubbing each other with our bodies clumsily under sheets. We play about 10 times, each one looking for each other.
>turns out my one year older cousin also was playing " the game" with her.
>once we all gathered together to have a "threesome". I wanted the " front" but as my cousin was older he demanded the front and I only got the "behind" (i know, i know)
>the three of us start grinding pantless until our parents came early and we had to stop.
>the furthest I got was to try to lick her pussy, I was 12 and she was 10, standing up. She seemed pissed off so I stopped because I knew it was wrong.
>that was my last game I played with her.
>start being bullied at school so grow myself pretty timid
>stop talking with female cousin (and any female, for that matter) due to shyness.
Lewd part stops here
Pls continue
seens legit
Not even close to the most popular ship in gravity falls bruh. For some reason a triangle fucking dipper was the most popular by a significant margin.
>fast forward a few years, be 17, she 15.
>grow up of my shynesa and become quite flirty
>reconnect with female cousin back at a party talking about our teachers (we went to the same school) and how lame they were. We laugh and have a lot of fun.
>feel my life was going well because I was no longer shy
>start exercising
>start volunteering to to social activities
>start life at college
>it was good
>until it happened
>cousin house across my house, her parents room directly from mine.
>hear her crying the fuck out
>always hear her screaming for any reason because her dad was exactly like that, so I thought it was a normal teenager day for her
>next day uncle calls the whole family except me and older cousin for a "very delicate meeting"
>guess fucking what
>female cousin went fucking nuts and accused both me and cousin of raping her
>mom crying because I was going to jail
>whole family turns on me, except for dad who always believed in my innocence
>claim it all was children games for me
>no fuck you user you're a rapist
>whole world going to hell
>turn shy again
>still a virgin to this day
>cousin goes to fucking therappy.
>turns out she was having "dreams" of the whole ordeal.
>claims I raped her continously until I was 15 (false)
>turns out she was gaining weight and failing at school, so being "raped" was the perfect excuse for being a piece of shit
>her parents agreed since that saved them of any faults for being shitty parents
>took 5 goddamn years for my whole family to believe in my again
>turn into a huge incestfag as a result
Worst thing about it? I still live with her. After all these years. I haven't seen her since about 10 years, but she is still there, shouting every single day for the smallest thing.
It's a shit world for me. But there's nothing I can do. Nor nothing I can use to claim my innocence. As a soon as a girl tells you that you raped her, you're done as a normal person. I don't wish that to anybody.
Yikes. Your life is like a fucking joke. I enjoy laughing at it, more please.
>it's funny how big profile cases prove that the people who try to galvanize public ire towards loli often turn out being child molesters who tried to shift attention away from their shady activities
>I saw 2 twitter screencaps so now anyone who hates pedos is secretly a pedo
Isn't this supposed to be an incest thread?
>kiddie porn is free speech
fuckin nonce.
back to Alabama with you
Is that Chinese or Japanese?
Thai I believe
Autism wasn't the rebuttal in that post. How stupid are you? How poor is your reading comprehension?
It is
Bwen is god tier, only thing better is Gwendom
Hiro is for Gogo
No, you retard. It's perfectly understandable that people hate child molesters. But this also means you can't virtue signal by calling them bad because everyone already agrees with that. So they take something harmless but generally considered immoral like lolicon and virtue signal HARD with that because why would a person who hates drawn children want to diddle real kids, right? Someone who hates on lolicon like it's anywhere even near the same level as child abuse is most probably a child molester trying shift attention from themselves and protecting actual children to manufactured outrage over drawings.
>But this also means you can't virtue signal by calling them bad because everyone already agrees with that
You're really reaching here pedo
It's a drawing, you literal retard. And drawings ARE free speech, regardless of the subject.
>let me have my kiddie porn please
so, you hate free speech then
No, nigger, that's reasonable. You don't get brownie points for saying that Hitler is bad. But being a crusader in a war for this thing that is super evil but is somehow mostly ignored, you easily can. Except it's mostly ignored for a reason: lolicon has absolutely no proven link to anything negative.
>waah i'll call him a fascist if I don't get my kiddie porn
lmao, seething pedonigger.
answer the question
>I have no argument, so I'll just call use ad hominem to link this harmless thing to this terrible thing
Who are you hoping to fool? All you're doing is showing yourself for the defeated idiot that you are.
He can't. All he can do is lower himself to name calling and trying to pass off drawings for child abuse.
The alternative is that desperate men go after real kids. Pick your poison.
In the original script and pitch they were friends on vacation together and romantic tension was planned. They decided her coming with Ben and his grandpa in their RV was too unrealistic and made them cousins so she could believably be along. People seeing a connection between them arent exactly pulling it out of there asses.
Some new contenders have entered the ring.
Literally whos need not apply.
Nope, they were planned as relatives from the very beginning, even as twins in some point. That rumor bullshit was already debunked some time ago user.
I mean we can both just say shit and think we're right all day but if you're gunna try to debunk you're going to have to prove it.
>t. Charles II of Spain
I feel Pinecest should be much more prominent in this thread
thats because Mabel sucks
The siblings from the Carmen Sandiego cartoons.
>try to bekunk
Look for it if you want, someone posted it before and Im a lazy fuck so don't really care if you ever get to know.
Even their faces and designs are quite similar for a reason, you don't need to be a genius.
It's just funny how theres still people this deluded believing this bullshit in order to please their fantasies. Shippers in a nutshell I guess.
If eugenics is carefully applied there would be no worry of hereditary conditions, no matter how much incest happens.
Now THIS is an abstract feel
not even close
Shippers dont like the theory because it spoiler their incest fantasies and they want them to be related, so no that's not it. And "do my work for me" is not an argument.
>similar features
Yeah the redhead is so similar to an entire brown haired family.
Mods issued out bans for it not too long ago iirc. Might be the source of the hesitation.
You should make her fatter, MUCH fatter.
If anything the /fph/ threads on /fit/ have taught me is that fat people lead the worst lives, and if you want to destroy her both mentally and physically AT THE SAME TIME then get her as fat as you possibly can, even if it means leaving a bunch of communal dessert foods in the fridge.
End her life slowly user, the easiest and cleanest way to kill her and never get caught
Shippers that aren't into incest usually use this fake rumor for them to feel better about shipping cousins, so yeah.
>do my work for me
It's not my job to spoon-fed you, user. Up to you if you want to keep being wrong.
>Yeah the redhead is so similar to an entire brown haired family.
Now I see you're not that clever after all. Just look at their faces. Guess even noticing that is also hard for you.
Why do people like you even bother wasting time making posts that just say "I give up, you're right" like this? This total admission that you have literally nothing to say is such a weird habit.
It is kind of alarming the lack of awareness for nepiophillia, what if it happened near you and you never even considered it
>they think it's remotely close to done
>tfw the entire Futurama universe was saved in large part by time-traveling incest
>incase finally comes into his own as an independent artist
>can draw whatever he wants, not just do commissions all the time
>decides to draw a super long bwen comic that, while showcasing all his fetishes, also stays really true to the characters and explores their relationship as it would really happen
so based
>gee Ben, why do you get to fuck TWO of your hot cousins?
This is incase? It's not in his style at all.
fuck I ment incog, should stop posting after having whiskey
>being this wrong again
Wasn't expecting a clever reply at all, but now you're just embarrassing yourself, user.
I'm just glad I have years of this to look forward to when so many good porn artists usually give up the trade after they become legit.
>stays really true to the characters and explores their relationship as it would really happen
I'm surprised there's actually people thinking like this.
Even the latest pages are quite poor for it.
Every single one of your posts, and I mean really every single one, is just you repeating how you think you're right with zero support to that sentiment. When called out on that you have 2 options. One is to adjust your argument and avtually back yourself up, and the other is to just stop posting. These are the only two good ways out. What you did is just more of what I called you out on though, so yes it's basically just admitting I'm right in a weird way. I don't get why you bother.
Myself and my brothers also don't hug. That would be weird.
We're just too American for that.
Would Aang let his best friend fuck his gf?
Incog can't stay in character worth a shit. Mabel is the only one he's ever written well
I know I would. Best fetish.
>inb4 puritan rageposting
I don't think Katara could handle Appa
Yeah, I get along well with the ones I see more often. Granted, the one I grew up closest to was a hamplanet, so no chance of incestuous thoughts was ever really possible there. My 3 Texan cousins are too far away to normally associate with. And the other two female cousins are still kinda far away, but we get along pretty well. My 16-yo half Russian cousin is actually pretty rad. We binged a bunch of anime and movies last time she visited.
I would be writing the same last thing I did, but you already know it.
It's ok if you want to stay in the wrong, it's your own ignorance after all.
Maybe someday you'll find someone kind enough to spoonfeed you about it, so you can finally stop embarrassing yourself for once.
Aang wouldn't want to get in the way of their familial bond
Man that's just sad.
>hey kid wanna /ss/?
That's weird, Anons. I've got a sister and we are quite intimate and physical with each other. Not in a sexual way. Not usually, anyway
We don't talk much. My parents divorced when I was 1 and I lived with my mom, that hole side of the family all had boy kids, I mean really all boys, 18 of them across three generations before my daughter was the first girl born. On my dads side I have some female cousins but we don't have a ton of contact, when we see each other on holidays its pleasant enough I guess but there's no real sense of family or connection.
I love when there's romantic feelings involving incest, means they can also be cucked hard for it.
>getting a vasectomy
So you freely admit you're just repeating yourself and you still have so little self awareness that you really think that makes you right. True autism, like not the meme autism, like actual medical diagnosable autism
>childlike face on fucking ripped adult body
This is more amusing to me than it should be.
I am estranged from all but my immediate family. Being a bastard can do that. Though I guess it's knida my fault too; I'd distance myself from them even when they attempted to reach out just because I felt like I didn't belong.
Also me and one of my female cousins were born on the same day, so I guess that's something.
how about this?
Ben should have no muscles, he should be cute and easy to bully by muscleGwen
Mine had a seizure and died in her sleep.
>artist gave Helen pubes
>being this autistic
No wonder you really like to use it as an argument now.
I'd say you're mostly stupid for being unable to get something that simple, but you do you. It's ok if you think of yourself that way, no one will stop you.
I think we're done here. I'm telling you what your replies are going to be and you're still posting them anyways. You're boring me now.
I don't think that filename says what you think it says.
Brothers aren't meant to hug. You're weird.
What the fuck! That's fucked up!
Also super hot. But mainly just fucked up!
Don't you mean Frack?
what happen to this artist?
Everywhere I go. There's something there to remind me. Of another date and time.
went nuts or something and renounced pinecest forever
Remove ben and I'm diamond
One doesn't get rid of cancer that easily. There of stories of it going into remission.
do tell. all I hear was that she was bullied to stop drawing it
She two mistakes:
>showing people what she looked like IRL
>having a seperate main account that obviously pointed out that she owned both
Bunch of Tumblr pissbabies proceeded to bully her off the site because they think incest is the worst fetish to ever have but sexualizing kids as gay and lesbian is ok
Thanks for proving me right, user.
holy shit how sad your childhood was
>tfw it's not Ben's but he'll take care of it anyway
And why, pray tell, should I believe your version of the events? As far as I know, you both could be liars, unintentional or not.
I got some ideas but I don't think a low tier vanilla artist like incog would do any.
Incog has stated he hates romance and can only get into casual sex stuff
>this pic has a visible penis
>hasn't been deleted yet, even though there are clear signs of moderation in this thread
It's mostly cause he's into shipping though.
>lola near the top
The world is just.
>giving Penny big tits
>giving Jade tits
Why the fuck do people do this
because western cartoons are all family sitcoms due to creative bankruptcy, and there are only so many character relationships you can devise in that setting.
Probably got shat on by a bunch of virtue signalling faggots on tumblr they dropped off the internet entirely.
>Gwen and Ben sharing a dick/fuckbuddy
I think it's been done before.
Still hot though.
Sauce I need it bruh
It's in basically every single "bisexual fetish" thread on /aco/.
any good currently airing shows with this sort of pairing? I need my fix man
Incredibles was practically designed for Incest (mom/daughter, mom/son).
The ultimate team-up.
yeah but Dash isn't cute at all
Now that's more like how they actually bonded too.
A shame Incog would never draw something similar.
AF/UA and Omniverse are alternative universes
That is ugly.
>Dash isn't cute
He was in the original film.
Reply limit is only 500 on this board? P close
This gay shit I see all the time
>zettai ryouiki
Ben better 4-Arm her
Because Azula/Zuko exists.
how is lucy not at the top? being loli prevent artists from drawing her?
based mods.
I dunno about living in Russia where they can just remove your post
>black heart with red shine
Where else have I seen this why is it so good
In a game or something
At least they'd give you a job I think
This one, along with the one drawn by tehuko with both of them getting boned are absolutely top tier.
Still won't top the autistic screeching I had whe n I found out the Raikage was second behind the main characters and supporting main fanservice girls in NARUTO porn, proving Niggers ruin everything and are a sin against reality.
He beat jiraiya, that is point of no return.
Naruto incest is one the few things that make incest fetish genre look like bad autistic taste.....also Its bbc.
It still is though.
That sounds quite hypocrite of you tbqh
No matter how you put it, both are incest but it seems you got a problem with that.
>tfw she's not talking with Ben there
keep going
Dunno that doesn't feel like Gwen somehow.
Now that's some good stuff.
Artist is panzer btw
Wish there were more like that with her, it'd be a fresh change.
... so Chinese or Japanese?
That comic is boring as fuck bro. I've never dropped a porn comic harder in my life.
Can relate to that.
His fanbase will still say it's the hottest thing ever though.
Oh no you found out
Thread's dead.
Quick, post porn.
>Implying not every gaang children are Sokka's
but isn't that Charm in Gwen's body?
Don't know. I've never seen the shown.
Fuck I miss doublepines
Hirsch must be spinning in his grave.
hirsch is a sjtard and an antifa-goon, he deserves every bit of misery heaped upon his life.
Is she still drawing under a different alias?
I think so, but not anymore pinecest/GF stuff. I don't remember the name.
Because it is god-tier.
Wow. I'd like to personally thank whoever made this.
> You don't get brownie points for saying that Hitler is bad. But being a crusader in a war for this thing that is super evil but is somehow mostly ignored, you easily can.
Ok pedo