
>Adored and loved before and after The Avengers
>100% hated after Age of Ultron
What the fuck went wrong? Seriously.

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Other urls found in this thread:


>hated by feminists for making black widow sad about not being able to have kids
>oh and he cheated on his wife and used his position to sleep with younger women
After everything was said and done nobody wanted anything to do with him.

humans realized he’s a sjw piece of shit and sjws were told by their masters that hes a creep

>everyone hates him

I guess you could say he got wee'd-on

The left eats their own when they step out of line, which everyone eventually does since we're all fallible.

Because Buffyfags are scum circlejerking over a mediocre at best TV show as if it's the best thing ever.
Fuck Whedon and fuck everything he ever shat out.

That wasn't even good Carlos.

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Hated for being a sjw, and hated for being a genuinely shitty person.

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>Fuck Whedon and fuck everything he ever shat out
But comments like these were never around after the first Avengers movie. Everyone wanted to suck his dick, quip like him, and say "Joss Whedon thought it was hilarious!" in their movie advertisements (See The Worlds' End TV spot).

It was only after Age of Ultron where Whedon became the enemy of just about everyone. They tore apart his Wonder Woman script, which had been leaked way before the ''''intended'''' leak in 2017, but gave The Avengers's script a pass when it leaked right after the movie came out. He literally wrote "an unbelievably sexy foxy spy" to describe Black Widow when she first appeared in the screenplay, but no one cared.

>>Adored and loved before and after The Avengers

Wrong, Feige is responsible for the miscasts and black uniforms on Bryan Singer's X-Men

>What the fuck went wrong?

I've always seen him as a hack, now everyone is seeing how he has a agenda along with Disney
Fuck fidelity, always choose your friends and never actors who have the comics characters look
He likes to sensualize the men and put the maximum of clothes in the all actress in the MCU
Does anyone remember to see any actress, dressing bikini or any heroine in some leotard?

Anti-sjw fags cry a lot more than sjw fags.

Hork Hork Hork

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Reminder: This man has been crazy ever since he wrote Buffy

>Fire an actress for getting pregnant
>Demand actors go on weekend retreats with him, have them all read his rewrites of Shakespeare. Those who do not attend are soon written out of his show
>write a scene where a female character (Inara, Firefly) gets raped - to teach a male character a lesson

>write a scene where a female character (Inara, Firefly) gets raped - to teach a male character a lesson
It's been years since I've watched Firefly, but I don't recall such a scene. Which episode was that?

series got nuked before it happened
>Inara tells Mal about a drug she has that if she takes it, kills whomever she has sex with
>get captured by Reavers
>Rescued by the crew
>Entire ship full of Reavers dead, no signs of violence
>Incredibly traumatised/brutalised Inara
>Mal finally stops calling her a whore
>Yay happy ending!

Feige wasn't responsible for any of that because he was just an assistant/consultant, he wasn't in charge of them like he is now, the only thing he's responsible for is Wolverine's hair

Geez. Suddenly I'm glad the show got canned. Thanks for the heads-up.

Three things
1) people eventually noticed that he was taking credit sole for collaborative works, and that his solo career was like someone trying to imitate his previous career
2) irritating hipsters kept praising him as the second coming long after his prime
3) He got busted for casting couching despite (unnecessarily) virtue signalling constantly, which was compounded by a prior Twitter lynch mob over retards getting triggered.

It means people who like his early work compare him unfavourably now, the progressive crowd hate him, and people that flocked to a popular name moved on.
Unless he starts buckling down and makes a new hit off his own back, chances are he’s not going to make a comeback.

He's one of those people that verbally condemn their guilty pleasures while making no attempt to avoid indulging in said pleasures. Almost everyone finds that kind of thing unpleasant.

I loved AoU. Don't care weed man, never have.


That’s true everyone loved him before age of ultron

does this board even know what the phrase 'move on' means? You fuckers seriously love to talk about the same 10 things or 10 people nonstop.

Go to bed, Joss

>What the fuck went wrong? Seriously.
He hasn't leaked Summer Glau's nudes yet.

It's funny that an anti-sjw comic made fun of "freeze peach" when this comic started it.

you know what would make this very poignant scene where tony stark almost died sending a nuke back into the portal and everyone is very concerned that he might have died?

a quip.

i fucking hate quips so damn much

Avengers script never leaked. That's a fake.

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I thought it was Dushku who got couched

He really doesn’t get what made his old works good, does he?
Or is this an unfortunate example of an out of context quote that happens to be supported by a fuck up he made?

He didn't have it in him to do a properly dark story. The first avengers was a good fit, but AoU promised a darker story. But Whedon couldn't handle it and fell back into his wheelhouse, quip heavy characters, which killed any potential gravitas the movie might have had.

Didn't help ultron lost every single battle except one, and he still got physocally destroyed that fight

He wanted to do a darker story but got slapped down by Disney execs. The first scene with Ultron, and the only scene where Ultron has any real threatening presence, was supposed to set the tone for the whole movie.

Normies started discovering his writing crutches around the same time he go outed as a creep who cheated on and emotionally absued his wife, then blamed the patriarchy for his behavior.

Doctor Horrible and Cabin in the Woods are the only really exceptional things he's done, and whenever one of his projects crashes and burns because of shit characters or a shit story, he goes full scorched earth and starts throwing a tantrum over how the studio ruined his literally perfect vision and he deserves none of the blame for how it turned out despite being the captain of the proverbial ship.

Also he once tweeted on mother's day about how he was glad his mom was dead because then she wouldn't have to see Trump become President.

He's just a dumb douchebag who occasionally writes something snappy that is then elevated by literally everyone but him.

Holy shit thank you for putting it into words.

AoU was infinitely superior to The Avengers.
Characters interactions were better, action was snappier (seriously people never bring it up, but action in the first Avengers was just pathetically bland), it was a much more personal story for the majority of cast and I like that Stark himself was the force behind the villain here. His demons were the real bad guy here and it was tied nicely into his character arc. Though I do like Ultron's little character arc and always felt it was underappreciated. Zokovia was right kind of thing to push consequences of what Avengers do (though it's not really Whedon's accomplishment).
It was also way more funnier than the first movie. If you dislike quips in general that's one thing, but I still don't get why they don't bother people who like the the first movie or Whedon-wannabe quipsfests like GoTG. At least you get the impression that Avengers are a team and like to banter with each other in AoU. It's not really all that different from how he always wrote characters. It was "great" in everything from Buffy to The Avengers, but suddenly it was "shit" in AoU? Why?
I mean, there are things I dislike (for example how shitty HYDRA was treated or how retarded Quicksilver death scene was), but I would definitely take it over the first movie. It still holds up nicely.

>The MCU is so old there are now contrarian revisionists who try to paint it as a good movie the same way we have zoomers defending the prequel trilogy
Wew lad.

>It was "great" in everything from Buffy to The Avengers, but suddenly it was "shit" in AoU? Why?
Because the trailers promised creepy Pinocchio Ultron and he ended up a neutered Quipbot. Whedon says he wanted to do something much darker than the film ended up being, and then Disney marketed it as if it still were that dark, but delivered something completely different. Basically, they did a shit job at managing expectations.

The man is a hypocrite. Not some minor one, either. The guy's ex-wife claimed he was cheating on her by exploiting young, unknown actresses via his position. This is alone is sickening, but Whedon is a self-proclaimed feminist who asserts he would never abuse or harm an innocent woman, because he's not sexist. Not only is that not true, it's blatantly false. He's a wolf's in sheep clothing who personally demonized men so he can take advantage of women, thinking they're safe with him. A man who abused his wife's trust and cheated on her, while claiming to support women.

Fuck this guy. He's the grown up HS beta nerd that tries to convince his female friends that their boyfriends are cheating on them or are abusive, while doing the exact same thing.

>around the same time he go outed as a creep who cheated on and emotionally absued his wife
Not really. His wif was upset he cheated on him and smeared him online with thing none of the people who worked with him ever confirmed.

No, he isn't.

Not him, but I have always said that movie was good since it came out.
>nd he ended up a neutered Quipbot.
Not true

in addition to other disappointments, his brand of feminism was fresh at the time. but these days, hot competent lady who can do everything except not be sidelined by the male protagonists is the new default female character so no one cares.

if the reavers really are as bloodcrazed as they were hyped, why don't they ever rape male characters, really jogs the noggin

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It's because Three Days of Ultron is *that* shitty of a movie that everyone hates him.

I liked AoU since day 1, user.
Because Yea Forums spergs suddenly decided they hate it doesn't make literally no one ever liked AoU. I even remember some anons watching movie early (before the whole shitstorm began) and saying they liked it a lot. So stick "muh revisions" in your ass.

>Not true
This. People act like there was absolutely nothing to the character besides quips, but it's just blantly untrue. He's more fleshed out than Loki was in both Thor and The Avengers.

The problem was mostly in where they put the quips. Very few of Ultron's scenes have any sort of menace to them because you're waiting for the punchline.

this is the actual answer.

He made what was basically the only female avenger at the time have a negative relationship with her femaleness that she didn't previously have that felt uncomfortable and fetishistic. Also put her in a forced romance that everyone hated. And had her call infertile women monsters.

Also the cheated on his wife thing was worse than it even seemed. It wasn't just a one-time thing and was pretty fucked up. Right after her letter was published, his online fanclub closed after what, twenty years?


>When I was running ‘Buffy,’ I was surrounded by beautiful, needy, aggressive young women. It felt like I had a disease, like something from a Greek myth. Suddenly I am a powerful producer and the world is laid out at my feet and I can’t touch it

him getting #metoo'd by his wife is what did it

What's he even doing these days? Why did he sign on for Justice League? Did he need the paycheck? Did he really believe that he could somehow work out a quality movie out of a material made by a director completely anathemic to him? Did he think he could join Jenkins in sticking around post-Snyder era and not end up like Ayer, despite his circumstances being nothing like the former and everything like the latter?

>Cabin in the Woods
I see.

he might have wanted to try redeeming himself for that godawful wonder woman draft

% hated after Age of Ultron

that movie exposed his flaws and shit writing. The quips were unbearable.

I've always hated the son of a bitch. He's talentless hack and is an asshole even as in person.

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>He made what was basically the only female avenger at the time have a negative relationship with her femaleness that she didn't previously have that felt uncomfortable and fetishistic. Also put her in a forced romance that everyone hated. And had her call infertile women monsters.
Oh fuck off.
She was calling herself monster for all the wetwork and shit she'd done, not because she couldn't pop out babies.

Literally everyone with an IQ above 60 should be able to figure that out no problem.

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The cheating and exploiting women shit while presenting himself as this champion of feminism, mostly.

Age of Ultron sucking didn't help either.

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>not because she couldn't pop out babies.
It's no credit to Whedon that he framed the conversation like she was.

>And had her call infertile women monsters.

No, he didn't. Nastasha said she was a monster, not because she was sterile (she was expressing regret that, regardless of what she would have wanted in regards to children, the choice had been taken from her) but because she'd been raised and taught to infiltrate, to seduce, to betray and murder for goals and reasons that weren't her own. Her issues with that go back to the first Avengers and Winter Soldier, where she talks about having scales to balance for all the evil she did.

Hate Joss Whedon for what he's actually done. You don't have to invent stuff.

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He didn't you fucking idiot.
If you weren't desperately looking to be offended you'd be able to see that.

this is how incels view the world

>defending writing this wrongheaded and retarded just because op mentioned gender issues
don't be a contrarian, that plotline was shit and no one enjoyed it.

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he quit disney and now they have to spin it like he sucks.

justice league really does look terrible though.

>>Demand actors go on weekend retreats with him, have them all read his rewrites of Shakespeare. Those who do not attend are soon written out of his show

What? Who got written out of what show because of this?

Carpenter got fired because she got pregnant and hid it for so long that it fucked with the show, and even then she came back eventually.

fucking finally, someone other than myself is defending this film.

it would have been tremendously better with all of the deleted scenes intact (showing why they brought vision along, justifying the bruce x nat romance, justifying cap's awkwardness at daredevil's home, etc), but even after the butchery, i still find it to be more enjoyable than avengers1. it's hard to put down why but aou actually feels like an early 90s comic book in the best way. it has a few silly moments but otherwise it's one of my favorites of the genre.

shit. i just called hawkeye daredevil. wtf is wrong with me?

protip: "the left" never considered whedon "their own" in the first place

Is this is a smallface edit?

>Literally everyone with an IQ above 60 should be able to figure that out no problem.
No wonder MCUfags missed it then

I still like him but I personally don't give a fuck what someone does in their personal life outside of their work, which I think is rare these days.
Anyways Yea Forums hates him because of a combo of JL, Avengers 2 and the fact that he's a leftist

Whedon was always a shit director and a so so writer. I've been watching Firefly lately and some of the dialogue is downright irritating. That shit might have worked in Buffy when he was writing ditzy teenagers but having hardened space outlaws talk like that isn't quaint, it's retarded.

That, along with shit like Alien Resurrection, the travesty he turned Justice League into and the two Avengers movie her got to make, which, in retrospect, seem terrible now that Infinity War and Endgame exist, make me wonder what people ever saw on him in the first place.

Everyone in Age of Ultron quips with the same "voice", so it sounds less like the characters organically commenting on their situation and more like Whedon speaking out from them. It's especially jarring with Cap and Thor, since it suits them least. And then the problem of not balancing the quipping well. Comedy is supposed to provide levity in contrast to make the dramatic moments more stark, not undercut them.

One of the only scenes in the entire movie where Ultron feels threatening is his introduction, since nobody's cracking jokes. Whedon constantly sucks the tension out of every scene by having someone say something "clever" and because everyone's quips all sound the same, it really feels like Whedon himself popping in and ruining the moment. Even Quicksilver's death is robbed of due emotional impact because you can just see Whedon winking at the audience from behind his eyes.

>Whedon constantly sucks the tension out of every scene by having someone say something "clever" and because everyone's quips all sound the same, it really feels like Whedon himself popping in and ruining the moment.

I sort of feel like this might be a mandate by Disney to make the movie more kid friendly. Because Star War Episode VIII had the exact same problem.

Turns out he wasn't joking...


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Whedon built a following with Buffy largely by playing an uncontested game. There wasn't anything similar airing, especially not anything else willing to kill the protagonist's mother with an aneurysm as the punctuation for a series of wacky hijinks. Better writers have since tackled similar premises though, so he's outmoded.

No, it's just the current crop of writers not knowing how to balance things probably.

I blame television writing. You can pace yourself a lot differently in a tv show than in a movie.

He managed to piss off everyone with his near Dobson levels of radical off-putting male feminist rhetoric he spouted on a daily basis. So all he had left were angry feminists. Then once he pissed them off, he had no one left who did not hate him.

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It was shortly after the first Avengers (late 2012-ish) when he became just fucking insane on twitter with his calling out or outright attacking random people. This pretty much set him off everyone except the most hardcore Buffy and Firefly fans, and the feminists he was parroting to.

You can argue all you want about his quips, but Joss Whedon has made better Avenger movies than the Russos

The formula works for tv. Do a sad story, make it a very special episode, then quip a joke then off to commercial. Everyone laughs the credits roll. Do it again, fantastic writing.

But for film, it's a little disjointed to have the story go grim then jump back to a happy quip. It works a few times but not throughout the whole thing since a movie is uninterrupted. Commercial breaks and episode lengths mean a tv writer has to bounce back and forth a lot but it makes a movie feel very awkward.

Whedon has an insecurity about writing about super people and fantasy. The quips are a reflex embarrassment and pretense of not being serious. It's the defence mechanism of the self-loathing nerd.

It's like at a party, you tell someone you like comics, they give you a funny look, and you reflexively laugh and pretend you don't really like that stuff.

He had a ton of conflicts and stress involving Age of Ultron, so the defensiveness kicks in and out spew the quips.

The irony is that when Whedon commits, when he drops the post-modern irony, that's where his best work is. When he drops the bullshit, he can actually write some great stuff.

It's definitely his trademark, he did this constantly in Buffy. Each time something serious happened or characters were talking about some important issue, someone would make a random joke every single time. Like a sitcom laugh track was expected to go off at any moment.

Thing is that he didn't even do that for his tv work.
In the truly serious episodes of Buffy, like The Body, he never torpedoed the mood like that out of the Blue. He also put effort in to make quips work in context, like how The Master or Spike was showing how little of a fuck he gave, or how Buffy was putting on a brave face.

> Widow saw the Avengers as her family. She sacrificed herself to bring back the teammates she loved and save Clint.

> But the Russo's never really showed this. There's no scene in the Russo's movies like the party scene in Age of Ultron, I notice how they are broken off into little pairings and groups but never feel like a team. There are little moments but no real group interactions.

> A big chunk of the team gets dusted and murdered, and the Russos only acknowledge Spiderman's death.

> That's the irony of Cap yelling Avengers Assemble in Endgame; it's sort of empty because the Russos have a kind of Hickman-like view of the Avengers as a crossover thing rather than as a family of orphans and loners.

Firefly is awful and I don't get why people praise it to high heaven.

I never liked how the guy would deflect blame if the product ended up shitty, but would take sole credit if it was good

It's like a kid who dies young, you grade his life on a curve.

He killed best boy, fuck that guy

I'm seriously wondering how anyone watching Resurrection could not understand that it was written by a deviant with a terrible sense of "humour". Some scenes are straight out of some weird fetish thread from /aco/ and everyone is an asshole.

It makes Alien 3 look like a masterpiece, for chrissakes.

Television landscape was different in 2002 and a lot of people felt Whedon was done dirty by the network.


Age of Ultron and Justice League knocked him of his perch, which was followed then by his wife revealing him to be a sleazy creeper which led to WB canning his Batgirl movie.

I'm inclined to agree, its still not a great movie but there's no reason for me to ever rewatch the first Avengers. It feels like a tv pilot now. Interesting, but a necessary first step instead of a worthy watch.

>He also put effort in to make quips work in context, like how The Master or Spike was showing how little of a fuck he gave, or how Buffy was putting on a brave face.
I was about to say, if I had to guess then that's what he meant in his original quote. Don't be afraid to be dark, but when you go dark then don't be afraid to go back into the light, if only briefly.

I freely admit I absolutely HATED Black Widow when she first appeared. "Winter Soldier" 100 percent saved the character.

>implying he ever really was brought on for Batgirl

No one liked her in Iron Man 2. It wasn't until the first Avengers that she grew legs, with Winter Soldier really building on that to propel her to greater heights.

We really should've gotten a film with Widow as the lead around then. No idea why they hesitated.

Prior to Age of Ultron's release, stuff happened that was summed up by
He was putting himself out there as a feminist ally and chestbeating about it, taking shots at Jurassic World, taking shots at Gamergate, and all that. Then Age of Ultron came out and people who would've been on his side got upset at him, to the point where he deleted his twitter account. In the process he pissed off both sides of the political spectrum.

On top of that he was very vocal about how he was in conflict with Marvel over Age of Ultron, which probably pissed off people at Marvel since publicly saying there were problems with your film, while the film is out in theatres, is sometimes a faux pas.

Then after that the whole scandal about Whedon cheating on his wife and using his position of power to sleep with actresses came up. That'd be bad enough but the fact that he did this while trying to stand on the moral highground about feminism by putting others on blast, that reignited everyone's anger toward him.

At the same time he was working on finishing up Snyder's Justice League and people were reporting it would be a disaster. And sure enough it was, though how much of that is Whedon, how much of that is Snyder, how much of that is Kevin Tsujihara making a mistake by not delaying the film is up for debate. What isn't up for debate is the fact that Whedon actually Liked a Tweet on Twitter that was saying that the Steppenwolf is the worst comic book movie villain of all time. Now, whether or not that's true, Whedon liking the tweet implies that he was agreeing that the villain of the film he worked on was terrible, and throwing Snyder and others under the bus. That tweet was also made not long after Justice League was released. If you remember what happened with Trank's tweet the week of Fant4stic's release, WB probably wasn't happy with Whedon implying the film was bad, in the first month of the film's release.

>We really should've gotten a film with Widow as the lead around then. No idea why they hesitated.

Feige wanted to, but Ike didn't believe a female-led movie would have legs and pointed to Catwoman and Elektra as examples of female-led films that failed.

Pretty much this

>"Huh, Joss Whedon was always pressuring his actresses to sleep with him and rewarding them with bibg roles, I wonder which ones-"
>Remember Dollhouse.
>Remember Eliza Dishku was doing made for TV Scifi movies after Buffy.
>Joss: "I had dinner with her and all of a sudden came up with a whole show about her."
>Eliza Dishku was great in Buffy but justice did not have the range to play a million roles.

Well MCUfags are retarded, so?

Anytime Joss writes something good:

>"Oh yeah! I am responsible for all of the good parts about Toy Story, pretty sure none of the other three writers had nothing to do with it. Just another day being a genius. Like Da Vinci I am."

Anytime Joss writes something bad:

>"Look, I know I'm listed as the sole author of the script for that terrible shitty Alien Resurrection movies and you would think that means I wrote all of the quippy dialogue and came up with ideas like making Ellen Ripley a kickass Buffy clone and giving her a gang of quippy young people, BUUUUUUT UGH IF ONLY THE STUDIO DIDN'T MEDDLE UGH THE DIRECTOR RUINED ALL MY BRILLIANT WRITING UGH YOU WON'T EVEN BELIEVE HOW PERFECT A MOVIE IT ALMOST WAS UGH EVERYONE ELSE'S FAULT UGH DID I MENTION THE CAST WASN'T REALLY MY CHOICE UGH I HATED THE MOVIE TOO BECAUSE IT WAS SO SHITTY AND I HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH IT WHEN YOU REALLY THINK ABOUT IT."

aou was a bit stupid in places

What issue is that pic from?

Reminder that Marvel wanted to pair up Black Widow and Hawkeye in Age of Ultron but Whedon pushed for her to get with Hulk instead.

Can you just imagine if we got to that scene of Endgame between them for the soul stone if they have been lovers or maybe ex?

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I can. It would be worse.

Who wrote this shit lmao

>people quote that quote unironically

That just seems to be modern filmmakers now.

They will never ever ever admit that they made a shitty movie when it bombs. They go and complain about how it was unfairly attacked by misogynists or evil haters organized some kind of mass boycott and claim it was because a minority or female lead. Or claim some political reasons why people avoided an otherwise perfect movie. Just anything before they will face reality and see that they just made a movie that no one liked.

The whole thing is body horror from start to finish. I don't think they were even interested in telling an alien story as much as they wanted to show off freakish science mutations shit.

WB promised him a Batgirl movie in exchange for doing Justice League. After it was a failure though, WB didn't want to do anything with him anymore on top of having to cancel several other DC plans. Notice how he said "I tried as hard as I could but I couldn't come up with a good Batgirl script so I dropped it."

>Marvel since publicly saying there were problems with your film, while the film is out in theatres, is sometimes a faux pas.

I remember this, director badmouthing a film while it is still in theaters is a huge nono on Hollywood. Disney could have sued him into Starbuck Barista work if they wanted. But really anyone who wants to work in the future will not do this. At least not until long after it is out of theaters and there is no more promotion to be made.

His Twitter really did have a fedora profile pic

I mean, considering that they had announced plans for a lot of other DC movies that ended up canned due to Justice League being a failure, its not really hard to believe they had randomly pulled up a Batgirl movie as an idea and Joss was willing so they tossed it to him.

Oceania was always at war with east asia.

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It's solid advice, it's just heavily context-sensitive.

It's not modern filmmakers, it's the nature of Hollywood. Anyone in the industry, actors, directors, producers, even studio execs, are easily replaceable, so unless you have a lot of powerful friends or enough money to buck the system for a couple of projects, you very much need to not look responsible for your failings.

There is no such thing as a rich leftist and there hadn't been since Engels.

Yes, he is.

He was raised by a single mother.
What do you expect?

My cousin is raised just like him and he’s turned into a pathological liar and opportunist.

The right does that too.

>If you dislike quips in general that's one thing, but I still don't get why they don't bother people who like the the first movie or Whedon-wannabe quipsfests like GoTG.
Guardians of the Galaxy is actually pretty dark. Sure the characters make jokes and all the characters besides Groot are emotionally damaged people and their jokes are just their way of coping. Not to mention a main character dies in every movie they star in. I mean for fuck’s sake the first movie has Peter’s Mom dying of cancer at the very beginning. Wheaton’s quips don’t really carry any weight.

>Leftists hold people to consistent moral standards even when those people are ostensibly on their side

Fuck how awful of them

I mean, it wasn't a good movie, but... do you really not consider body horror to not be part of the Aliens franchise?

>Adored and loved before and after The Avengers

you wot m8?


Indeed. Angel was much better and Dollhouse fell on its face.

>public media figures are all degenerate monsters preaching empty ideals they do not personally abide by and those outed for their sins are readily consumed by those still hidden in the shadows
Its not even a thing exclusive to the commies but they're the most fun to pick apart.

As a femanon, BW not being able to have kids and feeling sad about it didn’t really bother me. Cheating on your wife with younger women is pretty fucking sleazy but a lot of men, if not most, do that in Hollywood.

He’s always annoyed me though. Granted he’s has some good stuff. If you’re a male writer that wants to write kickass female characters, cool! Go for it! But the fact that he always had to bring it up always rubbed me the wrong way. And it probably meant he was hiding something (which he was).

Also I could never get into Buffy, which made me an outcast with my friends. But I think that had to do with Sarah Michelle Gellar’s “acting” more than anything.

That’s enough, /pol/

jesus christ

>When a sheep is revealed to be a wolf in disguise, the other wolves in hiding join the sheep to kick him out.
>How kind of those wolves.
The second millions of blue checkmarks demanded the head of some kid for smiling at a "Native American Veteran" should have been your wake up call that leftists abandoned their moral standards

Not quite. The right allows for redemption arcs. The only leftist that achieved that is James Gunn, and that's because he is one of the elites who creates the rules for the left.

>The only leftist that achieved that is James Gunn
Dan Hamon too. Recognised the facts (mostly unrequited sexual advance in a working environment), apologised and he was forgiven by the woman.

Or the fact that a bunch of fat fucks in black decided the best way to state their dissatisfaction with the results of a democratic election was to destroy public and private property across the country.

Alright place your bets on who the next white guy who is a leftist icon and champion of women's rights going to be revealed to be an asshole?
>Alex Hirsch
My money is on sleazy, since California is the land of degeneracy. Sooner or later he'll do something bad and all the broken hearts will gang up and make accusations.
>Dan Harmon
For doing the same shit that got him in trouble in the first place. If gets forgiven again is up to fate.
There's something about him that screams degenerate creep. Maybe it's the long history of Male feminists being outed as pedos or sexual harassers.

Attached: alex-hirsch-post-1.jpg (1000x600, 165K)

HBomberguy has definite skeletons in the closet. He’s only lucky Haberman nuked most of them

>But comments like these were never around after the first Avengers movie
>That’s true everyone loved him before age of ultron
Some people is not old enough to remember how hated he was thanks to Alien Resurrection script.

>consistent moral standards

Their only standard is "if it feels right to me." It's why they're so vulnerable to infiltration. Read Cass Sunstein.

I'd say you both got it right. It's not just Whedon. A lot of current writers for more fantasy/less realism oriented works seem to HAVE to chuck in some kind of smartass meta commentary, "Man, this shit is like something out of a hack comic book!". Jurassic World is guilty of it too and it was ridiculously blatant, right down to having a character wear the shirt with the iconic logo just to make some meta quip about the old park. It's quite sad seeing just how "ungenuine" they are, like they are afraid to let people know that they might seriously enjoy working works with silly/fantastical premise. How do you expect the audience to like your work when you, the creator keep having this ironic attitude to it?

As an aside, it's one of the reason why John Wick is so good. It's an action movie that exist to showcase cool shit. That's it. The world is unrealistic, you say? Who cares, it's cool, let's embrace how ludicrously cool it is.

Not feeling genuine is probably why I disliked Cabin in the Woods. It just felt so smug whereas something like Scream does not despite also making fun of horror.