Mariposa Diaz

What do you think of Mariposa?

Attached: marco and mariposa.jpg (1671x1959, 334K)

She's clearly Star and Marco's daughter from the future.

Like in Sailor Moon.

I hope she gets a spin-off

>Marco is young but she's in her other dimension form
As to be expected, the artist is a retard

She has a shitty name

donut steel oc, completelly pointless to the show

Kinda odd that she was supposed to be a guy but is now a girl...

Perhaps its some progressive Trans shit going on or she got baby swapped by magic.

Baby swap is so hot right now

So she wants to fuck Marco? Like in Sailor Moon.

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>Baby swap is so hot right now
I fear to ask, what is Babyswap?

She's his baby sister.

Mariposa is cute. CUTE!

On her own she's okay, but through her association with Meteora she's become shit, like pretty much every relevant character in the show. Also she's too fucking fat.

If you have any interest at all in a spinoff with her (and presumably Meteora), then you're retarded and I'm sorry you had to find out this way.

That's what the latins call a faggot right?

Mariposa is a very retarded name, why not Maria?

Unpopular opinion: Meteora is sexier.

It's the Spanish word for butterfly, to further beat you over the head with Starco.

She has to come to grips with her lust for her brother's cock at the same time as Meteora, leading to the two of them going down a rabbithole of depravity

and competing with his second wife

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She is the embodiment of the trap Marco we all craved but now we dont have to be as gay
Also I hope she picks up ninjutsu or bushido

How's that autism treating you?

Heresy, Janna is 100% certified DFC.

If you wanted TrapCo in the first place, you're pretty fucking gay

T. Someone who beats off to TrapCo

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Janna is for Tom.

She's cute.

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why her head look a like a lego

I actually have a question about these 2. We're they abandoned and grew up in another dimension? What's the history with these two?

prime incest-bait

>ever living peacefully among humans
pull the other, it got bells on it.

They accidentally wandered into a dimension where time moves much faster so 5 minutes later when anyone noticed they were missing they had aged 15ish? years. But you go back to your normal age once you leave so they went back to being toddlers (but with 15 years of memories because why not)


Then why not Estrella thats a more common name

Tom died alone

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I want her to fuck Marco

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They wanted it to begin with "Mar" so that it's still similar to Marco without literally being "Marco Jr.." probably, and they happened to get lucky that a word related to Star fits that requirement.

i want to see her and marco sucking dicks together and kissing at the tip