Is Rick and Morty a dead meme? Will anyone care if it comes back?

Is Rick and Morty a dead meme? Will anyone care if it comes back?

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Yes it got like 250k twitter likes last I saw for the trailer
Might not be as hyped as season 3 but it's not dying off

I wouldn't call a TV show a "dead meme" faggot OP, but it does seem like people care a whole lot less. IIRC the announcement trailer for the new season didn't even hit the reply limit. The hiatus paired with the mediocre third season just made people tired of it I think.

Rick and Morty isn't a meme, it's a television show that got renewed for literally 70 more episodes

There is something about Shad's anatomy that is just... I don't know, it's just off. it's just not good.

No, I'm pretty sure it's a meme. Dan Harmon said so himself. He said he wanted to make a meme.

It's been renewed, but yeah it's status as a meme and a beloved show has pretty much been destroyed by bad publicity. Google the show while on Google News and the first results will be clickbait about how awful the show/the show's fans are. Reddit doesn't even like it anymore.

It's kind of interesting to watch a show rise and fall so quickly.

Out of all the shows I've enjoyed, Rick and Morty fell out of favor with me quicker than any other show.
Namely due to the fandom being unusually obnoxious and season 3 being mediocre at best.

I will care, I still love the show. S3 was a bit rocky but it had it's fair share of gold and I hope that the long ass wait that has killed off most of the fanbase was worth it.

>Muh, God isnt real, focus on Science

>Be rick
>Get into one scenario where he is about to die
>Pray to god
>God helps
>Rick, who is self centered has to believe that God doesn't exist and flips him off
>But deep down he knows he helped him

Change my mind

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The merch shilling and unusual normie attention for an Adult Swim show also contributed for me. You never saw ATHF fans make asses of themselves or the show receive any Wal-Mart merchandise.

That was a good scene.

Blame Lazzo for that. For years he's been trying to make AS a "respectable network" like the big boys, and Rick and Morty is his ticket.

>Is Rick and Morty a dead meme?
The fact that you just referred to a cartoon as a meme is why Yea Forums's opinion is usually ass.

If something isn't thick as fuck it's just flat on the page, there's always too much blush, and every pose feels practically the same. There's never anything dynamic or interesting in a Shad pic.

dan harmon deserves the death penalty for his creation

All Hype no Content. Maybe that will change now that they're on contract but I think the quality will just drop and the producers/creators will burn out like the hypey ass alcoholics that they are

Rick & Morty was always a shit show that was never worth paying attention to. May it rot in hell alongside Steven Universe and the rest of the crap produced since the 2010s.

Rick has done this two times, yet Reddit thinks he's the Atheist King.

Dan Harmon deserves death for many reasons user. Rick & Morty is going to have to take a number and get into the queue.

Normies fucking love it and don't care about unfunny reddit copypastas or any of the other dumb internet shit surrounding it so I'd say yes.

this reminds me: didn't shadbase do Sharon Spitz?

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Yes I care. It's one of the only few cartoons I still watch when most are sjw trash now

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>when most are sjw trash now
RnM is shw trash, user. It just hasn't reached full penetration yet.

the only people who care about this tripe is "normies" becasue its another fucking le edgy funny netflix show tier

They got rid of most of the toxic male writers last season so I'm looking forward to this season. Might win ANOTHER emmy if they keep good female writers

Don't get the hate for this episode. Aside from BUT IT WASN'T FORMATTED CORRECTLY it was still good imo

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yeah fans rioting over mcdonalds sauce didn't help

It wasn't bad but it wasn't good either.
Maybe Roiland shouldn't have made a bottle episode with entirely new characters.

>God helps him

>Could've had that with Morel Orel.
>Killed the show because it wasn't 'LOL BIBLE BELT' anymore.

Chose a sweet time to decide he wanted to get serious.

This comment is a great summary of retarded people throwing around terms they don’t understand in an attempt to sound smart

Fuck you you idiot

It'll only get salt and vitriol from Yea Forums because it went mainstream.

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Screencap it if you love it so much.

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That was literally the joke, desu. People just miss that.

Adding on to that, notice that his reaction when he realizes he's going to live is different.

When he's alone, he says "Not today, bitch" while looking upwards, but when he's around his grandkids shortly afterwards, he says there's no God at all.