
Why did they keep him alive in this obviously over-expensive prison?

Attached: MagnetoPlasticPrison.png (559x274, 118K)

William Stryker needed intel on Xavier's operations.

Attached: Power Stance.jpg (350x483, 23K)

Killing him would make him a martyr and galvanize the remaining mutants under his banner

>Let's make a martyr out of a man leading an unknown number of mostly untraceable super soldiers

That and it's pretty bad optics to throw the death penalty at an elderly holocaust survivor.

A better question was why didn't they have a failsafe? Disable 3-4 guards and you're out of there.

Either Prof X mind fucked everyone into not sentencing him to death or some high ranking General want to use him for experiments. Honestly Magneto is one of those guys they'ed quietly slip some cyanide into his food considering how dangerous he is

can't Magneto handle plastic too?
I mean he controls electromagnetism

I can tell you havent seen the movie though so idk why youre asking

Magneto's powers don't make any fucking sense, likely because the people who made him had no idea what magnetism actually is. In the movies he controls pretty much only ferromagnetic materials, whereas in the comics he controls things far outside of the scope of electromagnetism in general.

IIRC, Magento could manipulated the iron in the blodstream to either give people strokes or to manipulate their minds.

Attached: Fucking Magnets Risotto Nero Metallica.png (1600x897, 2.07M)

It goes further than that. Your brain itself creates electric pulses between its synapses. Magneto should be able to just snap his fingers and short out your brain, causing a grand mal seizure, catastrophic memory loss, instant death...

What do neurons have to do with magnetism

Isn't that how he killed Jean?

>Either Prof X mind fucked everyone
Considering he's a Marvel psychic, I'll bet you dollars to sniktnuts Chuck fucked a few minds with the same casual attitude you and I scratch an itch.

Yeah... your brain is magnetic, brohammy. The more you know.
Is that true? I didn't know. Good to see people are looking into the more broad and bullshit aspects of his powers, though.

i want to see wolverine fanboys argue how this wouldn't kill logan

There's actually very very very little iron in your blood. It's like a waterbender trying to bend rock by trying to control the tiny amounts of trapped water in it's structure
>what does electricity have to do with the electroMAGNETIC force

Seeing as how adamantium is magnetic (as evidenced by Magneto being able to liquefy it and pull it out of Wolverine's body), couldn't he just phase-change it from a solid to a superheated gas and immolate Wolverine from the inside-out?

Because it looked cool.

Even if they gave him the death penalty, it takes fordver for it to be carried out with the appeal process. They need to house him somewhere. Executing him in cold blood is illegal.

And it's unlikely he'd survive long enough to see the execution carried out. That shit can take twenty years or longer sometimes. Magneto is already in his seventies for Christ's sake.

Or make them vomit razor blades made with the iron in their blood.

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Yeah, in New X-Men

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His name is magneto
Not electro

There's not enough blood in the body

no im talking about the comics user

Fuck I meant Iron instead of blood

I don't think anyone at Marvel knows or cares how much blood is in the body.

He pulled the Jewish Holocaust survivor card.

What if they killed him, but told the public he was being held in the elaborate prison

That's why Mystique slipped a heavy dose into one of the guards, if I recall right.

>Chuck fucked a few minds with the same casual attitude you and I scratch an itch.
>Deadly Regenisis
>The recent Invaders comic where his fuckery caused Namor to go full retard and commit a false flag attack on Atlantis so he could start a war under false pretenses and nuke the eastern seaboard
>That moment in Secret War where he mind wipes Spider-man after Pete makes a mockery of one of the best X-team of all time and was gonna tell the rest of the heroes the X-men were gonna betray them and join Magneto's side
>Hiding all of his fuckery has resulted in Vulcan an angry and obscenely powerful energy manipulator taking over the Shiar Empire and ripping a hole to the Cancerverse
>Danger, a hard light manipulating A.I.with a hate for humanity
>And fucking Onslaught
Charles is the LEAST ethical psychic in the Marvel Universe even Emma has some morals/standards, (warped as they are) Chuck will do what ever it takes to complete his goals or hide his fuck ups

well that would be illegal.

>That Spider-man annual where Mags and Max met and proceed to throw anti-mutant/human sentiments back at each other

Sauce me up boyo

Magneto master of electromagnetism

Don't forget how he was fully aware that the Danger Room had become sentient and was in constant, agonizing pain as it was routinely destroyed by the X-Men's enemies, and did nothing about it.

>Funding rouge genocidal killbots
>Secret experiment plants that would make Mengela sick
>Dosing the entire U.S. population with gene altering corn
>Turning a therapeutic medical treatment into a weapon
>But secretly killing a psychopathic genocidal old man with world breaking powers is a moral bridge to far for them

His name isnt electromagneto user

How about concentrating all the iron in a single point to cause people seizures?

I read it years ago and don't remember but the story is one of those 3-5 page shorts and the gist is
>Electro first discovers his powers and is practicing by draining electricity from the power grid
>The EM interference gets Magneto's attention and he shows up with Wanda and Pietro
>Pretty much goes "I was gonna offer you a job at the Brotherhood but you're just a filthy altered human
>"Fuck you mutie, I wouldn't want it any way"
Even X-men villains are unduly hostile to other villains

Why didn't they just put him in a prison made out of wood?

But he's the master of electromagnetism!

If this was the comics, a plastic prison wouldn't stop him. Not because he can't manipulate the plastic, but because he can fire electromagnetic lasers out of his fucking hands.

Plastic lasts longer

Well when you put it that way

What, you think they're going to keep him in there for 20,000 years and recoup their money?

user i dont think magneto will live that long

I don't think he'll live long enough for them to need to replace the wood

Couldn't imagine your shock when you learned Wolverine was actually a wolverine.

Attached: wolverine-facts.jpg (776x600, 110K)

>yfw Roy Thomas 100% wanted to make Wolverine an actual wolverine, ala Rocket Raccoon

Tee hee

How unfortunate.

He's not just a prisoner, he's a potential asset.

Why kill him when you have the potential to MKUltra him into a superweapon, in much the same way as Stryker did with his son?

Honestly a martyr is easier to deal with than a man with amazing godlike power over one of the fundamental forces.

Not when the people he'd inspire also have those powers.

Why is magnetism so underused?

That doesn't make any sense, a stroke is an interruption of blood supply to the brain.

Couldn't he just move plastic and wood under a strong enough magnetic field?

Because it's just discount telekinesis and diet metal control

That’s vaguely similar to the two princes depending on your take of the events

it's a colloquialism for the brain breaking, he's not a medical doctor

It's a comic book about superbeings. Don't expect true life accuracy.

Kino comic book prisons.

>user claiming that magnetism could fuck up the brain

That can't be right, considering that MRI machines do exist and people do get exposed to immensely powerful magnetic fields (often to watch inside their skulls) without any ill consequences.

the power required to fuck up a brain would be WMD-scale and it would not last longer than the field being active because our brains aren't inductive

but it's not, like, impossible

I think he means through the brain's electrical signals

MRI's are static fields, they don't change or move around. Changing magnetic fields creates electricity which is potentially much more dangerous to our body. And sure enough it turns out that if you jerk your head around quickly in an MRI you create electrical currents in the brain which can cause nausea and headaches. But it takes a magnetic field several million times stronger than earths just to cause those relatively small effects. Theoretically someone who could generate and control magnetic fields at will could be more surgical about what part of the brain is affected, but who knows how much precision or power they'd need to do anything more than give you a migraine.

Isn't that Xorn?

No, it's Xorn's twin brother pretending to be Xorn pretending to be Magneto.

Research how eletromagnetic currents work.

Due process, good lawyers.

What lawyer was going to defend a mutie?

A Jewish one.

It's garbage thats why

First they came for the muties, and I didn't speak up...