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Other urls found in this thread:

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Posting more jonkino

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That’s great

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Fuck me that one got me good.

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What is he watching Yea Forums?

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The difference is that i’m not claiming to be creative, nor do i care to be. I’m just calling you a faggot, which is true.

Man, this shit is depressing.

this is nice

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What's weird about terfs is that they insist that trans is a scam so men can dress up as women
but constantly ignore the transmen and afab people because they hate anything with a penis

Ok. I give up. explain.

The wind turbine is going to kill the father because he gave his son beans instead of a gameboy.

beans make you fart and he has a wind turbine farm, he uses his family to power the farm with their farts

You don't go out much, do you kid.
Bean make you fart, fart create Wind, Wind make energy, energy is used to grow beans.

It's the circle of life, didn't they teach that at school?

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Terfs hate transmen because they consider them “traitors” that decided to jump ship from the gender to try and join the patriarchy.

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Took me a second.

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Waiting for politically opinionated people like an eventual toot joke.

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There where legit videos like this some user posted a bajillion years ago

Fuck, that one got me.

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i dont get it

Why am I laughing so hard at these?

I'm too stupid to understand :(

A fine choice. Well done, user.

Why not?

yikes thats a bad punchline
i guess every artist has to make shit comics sometimes

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Thanks, I hate you

who is the china man meant to be in smash?

Fuck you, catching up on sleep is hell of a lot more important.

How many are there?

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the father is a warlock and his beans turn anyone who eats them into a wind turbine
his field of wind turbines are his previous families and victims that he's planted on his land.

I love the way this guy draws psychotic smiles.

Not sure. Maybe Simon?

final 3 panels would work on their own.

hey jon, ben is starting up a comic tourney, you gonna join? I know it's you posting these comics, don't try to deny it

so there's a word for this now? I've been out of the SJW status quo/jargon for a while now.

Now? It's been used for over a decade, kiddo.

Sorry not everyone is a tranny/SJW like you user

At least you apologized

Transmen are traitors. Transwomen are spies.

my fucking sides

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you mean not everyone is over the age of 18 like they are and you aren't.

>xe thinks the average person knows what SJW terms mean

It could have been used since the fucking 1920's, if it's only used by cock sucking freak show that like to remove their peepee and dye their hair pink, ain't nobody else's gona know about it.

and that's how it should be.

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>A lol thread where the majority of posts are actually funny comics
I like this alternate reality we've slipped into

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Its a miracle the tranny discussion hasnt derailed the thread and turn it into a 400 post long shitshow.

I like this timeline

Keep it up please. As entertaining as stonetoss or ben garrison parodies can be I like this nonpolitical stuff.

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well i guess i was always out of the loop with this shit then. but isn't that a good thing?

reminds me of "instant adoring boyfriend" from that one wheel of the worst episode

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That's stupid.
I love it.

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Isn’t this just the old joke about the duck but more lolrandom?

(Still laughed)

I love how the mom just swaggers in with that shit eating grin, she knows the crime she's about to commit here.

Jesus christ what is this shit?

There's your answer lolz

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If you're gonna post that shit, at least post the one funny page.

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That's a keeper for sure, but arrested for YouTube crimes always gets me

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Too early for your shit, user

I don't get it

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Why did I laugh at this? I must be tired

most people don't know what TERFs are either
they were a small community that united on reddit on the subreddit r/GenderCritical
they started becoming more relevant thanks after Transwoman athletes debate and th

Attached: the anon im replying to is dumb.jpg (661x234, 54K)

Nobody likes trannies. There's nothing weird about that.

I don't get this one

Y Not

What are AFAB?

I like trannies.

Top tier.

Attached: 2012-05-21.gif (816x568, 225K)

>I said I was creative but it's your job to prove me why

>What's weird about terfs is that they insist that trans is a scam so men can dress up as women
Because it has happened before
Not That I am against it. If you can't beat them, join them.

In what sect?

too real

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Post the original, please.

oh, god, is this guy really defending creationism?

and sarah palin?

and reagan?

dear lord, we deserve our fate...

what the fuck is his point? That there should be more fossil species if evolution happened? Based on what?

>lack of fossil variation = god put fake bones in the ground for shits and giggles
Ebin, simply ebin

If you can't provide proof of every species, every step, and every slight mutation then it's all made up and only a fool believes they prove anything.

It's time for a powerful and relevant comic!

Attached: born in the wrong body.png (511x4793, 585K)

Personally, to me I think the most offensive part of his argument was
-I can't figure out the nonsensical point you are trying to make, there
-You don't understand what I am saying? That's proof that you are a retard, therefore, I win the argument.

No you don't. That's why you're going to 47% yourself.

I don't hate them.

>tfw you will live and die a puny mortal human
why is life so unfair bros

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Why would you go on the internet and tell lies?

I don't.

You're doing it right now.


Attached: v tan is trasn.png (1356x934, 71K)

"back in my day" was Bugs Bunny wearing a dress as a joke, not chopping his dick off.


Mario's a nigger

What you just posted is disturbing and vile, but I'm gonna save it just in case.

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Bugs bunny in a dress was hot, you're lying if you think otherwise.

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Thanks! i made it for that reason.
It's art man. I mostly post it on Yea Forums for free yous

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I also dislike trannies.

>Asmr in a nutshell

Trannies are actually pretty cool when you get to know them.

How do you get to know a corpse?

They're as disgusting as cockroaches, but even more obnoxious.

Attached: 31410-15955-24178_gum.png (355x1349, 11K)

How about trannies and feminists are all degenreates and it's just funny to watch them get in catfights?

I would soooooo much love it if this was posted on Yea Forums, only to witness the immense inevitable meltdown and butthurt of theses Yea Forumsermins.

Attached: smirked smug cocky-ass.png (324x289, 244K)

Go dilate.

It was posted on Yea Forums.
Yes, everyone knows both Yea Forums and /pol/ and almost entirely filled with eggs and chasers in denial.

No, it doesn't really get any decent reaction because they choose not to see what they want to willingly ignore, they've been doing this for years.
Everyone knows Yea Forums and /pol/ are a bunch of fags and chasers.
Everyone knows /lgbt/, /fit/ and /r9k/ are literally the same board full of insecure little bitches, too.
All these things are obvious, it's really not gonna "wake up" anyone because everyone here lives in their own little deluded bubble.

It's posted all the time. It rarely gets more than a few replies.

Don't exist.

Of course they do.
Here's one right here.

Attached: lionNice.png (1162x1146, 1.4M)

All are filled with fags, but trannies are fucking gross. No one is chasing after their axe wound.

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I'd fuck a cute twink. But not a tranny.


>what are we, the Hamlet club?
>maybe we could have been
>well then why don't you go fuck your mother
Fucking golden.

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my sides, all 2080 of them

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>Yea Forums doesn't respond to your shitty bait
>this much mental gymnastics to explain why they don't care
The only closet tranny here is you, friend.

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Kek, got a laugh out of me.

Yup, I was typing quickly and messed up the order of two letters. You caught me.

>to me
>I think
It takes a special skill to write the same thing three times

>la luz extinguido

Now I know who are behind all these anime avatars. They really think they would look like anime girls.

wholesome fun

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Whoa. I didn't know this had a continuation.
Fuck, this comic was too good to just disappear.

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People requesting artists to draw for free are silly. But artists who do shit like require you to subscribe to them for a monthly fee which enables you to enter a raffle for the chance to get picked for a commission that you then have to pay for if you get picked are scum.

Still fantastic.
I can't recall if it was made by an user here or some actual webcomic guy.

funny thing is most of the people who pay that monthly fee do it because they want to support the artist in some way, they don't do it exclusively for winning a raffle, getting nudes of the artist, or having their name in a list of thank you, etc. I know, I know, "How can people support someone without expecting something in exchange!? that's nuts! it's anti-american!" well, I'm one of those people, I have won raffles in two occasions and rejected them, I truly enjoy the art those artist have made during all these years and always wanted a way to support them, one buck a month for entertainment I actually enjoy doesn't look like a bad deal.
also you can just go and get a commission directly if you are desperate for one, no one forces you to wait endlessly to win a raffle.


What's the original ?

ok numale

I've never actually heard terfs complain about transmen. I know they hate transwomen because they see them as male usurpers of femininity

They think that a man becoming a woman is the ultimate act of patriarchy because it destroys womanhood. They also think that gay men are part of the patriarchy too because they hate women so much they fuck guys as revenge.

Post water

Attached: IMG_20190507_134208.jpg (492x767, 65K)

Terfs hating on gays is not automatic, they don't take the whole package of intersectionality (which is the philosophy of all freaks banding together and support each other as one movement) but they van have favoranle or unfavorable dispositions towards different groups individually.
Humanity is a smorgasboard of different ideas and experiences, these terms are broad categories rather than encompassing doctrines. People in the terf category need only be Trans Exclusionary.

The idea is that transwomen are men intruding into female spaces, and transmen are self hating women that eschew the concept of womenhood out of internalized misogyny. Naturally, it's all the patriarchy's fault that people are like this, as with everything bad. Something about fetishization of the female body or whatever the buzzwords du jour are.

Attached: republican water.png (600x458, 380K)

So, what is this new meme to replace onion with water

God these comics make me thirsty

Attached: water frankenstein.png (750x574, 501K)

>go overseas to somewhere nice and easy
As opposed to what? Am I supposed to travel to a warzone or some shit?

i'm the artist, i made it just to bait (you's) from virgins.
It's primarily supposed to be tranny bashing, and incite more tranny bashing.
If people are angry before they transition, they're 10x angrier after it

It's replacing [HOT BUTTON ISSUE] with water.

Attached: XKCD WATER BAD.png (599x282, 77K)

What other you mean"catching up on sleep?" Sleep isn't like a resource you put in the bank. Are you sure you aren't saying that to try and justify the crushing loneliness you feel by relating to this comic?

This is the only good xcd comic

Onion isn't an hot-button.

You're the only person babbling about onions, you Shrek-posting maniac.
Take your pills.

They are now trying to make water a hot-button just like they did with pepe and the Okay sogn.

I would fuck Yea Forums

Water can't be racialized.

Attached: whitewater.jpg (721x960, 105K)

The newest hotness is claiming the # symbol is actually two 'H's on top of each other and therefore stands for fascism, or is the fashtag

i think he means artists that ONLY do the raffle, no regular commissions. you ether pay them monthly for a shot at the raffle or they will never draw your thing.

That's hilarious

>No one is chasing after their axe wound.
I am. Turns out that your dick makes no difference beteen hwo the hole came about, and your heart doesn't give a shit.

The first H stand for Hitler, what does the second H stand for ?

The Okay sign stand for White Pounding anyway and is an encouragement for race-mixing.

>Believing in completely randomized evolution.
>not knowing the unimaginable criteria for completely randomized evolution requires a shit ton of chaotic variables that MUST happen in a specific order for it to occur.
>then saying after all of that, that RNG reigns supreme and that things such as extinction, genocide, murder, rape are okay because that's RNG baby, and its needed to create the world as it is nowadays.

Evolutionists are always happy to point out that their viewpoint is the only viewpoint, without realizing the galaxy of corpses, and insignificance that they make their claims on.

"I am right and special" they cry, while posturing a philosophy that is the anti-thesis of their worth.

Those evolutionists who understand the horror of their viewpoint are most often atheistic/nihilistic because of the horrors of Insignificance and RNG; "What is the point of morals, anything if everything is RNG." Likewise, those who dwell on this either commit themselves to despair of Annihilation, or give into overly selfish lives, because there is no consequence for wanting to cater to Self vs others, it is the nature of the RNG to validate ones own needs over the needs of all others.

Lesser minds follow without knowledge, because the spokesmen of these viewpoints are "accredited" because of popularity, acceptance by other accredits, and seniority. They offshoot and preach corrupted variations of atheism/nihilism, which is more so bigotry against Abrahamics rather than a disbelief of religions/philosophy in general; or preach a life of Decadence and Unelightenment, to revel in the joys of Consumerism and Surrendered Will because "Hey, you only get one life."

It is a toxic culture that breeds toxic people, and toxic lesser minds. It is surrender to Annihilation, and ascribing to "Lol nothing matters." If you sincerely believe in that mindset, help the RNG by offing yourself, (It doesn't matter if you do or do not).

Fucking fake intellectuals.

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>i hate white people
she actually just hates poor people

Why are you mocking me user?

>Evolutionists are always happy to point out that their viewpoint is the only viewpoint
No, they don't.
>"I am right and special" they cry,
No, they don't.
> "What is the point of morals, anything if everything is RNG."
Moral is unrelated to evolution and one doesn't need the other to exist. It make no sense to link morality with existence or not of evolution.

It's an edit, user.


They said that about furries too

>First point:
Go ahead and say "I believe in Creationism" in a place of education/science/online and try to defend that from the inevitable arguments coming your way. That and count the amount of eye rolls. Try to even assert that there is some Guidance and Oversight in the Chaos that is the RNG of Evolution and while dealing with the same reactions.

>Second point:
These people who strike out against you in the hypothetical situation that I presented are more often than not trying to validate their own existence, and will belittle you for the sake of their own validation. When you call them out on this, they deny because "Lol nothing matters, not even me."

>Third point:
>Moral is unrelated to evolution, and one doesn't need the other to exist.
This is a despair of the belief, "Morals are the odd egg of Evolution. It is not needed." The point is, that both understood and lesser minds will translate this odd duck and say "Lol what's the point. Not nesscessary."

I am not defending Creationism, nor am I defending Evolutionism; I am just stating the facts on the Annihilationism and Insignificance that people willingly or unwillingly choose to believe in.

You either believe that "Lol nothing matters." or "Maybe some things matter." You can't have both at the same time, if you claim to do so, then you are a selfish lesser mind; "Nothing matters other than my immediate circle."

Be accepted in the accepted knowledge, be enlightened in that and understand your worthlessness, or be ignorant in that belief and be a selfish animal;

Or decide to believe the anti-thesis to the accepted knowledge and be ridiculed that you try to believe in something that matters, that something other than Annihilation exists.

Let's be frank though, the lesser minds of Absolutionism are pretty cringe worthy themselves, and the only difference between them and the lesser mind of Annihilationism is that one group will defend via Faith, the other is Public Consensus.

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The second H is hitler, the first one is heil

he fucked a ghost

>Go ahead and say "I believe in Creationism" in a place of education/science/online and try to defend that from the inevitable arguments coming your way.
Why would I say something I don't consider to be true ?
> from the inevitable arguments coming your way.
Yes user, that's how it work, people will make arguments against your claims if they consider you are wrong. That's how debate work. People diagreeing with you si something you must accpet, it is not a proof of hypocrisy.
>These people who strike out against you in the hypothetical situation that I presented are more often than not trying to validate their own existence,
They don't.
>"Morals are the odd egg of Evolution. It is not needed."
Say no one who subscribe to evolution. Moral exist whether or not evolution is true. you don't need creationism for morality to exist.

Ghost blowjob WOOWOO

>Go ahead and say "I believe in Creationism" in a place of education/science/online and try to defend that from the inevitable arguments coming your way. That and count the amount of eye rolls. Try to even assert that there is some Guidance and Oversight in the Chaos that is the RNG of Evolution and while dealing with the same reactions.
I bet they would even use thhings like fact, logic, rproducible experiments and observations to back their counter-arguments. Those people know no lows. Tully the peak of immorality.

>bawww people are mean with their truth I can't debate with my magic invisible man!

Super Senko-san Time!

Attached: 1553505607091.jpg (455x650, 53K)

>Go ahead and say "I believe in Creationism" in a place of education/science/online and try to defend that from the inevitable arguments coming your way. That and count the amount of eye rolls. Try to even assert that there is some Guidance and Oversight in the Chaos that is the RNG of Evolution and while dealing with the same reactions.
Okay, maybe you need a reality check.

Science isn't "I disagree with your thesis, but I respect your opinion"
Science is literally about "I will do everything I can to prove you wrong and I expect you to do the same about my thesis too"

Attached: Na dertig seconden zal er een prachtige grap verschijnen.jpg (512x547, 49K)

>no setup, no punchline, no comedy, no point
>just the author self-inserting into the "smart" character so that he can share his retarded beliefs about evolution

"Yes, you are a complete fucking retard."

>You wouldn't argue something you consider to not be true.
That how do you find validation in your own beliefs if you do not consider others? Here I am defending something I don't believe as I am an Annihilationist myself, and I'm making good points.

>People disagreeing with you is something you must accept, it is not a proof of hypocrisy.
Likewise unto you, I am disagreeing for the sake of philosophy and discussion, for the sake of refining my own beliefs.
>They Don't.
Like I said, "when called out on this they deny this.
>Moral exists whether or not evolution is true.
This is simply not true, Morals are an odd egg because of sentience, sentience itself being the odd egg. Without sentience, there is no morals. Evolution does not explain sentience, therefore Annihilationists will happily turn ignorant or throw a "Lol whatever." mindframe to this.

>t. lesser mind incapable of philosophical discussion.

I was waiting for someone like you to jump up and say "It isn't x, it's y! If you don't understand that, you are z!"

Science is about observation, using logic, and setting definition to those observations and logics.

Go to an accredited professor, and tell them they are wrong. Use logic, observation and evidence in this claim. Challenge them. You will be laughed at, even though its the claim that you are making.

I am someone who believes Science has become a buzzword for "Circle Jerking" faggotry and has grown tired of Nihilist lesser minds being the vocal group of the community. I'm trying to make Science great again by calling out these Nihilists, applying logic, observation and evidence, so that we have less fucking morons among the community, and we can actually go back to what its meant to be "Refining our beliefs and ourselves by refuting one another on a regular basis."

Attached: Behold a man.jpg (500x749, 84K)

You abject ingrate, there is no more perfect life form. We are the closest thing to actual gods that has ever existed.

We wrangled the lightning and made it our slave. We fooled rocks into thinking for us. We toy with the very stuff of life itself.

I have looked down on clouds.

But you bewail being a 'frail human' because someone fantasized about being a fire-breathing lizard.

>Due to a medical condition I have to drink at leas three litres of water a day

Heartless bitch.

This is fucking vile and disgusting! Do you got more? I need to see just how horrible it gets you see.

The only trans person I ever knew was a lot smarter than me. And they didn't change for shits and giggles.
The cruncher? She was a lesbian.

Honestly, if it were up to me, everyone making trans jokes would have their nuts hooked up to a car battery and you get ten seconds of fun for every trans joke you ever told. It's just not a fun subject.

I could make more?

>That how do you find validation in your own beliefs if you do not consider others?
By exposing my view to other and listening too their counter arguments.
>Likewise unto you, I am disagreeing for the sake of philosophy and discussion
Except you main complain is people disagreeing with you, so no, you aren't really refining it.
>Like I said, "when called out on this they deny this.
Or maybe it's simply not the case. Something to consider.
>Morals are an odd egg because of sentience, sentience itself being the odd egg.
Evolution does not forbid sentience. Nor does it forbid morality. There is no need for an higher authority for Morality to exist. No sentience.

>If you don't understand that, you are z!
That was never said.

>Science is about observation, using logic, and setting definition to those observations and logics.
And then confronting those conclusion ot other who will try to prove it wrong.

>I am someone who believes Science has become a buzzword for "Circle Jerking"
PEople disagreeing with you hen you expose your view is not cicrlejerking.


It's an edit, user.

>>t. lesser mind incapable of philosophical discussion.
The problem is that your main issue was that people would be disagreeing with you if you told them your view, so you are the one unable to do this.

Well, what'd happen?

>eggs and chasers

I know I am going to regret asking this...

What is RNG?
And why do you refuse to take your antipsychotics?

You would get a bunch of (you)s that is what would happen.

Doing God's work, user.

No i mean, in the comic? i have no idea how i'd continue it

Post the good stuff.

Attached: 1540651545687.gif (750x733, 21K)

>What is RNG?
I guess Random Number Generator, It's a term from video game design, but I can sorta see the meaning of it when applied to evolution. with random mutation.

The guy seems to say that random mutation alone doens't explain how things are and seem to be a proponent of intelligent design.

based supermega

Then why not try to step in shoes that aren't you own and try to view things from an opposite viewpoint? I am playing the role of an Absolutionist, even though I am an Annihilationsist.

As per Sentience and Evolution; how come Humans are the only lifeforms with sentience in the entire known discovered area of space?

>You believe in something that isn't commonly accepted. You are crazy.

See, this is why I decided to start this discussion. People like you on my actual side who talk like this.

I am indeed; this is what I perceive a trait of Absolutionists to be, as that is the shoes I'm stepping in.

Attached: 1k3yl8.jpg (728x397, 35K)

I don't know in what extent the premise help, but the end is killing me.

I dunno, other Yea Forumsirgins getting hateboners with calls of 'uggo tranny' or something and then becoming pissed off trannies too in the next panel.

>tfw 90% of your comic is copy paste and stock images

Is there are much better drawn version if this?

I get his point, but also, you have to think about how fossils work

Unless the animal dies in a perfect situation where their bones aren't crushed and the body isn't torn apart, then you won't get a fossil

So there's a huge chance that because one species lives in an area where they are more likely to leave behind fossils, compared to animals who live in areas where fossils are less likely, it makes sense to say that we have a lot of fossils of some types of animal rather than of all animals

Oh damn

Tl;dr of the entire thing:

I proved my point by baiting responses from my own community by dressing up like a fascisimille of its Anti-thesis, in an attempt to show that "Hey, we're egotistical retards with heads up our own asses"

The only guy who provided any decent conversation and had played the game properly was
This guy who played the game properly, "Point, Counter Point, riposte, reiteration, point, counter point."

You are a good example of what our community should be, rather than the other retards who just return with "Lol u am crazor."

Attached: 1559317913887.jpg (1600x1500, 168K)

Trannies are gross, what’s wrong with stating facts?

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>Then why not try to step in shoes that aren't you own and try to view things from an opposite viewpoint?
Because I already did it to come up to my conclusion and to remain objective, I must let other argue against my conclusion. they will be more likely to be better than the one I might come up with to undermine my own conclusion. This is why you let other verify your work in science.

>how come Humans are the only lifeforms with sentience
Proof of it ?

>>You believe in something that isn't commonly accepted. You are crazy.
Not him, but the insult is more likely due to disagreeing on Yea Forums than disagreeing with the main trend.

>I am indeed; this is what I perceive a trait of Absolutionists to be, as that is the shoes I'm stepping in.
So you call out people for being incapable of philosophical discussion, then claim you are proud to be incapable of it too ? Could you explain what I didn't get ?

hey just coming in to say you're a gigantic faggot

>The guy seems to say that random mutation alone doens't explain how things are

Which is of course correct, but random mutation still does occur because it is impossible for it not to.

>>You believe in something that isn't commonly accepted. You are crazy.

You actually believe in something that is extremely widely accepted in the USA (and other nations laboring under religion), and I didn't say 'crazy', I said 'fucking retarded'.
Those are fundamentally different things.

This thread was fun while it lasted

I resent the suggestion they warrant a reasonable response.

For does the good book not instruct us to answer the fool according to his folly?

Post the original

Okay, but you do realise that your basically using the "I was just pretending to be a retard" defence, right ?

The game is over guys,
already won

I like to masterbait in the market and I live in a fucking barrel with dogs. What can I say?

This reeks of 2008 internet humor

I don't get it. Do they not like the punch? Why is there no punch line?

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He/She did nothing wrong. whatever they wear is their business. why am i supposed to laugh?

I was pretending to be a retard, and people still took the bait.

That's the problem of our community. Not being able to tell what is bait and what isn't, and that people are quick to respond to bait. That, and the responses are more "You do not accept common knowledge, therefore you are bad."

There is only one player who played correctly, as they debated against a facsimillie, without resorting to "You are dumb/crazy." defenses.

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>What can I say?

Are you seriously trying to pass yourself off as both of them?

Go for the hattrick and start bleating about caves and candles.

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The contrast between perception/ideal and reality.

It's more tragedy than comedy.


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Trans existed for as long as humans existed. Bugs bunny is merely some transwoman's projection

>his other posts
>the one with his humongous hands
>the one with the girls bathroom
goddamn, if I looked like that I would not be constantly posting selfies

>t-true science believers w-wouldn't pretend to be Creationists just to create discussion and try to guage our c-comnunity. Y-you're clearly the strawman!
Look up Diogenes mate, this is what science is meant to be, messing with our own community and gauging if retards have joined the fray.

thanks. Spelling is hard.

REM sleep is exactly that. Try staying awake for 48 or 72 hours then try to just sleep for eight.

>evolution isn't true because the idea of there being no magic sky daddy makes me sad

Attached: 1510930230115.gif (499x488, 98K)

>>t-true science believers w-wouldn't pretend to be Creationists just to create discussion and try to guage our c-comnunity. Y-you're clearly the strawman!

I see you at least took 'creative writing'.

No, he was just pretending to be retarded.

Attached: Turgescent tuber of tedium.gif (600x260, 29K)

>not understanding the scale of the millions of years it's taken for life on Earth to get the point it's at now
>thinking natural selection is RNG
>thinking nature is cruel or just
I'm surprised people are even trying to engage with you on an intellectual level.

His complaint was that only one of us did.

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He may be pretending, but there are a lot of people who build their philosophical foundations on "If there was no god then this would all be meaningless, and that can't be true"

>mfw he starts doing laundry and Jessi says "this doesn't count as spending time with me" in a surprisingly sincere sounding voice

Attached: 1550096320960.png (484x490, 387K)

honestly, if you don't machete a child soldier, you haven't lived.

So THAT's where that's from.

Why is it always the dumb shit that gets me


>grrr, if you keep making offensive jokes over the internet, I'll post about how I wish I could beat you up in real life!
Cringe and edgypilled

...I don't get it

He's running

Those boots were made for moseying, which is not running.



How gross.

Ohh I'm stupid. I thought like "ok obviously the punchline is that he can't run in these boots, but why are they falling apart? Did the bear attack him?"

Creationism isn't "guidance and oversight."
Evolution with God making sure humans come out properly is "guidance and oversight."
Evolution isn't anti-religion. Science isn't anti-religion.

>t. tranny dyke
Enjoy suicide.

Attached: 1.png (621x818, 213K)

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It's funny.

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>Powers: athletes foot, ew
Fucking nailed the humor

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Do you have the rest?

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You don't want random people to call you ugly on the street do you?

personal tastes aren't facts.

well that was something

>You're ironing a jean skirt! What is wrong with you?

Attached: That's what good pussy sounds like.png (496x493, 354K)

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Facts are facts.

>Ugh these SJWs are just constantly making up terms I can't keep up!
>Actually this term is old
What a fucking retard lol

Good stuff

>why is life so unfair bros
If you are lucky you are going to witness the glorious posthuman that awaits us. Become a immortal cyborg!

Phil Elvrum from the Microphones, actually

Attached: spider man gets real.jpg (1177x1664, 698K)

>Schekelgruber was Hitler's real name

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AAHHHH, It's in.

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I fucking love these "LOL" threads. Everytime something nuts fucks is going on. An absolute blast.

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Why did this thread get derailed to tranny discussion?

Is this a legit advertisement, or is this a subreptitious way of making comics where a black and a Klan man will keep sucking each other's dick ?

someone posted Tatsuya comics

Attached: gain.jpg (703x670, 131K)

There's some animated stuff too.



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I get a strong Spy Vs Spy out of it.

I believe God created the earth using natural processes and instituted biological life by designing the elegant system of evolution.

Checkmate, creationists and atheists.

Holy shit this one ended me. the last panel just hits you like a brick even though you know what the stupid joke is gonna be right from the get go

You're retarded and don't even begin to understand how fossils are created. Kill yourself dunning kruger faggot.

>Evolution is fake because YuGiOh

Gets old

Oh, you didn't get that clever analogy ? Well clearly, it prove you are stupid, thus backing my point and proving I am right.

Attached: 1527455878320.jpg (1041x1600, 372K)

There still are, they call it ASMR now.

Most of the pretend wife/girlfriend ones are now behind paywalls because of how well the internet enables shameless thots.

Studies have actually found that "catching up on sleep" after a period without proper sleep simply fucks up your internal clocks and rhythms even more.

No you strawmanning retard, I think they mean actually go to a place where you interact with the locals and experience what it is like to live there rather than going to a resort that could be literally anywhere in the world with a beach. Zen Pencils is trash but you have to be a special kind of stupid to miss the points that get bashed over your head in the comics.
>inb4 more poorfag inadequacy

What's cool about a mentally ill straight man?

Trump gonna win 2020 btw

So you're a degenerate who can't even put care and thought into what you say and how you say it?

you know what never gets old? trans faggots

No, it completely blows its own point up at the end "if you don't like it don't drink it"
Randall cannot get more autistic.

>lesser mind incapable of philosophical discussion
There's nothing philisophical about believing in god, the hegemony of christianity is the only thing that keeps it in these spaces.

Attached: i was only pretending to be retarded.png (698x1284, 3K)

Since no one answered you Chasers and people with a fetish for trannies, so like jungle fever or other things where they care about a single aspect of the person and not the actual person. Egg is a tranny before they hatch so to speak basically someone can be in self denial despite doing all the stereotypical things most trannies do before they themselves transitioned. Like a a person saying it would be so cool to be a chick or unironically making a pros and cons list to see if they are trans or you know that new face app thing that makes you look like a chick they probably use it a ton. In short eggs are trannies who don't fully know that they are tranny but show all the signs that they are.

You're right! It's cause they die young.

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thinking of all we might achieve gives me chill bumps, thinking of the way the world is heading now, makes me want to leave a blanket of ash on the ground

It really hurt when the guy who made these turned out to be a manipulative asshole.

>thinking of the way the world is heading now, makes me want to leave a blanket of ash on the ground
Look up how Socrates felt the world was heading, retard.

how was he manipulative

It's been the same old shit forever and it'll keep being the same old shit forever. Don't worry about it.

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I'd say making a Kickstarter for a book, reaching the goal, and then burning them all to be manipulative.


so by his logic, the past should have an infinite amount of creatures to discover through fossil records?


TERF, or "Trans-exclusionary reactionary feminist" basically means "feminist who doesn't think transsexuals are real men/women"
It's Liberal infighting/purity spiraling

Attached: transphobia_mistake_745[1].png (745x809, 131K)

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Oh sit the tittle...

god forbid you agree with someone on one topic that you disagree with on others.

You can't agree on some things and disagree on others. That's ridiculous, user. It's all or nothing. You either agree with me about everything or you're evil and don't deserve to be listened to or given human rights.

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Assigned female at birth.

Most people arent friends with people that disagree with them on many topics everyone has their own bubble
Don't be an ass how many SJW friends do you have

how the fuck is he so funny lads?

Attached: 323.gif (750x750, 16K)

>I have the weirdest boner.jpg

>implying I have ANY friends

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>Hitler goes to hell and stalin doesn't even though he was an atheist and responsible for the holodomor and countless other deaths of innocents
This reeks of public education.

Good point this is Yea Forums, basically what I'm saying is it's normal to not have friends that disagree with you on most things, while not impossible those relationships are harder to maintain or even create in the first place it's nothing about them considering you evil or subhuman just about how humans are

I think "Transphobia" is a shit word for it too. Nobody sane is actually afraid of transsexuals, they're disgusted by them. It should be called "Transodium" an people disgusted by transsexuals should be called "Transodics". It makes more sense.

The only problem is "Transodium" also sounds like some kind of delicious but probably unhealthy food additive. But it's a better term.

not him, but . I have a fair amount of SJW friends, some who agree with me on most things, and some who are much further right than me politically. I don't care because I don't talk politics with them and if we do it's calm and respectful and it's good to have your beliefs challenged from time to time, so you at least are forced to articulate why you hold them. Get outta here with that "everyone's in an echochamber" bullshit.

I only hate about 55% of them

>taking hyperbole literally
dude chill he was making a joke

You sound afraid.

I'm not convinced this wasn't ghostwritten by one of the actual homestar guys

Most trannies are narcissists user.

Most people are not just trannies

No, just disgusted. Transexuals are sad misshapen but ultimately harmless beings. I'm afraid of things like wasp swarms and feral dogs, or street gangs. Transexuals are just sad and gross.


Based and waterpilled

BASED and Redpilled

>Egg is a tranny before they hatch so to speak basically someone can be in self denial despite doing all the stereotypical things most trannies do before they themselves transitioned. Like a a person saying it would be so cool to be a chick or unironically making a pros and cons list to see if they are trans or you know that new face app thing that makes you look like a chick they probably use it a ton. In short eggs are trannies who don't fully know that they are tranny but show all the signs that they are.

That doesn't even seem like a slightly manipulative concept to you? The current trans narrative strikes me as possessing some serious cultish undertones.

What’s your subreddit?

>wow look at what we did to the third world, we must be inherently superior!

Kino comic

>That doesn't even seem like a slightly manipulative concept to you?
Most of the time only egg is used by tranny to talk about their past in context with other trannies it isn't like they are going around finding people and saying you are an egg and must transition

Intersectionality is the religion, SJWs are the cult members.

Aside from the sudden creationism vs evolution debate, it was a great thread

>t. Guy who never read philosophy

I really hope they dont impeach his ass, otherwise we got white rice Pence for president right away and if someone can appeal to every republican inbred is him. As the 2020 republican candidate, no one would stand a chance against him.

This is as valid as the seven days bullshit in Genesis, tbqh.

they kind of are though. The internet changes the way that communication works. What may be an ostensibly private conversation between members of one party is on display to world. Any old guy who may be depressed and lonely, and thought the face app was pretty fun, could read a discussion about 'eggs', and the message he gets is that he is lying to himself and the only path to happiness is transitioning.

not to mention that it isn't true it is only used between trannies. Hell, right now in this thread egg is being used in a non-tranny enviroment.

I forget that this is the tumblr board

Trump is gonna conquer the world by the time the left is done making everyone hate them.

Attached: Trump Conquers Italy.jpg (640x960, 91K)

>evolution does not explain sentience

Did you ever see a dick on Bugs Bunny? He wasn't wearing pants, where was the dick user? Where the fuck was the dick?

First money he made at that job he chopped it right off you unobservant nigger. They saved money in warddrobe by having Bug bring "her" own on the set. Yeah, kept the masculine pronouns just to keep the money rolling in, but Bugs was barely hiding.

There was originally much more time with bugs and mickey in the original Who Framed Roger Rabbit, but Mickey, (who you'll note wore pants because his cheese and crakers were quite intact) was on record as saying "he could only stand being close to that faggot freak for so long." It got worse when Bugs responded aggressively to antagonism as he usually did and kissed him. One of them would have died except when donald tried to break it up Mickey was too shocked by the revelation that his best friend "was one of them" to do anything about it.

Phobias also describe an aversion to something.

>Make baseless points and be in shock when people don't take you seriously

>Others are just nihilistic meanies

>Deranged argument about lesser minds and how everyone who dones't agree with my world views is selfish and a sheep unlike the greater mind that is me


>Raylegh training Luffy.png

The PS4 launch was shit though

Started off so well, too.

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oh fuck please tell me there's more of this

Terfs and Radfems both deserve the rope


What a fascinating glimpse of an alternate reality

fucking this. My country is basically USA's bitch and these inbred burgers had the nerve to act superior.

>literally WE WUZ