Has a WiFi range the size of the galaxy that connects between herself

>has a WiFi range the size of the galaxy that connects between herself


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That was stupid, yeah. But the movie was chock full of stupid shit.

Nebula/Stark is best ship.

>Thanos and Maw can synthesize Pym particles in an afternoon is okay
>Stark and Lang discover shrinking small enough can cause time travel is okay
>Finds it unbelievable that an advanced alien race might have an dupilcate domain IP dispute on their wifi network
Really now?

What is quantum entanglement?

It's a superhero movie, fuck it. How else would you do endgame?

>Thanos said he reduced the Stones to atoms
>Avengers discover that he was literal
>unshrink them

>Thanos and Maw can synthesize Pym particles in an afternoon is okay
To be fair, time travel was involved. Who knows exactly how much time they took, could have been months on their end.

everybody knew that though and only a retard would argue against it. Captain America was suppose to take a few seconds to return and it took a lifetime

You jelly cause you can't get wifi on the shitter?

How is that less believable than magical gemstones that can grant any wish?

Captain Marvel upgraded a fuckin' pager to send a signal with 90s earth tech

I wonder if she blames herself for getting captured by Thanos, resulting in the universe almost getting wiped out and causing the death of Stark. Because clearly she needs more trauma.

Quantum entangled interconnects.

Endgame was a mess. I enjoyed the send offs but i seriously dont get people who say its good.

Pepper is a cuck haha

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Came to post this.

Quantum entanglement very explicitly cannot transmit information faster than light. Nothing can.


This. We've now been able to fuck around with physics much more than ever before. Even subatomic particles that were mistakenly believed to travel faster than the speed of light, was a fucking error. As it turns out, so was the light functioning as a wave and particle, just not enough controls on the experiments.

>connects between herself
But why?

Time travel was a mistake.

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>that moment when Tony flicks Scott with perfect accuracy and you realize he let Nebula win in paper football

Would Evans make a good Flash?

Yeah well in movies people break the light barrier like it was nothing, so we're gonna have to go with that

Too big

This, also nebula is the cutest in all of mcu

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No one cares, poindexter.

Neb had a hard life, she deserved at least one victory. Plus it's not wise to piss off the killing machine that is responsible for tending to your medical needs.

This I'm down with. The two were stranded together for a long time. Even Neb must had asserted herself unto Tony when she had needs to fulfil before going crazy.

I could see him as Jay

There's also no such thing as a Quantum Realm dingus

Actually he was headhunted to be the flash sometime in 2007 or 2008. It fell through because they were pushing Batsy. Around 2009 or 2010, Downey started pushing his agent, also Evans' agent, to try and make Evans take up Cap.

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Do you even subspace, user?

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No, she was a daughterfu goddamn it!

I thought so too. Someone said the same thing about Stark and comic Friday ages ago. Mantis/Nebula is cute.

I assumed she was just always connected to a cloud backup. Connecting to herself was just an unexpected side effect of there actually being two of her around

Pretty sure returning the stones would've taken at least a few minutes

I know. Nebula is a cute daughter for Stark.

Inb4 Aunt Nebula teaches Morgan how to kill a man

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>everybody knew that though and only a retard would argue against it. Captain America was suppose to take a few seconds to return and it took a lifetime

Did you even watch the movie?

How long it actually takes to return the stones and Mjolnir is irrelevant to how long it would seem to the present.

He traveled to the moment they were taken from each timeline and returned them, essentially keeping the timelines intact. However when he was done he decided to go back and have a life with Peggy. The dumb thing was that for this to work apparently he created a completely new timeline which was pretty selfish and might have repercussions we haven't seen. Then he came back to give his goodbyes and give Sam his shield.

>the size of the galaxy
>a single solar system is the size of a galaxy
Jesus fucking Christ, you're a moron.