How come Nightcrawler never had an above average solo series?

How come Nightcrawler never had an above average solo series?
Is he doomed to just be a great supporting character, and never a great protagonist?

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His mini from the 80’s was everything I wanted from Excalibur era Kurt. Living his swashbuckling dreams in a place he fit in.

Who of the X-men has? Wolverine?

Is Iceman's still going? Cause most I can think of ended at or before 12. A know they've done a lot that were always set for 4 issues like the Icon series.

I'm liking his current series where Kurt fantasies about fucking his mom so hard that Meggan changes into her

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Dick Status: MUH

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Was his 80s run good? The general consensus I got from a few people was that it was mediocre.
not yet, user

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>oh hey a Nightcrawler thread
>see your post
>there are STILL people posting my shitty crop of that cover
user please take the full version, you deserve it, and stop reminding me of my bad crop

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Gambit had a bunch of ongoings in the 90s.

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But did they last very long? That's the point. He's had a few since then that only lasted a year. Storm's had at least one.

He's an X-Men character
They're not meant to have solo series.

He's best when he's hanging out with Logan and Colossus.

>Yea Forums was gonna let a Nightcrawler thread die
I don't think so.

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wait, he's fuzzy? was this always the case?

He is usually drawn smooth, because that was the style at the time, and some artists continue to draw him smooth because >style
But yes, he is canonically covered in blue fur. Although that pic in particular (and others like it) are really kinda over doing it.

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>Shaggy Nighcrawler
I know it's supposed to be fur but actually seeing him furry feels wrong.
I guess the best you could do is read it like fine/short haired animals like certain dog breeds but there's still the issue of the face which looks like this covered in hair.

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Yeah, personally I don't prefer the pics that really display the fur, but the pics are cute anyway.
Also yeah, I've always thought of it as like the hair on a really shorthaired cat. Never really looking ruffled, and with a very fine feeling. This would also "explain" why he looks smooth, because hair like that on cats (especially with dark colors) looks glossy.

Would Nightcrawler have stood a better chance if he wasn't a mutant but WAS a demon? (which I think he was at some point, but then wasn't again, I'm not 100% on that)
On one hand: no mutant baggage
On the other hand: X-men couldn't give him exposure leading him to becoming popular

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Not at all, the biggest demon character in Marvel is Ghost Rider and they have a hard time carrying their own series too. It's just a fact of life, not every character can just be expected to float their own never ending ongoing like they were Spider-man or Batman.
If anything you should look on the bright side that they won't also be CONSTANTLY dragged through idiotic decisions because they're so popular and being overused only OCCASIONALLY.

Is Kurt really Catholic?
I thought he was German

Honestly I think it's just thank there hasn't been any great hooks for Nightcrawler, he is just a phenomenal supporting character.
I have some news for you.

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Kurt is not for lewding

Germany is a mess. Unless this is a joke about Muslims

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No, it was a Protestantism thing
Kurt's from before the colonization, it was a different demographic

What an asshole

He's canonically covered in blue fuzz like velvet. That's where the sometimes power he has to "invisible" in the dark comes from. Because velvet and velour are used to absorb light on stages and shit.

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I'll bet he's soft and comfy.

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God fucking DAMN IT! Why did I never know there was so much sexy Kurt art?

Discover with us

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How have I never paid attention to him before? He's hot, and blue!

I think Nightcrawler could be the Dick Grayson of the Marvel universe in that he has sexy adventures while being a superhero.