How different was the GOTG cartoon compared to the movies?

How different was the GOTG cartoon compared to the movies?

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It is made by Loeb in a post Marvel Studios/Marvel Entertainment schism
Remember that Benis and Loeb ruined Ronan

>It is made by Loeb

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Watered down saturday morning cartoon version of the movie. Not dissimilar to all the actual GOTG comics post movie in that regard.

>Yondu is a moron and a coward with a redneck accent

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Loeb is a massive hack

You want me to name some?

Ronan is resurrected and made a recurring villain
j'son is quill's dad and also a recurring villain
mantis was evil and got killed off last season
adam was a child raised by the guardians
sam alexander is a recurring character
same for wraith
groot is the last surviving member of his race that was killed off by ronan
the darkhawks are the final bosses

the show was cancelled a year ago and just now releasing it's last episodes so who cares.

>made by Loeb
No, it was PRODUCED by Loeb meaning jack shit. Besides, the head of Animation at the time was Wacker anyway. You know, the guy that put Bendis on GOTG in the first place

Gunn considerd anything post-DnA, especially if it comes from the Creative Comittee douchenozzles to be shit. He's right too in that regard.

I think he only touched the stuff made by Abnett, that one comic Dogfucker tricked him into reading because it was the first issue with a Rooker inpired Yondu that Humphries sent him an he was curious(I bet he regrets it though since he never talked about anything about Legendary Star-Lord again), and he just favorited a post about Duggan's GotG run on twitter (not sure if he was reading it or if he just knows Duggan).

He seems to be ignoring Cates' run though.

I thought that was Buckley

WTF the Raptors are in it? That said the Adam stuff was decent but whatever character development Peter and Gamora gained from that arc didn't fucking matter in the long run.

>sam alexander is a recurring character
>same for wraith
I know Rich would have made more sense but seein how Loeb controls all of this shit I can see why they went with Sam.

But why the fuck out of all characters did they have Wraith? Even in the comics why him? Why do people like this shitty character?

You forgot Ship being some crazy ex and Michael Korvac being a fatass with an avatar.

Buckley is president of Marvel Entertainment as a whole, Loeb is Executive Vice President of Marvel Television and Wacker was in charge of Marvel Animation but I have no idea if he still is.

Phyla-vell shows up in later episodes

The Black Vortex stuff's good, if only because they're different animated shorts rather than part of the proper show.

I could forgive Brightburn's slow first and second acts for that neck snap Wonder Woman gag at the end. Yowza.

Remember when the Beyonder showed up?

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No, I meant that Buckley was the guy who put Bendis in GotG.

I don't know what's worse in that image. You have the chair, the guy, and the bowel all seemingly existing on different shows.

This is, unironically, an absolutely perfect modern redesign of The Beyonder.

Raptors are called Darkhawks, only have the power of assimilation of whoever they touch, and are all built by Cul who is renamed The Serpent for some reason and made to invade Asgard.

Also Drax is not in any way superpowered.
Sam has nova force powers, but no other nova does at all

Huh, so he was. TIL
>Dan Buckley said to me, 'You should do the 'Guardians of the Galaxy' comic. You've already done all the research, and you really love the characters.

>You've already done all the research,

>Cul who is renamed The Serpent for some reason
Cul was called "The Serpent" interchangeably in Fear Itself.

The only difference is that the cartoon wasn't made by a pedophile who tortured his 4'6" girlfriend.

>Beyonder is a hipster bear man.
Of course.
One of the people who worked at Marvel Animation outed them for being creatively bankrupt. It wasn't so much that they were cheap (though that was part of the problem but with Ike involved you do what you can) but the fact that they gave the Korean animators specific things to do to make the cartoons come out faster regardkess of quality and told them not to deviate from that or to get creative. Korean animators could probably make a better job but they couldn't go out of their given instructions.

I remember reading this, but I have no idea when or where this happened do you?

>Sam has nova force powers, but no other nova does at all
He also physically looks more like Rich in this cartoon than he does himself, mainly because of the reddish brown hair and green eyes which is how Rich was depicted when he debuted. At least give him brown hair and brown skin so he matches up with his USM design. It's a mess.

>At least give him brown hair and brown skin so he matches up with his USM design.

I think they don't really care at this point because supposedly the new season of GOTG they pretended the Ultimate Spider-Man cartoon never happened and reference the current ongoing Spider-Man cartoon.

He's lying his ass off, he even said in an interview that he enjoyed DnA's run but later in tweeter admitted he had never read anything GotG prior to working on the franchise (he only read Clarmeont's Star-Lord and from the looks of it he probably just skimmed it).
It was a video interview with the guy who had that failed Captain Marvel animation pitch. He talked about how he pitched, how there was some interest but ultimately Marvel Animation was a mess and it went under.

GOTG was never in continuity with USM, only Slott's show. It's Avengers that's the clusterfuck of continuity.

Third act of Brightburn was pretty kino with the horror movie perspectives that you could only get with an evil Superman type.

Sam from usm and gotg was the same character.

It showed they didn't give a fuck and I'm kind of glad Marvel Animation is done. I guess the last time that's coming out is that Maximum Venom thing with the Spider-Man cartoon. Cates consulted on that apparently, of course it's going to have his OCs and possibly Cosmic Ghost Rider.

I don't know why they don't just do what DC does and do direct to short movies about Marvel events but knowing how fucking cheap and uncreative they are they'll just do Civil War II and all of the newer stuff and if they do something like Annihilation you know they'll butcher it beyond recognition.

Disney should fucking give the Animation responsibilities to someone else.

Nope, Wacker said really early on in his Tumblr that GOTG was canon to Slott's cartoon

Avengers assemble crossed over with both spiderman shows and guardians.

It's a stupid mess

Wacker was never a competent editor.

Loeb is still a hack. Marvel Television is trash and he is responsible for Iron Fist and Inhumans getting raped.

Mantis is evil?!

John Hamm?

Loeb had nothing to do with that, that was Netflix and Perlmutter. Ultimatum was a decade ago, move on

For some reason, she was with the universal church.

Loeb literally runs Marvel Television retard, meaning he's in charge of the live action stuff.

Yes, he has too take the blame. They rushed Iron Fist (why was Iron Fist even wasted on TV in the first place) and hired Scott Buck, and gave us low budget Inhumans too. Don't forget how he kept pushing that cringe #It'sAllConnected meme despite AoS never getting referenced in the movies.

Loeb is trash even beyond Ultimatum.


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>being this upset over a corporation's capitalistic decisions

We have every right to be as consumers. I'm a fan of Iron Fist and don't like seeing that character essentially get wasted and shit upon in a low budget, angsty garbage TV show.

Loeb is a pure hack and everything he touches has been trash.

>he didn't like The Witching Hour

It’s sad that the best Marvel cartoon out now is Big Hero 6.

Movies is a Director's medium, TV is a Producer's medium. The amount of power and direction a Producer holds over a TV show is about equal to a Director on a film. Directors on TV are pretty much just there to get the work done, they don't have a lot of creative input.

How did the man who edited 52 become so shit at his job?

52 was a fluke, everyone working on it admitted as such

Taking Slott's entire run into account, I'd say Wacker was a better editor for Slott than Nick Lowe. Lowe was the one who came in on the final issue of Superior and oversaw Slott from 2014 onwards.

No fuck off nigga, Loeb ruined the Ultimate Universe, ruined Avengers EMH , ruined the Netflix shows and on and on

>not getting over something fake after ten years

>not getting over your sons death

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>groot is the last surviving member of his race that was killed off by ronan
This is not that wrong really, but uh, this show is apparently intent on making Ronan some kind of big boss? He wasn't that important even in the comics, just one of the head honchos in the Kree Empire.

>>He seems to be ignoring Cates' run though.
For good reason.
>Black Vortex
I gotta confess... When I was starting on comics (specially cosmic, which is pretty much my passion), I enjoyed the hell out of Black Vortex, and it was my only experience with Bendis' GOTG. It was pretty much nonsense and a bit of an empty story beyond powering up random people, but I dug the designs that came from there as a result.

Oh I forgot to mention, but Duggan is actually close to movie people, not exactly sure how, but he chums it with Patton Oswalt often and his indie stuff (Analog) was already optioned for a TV adaptation only 3 issues in. So there's a chance he actually does know Duggan and has read his GOTG.

This Beyonder is daddy... I want him to what, you expected some lurid fanfic in here? Nasty! all night long.

Fuck off back to your safe space fag

Were there any....children in it?

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I actually expected some hilarious insult

I think most of the Disney shows shifted from Ultimate Spider-Man to the new Spider-Man in continuity.

How is GotG by Duggan?

Fuck off,Cernovich