What is the best Batman status quo and why is it Batman Reborn?

What is the best Batman status quo and why is it Batman Reborn?

>Batman and Robin
>Gotham City Sirens
>Streets of Gotham
>Red Robin
>Steph Batgirl
>Batwoman Elegy

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>Robin gets paralyzed right in front of Gordon
>Batman just shrugs it off and says everything is cool
>Gordon is ok with this for some reason

>Steph Batgirl

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Remember the first Tomasi B&R issues where Gordon casually slapped Damian around for being a brat and the kid was like, "alright I apologize"

Batwoman Elegy>Batman and Robin>Gotham City Sirens>>Streets of Gotham>Red Robin>>Batgirl

I dunno right before the New 52 was my favorite period. You had Snyder's run on Tec, BoP, Secret Six (which had some bat villains), and Batman Inc along with B&R, Gotham City Sirens, Red Robin, and Batgirl.

That was my favorite period with the only downside being Tony Daniel's Batman run which was absolute dogshit.

Because it wasn't the almighty status quo. It felt like things were moving forward.

the morrison era was beyond blessed. we'll never have it that good again

Because you had Morrison, Rucka, and Dini directing traffic. Compare that to the losers we have now

Too bad the inconsistent art ranged from God tier to awful