Animation Dark Age

Which network went through a worse era of animation, CN or Nick?

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Nick by a long mile.

Nick probably but they're pretty tied. When something as milquetoast and shitty looking as Loud House can become acclaimed you know shits in trouble.


Why are there so many terrible cartoons on now like Victor and Valentino, The Loud House, Kid Danger, Rise of the TMNT, Apple and Onion, Craig of The Creek, Summer Camp Island, Bunsen Is A Beast NuPPG TTG NuBen 10 and Big City Greens?

>Rise of the TMNT

No better than the crap era of flash/cgi shit like Fanboy and ChumChum Fish Hooks Kick Buttowski Johnny Test Planet Sheen TUFF Puppy Almost Naked Animals MAD Robot and Monster and The Annoying Orange


Fish Hooks brought Gravity Falls
Kick Buttowski is better than the rest of the shitfest that was listed here from early 10's

>Loud House

Please neck yourself.

but he's right, this show is garbage.

True. It's been bad since like 07.

Neither. Both of them had their merits that everyone continues to overlook.

NuPPG is actually good. If you want fucked up go watch the late seasons of the original.

Nickelodeon, no contest.

Cartoon Network may have fallen hard, but at least they recovered.

>t. Neros Q

Hard to say.

Let's say they were both fireworks.

Nick is like that little fountain you buy. It fired, but it was really meh and a let down.

CN was more like the skyrocket that'd fly up, it left a BRILLIANT trail of various lights. The sheer SIZE of it promised a fuckhueg, great payoff. But it detonated and it was like a single spark without any "boom"


Nick had the low bar. CN was a bigger let down.

I wanna say CN.

>Loud House
>Rise of the TMNT
>Summer Camp Island
Shit opinion confirmed. KYS.

Have you... never watched NuPPG? I legit tried. It was terrible. Gave it five episodes. That was five too many. Fuck, so badly written, badly animated, and sometimes BADLY EDITED. That one episode where the Professor get's an indian GF that turns into a spider monster? The sound quality dropped like a rock, the music fucked up, and the colors even changed mid-way through!

CN's dark age was around 2005-2009, Nick's is still going.

No. If anything, it is almost equal.

Same shit happened in the original. Go watch the banned episode with gnomes and tell me more about colors.

Both went to shit at the same time in 2007.

Whoever designer those "unicorns" had an F- in art class. And without Bellum to reign him in, the Mayor has become Peter Griffin.

those were intentional strobe colors in an explosion.

have a clip of the scene with the spider monster

As long as they can do better than you, which they almost certainly can, that's what matters.

CN didn't have a president who blacklisted creators and cancelled shows after one season because it couldn't beat a sponge in ratings.

2005-2009 was kino fuck you

Nick didn't do that either. Shows don't get cancelled because they get beat shows from their own network in the ratings. They compete against shows from other networks.

Never forget

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I'd say CN's dark age was worse, but Nick's dark age is much longer.

It's the difference between taking a short, huge shit, or taking a long thinner shit.

Pick your poison

>Shows don't get cancelled because they get beat shows from their own network in the ratings. They compete against shows from other networks.
Yeah, no. Just see the suffering the Fairly Odd Parents had to go through after being cancelled constantly after not beating Spongebob.

Yeah, yes actually. You have fundamentally misunderstood the situation.

There aren't. You just aren't a member of the target demographic anymore.

We've been in a dark age for this medium since the turn of the millennium.

good taste. stick around

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>Shit opinion
Okay, sport.

I know. Who tf gave this dude crystal meth?