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Other urls found in this thread:


what? eye lashes go good on lionesses.

Is it racist if I can't tell the difference between the characters? And I don't just mean the VAs.

Im pretty excited for this. Nature documentary on crack. Only mouselets hate this for not being like their precious cartoons. Some of us enjoy lifelike animals

You can't call people mouselets while sucking down corporate drivel from the same company.

I'm sure little children will have a blast watching this movie not being able to tell apart the fucking characters
oh no wait it's bait for nostalgiafags only

I don't get it. What is so funny?

Fuck these prissy thots, where's mah girl Shenzi?

Attached: 1538457911848.jpg (1024x1004, 60K)

which is which

those posters look like trash, for starters this kind of poster is used to shill the actors, it is used sometimes on CGI animations because the characters look like the actors

I can tell them apart.

Not the fact it isn't a cartoon, it's that you can't fucking tell them apart

That's some impressive cognitive dissonance you've got there.

Looking at it, I think Nala is on the left and Simba is on the right. But that's after 15 seconds of staring at it.

Without google, which one is Nala and wich one is Sarabi and why?


Nala on the left Sarabi on the right because while they're both female lions Sarabi is clearly older

Nala is on the left because of a gentler and younger face and on the right Sarabi is older in looks and she got those mom eyes.

I think one is Simba?

Sarabi is on the left the whiskers are much longer

Lions is lions.


Attached: would.png (321x322, 39K)

that's literal bestiality pervert

They'll just have to call each other by their full name every two sentences like in anime. Yakuza games are full of asians, rumor has these dudes all look the same but I've never seen anyone complaining

Attached: DifficultMeagerFeline-max-1mb.gif (400x263, 1.57M)

Dumb lions.

Attached: Lion hunt failed.webm (888x500, 2.52M)

don't be so mean...


Attached: Lions vs Giraffe.webm (854x480, 2.52M)

At least it'll help a bit that adult Mufasa and adult Simba won't appear during the same scenes (aside from the part with Mufasa's ghost). And adult Nala should appear together with Sarabi only for a little while towards the end. So it'll probably be possible to figure out the characters from the context.

Attached: lions.jpg (3300x4888, 2.84M)

those are lions...

Makes them more fuckable.

Holy fuck Scar looks like trash

Attached: scar.gif (494x316, 474K)

It all looks like trash, Scar just suffers the most in the downgrade

The bottom 2 look like actual plushies rather than cubs.

His mane kinda reminds me of that "just fuck my shit up" meme.

>Lions...look similar!
I'm not sure what sort of hot take you're attempting to make OP. You'll distinguish the lions in the film by listening to their voices anyway.

You mean Sarabi and yeah I think so too

>Is it racist if I can't tell the difference between the characters?

Yes. But it's also bad design in general.

No it’s speciesist you bigot

Left is Nala right is Sarabi.
>hurdur how can you tell
Nala has a slimmer face, her eyelashes are more defined and she just looks younger all around. Sarabi has a blocky face and some her fur is lighter/aka 'going grey'.


>We can't tell who is who


Attached: 1aa815e78ea50a91209364b9d600406a.jpg (236x236, 11K)

his name was Trash in the early script

Joke's on you Disney, and I'll make it double: not only am I not going to watch the shit remake, I don't think the original is all that great to begin with (the writing falls apart when you really think about it).

How come Disney hasn’t announced Hercules remake

I thought James Earl Jones was dead.

that's sad tho

Attached: simba looks at bad thing.png (477x269, 197K)

why would they, it was the least succesful movie in the renaissance

Because the original was a clusterfuck of aesthetics. It's probably being planned but they have to rethink some parts of it.

>We will eventually get a The Princess and the Frog live action remake

Attached: 25123513613.jpg (592x372, 84K)


Attached: 5b7.png (408x399, 15K)

I'll allow it because the costumes would be amazing. In theory.

I thought Hunchback was the least successful one? Yet they announced they are making a Hunchback movie

"be prepared" SUCKS
he's not even singing

This had better be bait.

Attached: PP_56_-_Wrist_Dart.jpg (512x384, 123K)

Because Dwayne Johnson already played Hercules so their best potential Hercules has already been taken.

Hunchback made about $1 million more than Hercules.

>We will have to watch every 2d film remade live

Attached: 1554518109001.jpg (774x543, 30K)

Er I mean $100 million.


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>I can't fucking tell them apart
Ha. Ha ha. Hahahahaha!
The absolute state of Yea Forumsntrarianism!


>is it racist to say I think they all look alike?

Aw fuck. They wouldn't go that far, would they?

Let's just hope by that time they will at least learn not to RUIN THE FUCKING VILLAINS

Ironically the only two I would watch are Atlantis and Treasure Planet and they would never redo them

Atlantis has a chance, I think.

>would have to CGI the cars and the backgrounds too
I think most Pixar movies are safe from being remade because the premise of their movies are just too difficult to rework into live action.

Imagine Toy Story live action remake

Jokes on you, cats have a barbed penis.

Attached: simba.png (500x302, 53K)

Scar's real name is Taka, which means trash.

2D remake*

>live action cars
>the characters are actually played by the people in the cars
>they just never leave their vehicles and drive around to do everything in the film

why are Japanese cats so autistic?

No Eddie, not this time.

And what is funny about this?

They're a diffrent species.

Attached: 1518213995949.gif (320x320, 240K)

Disney's basically going down a checklist, starting with the renaissance while occasionally revisiting older movies to put them on Disney+ (Lady and the Tramp, Sword in the Stone) and are going to start progressing into the 2000s (Lilo and Stitch) and eventually the second renaissance.

Never happening, and once they get around to doing another Native American princess the character is probably going to be quietly shelved altogether.

Might happen but it was the biggest flop of the Renaissance, and to get it work as a remake they might have to remove everything that made it memorable.

IIRC Tarzan is public domain and there's been like five movies/series in the past decade, if this one ever does happen it won't be for awhile yet.

>Atlantis & Treasure Planet
Between the two of them I'd say Atlantis has the higher chance of getting the remake treatment but I don't think it's very likely. Atlantis did make more than TP but not a lot.

>Emperor's New Groove
Kinda like Hercules it just feels so far removed from the culture it takes place in it doesn't really fit with how "down to earth" the remakes are. Maybe if they revisit the original "Empire of the Sun" this could happen.

>the more time people spend inside cars, the more they become grafted into them
>they do not even notice

Attached: mcqueenPICOn.jpg (650x300, 48K)

>Accurate eye colors and skin tones


Given how Dumbo's eyes freaked people out it's probably best that Nala's eyes didn't stay blue. Blue eyes are creepy in 3D.

They won't do Pocahontas because it's just too problematic. They won't do Hercules, Atlantis, and TP because they flopped. They won't do Tarzan because there's been too many Tarzan movies.
If they do ENG it'll be for Yzma and will just be Maleficient 2.0

Attached: 1556936449971.png (415x485, 225K)

>sponsored by ExxonMobil

>Sarabi still looks a masculine lioness

At least they got that right.

Attached: Sarabi.jpg (480x360, 18K)

Where's the reproductive system?

They could have just mildly tinted them. They don't have to be Daniel Craig-blue.

Would they be smart enough to get Keith David back as Dr. Facilier, or would they find some way to fuck that up?

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Right here.

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>Pocahontas remake
>Never happening
user they've already got avatar land

pikachu's chinese cowboy impression is so offensive that tim's stomach ulcer practically explodes and he is unable to ask pikachu to stop being so fucking racist

In the trunk, detached?

>and once they get around to doing another Native American princess
Not native american but that already happend

Attached: Moana575e01ab6a4d1.0.jpg (1200x675, 68K)

>Only mouselets

This is probably shitposting, but you’re exited about a product from the mouse

That might actually be better though. Not much in the way of animation specific stuff there.

Avatar made a butt load of money and was just barely enough removed from the reality it was based on. Pocahontas was a real person whose life story was pretty different from what Disney tried to sell. They're never touching it again.

But you just said yourself Moana isn't Native American, so no it didn't already happen.

Someone made very detailed theories on that topic. Search for "A male Charger shows off his dominance" or "A female Prius in late pregnancy with a litter of car pups".

We wuz lions n shiet

chiwetel is the villain yet again, what the fuck disney?

He's been known as a good villain actor since "Serenity" (if you want to go even farther back, "Four Brothers").


I hope this movie flops but I just know it will make money from its effects alone.

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Looks like The Mutant from "The Funhouse".

I'd say I can't wait for this movie
But I'd be lion

Beauty and the Beast taught us otherwise

How is this acceptable?

Avatar is the pocahontas remake, is the joke

>the sequel's british spy car is just a van full of the corpses of every James Bond actor

Attached: jeremiah.jpg (1800x900, 247K)


>Eddie didn't get a role in the movie

Poor guy.

Is it weird that irl lions look more unique from each other than the artistically manufactured ones?

It was either him or a white guy for “social issuez” points. I’ll take the black people are the biggest killers of black people over the other shit.

>all lionesses look the same to me
Das r̶a̶c̶i̶s̶t̶ speciest, mang!

Attached: goddamned speciest.jpg (1185x805, 240K)

The Netflix Watership Down did a better job distinguishing its characters from one another, and that looked terrible.

Pretty sure BBC's "Pride" was better.

If they can talk, they can consent

This is what happens when they let a dumbass male participate in a hunt.

Technically, they're human-level intelligence so they can give consent. Might even be able to speak English (considering we see them do it in the films).

Not that weird if your artists are lazy or constrained by budget or some other factor.

Goddammit I thought one of those was simba

>If they can talk, they can consent
That's not even true for humans, dingus.

Attached: have_a_seat_over_there.jpg (518x505, 21K)

Just hang on, girls!! Sure, it's been 3 days, but I think it noticed us finally. 4 more days and it should start to tire.

If that were the only quality required for a good song and/or performance, Nightwish would be universally acknowledged as one of the best bands on the planet.

Oh boy cant wait for the Aristocats remake!

Attached: maxresdefault (1).jpg (1280x720, 36K)

But THESE are adults.

So the animated series is still on top in terms of adaptations?

i should rewatch this movie.

i'd...maybe be fine with this one.

i thought that was before it burnt down?

Sarabi is an adult.

Attached: The Human Chair-thumb-500x496-156873.jpg (500x496, 116K)

Mufasa-Simba-Scar could be a PSA about crack

this looks like something that would be a meme with a caption
>me and all the tasks i'm procrastinating

That makes me uncomfortable

So do these Disney remakes just come out every two months now?
Jesus Christ.

Why they made Scar less hot?

That’s been their plan.

Attached: 04BC0E2A-7B35-4EFD-95FA-C97D0F8911D0.jpg (900x474, 64K)

To give R34 artists a challenge.

Should have let the Japanese make it instead.

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>character poster for an unstylized cg lion

Are they shooting the fucking piss?

The sad thing is that this shit is going to get money like Aladdin

If anything they are preemptively laying out who is who in case people have trouble identifying between the characters in the movie.
People may subconsciously pick up certain characteristics from the posters and apply it when watching the movie. Thereby avoiding the critique that all the lions look the same.

Very well, then tell me which one of these is Simba

Scar looks like he's already 75% dead, I can't imagine Simba defeating him looking particularly heroic.


Only scar looks like... you know... a disney character.

fuck these remakes and fuck this one especially.

I think OP needs emergency medical assistance.

Nope, it means you need your eyes checked. Or you have autism.

Iffen y'all cant tell the differences between the characters...there's no help for you. But I strongly suspect that most of this is pure Disney-bashing contrarianism.

I don't know why this is the only one that doesn't annoy me, but it is.

Honestly, I might even choke down my vomit to watch a treasure planet remake, if only because the ships would look neat.

maybe it's because post ren disney wasn't slightly less focused on the art of animation, with the exception of emperor's new groove. It doesn't feel like complete blasphemy.



I've never looked forward to an adaptation of something I used to love less than I am with Artemis Fowl. I can just tell it's going to be a turd.

Just think about it, teenage fiction movie adaptations have been universally trash. Percy Jackson just got worse as it went on, Golden Compass was meh and the new one looks worse. Then you have shit like Stormbreaker and Eragon that didn't even make it past one movie before falling flat on their faces.

they literally all just look like lions. it's weird to hear you say 'characters.'

>blind mousefaggotry

go back to twitter

nope, a alpha male lion can take down a buffalo by himself
it normally takes 6 females or 4 beta males

Attached: .jpg (480x360, 35K)

If the live-action remake doesn't have an equivalent of this then you can bet that a good subsection of audience members will be disappointed.

Attached: file.png (600x325, 310K)

They're having trouble casting Herculad

Those lions don't have penises though.

>teenage fiction movie adaptations have been universally trash

what is harry potter
what is hunger games

I do agree artemis fowl is going to be garbage though. Also it's not even a property that's relevant to the people who are going to be tweens/teens when it comes out, and the people who are old enough to have read it and remember it fondly aren't typically the audience who will go see a ya adaptation in a movie theater. it'd make more sense as a netflix release.

honestly they might have been better reaching farther back an grabbing animorphs. plenty of room for an eu there.

Attached: .jpg (782x1176, 102K)

no, we're doing realism now. simba and nala will slaughter timon and pumba and then have ten seconds of hardcore lion sex with the kids in the audience cry.

They'd never get away with Herculad in a modern day society.

Actually, it was $100 Billion.

>no connective muscle tissue to the axles
It's shit.

>they literally all just look like lions
What do you expect them to look like? Woodchucks?

You need to make sense.

I can't see them doing that scene, it'd be too weird.

Attached: 1401174583654.gif (300x249, 1.92M)

Artemis Fowl, of all things should get the Pixar/3D treatment. The fairies, the underground city, cartoonish violence etc would work great.

Well, they're CG characters, so...

>not a single original title
truly the worst timeline we live in

>What do you expect them to look like

like a cg character whose character design coveys a distinct personality

google pixar or dreamworks for examples

So how wrong is Yea Forums gonna be about its success? they were already blown the fuck out by Aladins massive success

What am I looking at

Yea Forums predicts massive success, and it will be a massive success.

To be fair, most of Disney's filmography is based on some previous work.

It's going to be a massive financial success, that much is forgone

but people on Yea Forums aren't economists. those of us who aren't paid shills posting from a cellphone farm are comic and cartoon fans. the art of 2d animation is important to a lot of us, and beauty and the beast, aladdin, tlk, etc. are masterworks of 2d animation. Considering that the art has most died out and the people who have mastered it are in their 80s+, the original films are precious in a way since there won't be more like them.

when people make these fucking abominations, they're basically giving the entire artform the finger. they're not acknowledging that while characters and story were important, the thing that made those films incredible was the interplay of character design, color, sound, and movement.

The style of the animation wasn't put into place because the animators didn't know how to draw realistic lions. It was used because of an understanding of what style is for. The remakes shit on all that, and this one is particularly bad, because it isn't even trying to reach for a style of its own. It doesn't have to be shit, but they're forcing it to be.

Finding the harmony of visuals and movement is so much more impressive and beautiful than sinking billions of dollars into figuring out who to make a photorealistic cg lion.

Fuck these remakes.

also yes I am definitely autistic.

I hate disney and I think those remakes are as soulless as they can get HOWEVER, lion king is one of my favorite animated movies, so I need to watch it, especially if they put the "be prepared" song

Uh, how? They're meant to be realistic lions and lionesses. How is Nala supposed to make that face?

this is the origin of furfag face

Attached: 1362918cbcf70ba68ccb495bbda38e2d_original.jpg.jpg (680x453, 78K)

I mean, all their legs are shorter than western ones

Did they give LIONS fucking masacara wings, good god....

they'll definitely keep that in the movie.

What Eddie Redmayne sees every night in his imagination.

Attached: Eddie-Redmayne.jpg (500x283, 96K)

You mean this time they might actually make it good?

Honestly, an Atlanta: the Lost Empire live remake could actually work really well because most of the characters/creatures are either humans or robots/statues. If they don't do that, they're just wasting money.

Are these different characters or the same one?

That is what a lion’s eyes look like.

They normally have eyelashes, don't they?

Attached: lioness-cubs-steal-camera-wildlife.jpg (1184x670, 254K)

One is Simba’s mom and the other is Nala.


Terrible choice, she can barely speak right let alone act.

It's obvious that one lioness is Sarabi. She always looked masculine, like a tomboy if you gave that individual a maternal personality.

another one for my food blog

Shahadi is a good choice though. She was great in the horror movie "US", having a dual role.

Are they saying that lions are black people.

she was in that animated 'epic' movie, right?

But even real life is more animated than this?

Attached: source.gif (500x282, 2.72M)

Are you saying that? Because I don't see a question mark.

I really don’t see quite what you’re talking about describing her as “masculine.” She does look kinda distinct, though, but for some reason she reminded me more of a black lady than a mannish lady or a tomboy.

why not have it like this? I see no downside.

Attached: 1522787331.anisis_hunters[1].jpg (707x1000, 386K)

James Earl Jones is still alive?

"the living chair" a short manga based on a famous short nippon horror novel.

gene simmons must be spinning in his grave.

what's he gonna do? make a tornado?

lol, who the fuck is who?

Scar concept art

Attached: tumblr_o1r95ix5Yo1qlh2voo7_500.png (500x240, 253K)

Beauty and the Beast had to deal with Emma Watsons bullshit, the other outfits were great

Artemis fowl is coming out this year?
Oh shit it looks like shit

Ya know what, I actually wouldnt mind that, Princess and the Frog had a lot of good potential but the story was clunky, a live action version could straighten the story out a bit better.
But then again, this is Live Action Disney, they'll only do so much.

Attached: 1503362294077.png (560x407, 12K)

>Mousedrones are this pathetic

Nala is on the left because I already saw the named poster
Sarabi also has white fur around the eyes, that typically pops up in older animals.

As a character designer, it's obvious left is simbas chicka and right is simbas mom, you'd have to be blind not to see it.

Attached: mickey_mouse.jpg (345x323, 17K)

So, you want a cartoon Lion King. There already is one of those.

That's right. Dead serious about going to Itchy and Scratchy Land.

What, afraid they make it even more boring somehow? Turds like this are perfect for a remake.

I'm way ahead of you, user!

Attached: 1520684174974.jpg (1600x2707, 769K)


I for one hope Disney makes a Robin Hood remake and furpill an entire generation.

Attached: 1510074677.inktiger_maidmarion1366x768_copy.png (1000x562, 782K)

no but we will be getting a live action tangled

>Lion King is my favourite movie
>that's why I need to support a soulless remake that shits all over the original

someone post that test, yall know what i'm talking about

How come all the voice actors are black?

Will this be the case in any further Disney movies?

I'd rather it been black people in tribal bullshit then some NatGeo rip off.

Attached: ctrl_v.png (440x375, 146K)

Why did they take out Scar's glorious black mane? What the hell.

That, Treasure Planet, and Princess and the Frog I honestly wouldn't mind seeing live action

Of course they'd probably ruin Kida's look at the ayy lmaos in Treasure Planet would be uncanny af

because the animals are african and casting non-black people would be white-washing

>Got toasted by lighting
That's supremely metal but wouldn't fit with Irons' performance imo. He's too poofty

>Yea Forums throwing a shitfit over the prospect of having to use the slightest bit of brain function to tell characters apart
How fucking dare you make me speak in defense of a gisnep live action remake you daft cunts

you're trolling is too obvious

I will say I did see that first Alice live action remake thing. I was cautious about it but it was the first Alice thing in like, ever.

I didn't however see the second because fuck that after what they did to my homegirl.

>That scene where Tiana and Navine are flung into Charolette's big dress
My dick is intrigued.

kids go to bed, you shouldn't be aloud on this site.
18 and over is the limit, we can't allow children in here.

So they're saying that blacks are animals?

Harry Potter was for literal children, it wasn't teen fiction. You got me with Hunger games though, that was pretty decent even if Jennifer Lawrence took a movie and a half to learn how to emote.

Why the fuck aren't they the same colours as they were in the animated movie? I get wanting to make them realistic but this is just fucking retarded.

this fucking sucks, now the Can You Feel the Love Tonight scene is going to be not hot

>struck by lightning
>your brother gets to rule instead


These new movies have more art and artists in them than the old ones. Let that sink in

Waste of talent, imo.

>I am TECHNICALLY right, so I'm right
Oh, and another user btw.

This is why God has abadoned us.

Remember when Disney gave a shit about presentation?

Why? Atlantis and Treasure planet's styles/animation were the best things about them, stripping them away just leaves you with a below average story.

Post cute lion webm

Attached: 1553403369070.webm (600x360, 514K)

Or cool tiger webm

Attached: 1558171201960.gif (290x242, 996K)

Fuck that was a gif

Disney doesn't want to admit she exists because she's harder to monetize for little girls.

But they made Zootopia.

what does zazu look like

>You will see a live action remake of pic related with Billy Eichner as a realistic, bipedal CGI dog wearing human clothes in your life time.

Attached: teachers_pet_xlg.jpg (1013x1500, 272K)

Everything about the new films are more artistically robust. Y'all nostalgiafags need to fucking wake the fuck up.

The very fact that they are shot for shot remakes that only exist for nostalgia baiting cash out of boomers' wallets makes them pointless soulless bullshit, user. All these artists' efforts are wasted on corporate cash grab.

These movies have more artists in them in the same way Subway commissions more (sandwich) artisans than the effort to rebuild Notre Dame

>trying to ape reality
>more artistically robust
# of polygons isn't a measure of art, Disney shill.

first one returns nothing on Google, 2nd one is low res on me.me. Got a high res somewhere or know the artist?



>live action Teacher's Pet
>realistic bipedal CGI dog wearing human clothes
No, reality would not possibly be that kind if they actually did that

Attached: meow.jpg (1122x802, 201K)

If only it was as simple as that. Spoken like a true faggot.

I would rather be a true faggot than defend Disney at this point.

Wow, you're comparing all these skilled artists from all over the world, who spent years crafting their skills in their fields, became recognized for it and partook in multi-million dollar projects to Subway Sandwich makers.

You truly are lost Anakin.

Well, I'm not defending Disney. I'm defending the artists who worked countless weeks, months and years on these projects perfecting every goddamn detail you will never in your 80 year life will think about when you look at that stupidass screen.

>replicate realism
choose one and only one dipshit

I think you are personally invested somehow...

Again, spoken like a true faggot.

Art has many fields and it has evolved into so much bigger than what it was in the early 90s. Replicating realistic materials, lighting and textures is an incredible and time staking artistic feat.

Of course, you as a prime incel would think it is not. We love to criticize, but don't even construct our thoughts properly before we say shit like this.

>The older looking lion is the older lion
Gee that wasn't so hard. Have you ever seen an old animal before?

Yeah i'm waiting on my Disney Direct Deposit currently.

What bullshit?

And this is why the females do most of the hunting. The male had no clue what he was doing.

>David Cronenberg's Cars

What the Christ

> ten seconds of hardcore lion sex

Over and over for like two days.

Lions fuck like 300 times in a span of 3-4 days.

Attached: rapist.jpg (373x306, 20K)

the circle would be complete

Attached: srfQGYLvEkOpm9pxXCkIUGTMhWN.jpg (1000x1500, 270K)

Why can't I find the clitoris?

kek, underrated

It's a fucking entertainment product from one of the biggest corporations. Fuck of with your hard work artist bullshit, they were paid to do the work and I will ciritze it how much I want too.

Yea Forums and falling for astonishingly obvious bait
Name a more iconic duo

I'm giving a standing ovation in tears to the guys who worked 40 hours a week for a year modelling the most photorealistic piece of literal human feces ever made

this will make 1 bajillion dollars.

Attached: Azathoth.jpg (1280x914, 402K)

He was Darth Vader in Rogue One.

Which was a good performance, yet I am still angry the film was recut.

Why does 2d have to be so much better than 3d in everyway?

Attached: bedroom eyes nala.png (997x292, 145K)

Attached: psa.jpg (640x688, 107K)

I think you misspelled Yea Forums in your post.

Unlike Moana, Pocahontas is based on an already problematic legend. And I'm not so sure Disney can sell Native American stories to the public after The Lone Ranger debacle.

Both are public domain, and public domain stuff doesn't sell these days. Just look at the non-Disney versions of the last films that were made.

Would be interesting if they tried going full balls-to-the-wall Nadia/Blue Water remake.

I don't watch Soi Wars, so I had no clue Darth Vader was even in that one.

>The Lone Ranger debacle.
which is stupid because Depp is a member of the tribe

normally you can see so many emotionless and the same looking animal faces only in EVERY LIVE ACTION ANIMAL DOCUMENTATION.

I dunno, gronk sounds like consent to me.

>Donald Glov-
Not that I was gonna watch it anyway.

>No best friend lioness
Fucking bullshit!

Attached: god_left.jpg (600x434, 23K)

>Disney churns out remake after remake
>just when it gets to the point where people get tired of them, it's the treasure planet turn
>massive flop
>Disney learns nothing again

Attached: sadfleck.gif (206x159, 1.74M)

>Both are public domain, and public domain stuff doesn't sell these days. Just look at the non-Disney versions of the last films that were made.
Beauty and the Beast and Aladdin are public domain.

>problematic legend
There is nothing problematic about it, it's just fiction through and through. If anything the problematic part is how Disney treated Ratcliffe.

These are adult lions fag

If they're human level intelligence and they're consenting adults they're fair game. Nothing says you only have to fuck apes, and I'll ignore anything that does.

>Live action Atlantis
Isn't that just Stargate?

I just mean Sarabi always looked a bit more like a lion than a lioness in design, due to her facial features. I approve of this BTW.

>Scar appears
>Scar roars menacingly
>Mufasa pokes him
>Scar falls over

Treasure Planet is near perfect as it is.

What did you call that thing that allowed you to have sex with a specie that is not your own if they could speak your language, was of mating age, and was sentient?

Yes, it had Rarara on the pic, as well.


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>thousands of bugs splatting against your eyes when you try to move.

Wow so this is how the world functions? You get ridiculed to high heavens and you still don't fucking stop? Wow, Disney are some stubborn bastards.

I imagine they'll say a wounded or sixk lion is more dangerous but unless scar is going to gut Simba as they fight it probably wom't have the same impact.

I think its more that they are clueless. The naysayers are dismissed. They are believing that this uncanny valley CGI will take if they can land a few good hits like with 2d and the 90s.

Is there porn and reviews of animal penises feel like? For science of-ofcourse

Maybe I'd watch it if Gilbert Gottfried voiced Zazu.

Kinda, but boring as fuck. Stargate was actually good. At least before the spinoff. Then I lost interest once I saw the Wraith were not trying to procreate with humans.

>No tying up the loose end of showing some lionesses supporting Scar as mentioned in the sequel...

This is their chance to rectify that shit and explain Zira, but noooooo...

Even worse when you find out that varied and black-maned lions do exist (see pic related and GIF in )...

Attached: s-l300.jpg (300x269, 14K)

>I will say I did see that first Alice live action remake thing
That is also only one out of all these remakes i have seen too.

From what I've been told, lions with black manes are supposed to be unironic super lions or some shit so it supposedly wouldn't make sense for Scar to actually have one if he's a bitch and an outcast

They're supposed to be superhot to lionesses, somehow.

You should watch Cinderella and Jungle Book, they are the only ones worth seeing.

Scar looks like an orc from the Hobbit. Ew.

>blonde lions

Artemis Fowl is going to be shit because Disney can't have a movie with a villain protagonist, They're going to butcher the shit out of his character.
>You are not prepared for the truth
The point of the book is that he was prepared.
>Butler played by a black actor
His name is fucking Domovoi, also great idea making the servant family black.
>Commander Root gender swapped
Ruins his dynamic with Holly.

Not gonna happen. Greece was pissed off at the Las Vegas influence and removing that would turn the movie in something completely different, which Disney wouldn't want since they rely heavily on the nostalgia factor

Holy shit imagine being a mouseshill.

This picture furpills me right now.

Damn I thought it was Nala and Simba

Attached: lion kill.webm (718x404, 2.31M)

Attached: Lion v buffalo.webm (1280x720, 2.91M)

Attached: lions hunt.webm (888x500, 3M)

>Because the original was a clusterfuck of aesthetics.
In what way

Wildebeest aren't very smart, are they?

The look like LIONS?!
Oh fuck i'm so ouraged right now! Grrrr!

Pathetic OP, pathetic.

Based bait

I'll never be able to look at this face and not hurt.
That is the face of a man that desperately wants to leave a conversation he's utterly trapped in.

Stop having sex with animals, you degenerate.

Attached: 1463187803741.png (160x224, 6K)

Real world Black haired lions are extremely healthy, exceptionally strong and the best choice to female lions to mate with, it wouldn't make sense to give scar a black mane when he's so skinny and weak

wowe the faggotrey

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Spoken like a true rapefag

If you're going to post like a faggots at least stop putting a space between the post number and the text.

>Holly is some white girl instead of a dark-skinned shorttank

this blatant propaganda

Holy shit I though sarabi was just people misspelling simba
who the fuck is this?


The only interesting thing I could see them doing is changing the final battle to the original concept where Simba is thrown off the rock but survives while Scar is engulfed by the rising flames.

Attached: 6.png (237x275, 62K)

Simba's mom, you uncultured lovely person

So how long till we get a live action remake of the live action remakes?

they'll remake tangled and moana and the new elf film first

Will animals talk to each other or it will be just a film without saying any words?

They have voice actors.

Attached: 1505262405098.jpg (506x516, 94K)

They're never gonna be able to make this CGI nightmare that fabulous.

They need to stop bringing that guy on hunts.

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Attached: Lion has a bad time.webm (818x460, 2.36M)

I've never thought about the fact that wild animals could get seizures too.


the one with the small ears is simba, the one with less hair is nala

This is a cartoon Lion King, retard.

Nope, it's Nala and Simba's mom


you mean Disney's blatant propaganda.
in lions mane color indicates health and strenght/power, the darker the better. That is just a fact of life.
Which means that Disney is lying to advance an agenda.

>Atlanta: the Lost Empire

Attached: 1502676392247.jpg (1250x1080, 99K)

>When the shrooms you ate suddenly hits you

Ruins it because of the retarded weeb "monstergirl." Here's the actual one.

Attached: Harkness_Test.png (1051x1393, 132K)

how long until the remake with people in costumes?
Not like a fursuit, just like a pelt over their bod but still showing their human face



Can't wait for Home on the Range live action

this reminds me

Attached: i-KTF9Jx5-1050x10000.jpg (1050x526, 244K)

what the fuck happened?

I finally found the kind of person who subscribes to cosmiclife's patreon

Attached: c5075b0e6e7133a8a678d1b30330dab2.jpg (523x800, 76K)

daily reminder the harkness test is not rooted in any actual scientific study and is just nerdlets holding up a meme as if it were actual law

Yeah. And it should have stayed that way. "One" being the key word.

>Maybe if they revisit the original "Empire of the Sun"
God, I wish

>tfw when I used to talk to this guy before he got into the car shit
The ball seemed to start rolling once he watched Stephen King's Christine.

You think he and his wife do TLK-themed roleplay?

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>the Pixar/3D treatment
The surreal-like graphic novels convinced me they'd be better done not in that kind of animation.

The only good thing that came from the trailer is the song - and that's not even the superior version of it:

Donald Sutherland is best boy.

I would mount her.

Daily reminder that everyone knows that,

Attached: fuck it anyway you nerd.gif (1080x1398, 135K)

>having doubts about it

Attached: 6-2-2019 21.2.45 1.jpg (988x675, 50K)

I dont mind to have her as my feral mommy


Attached: 1-2-2019 0.2.50 1.jpg (1275x694, 76K)

she looks like she gets petted by humans

you know they will ruin Maid Marian femininity in current decade.

She'd make a good mama.

Likewise. Nala is alluring.

a milf from the savannah, a man "eater"

read the book

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There was an epidemic of canine distemper that made the jump to lions, iirc. Not sure if the video is related to that or to an epileptic lion.

Disney saw this


and thought "We can do it better...but we can't create anything original for shit, so let's just re-do The Lion King."

Attached: 1528327749106.jpg (800x628, 72K)

Simba's MILF mom, of course.

That's a very expansive definition of "cartoon" you're implying there. What's happening in this movie is much more like special effects, imnsho.

I'm certainly not the man who cares; I have not, and likely will not, see any of the wretched live-action remakes -- although, Lion King is the only one that even tempts me. I am so fond of SFX sorcery.

Welp, this will get fun fast.

You know what you can do with a cartoon? Draw them different colors.

No one is going to be able to tell any lions apart but Simba.

>james earl jones is the only returning cast member
give this movie all the shit you want, at least they got the one and only.

Sarabi has one intense gaze.

Attached: Sarabi.png (1017x1026, 982K)

Why cant they just recast him and use it to make some reference and jokes about that terrible movie?
Deadpool did it and worked

Well duh, why do you think Kovu didn't have a father?

Well, in actual law, you can't fuck any fictional creature regardless of sapience or age, because they're FICTIONAL.

Jordan Peterson is a comedy goldmine.


rogue one was actually pretty decent

I hope he laughs with his comparison to kermit, because I love the guy but for fuck sakes that shit is funny.
>Im naught...im naught dewin it

Do you have face blindness?

I want to pet them!

Wait.... I have barely been paying attention to any of this, but wasn't Dumbo in released in like April, Aladdin in May and now this is July?

Christ they're blowing through their load while people are still buying this garbage. In 2 years they won't have any prestige IPs left.

Male lions are notoiously fucking useless for anything that isn't breeding his mate(s)

nerve gas

Completely bullshit. A fantasy of inversion with only a distant relationship to facts. Male lions are, like many male animals, far more physically imposing than their female counterparts. They are just as capable of stalking and hunting and will do so to great success as exiled young males without a pride. Male pride leaders do not (usually) hunt because they are making sure their presence is known to any potential usurper males and defending their territory from said males by force if they get too bold.

>Hunger Games
>not trash

I think Peterson actually retweeted that video, so he obviously liked it.

So yeah are Rescue Rangers going to be actual animals like this or like basedmunks and g-force, the meta comment is like the most mysterious fucking thing

Attached: NUWk5yB.png (640x640, 987K)

>the thing that made those films incredible was the interplay of character design, color, sound, and movement

This. This is why I have no intention of watching the Aladdin remake (aside from bullshit changes), didn't really watch Cindy, BatB, etc.

This is Yea Forums. We LOVE cartoons. Fuck live action.

no, they simply employed more workers to make

100% pissed buffalo would ram the lion until its body looks like a fucking dalmatian.

>All of this evolution only to resort to making a detail for detail remake of a 20 year old movie

It's even sadder when you frame it like that, user. Now you just look like a giant faggot.

Scar supposedly got his scar from an angry buffalo.

Attached: scar.jpg (1017x1330, 339K)

Is this the current CGI thread, apparently we need a CGI general to include all these "live action" movies and the other shit nobody really wants to see in more than one thread

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That male lion needs to get the fuck back in the kitchen.

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So, center is Sarabi. I'm guessing right is Sarafina (since I remember Nala having bright eyes).

so are we in the "lift photos and footage directly from national geographic" phase of cgi movies

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I really want them to go with what they wanted tho

the only problem with this is it lacks lips

>>live action quasimodo
Oh god.

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eh, probably they'll just kind of half ass it and make an above average looking guy hunch over, and staple a lumpy prosthetic addition over one of his eyes as his stage makeup

I see no difference between them except the one on the right is slightlier harier?

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beauty is in the inside

Attached: hunch.gif (500x335, 997K)


They're saying that Africans are black. Lions are Africans.

It's Herby.

Yzma's voice actress died though. It won't be the same.
I thought the person who owns Tarzan won't let Disney touch the IP anymore because of Kingdom Hearts?

What did KH do that Disney didn't, Greystoke was the best anyway

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>tfw 2d nala is sexier

After the death of Mufasa she has been seen near the human camp frequently

not the females

>large wild cat best friend

Attached: 1451193853564.webm (640x640, 1.5M)

No one said life was fair user.

truly born in the wrong timeline

Attached: 1504043863471.webm (720x720, 2.88M)

So then why doesn't Mufasa have the darker mane then, if this is the reason they changed Scar's appearance?

Finally someone who knows what theyre talking about. But why do so many people here get off to this idea that male lions are useless?

So much of this.
2d animation has never been appreciated and it strikes me as odd. People love CGI and how it can look so realistic. But to me, that's fucking boring. I could go to any zoo and see a real life lion for the same price as going to a movie to see CGI realistic-like lions (I don't see how people think it's more mature than the cartoon version when we know lions can't talk as humans nor emote as us, so it's always going to look goofy or uncanny).

You know what I can't see normally in real life? Paintings fucking moving, brought to life from a standstill. That to me why I appreciate the medium so much, it's always incredible.

absolute chad that giraffe

Even a little bit of stylization would've gone a long way.

I hate vorefags

Why do girls like Canons so much?

and you will notice that movie feature a boy fox not a girl fox. And everyone really wants to fuck him

With Minnie driver. I remember watching that and pretending it was the Lion King. Its basically Simba's Pride. Which of all the Disney sequels is like the most well liked. I have seen girls flip their shit over defending that movie even though its shit written by Josh Window. I think its cause it Kovu is the badboy beast archetype that turns woman on.

Watch the play. You get to see Simba's black beautiful rippling abs

Lion's incisors aren't pointy like that. They also point outward not inward.

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Would Scar having his original colors really have been too much to fucking ask?

you know what, props to dat bitch. You can't say she didn't want it

Wait is that The Smooze? Who the hell would want to fuk dat?


That flat chest

Is that the masturbating bear from Conan O'Brien?

There's spiky cat dildos

In primitive African cultures that would make Scar a shaman. Part of becoming a shaman is that you have to have had a near death experience. Usually it's childhood sickness but being struck by lightning would certainly qualify.

They would turn Marian into a feminist cunt because that's what Disney does now.

Attached: 68575442.jpg (679x720, 257K)

>disney buys fox
>still no Anastasia remake planned in the next ten years
Just why?

Why does it feel so racist that they assume all lions are black?

>Disney actually managed to resist making Scar a white lion with an orange mane who says things like "Make the Pridelands great again"

I guess insisting on all of the lions having black voice actors for whatever fucking reason was enough to meet their politics quota.

According to law there's no determination about sentient beings that are not human and whether or not you can fuck them.

I'm pretty sure this is Simba and Nala but I couldn't tell you which was which

Is this Kabier?


Was it the acid?


uhhh who?

Scar yelled it, very memorable

Nala's rival who wanted to get Simba drunk and mate with him to get pregnant.

Attached: 7876.jpg (3377x5000, 3.9M)

it's supposed to be Muk but yea, it looks like him (and now I have his song in my head)

I love the classics, they never get old

Why haven't they shown the hyena's yet? Or is there promo material i just havent seen?

The trailer showed them briefly.

well at least they look like real hyenas for a change.
inb4 you ask, i didn't watch the trailer cause I dont have any intention of watching this movie. I just made myself sound even dumber.

She didn't want to wear a corset, but that still doesn't excuse the shitty dress.



we love our useless sitcom dads

-Hyena fandom propaganda(muh yeens, muh hunting statistics motherfucka)
-Unironic radfems interpreting nature to suit their narrative in the human world
-Wimpy or antisocial men who do not understand that competition with other males and predators is a real and important thing

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That's eyeliner though, which is even worse.

Where the fuck do you see that, those are just normal eyelashes, maybe a bit larger than usual.

timon a cute

>that casting
please flop hard

Literally impossible.

Anything that isn't capeshit flops nowadays, not even detective pikachu did as good as expected. Maybe there's a chance.


>to get it work as a remake they might have to remove everything that made it memorable
It's a Marvel movie that's also a musical, why on earth would they have to change anything? The villain even quips!

What is it with vorefags overrendering mouths.
I'm looking at you Boogie.

.Right is Simba's daughter.

it's fun playing the "when a fetish artist tries to draw sfw art" game and guessing what their fetish is

That's cheating, you told. I thought one was Simba and the other Nala.

Simba is a male. Males have manes. How can you be so fucking retarded?

She's not dead in Simba's Pride...she just left with the humans so her heats wouldn't cause...problems.

...we ain't looking at her chest, bro...kitty's spread-eagle.

I still don't understand why they're doing this movie.

Do you live in a communist utopia? They do it for the money.

I don't think you actually saw the animated movie. Who do you think Scar yells for near the end to bitch at about all the hyenas being hungry?

He just mispronounces Simba.

But that was the best Pokemon movie ever. Wow.

He's attracted to lionesses and doesn't understand it. Bro, just admit it to yourself: they have pretty eyes.

They do, but faggots around here will bitch about everything.

wtf is artemis fowl?

Some young adult novel. I never read it but it was on the recommended shelf of every bookstore I went to for a long time and it had a nice cover.