Are any of you MCUfags actually excited for the widow movie?
Are any of you MCUfags actually excited for the widow movie?
I’m intrigued that they’re going to focus on non linear stories for their movies. In all fairness she deserved to have her solo film first, but i dog popcorn flicks. So why the hell not?!
I don’t really like spy movies
I actually like Black Widow as a character, but no MCU movie after Endgame will get my attention.
Not really, they should do this after iron man 2, what could be playing David Harbour ? taskmaster?
This movie should have happened a long time ago.
That's the endgame hair, hope shes resurrected and its not a prequel
>watching mcu after endgame
lol no
She's dead, user. Time to move on.
No, but that will possibly change once the trailer comes out.
It depends, is it about ScarJo training and sexually initiating a young Russian spy as the new Black Widow?
Yes. Depends on how good of a spy movie it looks like. I don't like her "sticks". Keep it only using guns and I'll watch it.
>not an origin story
>no loli widow
>no punk hawkguy
my gripes. I'm still looking forward to it since Marvel is the only one studio that makes good superhero movies
Nah, unless it has really outstanding writing it’ll be a step down from what’s come before. And I don’t watch MCU movies expecting good writing.
>Not really, they should do this after iron man 2
They planned many things but they got obstacles in the way (Perlmutter, IronMan sucess, studio still wary of weird comic concepts,etc).
In some alternate timeline we probably got War Machine, Nick Fury movies for Phase 1 and Captain Marvel, Black Panther and The Runaways for Phase 2
ugh she's all frumpy and washed out now. this wouldve been tolerable with a fresh scar jo
It might be good if they just do some cool spy shit
She looked good in Endgame
>ugh she's all frumpy and washed out now.
>hyuck 2/10 would not bang
They decided to make this film after endgame?
>Taskmaster villain
>teams up with Bucky
>Soul realm exploration
Damn that bitch is ugly.
What the fuck is this transphobic shit
If her film don't make a billion like Captain Marvel did it will embarrass ScarJo and Widow fans to no end.
Will it?
Excited? not really, but if there's a female MCU protag that deserves it it's her, she's been a key component since IM2 why it took this long is a suprise
>why it took this long is a suprise
>34 years old
What happened?
Her ass looks way bigger. One could argue she may be wearing a diaper.
Am I excited for a movie that people have been wanting for a decade that has to live in the shadow of Cap 2 and 3, is a prequel (or side story depending on how you see it) because they just got finished killing the character off, and probably has a major reason behind its development being to introduce a legacy character in order to build a new franchise? Not really.