The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance

Will it be good?

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It'll be shit.

> resistance


Looks like a mix of CGI and live puppetry. I remembered reading that it would be 100% CGI so I'm pleasantly surprised.

Still, it doesn't mean it'll be good. At the very least it will be good but not as great as the original movie. Speaking of which, is that even available on Netflix?

More Skeksis is never a bad thing.

Didn't the movie mention the resistance?

For a brief moment I thought that logo was Pirates of Dark Water. Now I feel sad.

Not that I recall. Still a dumb title.

Shame on you OP! You should know better than to post such triggering material here. What's next you're going to tell us one of the main characters isn't white?

I mean, at least one of the Gelflings look pretty white.

Look good so far.

It actually seems to have puppetry, so there is that.

They aren't even human!

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Oh shit "urban" gelflings would automatically rocket this to wulin Warrior tier. I want this to happen now.

>next you're going to tell us one of the main characters isn't white?
I don't think it is even human.

Cutoffs between wonky puppet movements to fluid cgi animations looks really weird to me.
But quality and amout of work put into puppets and environments is really cool

Same difference.

The director has stated there's no CGI other than to greenscreen out puppeteers. I'm doubtful of that though.

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oooooh is that a puppet :O

There's a green one now.
Can puppets be uncanny valley? Obviously they're not human, but they're weirdly lifelike.

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There definitely has to be some CGI in there, but otherwise I would take it to mean that every scene is shot with as much Real as possible.

Will they also make the original available on Netflix ? It's about damn time I actually see it. I actually got to see Labyrinth just 2 to 3 years after it came out, but Dark Crystal always eluded me somehow.

why not just right now?

Visually it looks amazing. I'll check it out but I'm going in with low expectations

I am technically still studying for my exams.

Somehow watching the trailer is just thought "there is going to be a looooot of porn"

I want some devoted fan out there to make actual replica puppets and make genuine puppet porn.

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I'm impressed with the effort on the visual front and I can't decide if the story will be shit. Maybe I can get a little optimistic for this.

Even if it's not amazing I'm all for supporting high effort puppeteering and backing away from CGI a bit.

I hope they won't show gelflings as babbling retards as Henson did in the real movie and we could see some action.

I'm cautiously optimistic as I am with most things. Netflix has had a good run with me recently so I think there is a good chance that it will be good. Additionally as a fa/tg/uy I know there is a ton of background info and worldbuilding that was done before the first movie was even made so I know there is a lot to draw from.

We'll see.

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Why do people have such a boner for the dark crystal anyway? I thought it was just sort of okay.

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Why the fuck do you need non-humans? That is fucking furshit and I think all media should be stripped completely of races that aren’t human.

>Not Jim Henson
Not a good sign.
>Made for streaming instead of theatrical.
Not a good sign.
>Prequel of children's movie that needs to have a bad end.
Not a good sign.
>Made during Disney's era of special-effects-overload.
Not a good sign.

Because the Skeksis and the Garthim were fucking amazing. Now get in my sack.

>>Not Jim Henson
>Not a good sign.
If they had Jim Henson, it would be a supremely bad sign. What are they gonna do, puppeteer his corpse?

>>Not Jim Henson
He is dead, Jim. and if you watch the trailer, you see he is still credited, so there is that. Now what we should look into is whether or not the current people who do the muppet show and Sesame stret are helping.
>>Made for streaming instead of theatrical.
It's a series, not a movie and it's not indicative of anything
>>Prequel of children's movie that needs to have a bad end.
Nothing require that.
>>Made during Disney's era of special-effects-overload.
It's literal puppetry the fuck are you on ?

Why did you made a post where most of your complains are made-up ?

A show relying on actual necromancy would either be the greatest or worst thing ever.

>That hmmmmm at the end

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The trailer looks like they tried to re-imagine the Star Wars prequel era.

That's actually incredibly cool

Depends on if you get a reputable Necromancer to do the job.
Those Union cucks wouldn't know a femur from a funny bone.

Actual puppetry makes me excited so I'm onboard. Looks like it's got heaps of soul.

I'm looking forward to seeing the old emperor in action. I always wondered how he kept those other treacherous fucks in line and even on his deathbed it looked like he could still strike the fear of god into them with a mean look and a hiss.

I wonder if it's shot digital or on film. Sure looks like it's shot digital.

Same, I'm beyond hyped to see more of what the dynamic was like for them overall. is right, I watched the original movie as a kid and was blown away by how fearsome the skeksis and the garthim were. I don't give two fucks about the gelflings.

My body is fucking ready!

What did you guys think about the fact the original movie wasn't gonna have spoken dialogue in English?

>Now what we should look into is whether or not the current people who do the muppet show and Sesame stret are helping.
Nope, the only Muppet performer, and the only person working on this series who also worked on the original movie, is Louise Gold. Brian and Lisa Henson don't like working with their father's friends and colleagues, but they're more than happy to exploit his franchises.

Whilst the Gelfing were easily the weakest component of the original film, it makes sense to portray things from their perspective as it makes the Skeksis and their minions seem that much more frightening.

I'm looking forward to the prospect of the Skeksis not bring utter invalids and being able to be physically active/capable.

Ambitious, but obviously a doomed idea for a mass-market studio venture.

Might have worked nowadays with generations of kids consuming foreign media and reading subtitles, but back then it was a bit much.
Still I personally liked the idea, it'd make the world that much more alien.

It's the intent behind it, people around here tend to enjoy that over a 'by the books, can't fail to appeal to the masses' film.

The Frouds are also working on the series though.

Time to draw new Gelflings.

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>Ends up having more nudes and sex scenes than GoT, but it's fine because they're puppets.

Oh boy, can't wait for more nude Skeksis

Ah, the Rango of it's day.

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If we don't get any good skeksis-on-gelfling monster porn out of this like in my /d/ hentais then what was the point of it all.

Gelflings are inexplicably all into fisting.

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I don't give a shit how my stories start, I want to see how they move forward.

There is a whole fucking deal of backstory, for Dark Crystal.

This is the feeling before Phantom Menace came out. In a decade or two you'll finally get a sequel, but it will be soulless cash grab of constant noise and motion.


That's a weird scene.

The Dark Crystal concludes with the Skeksis remerging with their Uru counterparts and departing the world forever.

There's no satisfying sequel story that can emerge from that.

This. It'd be a mistake since the Skeksis were more entertaining than the main characters.

Stupid title. Ignores mythos - it's not about resistance, it's about acceptance. That said:

>CGI looks good
>Puppets look amazing, though their handling is utter shite if the trailer is accurate. The little green chick barely moves, zero nuance.

The "resistance" surely refers to the Gelfing race attempting to survive the genocidal plans of the Skeksis.

Again, we already know what happens. They'll shoehorn in some Mcguffin that has no bearing on the story itself. The whole point was that the Skeksis could not be resisted. The Gelflings were helpless.

If you want to impress me, make the fucking thing 1000 years in the past during a Gelfling civil war, or the backstory of Aughra, or something actually interesting. Prequels are inherently boring because there's no dramatic tension. Everyone knows how the story is going to end, so whatever happens inbetween doesn't really matter. I doubt very much the universe of Dark Crystal will be extended or improved by the addition of three characters who are going to die and have no bearing on the original plot.


Those sluts.

They made the Power of the Dark Crystal sequel script that Genndy was attached to into a comic book and it was only just okay, and part of that was that they contrived a way to bring the Skeksis and Mystics back for a story that didn't really need them.

Rebuild the world without either of them around. Literally almost any story could be placed within that world.

Power of the Dark Crystal already nerfed the Gelfling Genocide by having Jen and Kira ruling over a rebuilt Gelfling Civilization that had no hint of some Adam and Eve incest babies shit.

Resistance is probably gonna set up for a Gelfling Exodus to explain how the sequel script/comics came to their conclusion.

The Skeksis were the sole blight on the land.

There will be more blights. The gelflings have free will and are a little dumb.

>Unlimited control of animals and nature
>Unlimited control of sole power source on entire planet
>Last of their species

In line to be made into God Kings. Makes sense.

Puppet kino is back on the table, boys.

... so skesis ride a motocycle made of garthams?


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>there is going to be a looooot of porn

We wished it with the first one and it still hasn't happened.

It was very visually striking with very interesting visual techniques for practical effects. For most it is the epitome of what Jim Henson movies are supposed to be.

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Puppets are often very much uncanny valley.

I'd love it if Jim Henson co. did something for Morrowind.

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Has the Henson company talked about if the prequel and sequel comics will be canon to this? I just want to know what level of care and planning they're putting into Dark Crystal as a franchise.

Also it didn't adhere to typical Fantasy genre conventions: all the participants are either extremely elderly or mere children. There's no strapping, capable heroes of old coming to the rescue.

I'd love it as a bonus track. Did they ever write the dialogue in their made up language?

>Literally almost any story could be placed within that world.

The only interesting aspects of the movie and by extension that universe were the Skeksis and the crystal reveal at the end. The main characters were generic as shit.

Well it is a puppet company, what makes you think they didn't perfectly preserve Jim's corpse so that one day he could be added to his own cast of muppets?

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I can't wait to see it catch on and people start drawing Gelflingsonas.

I have not. It probably is since dark crystal being basically the immaculate orgasm for the studio. They aren't really a studio that would approve of things like that without reading it a hundred times.

I think all the people from that reality contest show they ran probably worked on the netflix show.

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Probably look like those gremlin things from Guild Wars.

Hopefully there will be less OCs that are cringey. Something like Garth Ham, raised by Garthams ans developed a fighting style from them and can beat anyone, etc.

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They've developed an entire site for Dark Crystal continuity and general Story Bible specifically to guide that "Author Quest" contest they did to find someone to write those three Dark Crystal novels they put out the last couple of years that actually do connect into this Netflix show.

Go watch "Let My Puppets Come" from the director of Deep Throat

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The original gelflings look a little off too.

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>you just know...

Okay, I get that it's neat and weird looking.
But at the same time- why do people CARE about The Dark Crystal?

No seriously, 100% seriously, I'm honestly asking. Why do YOU care about The Dark Crystal?

The world is cool and the Skeksis are rad


>Yoda's cute sister.

I honestly thought this was going to be full CG or that godawful Digital Puppet Studio shit but this has actual puppets in it! Regardless of it's quality I'm always happy to see real tangible puppets being used. Sorta' like when a studio actually does a 2d hand drawn. Just nice to see.

a lot of the visuals stuck with me when I watched it as a child, the evil king lizard guy dying at the beginning gave me hella nightmares for example, and because of this it rooted itself deeply in nostalgia

i wasn't waiting for this my whole life but i think it's really cool that they're even bothering to revisit it and i'm excited to see how they expand on the lore

>Cutting the Trial Stone was impressive
>The Emperor just picked up the stone and beat the shit out of anyone that stepped out of line with it

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the puppets lend such a rare charm to it, and the world feels genuinely mystical

It did you idiot, that's why there aren't any more of the main pair's race anymore


Fuck y'all, I wanna see more podlings.

>Why didn't Jen just ask the eagles to put the crystal shard in place?
She's cute, honestly I don't see the uncanny valley.
Also looks far better than most pokémon from Detective Pikachu or say, Thanos.

80s fantasy movies had a certain appeal.
The soundtrack is great, too.


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Dark Fantasy family movies these days all suck except for Laika. Every other animated movie pussyfoots darkness

>Its another Cheryl, Brian, and Heather shamelessly extorts their father's idea, while completely missing the point.
Have these hacks ever created anything original in the last twenty years?

nigga what

what IS the point

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hyped for skeksi emperor at his prime

Is that Skeksiscycle powered by gelfling essence?

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I was waiting for someone to post this.

Will Aughra still have the nips?

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I'm okay with that, and I appreciate just how much of that tangible puppets and practical sets aesthetic is on display here.

Anyone else think the original kind of sucks and is carried hard by the Skeksis designs?

Like, the Skeksis are a straight up icon of puppetry at this point and constantly dominate every single "things that scared me as a kid" list, but I honestly think at least half of it is because the movie is damn forgettable and sort of bland besides them.

>that General Grievous Skeksis with 4 arms quad wielding swords

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Yes, but since shes a hundred years younger they'll be perkier and stick out further.


I think it's legitimately a case of "this kind of sucks but the Skeksis are so neat you can actually get past it"
I can't actually think of any people that tout it as a masterpiece through and through

My donut steel Dark Crystal OC was a two headed Skeksis with a third arm growing out of his back but this dude is hella cool
Hopefully he does down in the raddest way and not like a punk

I had it on VHS as a child and loved it. I got it on DVD in my early 20s and fall asleep every time I try to watch it. It looks wonderful, but is a soporific combination of soothing and kind of boring.
It's been a while since I tried though.

Yeah that's always been generally how I've thought of it. It's why I'm cautious towards this new one, although it's looking like the Skeksis are also going to be carrying this one too.

Puppets being animated by their puppetmasters > souless CGI.

It looks good to me.

Someone needs to deep fake this into something less uncanny. Dark Crystal's one of those things that 75% quality 25% insufferable autism before autism was a thing.

It's a common criticism of the film; great production value, creative designs and endearing villains all in service of bland protagonists. I would still insist that it's a good film, though. Just not a great one.

Rogue One did pretty well anyway, but I'm sure you'll move a goalpost or two to justify a difference.

Whimpering worm!

I want a gelfling to touch me places.

I hope that the actual show makes that more prominent. The trailer almost tries to mask that, or at least that's how I feel.

What's the catch? Trans Skeksis?

Well I mean, most of them were already flaming fags, so it's not that far of a leap.

nope. Netfliz only had one maybe two good tv/movies as originals and one of them was umbrella academe. They mostly care about three good projects per year that is worth watching.

Hopefully this does more than good for all the parties at play. Maybe Netflix can start greenlighting more puppet shows, instead of cancelling them.

There have been others?

The emperor death was the funniest part of the movie.

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A few JHC productions.

Does Buddy Thunderstruck count ?

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Season two when? I loved this one.

It's interesting, because we know the good guys really can't win, yeah?


Well funny thing about that is since the two in the main movie survive it, they do win

But they're not re-covering the movie in the show, right? So the good guys can't really win in the show because they start off very bad in the movie (and probably many years later since the main gelfling thought he was the only one left).

It definitely looks like the same too in the trailer as the movie, but it can't be if this is a prequel, right?

Maybe I'm misunderstanding.

So, this series is going to be about how the Skeksis win despite the best efforts of the Gelfings and how they get completely exterminated no matter how hard they try to survive and fight back (save for two).

This is going to be kinda depressing

I was speaking in a broader sense. Yes, pretty much every character we'll see in this series on the not-skeksis side is going to fail in their goals and/or die

and more than a handful of the skeksis themselves to

It will probably be how the survivors escaped to set up the movie.

This is the end of the Dark Crystal Hoes

Yeah, that's what I was thinking too. As says, it'll probably be a rather sad series taken on it's own.


Their a force of small people battling magically empowered immortals who summoned an army of monsters that were 100 times the size of their best soldier. They are going to get beat like sick dogs.

But maybe they will have an objective to accomplish besides beating the skesis. Something like they have to thrwart a skesis doomsday plot or something.

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Wow truly this was the Age of #Resistance

There's only two gelflings left, it's not like they can repopulate their entire species.

Wow this was almost a worthwhile post.

the puppets still frighten me so yes, yes it will.

An odd analogy, but an apt one. Given the choice between two movies that are 'alright', Yea Forums will always be more fond and forgiving of the one that took risks and tried to do something interesting or novel than the one that the studio focus-grouped to death to make as bland, unoffensive, and demographically appealing as possible.

Something feels off about it. Looks a bit too colorful which is probably an odd complaint. However I'm looking forward to watching it and I'm really hoping it's good.

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I think it is an earlier time before the skesis sucked the life from everything

i never finished watching the dark crystal because these little fucking horribles put me off too much

It's already been confirmed as a prequel.

So, does all Gelfing have wings, or just the female, for matting rituals.

Just the girls. She mentions it in the film, I believe.

>more 80s nostalgia shit

"I don't have these"
"Of course, you're a boy!"

They've been trying to get a Dark Crystal sequel film made since, what, 2005? The existence of this prequel project isn't an especially new development, it's just nice to see that more Dark Crystal material finally gained some traction.

It's not quite the same thing as some suit saying "reboot the Ghostbusters" or whatever.

skeked and checked

Real talk, will we ever see another puppet sketch show again?
