Which Yea Forums character can outedge him
Which Yea Forums character can outedge him
Outside of his own game and a little bit of SA2, he's really not even edgy.
He already got outedged by Infinite, not need to look elsewhere.
Mephilis too.
That dude that shadow beat the crap out of him, like a cool edgelord?
I miss the riders artstyle
Shadow isn't even that edgy.
>SA2/06 Shadow
troubled past so he bear his emotions on his sleeves but is still cares about others and is always try to help Sonic and friends to save the world
>Modern Shadow
>angsty stereotype who doesn't care about other, a litteral Vegeta clone
He is just become another flanderized character in the Sonic series
i think jin kazama could out edge shadow pretty easy. Dead mom, has devil dna, family trying to kill and use him, caused world war 3 in a vain (and unnecessary) to kill his family and himself . seriously why isn't jin the poster boy for edgy video game characters?
Shadow saved Sonic in Forces, though. And joined the Resistance against Eggman.
he still act like he doesn't care, it may be he his voice too. SA2 had the perfect voice
Shadow does not walk between the raindrops
The Motherfucker