>Hires Christopher Priest to write Vampirella
>Is immediately labeled as alt-right by woke comics "professionals"
What the fuck is wrong with this timeline
Hires Christopher Priest to write Vampirella
Other urls found in this thread:
>Is immediately labeled as alt-right by woke comics "professionals"
When did this happen?
The soys were also Reeeeeing about the Cyberfrog cover. Delicious salt.
I swear you guys are just making up dumb controversies now
Dynamite is based AF and don't give two shits 'bout no libcucks.
>a tweet by a literal who
oh so it's fucking nothing
>Cheryl Lynn Eaton
>writer • media strategist • editor
Is that a euphemism for having done fuck all?
She's been published by DC, technically she is a comic creator.
>If you don't agree with my world view you are an alt right group.
Epic you fucking hick
Are SJWs pretty much school bullies at this point?
Don't forget the hit piece newsarama tried on Priest.
LMAO Priest tore that hit piece journo a new one, cry on onions.
>technically she is a comic creator.
So is Chris-chan. What's your point?
>Hires Christopher Priest to write Vampirella
>Vampirella turns into an inscrutable ubermensch mastermind with a whole bunch of obscure plans playing everyone off everyone else and is opposed by many other masterminds with their own plans while she struggles to maintain normal human relationships with the people around her
>also sometimes things get wacky
Or was she always like this? Should I read Vampirella?
ya, this is some bullshit. sure...hiring Mark Russell sure is pandering to the alt-right. what a fucking dumbass, woke, black, fatty
Not surprising. Priest doesn't take shit from others.
I'm sure McDuffie would've also been seen as an alt-right these days.
Fuck you OP for shoveling shit but thanks for letting me know Priest is on Vampirella you dickmuncher.
I would say read the Masters Series for her or try out this run. Priests run is NOT traditional Vampi, he's said he's not writing to long term fans. But as an old fan, her best stuff is either going back to the 60s/70s stuff or the Masters Series that has Moore, Ellis, Carey, Busiek, Robinson and Morrison
Is Priest right leaning or something?
No, he's just not progressive enough.
>Someone made a dumb tweet, you guys!
Oh my God, really? What's next, someone makes a dumb instagram post?
Lol did you delete because you are Eaton?
Priest has always been problematic
took me a while to find what you were talking about but
>Nrama: Someone walking around in that Trina Robbins-designed costume is bound to get some headturns. If I know you as much as I think I do, you're going to tackle that head on, right? How are you getting into the subject of the costume?
>Priest: Well, yes, we will have a go at it. The basic argument is simple: where do you draw the line between women’s liberation and women’s exploitation, and who gets to draw it? Who gets to define femininity and why should an extraterrestrial have to submit to that definition?
>It’s like the world woke up in the last few years and realized we actually have two genders and both of them matter.
>So we now have heightened scrutiny of themes and behaviors and that poor bastard Joe Biden gets caught up in the switches. I’ll confess, I’m terrified of women because I’m a Joe Biden. I was taught to pay a lady a compliment and open doors and I want to be friendly and accessible but I’m absolutely terrified of having my good intentions taken in a bizarrely paranoid light.
>It is comical to me that I am far too often seen as creepy by women - especially black women - because they have been conditioned by their personal experience and their media consumption to misinterpret a simple "Hello." These days I cannot pay a woman a complement without a legal preamble and assurances that, no, I am not hitting on you and even then I get the skunk eye of suspicion.
>Which is a little insulting because this “guilty until proven innocent” defensive posture presumes I am other people or that the bar is set so low for me that I’ll jump into bed with just anybody I happen to meet. It’s like we’ve just gone too far now to the point where women are not just being protected but being alienated to some extent because I have no earthly clue how to deal with them and I’m frankly scared to shake their hand.
Why is Priest so based?
>So, is Vampirella’s wardrobe choice sexist? I don’t know. Vampirella obviously doesn’t think so. As I see her, she comes from a culture much like Star Trek’s Betazed, where people wear little or nothing at all. If anything, Vampi wonders why we humans choose to smother ourselves in so much fabric and why we’re all so bound by self-loathing.
>There are hundreds of women who enjoy cosplaying as Vampirella, and maybe hundreds of thousands offended by the character. How do we reconcile all of that for the 21st century?
>The one thing I won’t do is cover her up. I accepted the gig: write Vampirella. If you change the outfit, she’s no longer Vampirella. Frankly, her costume is the only thing about her (well, okay, that and her pansexuality) that makes her at all shocking or controversial.
>My goal, and the readers will have to let us know if we’re passing or failing, is to make this a book as much about femininity as about bloodsucking. The storyline is driven by women, mostly populated by women, of all shapes and sizes and ethnicities, and most of them dress as sexy as they dare. The singer/rapper Lizzo is a terrific example of this. Is her blatant sexuality liberating or is she being exploited? How about Beyoncé? Do we put Vampi in a raincoat but cheer Bey on?
>See what I mean? I’m screwed either way.
basically sounds like a centrist or the type of leftist that isn't afraid to go head on against the liberal mob mentality. If he is left leaning he's more in line with Sam Harris than anything
>It is comical to me that I am far too often seen as creepy by women - especially black women - because they have been conditioned by their personal experience and their media consumption to misinterpret a simple "Hello." These days I cannot pay a woman a complement without a legal preamble and assurances that, no, I am not hitting on you and even then I get the skunk eye of suspicion
I'm sure Priest would have a lot to say about the hypersexualization of Black Men in American Media. There's a lot ways racial and gendered stereotypes get divided up and further fucks around with how people try to politicize social issues. I can't recall if the headline I saw once about how "Black Men are the White Men of Black People" was actually real or not, but it's certainly a mentality that exists.
The basic problem is assuming literally everyone falls along some single, two-dimensional political gradient with "the left" at one end or "the right" at another. There's no reality where Christopher Priest is a centerist, except one where you prune off all complicated nuance to his beliefs in order to try to shove him into the modern political shitposting "discourse." People can have political beliefs that seem at odds with how certain platforms have congealed in American party politics because those have been formed by realpolitick history, not any philosophical cohesion.
Now that summer is upon us, there are a LOT of these threads.
Political in nature they have nothing to do with comics and attract the worst sort of posters.
Mods need to do their job.
>I’m not quite sure where I first heard “straight black men are the white people of black people.”
>almost literally quote an article I didn't even read by accident
>Nrama: In another response you state “It’s like the world woke up in the last few years and realized we actually have two genders and both of them matter”. While not assuming your intent one way or another, it seems it to overlook genders outside the male/female paradigm. Can you speak to that?
>Priest: Gender: noun
>1. either of the two sexes (male and female), especially when considered with reference to social and cultural differences rather than biological ones. The term is also used more broadly to denote a range of identities that do not correspond to established ideas of male and female. "a condition that affects people of both genders"
>I wrote an ecumenical commentary in support of gender and and LGBTQ issues, Chris. I invite everyone to read it.
>It was a simple interview. I was promoting a comic book and, as a really busy writer, I was typing really fast and speaking honestly while engaging with you.
>What I won’t do, not even for my own safety, is censor myself or try and anticipate every horrible way someone might choose to misinterpret something I've written or said. If anything, that just makes my point for me about how free speech is being compromised.
>It's a tough environment to publish comic books in because every publisher is terrified by the spectrum of extreme possible reactions from an increasingly intolerant environment where everybody's playing "gotcha" and looking for the worst possible and most extremely negative interpretations of everything.
>The whole point of free speech is my duty to defend others' rights to have it, not to shout them down or demonize them.
Imagine being that associated.
Ah no, this thread is comic-centric in nature stop trying to insinuate that it isn't legitimate.
I'm a fan of Vampi and I think it's a good idea to let a creator get messy with her. She's the type of character that can manage to survive bad runs, god knows she has had them before. But her worst stuff is when creators try to play it too safe with her. So, while Priest says this may piss off old fans of her, I'm putting this on my pulls list
These threads always happen, summerfags aren't a thing anymore, when everyone can post on Yea Forums from their smartphone all of the time then every day is summer
How does one get into Vampi? I've only read Priest's FCBD issue and about half of the recent trainwreck with Trump as God-Emperor of mankind. I expect that before this run is over I will want to dive deeper into her history.
I already mentioned it she's honestly a pretty cool character cause she can fit almost any type of story. She's a sci-fi alien who everyone thinks is a vampire so you can place her in almost any story
He's just a Yea Forumsmblr faggot that doesn't like anyone having a civil discussion about the current problems in the industry.
How can one man be so based
>It’s like the world woke up in the last few years and realized we actually have two genders and both of them matter.
mice fucking dogwhistle, what a scummy little piece of shit he is
He's a black man that doesn't toe the line and is intelligent enough to have his own opinions
That's the scariest thing to a white liberal
The only good thing they did was save The Boys
>killing all supporting cast
I've probably only read one Vampirella comics
Did she have a signifiant supporting cast?
Killing them seems a bit extreme, anyway. He just could have ignored them or sent Vampi alone in a different world
She used to have a decent supporting cast. But over the years it seems that writers have started ignoring them.
This I didn't see a single professional attack them just literal faggots and literal trannies.
>It bothers me that, in 2019, DC and Marvel universes are still mostly portrayed in an idealized hyper-reality where the average man on the street simply accepts superheroes as fact and, in fact, refers to them literally as “heroes” or “villains,” which is absurd. There’s no news anchor in the world who would start a broadcast piece with, “Arch-villain Saddam Hussein...” even though that description would be apt.
And that's why he souldn't write for main DC or Marvel anymore. It's always the same kind of shit: heroes (Justice League, Spider Man) portrayed as costumed clowns who don't understand the harsh realities of this world. And Badass McHardass (Deathstroke, Sniktbub) teaches them a lesson
What he should rather write is comics set in the Wildstorm Universe or in the Ultimate Marvel Universe, if they relauch it at some point. I'd definitely read Stormwatch by Priest.
she's had many over the years and most of them end up overlapping. Paul Cornell's run goes over this with Vampirella awakening in the far future and having to figure out who she is, and she has to confront all the different versions of herself with all the different supporting casts
And is at it every single time as soon as there's a topic that is anti libshit dogma it's 'ACK-chully this thread should be banned. Why won't the mods do as I say?!' Glad to see someone else has spotted these tricks.
SEETHING, but why?
Hasn't dilated for the day.
some idiot whose only credit is a back up in a Batman special went on a Twitter rampage attacking Priest for not being super political or woke after Priest blistered the ass of some asshat at @Rama over Vampi's outfit and Priest saying that there are only two genders.
Fully agreed user and exactly why I get annoyed with the "priest is so based" shit. His JL issues were literally and outrage storyline he jus used Wonder Woman rather than Batman beating someone to appear as if he was "unbiased" or avoid the CG tier rageout.
He's no different from any of the other hacks at the big 2 for exactly the reasons you give. Everything is through the lens of "is this realistic" rather than "is this in-character and entertaining and worth the cover price?"
What the fuck? Marvel hired this racist prick?
pretty sure Christopher Priest changed his name and became a bus driver to escape alimony payments
>nigga named Priest
>look him up
>he’s an actual priest
Bruh what the fuck?
Paul Dini said on Kevin Smith's podcast that James Christopher Owsley said that if his wife ever left him he would become a priest
Absolutely fucking based. I should read more of his shit.
Bullshit. McDufffie would have Waid's spot as king of the SJW cancer brigade ruining comics. Faggot flat out called ANY Green Lantern fans who didn't worship John Stewart as being card carrying KKK members and who repeatedly wrote "white people are evil/racists" shit, especially to cover up his own failure as a writer.
Dude would have found home at SJW Marvel, screaming DC was run by racists and calling anyone who doesn't like his work racist Nazis, and most likely having successfully double teamed Brevoort and Alonso with Bendis to let them kill off Peter Parker and defy Disney in having Captain America die brainwashed and evil to spite people rejecting Sam as Cap.
Bendis and Brubaker, two fucking SJW white boys, fucked him over when he was writing Cap and Tom Brevoort (another woke white boy) held him down while Bendis and Brubaker raped him.....
blacks can't be racist
Shut the fuck up, Jesse.
>Be McDuffie
>Be liberal
>Be head writer for JLU
>Take canon wife of conservative hero Hawkman
>Pair her with self-insert John Stewart
>Hope no one notices blatant political and racial cuckshit
McDuffie was never good. Static Shock was lightning in a bottle. Heh.
>Faggot flat out called ANY Green Lantern fans who didn't worship John Stewart as being card carrying KKK members and who repeatedly wrote "white people are evil/racists" shit, especially to cover up his own failure as a writer.
Pics or it didn't happen.
Wait, Priest is on Vampirella? Is it good?
Cry more, why don't you
only the FCBD issue 0 is out so far. hard to say
What a gay fucking thread.
god I love Jusko
ya, too many asses and not enough asses
I will help out user
Good men.
lol you're the one crying here faggot
Well let's read it then
Source comes from that poster himself, who keeps making fake insider posts on Yea Forums in the hope people think his headcanon is real.
god bless
Shocked no one posted it already given it's short length desu
art kinda sucks ass
And that's that.
Aww yeah free Storytimes!
You see, this cat Priesti s a bad mother--
>screaming DC was run by racists and calling anyone who doesn't like his work racist Nazis
So, like Mark Gruenwald?
shut yo mouf
I really like this page, it's an interesting character to have some druggy thinks she is perfect and pretty, and Vampi
it was storytimed closer to FCBD, I never grabbed the scan though, so thanks
it'd definitely weird but I like it
I'm just talkin' 'bout James
then I can dig it
How have SJWs not flipped the fuck out about The Boys now that it's a TV show and becoming mainstream?
cause no one has heard of The Boys
>That Blackerella
But he's wrong. It's usually more subtle than that but the media often does characterize some people as villains and even more often heroes. Did he forget the whole "axis of evil" thing from what, 15 years ago? Also notable but more subtle the use of "regime" being seemingly exclusive to baddie governments. And then you have soldiers, cops, firemen or even random people being called heroes for their good deeds.
See also: one's terrorist is another's freedom fighter.
>"Black Men are the White Men of Black People" was actually real or not
It was.
Honestly though, female singers sexualizing themselves being passed as liberation is disingenuous, it's just the old sex sells, nothing about a message, just trying to get the money from poor horny saps. And shit Josephine Baker was wearing much more risqué shit 70 years ago.
But priest criticised Cheeto in chief in a interview last year.
Didn't priest say something in a interview last year about racism being bad while promoting the black panther film?
What does that have to do with anything?
>Shitting on Blackpirella
it's 3d poser
But unironic racism IS bad. Racial slurs are funny, tho.
He looks like a less wimpy Prince.
it looks like shit