What do you think of Pearl?
she finally got me to understand the appeal of sticc
I'd breed her
I love her.
But Rose is my waifu.
A terrible person through and through. The show would have been better of if she had died.
Better late than never I suppose
>Rose Quartz
Only the best of taste for this user. Funny comic, too.
>good taste
What strange world are you living in?
Bird mom is a good character and I like her.
She needs love and so do I.
The best of all worlds, user.
>noice 88
This. The bitch is a sociopath.
Do you know what a sociopath actually is or did you just hear the word online somewhere. Sociopaths don't have empathy and clearly Pearl does.
I guess a better word would have been psychotic or whatever but of course you need to police exact definitions of words instead of understanding the gist of a hyperbolic statement.
Besides all that 'empathy' is really an extension of her own selfishness and she'd probably not help or express those emotions if it didn't somehow benefit her or her need to protect Rose/Steven which is really just another selfish obession to feel good about herself.
What strange world are YOU living in?
You know, whenever I see someone reason like that, I automatically interpret their complaints about the character to actually be complaints about themselves.
I think SU fans are cancer and we've had enough of these type of threads and they're only acceptable here because half the board faps to them.
Did the show end?
So in a way it is. Dropped the show thanks it’s glacial pace, I’ll pick it up again and see what I missed.
Only blue is good.
I don't know.
Sounds like someone relates to their favorite character a bit too much and gets titchy about it too
The movie should come out this fall
this nigga knows what's up.
>you will never corner her in the parking lot of Safeway and rape her against her station wagon as baby Steven watches helpless from his booster seat
>Fat slut who started a war so she could sleep around
That’s not waifu material user
Pearl is a cute neurotic mess and I hope she learns how to be a real human bean and a real hero
That is PRIME waifu material user miss me with that gay shit
Pearls are for throat fucking only.
The show ended its big narrative arc it was building since the beginning. You could watch all the released episodes and have a satisfying ending (your mileage may vary).
For once, it is a deserved hiatus. Nobody knows where they will go from here.
>there is nothing wrong with using inaccurate terms when referring to psychological/psychiatric disorders
Are you dyslexic or just an idiom?
Basically don't expect anything outside of the movie we know next to nothing about until 2020.
You couldn't be more wrong, user.
>Nobody knows where they will go from here.
It's more than just that: The crew is explicitly teasing about just how different the upcoming stuff is going to be.
I doubt all the questions have been answered, right?
Look at that fucking hairline lmao bitch is going bald
That’s a tiny ass, user. Look at Pearl’s hair. Perfect shape for grabbing. Not that I wouldn’t give that ass some attention too.
Okay now that's going too far user. Yes this is Yea Forums yes its a degenerate Laotion alt-right incel rehabilitation forum but there is no call, NO CALL, to accuse someone of being a sow's ear or a cloud's silver lining. Now the two of you shake hands and get back to posting gay space rocks.
forehead fucking*
The haven't, but most of the unanswered questions are just lore fluff. Nothing major that has actually been a part of the narrative.
Post the GIF bitch
>All the diamonds
>Steven's mother
>Crystal Gems origins
>Space stuff
>(optional) Lars and Sadie character development
Honestly the only true mystery I can think of that isn't solved is the chest in the "Lion dimension". Other than that, most of the loose end are solved (the big ones I mean).
Isn’t the chest just the place where Rose stored her stuff?
The lion dimension chest is honestly just a background detail that the fandom got obsessed with because of Bismuth. The show never really drew any attention to it.
If anything, I think that the bubbled Rose Quartzes on the zoo station are a bigger mystery - they were an actual bit of red herring that we were supposed to think about. Would be really nice to know what they really are
>just a background detail
I doubt it. Even Steven unsuccessfully tried to open it even after the Bismuth episode. It could just be a massive troll/red herring tho.
Even if it was a simply a background detail at first, they will probably retcon it anyway into a huge plot point, I guess in the movie.
what about what exactly went down with greg and amethyst? heavily implied they did each other but how far will the show actually go to show what really happened.
No that was never brought up after THAT episode. They are always friendly with each others in the flashbacks but that's it.
Actually, there is almost no post-Steven birth flashback, so I guess that's a time period they could still explore in the future.
after that episode they skipped to Greg and Amethyst being buds again and I don't think they'll bother to show how they got over their issues. but yeah the interim period after steven got kidnapped and the first episode is plausible as episode material.
>Even Steven unsuccessfully tried to open it even after the Bismuth episode.
Shit, he did? I don't remember that at all. Was it in the key episode?
Yes, that was his first guess.
hfw it doesn't fit.
I think I love her porn where she struggles and looks so uncomfortable during sex almost like she's having a 40 C fever and is about to die.
Fever sex is my fetish.
Can the show go on when Steven's VA is being a huge faggot and is "depressed" for no fucking reason, or are they gonna change VA?
Well, shit, I take mg point back. I completely forgot this happened, but if the chest was acknowledged, I do concede that it's more than just an inconsequential background detail.
However - and don't quote me on that - wasn't there a word of god mention how all the contents of lion island were made up by the episode's storyboarder, and bismuth as a character wasn't conceived until later on?
Or was it just that the design for bismuth wasn't yet complete? I can't find the quote now.
Rumor goes it's a timeskip, so that would solve it.
Don't about the VA situation, but depression often has no fucking reason. Humans are just that fucking weak.
also interested
Absolutely based and Rosepilled, fantastic taste user.
Maybe, but as I said even if it wasn't planned in the initial "Lore Bible" or whatever, they'll probably retcon it into something because of the fan interest. Stories aren't THAT set in stones, even if we like to imagine that "it was all part of the plan!!", writers often make stuff on the spot and see what stick before going forward.
I wonder if they are gonna make Stevonie more of a permafusion like Garnet. That would solve the problem of Connie and Steven aging at different rates.
It's a complete experience as it is now, you can fully enjoy it.
I will say that it never regains it's S1 momentum, however. It stays fairly good throughout, I think, but S1 is what brought everyone in.
>writers often make stuff on the spot and see what stick before going forward
I’ll never forget the obnoxiously huge amount of fans who thought Uncle G was hinting at Rose Quartz’s true identity. It was cathartic as fuck to hear Joe Johnston confirm on the SU Podcast that it was simply a lucky coincidence.
Steven Universe may be one of the most thoroughly planned cartoons ever, but this was one of the few cases where fans overanalyzed literally nothing.
>Steven Universe may be one of the most thoroughly planned cartoons ever
Ahahahaha ahhh, good one.
I see no problem here. Pearl does not eat, therefore her cave is clean.
You can't retcon something that hasn't been established yet. It's a mystery box, it could be empty for all we know.
If I can say one thing about the post-Ian seasons, and I'm not a genwunner fag in the slightest here, the production values definitely dropped. Now, whether that's budget going down or Ian leaving catching them on the hop and they had to struggle to catch up (for example S5 and the latter half of S4 looks a lot cleaner than the second half of S3 and first half of S4) I don't know, but what keeps SU going for me is its sincerity. Never once does the writing feel cynical.
i think she needs a good greggin'
you guys have the weirdest fetishes.
Can't wait for the Pearl sneeze kink guy to show up here in Yea Forums.
Absolutely based, glad to see anons that have some taste
*dirtbike noises*
I dont get it
why does that Pearl look scared?
depression hasn't got a reason
that's why it's depression and not just having a shit life
she's not sure she can handle rose's diamond size cock
>complains about using correct terms
>uses idiom instead of idiot
Also who actually gives a shit. This isn't a fucking doctor's office. This is the internet and website that calls people homosexual when they're just acting rude or dumb. Unless you get bothered by that too you have no right to be acting like a grammar nazi with a thesaurus.
>they're only acceptable here because half the board faps to them
So they are acceptable.
So that is what you do, then. See how that goes?
Pearls are for doggystyle ASS fucking while holding onto her leash
Can you repeat the question?
It definitely lost a certain quality by Change Your Mind. It doesn't help that it really feels like they rushed through Homeworld when it should have been an entire Season 1 length arc.
You're not the boss of me now.
You're all wrong. It's for cuddling and lovely sex. Be gentle with your pearl. She loves you most than everything else.
It is true that Pearl is the cutest fucking gem
That does not mean she doesn't like rough sex.
This. I just want to squeeze her and throw her at shit, preferably my sheets.
Lost all character development after the big reveal. She's always been a slave to her master. Zero growth across the entire series.
>they're only acceptable here because half the board faps to them.
That's what half the Yea Forums threads are or end up being about, what? are you new here?
I don't know user, she's held many opinions that differ from Steven
Not quite.
Her arc is about getting over Rose, she, in the end, got over her.
The fact that her obsession was so big even her "own choices" where made by Rose is kind of the point. If kids can get it so can you, user.
>She's always been a slave to her master.
I think she'd be a neat friend to have because of her personality. She'd also probably be annoying as all hell though at the same time.
Her nose is cute
I'm disappointed in the amount of gay in this here thread.
>therefore her cave is clean
google "pearl's nasty clam"
Why would you do this to me.
She would make for a awesome wife, too bad she hates men.
Please say there's a part two to this?
i don't mean to kill the mood but......
...pearl has a penis. canonically.
Fuck off
I guess I need to ....bump.
Such cute feet!
I like Pearl fangs
I think they're cute
You fang guys are weird.
and sexy
>being interested in a twig girl
>when the show has so many glorious thicc girls
ah yes i'll take the fat whores over the pure fit girl
are you stupid?
>fat whores
Pretty sure Pearl is a whore too dude.
She was pretty thirsty for fusions
I want to kiss her soles for some reason.
Not even really into feet.
Jasper is thicc and not fat
Yeah but Pearl is the only one that actively teases the audience with her sexual frustrations and needs.
She is my third fave. Amethyst and Peridot are the only ones above her for me.
Pearl with fangs is best Pearl
Do you think she likes it when men aim for the pearl?
To say the setting was literally a beach city, there was a disappointing lack of barefoot gems. Not counting Lapis obviously.
Blue Pearl too
>thicc and not fat
what do you think 'thiccness' is? fucking blubber you whale chaser
Sharp teeth are my fetish, and I'm not ashamed to admit. I had my ex nibble the head of my peepee and i was almost cumming right away
>Sharp teeth are my fetish
>I had my ex nibble the head of my peepee and i was almost cumming right away
Pearl is easily the sexiest gem. Padparadscha is the cutest
Can I know who that artist is? I know I've seen em around but no one ever gives credit, and I like their Pearl
Loving this one personally.
viscous - ooo11
Bless you user
I love her as much as she hates the Irish
I mean, it was intimate. I bit her clit and she bit me, so it was mutual and the best part is that her teeth were slightly more pointed then normal... hmm, i still remember being tied to the bedpost with my hard on sticking in the air while she licked me up and down, softly nibbling at the head of my dick whilst telling me to not cum and to keep my hips still
i like the blue one.
>user found a girl with sharp teeth
>user got laid
>user got his fetishes fulfilled
That's pretty chad of you user, congratulations
she lieks to draw
Did Pearl lose her ass after reforming?
she became more male to better appeal to mystery girl
.....Come on you can't tell me you CANT hear it?
This post is factual.
Have some eyelash edits
So which mood are you Yea Forums?
Pearl likes to be fucked roughly, and then held tenderly as she recovers.
What a chad
Poker faced. It's the only way to survive.
>Had a sticc gf
>Fucked it all up
Why am I like this
Very cute
Help i think my pearl is broken
Delete this
>I am a Wiener!
Care to explain?
Blue pearl losing her shit is always arousing to me, for some reason
Artist name?
ok guys, opinions on this image?
That's Peridot, you spaz. Pearl is a diehard republican while Peridot is a loyal unionist.
It's just shitposting, ignore it.
Ahh, thank you. I was expecting some jk rowling level tweets
I'm fucking losing it OP, you need to give me that source
she has cute teeth
>Empathy is actually a form of selfishness
That's such an edgy and untrue thing to say
You did it to yourself.
It's only "canon" that she CAN have one.
Big you want it.
BIg as you can take.
...maybe more.
pearl is chadgirl
Reminder Gems can make babies and live no problem, so long as it's not a hybrid. That said, would you really want to impregnate Pearl...?
I am currently searching through paheal to see if i can find it, I'm starting from page 52 and going up so wish me luck anons
Supreme taste
20 pages in, still nothing
Well, I imagine the precum is something at least
it must be either somewhere not on paheal, or its OC work done by OP
Found it (it's actually pretty underwhelming, fuck)
GOD I want to STICK my PENIS inside of ROSE QUARTZ
New fetish aquired
>Linking to 4archive at all.
Use Desuarchive next time, you don't get popups when clicking the page.
t. pearl
While i was combing the paheal website, i came across one particular comic i thought was lost, but here is the one page that leads into the NSFW
I do whatever the FUCK I want, pal
thank you user.
Nah, Pearl will be there to watch though.
Earl > Pearl
Oh is THAT what we're calling it these days?
cute boy
well, i was looking for one picture, and i looked up and down that fucking site so yeah, sarcasm or not that's what we're calling it
Pearl knotting Amethyst is still the best
A shit character from a Shit show. Nothing more to it.
two words:
Horse Dick
I really miss when the SU fandom was still full of artists that were churning out OC at a breakneck speed. Fuck the hiatuses for killing interest.
Characters without true flaws are boring and stupid. What I love about Pearl is she isn't just some quirky retard who does forgivable bullshit, She does some legit fucked up shit
does Pearl shamefully get stuck?
it's a bet, pearl poofs a gem monster via deus ex machina and amethyst bets her she couldn't do it again, and if she can't pearl has to have a horse cock on her for one month. that page has amethyst laughing uncontrollably because pearl utter failed the toss
Love these three?
I second on breeding with her.
At least Steven's more gentle..
Fuck yes. Hail Satan.
How did you end up there? Your net sleuthing skills is more impressive. You didn't really browse draw threads in the archives hoping to find it, did you?
Lmao, I just asked /sug/ and that's the link they gave me
lurk moar
Smart one, you're awesome bringing the source.
An slave who can not leave his master.
Does anyone have the source for any of these
>long haired pearl
>"""thicc""" (fat) pearl
>long eyelashed pearl
>makeup pearl
Just admit you don't love Pearl for who she is.
user is based, Pearl is perfect the way she is
It's always cute when a girl gets a new hairstyle or tries new makeup or clothes, user.
And we mainly love pearl for who she is as a person, not her looks. She changed those a couple of times.
bellyache more
What do you guys think about CN literally selling merch with Pearl's cleavage on if?
Didn't mean to respond to that post
There aren't any shipping pics I was looking
Why does Pearl don her old diamond flight suit
Fuck, there's no yellow sex face
Meekbot has a sad fuckin story
And goddamn they made good lewds
Godspeed my fellow degenerate
>Only one is gem shaped
The humanoid part's alright
>sad story
I thought they were just another unstable tumblr porn artist complete with requisite meltdown. What makes them special, I don't recall, though I didn't follow their non-pic posts very closely
She wasn't my favorite Mad, but I liked the dynamic between her, Bobo, and Brainguy.
They were/are very private about it until their meltdown but suffice it to say their emotional gush was justified considering they had a death in the family that was literally the fault of abuse and they couldn't escape the house that killed their loved one. They had an awful home situation and worked very hard at their art in Hope's they could overcome but what they needed and couldn't get was support. Listening ears. To be understood.
Fans can't do that. Venting can't do that. They gave others a lot of fun times. I hope they're ok now. Cause they sure deserved more than what they got.
Shit they even loved Pearl just like a lot of us. Pour one out.
Their nsfw is down, but I am pretty sure I know their sfw, and is still up.
I don't know how their mental state is right now, but last post was yesterday, they keep drawing, and is good stuff, desu.
I hope they are okay, I've been following them for a good while, always wanted to say hello but I am shy, they really deserve better than what they had to endure.
That's damn good to hear.
I used to have minor contact with em back in the day but lost touch right around when things got hectic.
Stay blessed you crazy skeleton.
You too, user.
All the best.
Reminder that Pearl frequently cruises lesbian bars and has become infamous in the lesbian community for her sexual exploits.
>Knight Pearl
This is literally the pinnacle of good taste and yet there's still so much less art than we need
R8 my Pearlfu
First of all, that's peridot, second: I love it, gave me a hardy kek
Literally the best character in the fucking show.
Yeah I agree with that. It was probably CN who didn't renew them in time, it does definitely feel like Diamond Days was meant to be longer.
The thread starts with a Pearl tulpa, then it changes to a Peridot tulpa talk.
The original thread is archived, there's been like 2 videos about it, is super fucking funny to read the whole thing on your own.
>only blue is good
Spotted the shyfu waifufaggot.
Shy girls are cute, but I like more the "silent bitch" Blue interpretation.
I'm not the same user, btw.
She's not actually shyer than the other Pearls. She's just soft spoken.
>you need to police exact definitions of words
People like you are a plague upon this world.
I love her
>*grabs your cock*
Uh oh! hahaha
Now lets be fair user.
You can treat someone kinky as fuck in bed and then cuddle them lovingly afterwards.
I ain't saying Pearl is probably into master-slave play and would beg to be collared and to serve her 'master' every which way before cuddling up in their arms, sweaty and exhausted, whisper 'Do I really matter to you', then cry in relief when they say yes.
But I'm not saying that isn't the case either.
Based and redpilled user
Submissives are truly and unironically the best.
Hey user
You a good guy, you know that?
have you forgotten?
I dont even know?
>Read it
So stupid.
No idea.
I want to ravage Pearl's pristine little asshole
That is all
It's not in her nature. She is patient and enduring.
Good man.
How could he not be stronger than her?
Wait. I thought Paddy is always about 10 seconds behind?
She's Vanessa Duriès, poor thing.
Forgotten what, user?
When the word is close enough to the intended meaning people usually understand what it was meant to convey. Whwn a retard uses a word that has nothing to do with what it's supposed to meant people tell him that. Acting like it's the fault of everyone else for not reading your retard mind and not yours for not knowing simple words just makes you look like a 10 year old.
these comics are only loosely based on the source material and aren't canon, not even tier 2 canon.
Dykes get dicked.
There was a Pearl thread some time ago and a, may Allah forgive me for uttering this word, femanon posted a picture of herself for the thirsty rockfuckers because seeing the positive response to sticc women with big noses from the Internet's most notorious Cambodian incel white nationalist puppet theater forum boosted her self-esteem.
Nobody actually wants Pearl as a sex anything. She's too much a stick for that.
Pearl is purely for rough baby-making sex.
t. Amethyst
This is so sad pics? did she post her tits?
No she only posted two selfies, iirc. Which is fine by me, 3dpd is haram on a sharia blue board anyway.
Petite women are always superior m8.
>pure fit girl
But nobody posted Jasper
Hair doesn't sweat
toxic jaspis
patrician jaspearl
sistercest master race
I'm upset I missed this thread
Holy fuck, it’d probably be rather horrifying to be in Peri’s position though.
You not the only one m8..
Good taste
So Splooge has finally began looking into this thread?
HE's stronger than the average human, most Gems are still stronger than him, till he taps into his Diamond powers.
Those pics are old
First time seeing them me self.
I"m glad they got away with this..
I don’t. I fap and forget because that’s all she’s worth,
stop sexualizing pearl
Sociopath and psychopath are used by fucking normies all the time to describe insane and mean people even when it doesn't apply and people don't correct them. I don't understand how the initial statement is in any way difficult to understand.
Not everything is secretly a dick, user.
And neither is even in the DSM anymore!
None of the characters in SU even remotely fall under socio/psychopathy not even the Diamonds. Just more buzzwords thrown around in lieu of actual criticism.
Is that Projared?
post the selfies and I will draw her as pearl
remind me who this artist is please
you know, this scene always confused me
what is she banging on? What the hell is this green cuboid?
It was a beach party with fire works, and people banging on pans with spoons and stuff to make a lot of noise.
Pearl is trying to get in on the fun, but she doesn't understand being rowdy and noisy is the point. So she's gently tapping a glass or plastic container with a wooden spoon.
It's one of the cutest images I have.
They're not sisters, user, gems don't have families, this is like saying two white people dating is incest.
Oh yeah that thread was like a week ago if I don't recall bad.
We where having fun posting Pearls like in here and suddenly a femanon posted a pic of herself, she was cute, but the whole thread turned into either virgins wanting to fuck her or cucks trying to belittle her, it was annoying, I just wanted more Pearls.
Is this Pearl's kid after Greg fucks her to death?
>None of the characters in SU even remotely fall under socio/psychopathy
Onion isn't a human being, he doesn't count.
Apparently Gems don't need to die in childbirth.
Rose was just a terrible parent as well as everything else.
>tfw you checked out that thread and someone mentioned you in passing as the kinda Greg guy from /sug/
Thanks for the mention wingman user. I appreciate the gesture, strange as it was.
Regular childbirth no, passing on the gem yes. Rose choses to die so Steven could bridge the gap between both races. She was probably suicidal by that point if the hints of her feeling guilty are anything to go by.
Do we protect Pearl's tight ass, or do we destroy it
would a regular child rose had be pink like lars?
Not likely if Rose shapeshifted a human womb, although I suppose we'll never know for sure.
shoot for the stars, deviantart man
She deserves fat DILF cock.
poor upper left, never realising their fanart was used for autism
Good bless that thread she better be happy we gave her attention
The eyelashes really do make this one look unreasonably more attractive
haha yeah, they are the Kojimafags of cartoons
Hi Pearl.
She's my favorite character and I would unironically make a wife out of her.
Suuuure user.
I do prefer my petite women...plain.
Just a reminder to all, technically Pearl has always been naked.
it's a glass container retard
like the patriarchy
I'm impressed that the race of only women straight up decided that they needed a slave girl caste.
Good taste.
>Wrong link
Yep, lurking too many threads
Ah yes, the nostalgic days before Peridot was introduced that I actually wanted to fuck Pearl
>cropped porn op
>stays up for over 400 posts
what da fug
As long as she stays a sexually frustrated little bitch I can't break free
People like pearl
>Big reveal shows she's always been a slave
>In the big reveal she breaks her biggest vow to rose / pink to never tell anyone her secret
How the fuck?
>...Psst, Pearl's likeable m8.
She actively went out of her way to find that loophole too.
Lets guess which Pearl is semi last boss..
Still think this is Morganite. She's like the only named gem we haven't seen besides variants of Garnet (Hessonite who's in Save the Light and the other two - Pyrope and Demantoid) as well as something called a Kyanite.
Nah Morganite is way, way more pale in color. Almost white. Looks more like Bixbite.
She's still technically naked..
True. I know Rebecca doesn't really factor in stone meanings when designing gems (she didn't even realize Malachite is toxic in water amazingly enough), but Smokey Quartz is great for healing and that makes sense given Steven and Amethyst's relationship. Maybe Bixbite's properties have some meaning too?
And here I thought it would be Pink Pearl dud to the pig tails..
>I was thinking so corrupted power boost or something.
Those are buns and you can see a heart gem on the movie gem's chest.
>She's like the only named gem we haven't seen besides variants of Garnet (Hessonite who's in Save the Light and the other two - Pyrope and Demantoid) as well as something called a Kyanite.
We also haven't seen Citrines, but given that they're a type of quartz (and one that's often made by heat treating samples of amethyst or smoky quartz) we already have a general idea on what they might look like. Also...
>Garnet (Hessonite who's in Save the Light and the other two - Pyrope and Demantoid)
CG Garnet is technically a type of Pyrope, color-changing garnets (the kind of garnet she'd be given that she's a fusion between a blue Sapphire and a Ruby) are classified as pyrope–spessartine garnets.
That name has been deprecated by the CIBJO and the IMA due to potential confusion with bixbyite (a type of manganese-iron oxide mineral), the gemstone is referred to as reed beryl now.
Considering how badly Aquamarine kicked their asses Red Beryl is probably going to be a good villain.
Funny you should mention that.
>image limit reached
Damn it.
Damn image search does nothing, sauce ?
is up in the thread, dude
I like how this was just your opinion and the defense force just took it hook, line, sinker, boat, and fisherman. The absolute state of bird fags.
Textbook definitions are not up for opinion, retard. You don't get to call the sun cold just because you're bored of it being referred to as hot.
This shouldn't be that hot. but it is!
I agree he used it wrong. Chill. I’m just saying that someone being stupid like him would usually only garner one reply. It’s like his idiocy turned over a rock that hid a bunch of seething bird boys.
Pearl's great and all... but I'm a sick fuck so I'm legally obligated to like Lapis. Even the worst people can be written to be forgiven
Would people like her more if she had fire powers or something cool like that?
Nope, love her just the way she is, too bad she hates males.
>too bad she hates males.
How do you black out again?
Is that a trick question or are you legitimately retar-
>Namefag that takes part in the Star Vs, Loud House, and furry fandoms just to name a few.
Nevermind, I already have my answer.
>image limit reached
It's like 2016 again.