What if I told you there's a furry comic book entirely devoted on gun safety?

What if I told you there's a furry comic book entirely devoted on gun safety?

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Other urls found in this thread:


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This is what conservative Americans really believe.

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no its a thing that Chris Kyle's father would say to him and he wrote about it in his book

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So what's wrong about it?

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I'm Mexican and I got a gun from SEDENA.
There are people that will hurt you, you need to defend yourself and your loved ones.

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The designs are really cute, I don't care what anyone says

Mommy would get it...just sayian.

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I mean, the art is good and the subject is presented in a rational manner, the artist probably chose to draw them furry because of the allegory presented in That, and that's probably what they are good at

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It's really hard to designate who in a society should serve as a "sheepdog". It's easy for overconfident assholes to get themselves and others killed, and additionally the kind of person who volunteers to be a member of the protector group is usually either narcissistic, machiavellian, or psychopathic (read: dark triad).
There's nothing wrong with getting a gun to protect you and your kin, but you cross a certain line when you start to consider yourself as one of those who are keeping the people safe from evil. It's a dangerous game.

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>alt right propaganda

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This was written by a woman

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Women can be alt-right too dude.

uhh did you number these in the wrong order buddy

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So what's propagandic about it? Guns aren't going away, better to teach children responsibility.

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What is alt-right about it?

>fanny pack

The faggot deserves to be mugged.

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>What if I told you there's a furry comic book entirely devoted on gun safety?
Then I would say that furries are officially more based than libtards.

>and additionally the kind of person who volunteers to be a member of the protector group is usually either narcissistic, machiavellian, or psychopathic
Literally, the only reason you hold this opinion is because you fell for (((media))) tricks.

My most apt reply is Also I'm not Nothing wrong with teaching gun safety. There is something wrong with teaching people to be vigilantes.

How is this alt-right?

People have a right to arm themselves. Private spaces and certain public spaces have a right to say you cant come in armed. No ones protesting either side. They just dont go in.

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It's the libertarian's dilemma.
You want to entrust somebody with that social responsibility. But you don't want that somebody to be a cop, because the police are government. The only one who can stop a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun, but a good guy can't be a cop because the government is bad. The right to bear arms is in place because the government is bad and the good guys must have guns to stop the government. Yet the government has orders of magnitude more guns than the civilians. And above all else, you can't trust the government. Yet most people in society are sheep and nonetheless trust the government. So in order to protect people, someone needs to get the guns to protect those that aren't willing to protect themselves. But who can you possibly trust?

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Private security.

The left things anything against their talking points is propaganda, despite the fact that they can't meme because all their memes are "I understood that reference" tier or have to include a message of their beliefs thus becoming propaganda.

A meme is supposed to be a bit of shared truth recognized by individuals that understand the meaning of it, it's entire purpose is to self replicate sometimes by mutating and changing its meaning.

The left wants the meaning to be the part that persist, thus the meme can't mutate and can't propagate.

In short the left can only make propaganda, don't make me wrong the right is damn good at making propaganda that appeals to values instead of feelings but this book fails at being propaganda, if anything it's a toned down manual meant to teach rather than change the reader.

and now for the best part

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But who watches the Sheepdogs?

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>Anything on the right is alt right now
Honk honk

Your mistake is thinking this book is left-wing

The right literally can't meme

Everyone forgets the first clause. "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State”

>Everyone who owns a gun is alt-right
Never been to Vermont I take it? I don't even know that many liberals who want to ban guns outright.

This is the question I wanted to make to the problem is that the market might not be able to self regulate when it comes to private security, reminds me of that joke of firefighters not saving someone because they didn't pay.

To be honest the concept of an absolute capitalist society is interesting to discuss, I honestly believe it could work but will need a near theocratic dogma to sustain itself longterm.

Why does every line and color have a white outline?

Then whoever can afford the most mercenaries feels the safest.

I get what they're going for her, but the analogy fails because Sparta regularly chimped out against the other city states and forced them to defend themselves.

it gets better and better

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And? How has precedent defined that sentence?


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Dude I never said the book was left or right wing, or that this book was a meme.

It's purpose isn't to resonate with an audience and self replicate so it can't be a meme.
It isn't made to change the view of its audience so it isn't propaganda.
It's a manual aimed at children.

But I mean it, the left lacks the self reflection to meme, without an evident truth and a niche audience that perpetuates a symbol you can't have a meme.

The unmoving will of mankind

Holy fuck, all of you really annoy me at how childish you act.

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best page

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Honestly whenever I see shit like I unironically wish the American Revolution had failed and the English actually used the terror tactics everyone's since come to associate with them.

The Americans had it easy. They were fighting an army that didn't want to be there led by officers that didn't want to be there while all the competent generals actively refused to go there.

I'm definitely thinking lewd thoughts of that first dog milf. Yummy.

>But in most nations individual citizens are left helpless and unable to defend themselves.
Except that in most nations people don't have to defend themselves from gunners. It's a vicious circle.
Otherwise I must admit this is overall a pretty level headed argument. Didn't change my mind, but still this is refreshing to see a pro-gun argument that doesn't end with "libtard".

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Up until the District of Columbia vs. Heller (2008) all 2nd Amendment law interpreted the Constitution to mean that a well-regulated militia has the right to bear arms, rather than all individual people. In our post-Heller society the first clause is largely ignored.

Good lord that is obnoxious.
>because the government is bad

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Regulated militia would in principle be something more like Soviet Militioneers, a.k.a. the police. Certainly not private citizens.
Ideally everyone should be drafted and trained as a Militioneer, but for some reason the Americans don't believe in society forcing them to do anything, even if it involves state security and having guns.

Do we really honor them though? I mean I really feel like if I walked up to one of my younger coworkers and asked them who any of them were they'd look up from their phones, mumble some inaudible sentence ending in "What?" and then go back to being an idiot.

2nd best page

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>The right literally can't meme
This is projection. Anything that is said against the left, they just project right back. Because that's how feeble-minded they are.

It just is.

well whose your hero Yea Forums

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>three injured deputies
Aha, I see this is a manual in tactical command as well.

Oh, I thought the wolves were supposed to be the blacks. There goes that theory.

and back credits

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A link between dark triad and poor work
A link between compassion fatigue and dark triad personality traits
pdfs.semanticscholar.org/5256/f2c67a66cf0a831b65c7e86baac84a2b9762.pdf (downloads pdf)
And a link between dark triad and job choice
I'm not the guy saying it's alt-right. I'm just saying chicks can be alt-right too.
I can't tell if you're taking the piss or not.
Oh boy, private armies. That certainly can't ever nor has it ever backfired.
Everything is propaganda. Even shit the left makes.

I think this is a great comic, it really isn't too preachy and obnoxious even though some of you seem to think it is.
It's just a comic about gun safety and their reasoning behind owning a gun in the first place, presented in a way that is appealing to children but never makes the GUN itself the focus of fun, it's the people who USE them it focuses on.
I think it's a very smart angle to come at the issue from.
You can't bury your head in the sand and pretend guns don't exist, you similarly can't imagine that "bad people" (I use this term loosely, people generally aren't all good or all bad, situations must) aren't going to get a firearm if they want one. Hell, guns are very simple mechanically, you can make one in an afternoon. Education is the best defence.

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Lee Harvey Oswald.

James Earl Ray

Imo it’s way too wordy for its target audience. And what kid today knows who Wyatt Earp is??????

Cool story libcuck.

Yeah, if you live in a violent shithole absolutely. But in civilised places a pepper spray is much better because you can use it without having to worry about killing someone, which means you can use it in more scenarios than a gun. Of course that only works if you know nobody around carries a gun and that can't happen when your country is full of gangs.

Rapists, muggers and psychos exist in civilized places too.

>I can't tell if you're taking the piss or not.
Let me put it this way.
I don't like libertarians. At all. But every citizen in the state should still be armed and trained in the use of firearms. This is because an armed population is an indicator of a powerful state.
WITH that goal, comes an entire class of social frameworks that cannot and will not arise naturally, and so must be instituted by the state. But every such statist decree would be perceived as a breach of privacy and individual autonomy. For instance I would force every citizen to attend gun training in school and practice their skills every weekend. But the libertarians don't want that. They want the gun, and then use it whenever they like.
My solutions would put guns in the hands of every American and yet lower gun violence to a near zero. And all these dumb hicks would have to give up is the ridiculous belief that guns are an instrument of freedom, rather than an instrument of power.

>we have the same right to armed security as the president
The prez's goons get the full auto toys. While I dread a society where the average retard can get mp5s you sure as shit can't say there's no elite class when legally the top dogs own shit I can't even touch.
Did I ever say that literally every single person who carries a gun is evil?
Did I ever say that guns can literally never be used to defend yourself?
No. I didn't. You're literally strawmanning me.
No shit guns can be used to defend yoyrself, no shit they can be used to defend others. I'm just SLIGHTLY worried that there are people out there who practice their "are you feeling lucky, punk?" in the mirror 15 times before they put their Hi-Point in their 20 year old Wranglers.

Tough choice, but it's gotta be the big H-man.

So you just want mass conscription.

Thank god dumb commies like you always fail.

I came here expecting to see Mom blow away a mugger and left disappointed.

You made multiple posts saying how the people who want to be "public defenders" are narcissistic psychopaths, so no, I'm not strawmanning you.
You're just a tool who unironically believes the shit the MSM pushes without questioning it in the slightest, because every single time criminals are stopped by "a good guy with a gun", it's instantly memoryholed.

I want mandatory civil service, like they virtually have in Switzerland.
You know Switzerland has the most guns per household in all of Europe, and yet virtually no gun crime?
Makes you think.

>sheep actually shows up

Man, this is getting heavy-handed.

I'm British and I hate the way people who think like you have ruined my rights. I am not allowed to protect myself or my loved ones. I face greater punishment than my attacker if I do and guess what, those attackers DO have weapons, they have guns and knives and brass knuckles. I am not allowed ANYTHING. Even a stick. If I pick up a stick or stone from the ground to defend myself I will be seriously punished by the law if I do anything more than "attempt to avoid personal injury".

If we really lived in the fantasy world of your imagining then I would be more than happy to be disarmed but we do not and so I am extremely frustrated that I am worth less than my attacker in the eyes of the law.

Americans, never give up your freedoms or your weapons because both are interwoven, one ensures the other.


That's racist.

>You know Switzerland has the most guns per household in all of Europe, and yet virtually no gun crime?

Lol not anymore, the EU forced gun control on them last week. Also if you take out ghetto crime the US is safer than 99% of countries on earth, free, self-sufficient citizens can take care of themselves just fine.

State training is also worthless, most cops shoot less and worse than civilians training of their own volition. But a bootlicker wouldn't understand that, control is all your nugget understands.

Your country isn't "civilized" at all

>But in civilised places a pepper spray is much better
You know that pepper spray is illegal in places like Germany and Sweden, right?

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>You know Switzerland has the most guns per household in all of Europe, and yet virtually no gun crime?

>Ethnic groups:
>German 65%, French 18%, Italian 10%, Romansch 1%, other 6%
having some big thinks here

It's the same in Finland. I could go outside right now and beat someone into a coma (or rape them) and I might not even get jail time, but if the situation was reversed and I defended myself I would go to prison for sure.

>dumb commies
Wouldn't the he then want them to have no guns? Instead it's the opposite from the sounds of it.

Well despite being 13% of the population Blacks can cause 75% of the crime. Italian + other would theoretically be 16% and would cause 89% of the crime if it wasn't for the Swiss system.
Kek here's the libertarian come in to play.
You think that gun control is going to make the guns disappear? Based Switzerland will just pass a referendum and everything will be back to normal. Don't count on the EU having Switzerland by the same kind of vice they did Britain.
Meanwhile you live in a non-democracy and actually believe your corporate wageslaves are self-sufficient. How embarrassing.

Then why have it? Why not elect someone else?

I made multiple posts saying there are LINKS and HIGHER CHANCE of POLICE or SHEEPDOGS exhibiting traits of dark triad behaviors. I never once fucking Saif that every single gin owner or every single sheepdog or every single whathaveyou is guaranteed definitely ebil.
>You're just a tool who unironically believes the shit the MSM pushes
"We can't have any skepticism 'round here. Yer' either a sheepdog or a full blown commie libcuck. What'll it be?"
I'd need to really think this one out. To my knowledge, when you train animals or humans to be around or near something they become proficient and respectful of it. Yet at the same time we are surrounded by dangerous shit that continually kills us. Nobody has come to respect cars and those are like the number 2 killer.
I just don't know. It sounds cool and I sure as shit wish I knew if it would work but idk.
Isn't there a town in Iowa that has gun ownership as mandatory? How are they doin?
Maybe it's a bad scan? I'm trying to give the benefit of the doubt and hope nobody is blind enough to leave that in when they're actually making the damn thing.

He's a libertarian. Everyone is the enemy and everyone is a commie. The guns are to him just a secondary issue.

Thread’s over. It was fun while it lasted.

Except you just said that Switzerland has virtually no crime.
If you removed black from America, we would also have virtually no crime like Switzerland, without any of the other dumb shit you said.
America has a race problem.

You're not being "skeptical" at all.
You're just regurgitating the same bullshit narrative the MSM fed you.

>Nobody has come to respect cars and those are like the number 2 killer
Children should be taught to drive from kindergarten, not from high school.

86% of ethnic related gun crime removed without removing the ethnic group seems pretty fucking great as a result of social structure to me.


Communists always pay lip service to gun ownership since Marx mentioned it as necessary for the workers to stage the revolution, the catch is that as long as you reserve the sole power to say who is a worker and who is Bourgeois you can decide who gets the guns, the oppressor/oppressed larping is all they need. Left wing gun clubs use that logic to want to disarm "Cletus and all the white male oppressors"

No, i'd just prefer to remove the ethnic group to be honest and get it done with without infringing upon the rights of myself and my countrymen.

Because you're making the assumption that the difference is "the social structure", and not "African Americans".
As if you somehow taught negros to handle guns more efficiently, then for no reason whatsoever, they would somehow stop shooting people less, instead of shooting people more efficiently instead of holding their glocks sideways while doing drivebys.

Not an argument. You're putting words in my mouth and have yet to address any of my actual arguments. If you have citations that blow my arguments out then please by all means post them, but the one thing you did post disagrees with literally nothing I said.
Fair enough

Oooh, oooh, don't forget to add that the Nazi's were actually left wing!

Threads about American problems are never fun.

Incel ethnostate when?

>left handed cross draw

This retard shouldn't own a gun

The irony here is always beautiful.

>infringing on rights
Yeah see, it was never about guns, was it? It was always about being a literal manbaby crying about nebulous rights.
Again, Switzerland is a direct democracy. All the rights they have? They give themselves.
>more efficiently
>the entire fucking concept of this thread is about it being a case of responsibility rather than efficiency
If Italians can be taught to not murder each other, so can black people.
Again, an impervious social structure can handle just about anything. The problem with America is you let pretty much everything barely function and pretend the "freedoms" are worth it. It's pathetic.

given the universe it's set in, bear arms might have a different interpretation

>Kek here's the libertarian come in to play.
>You think that gun control is going to make the guns disappear? Based Switzerland will just pass a referendum and everything will be back to normal.

Polls say most Swiss are cuxked and support the gun control laws, it passed through all their cantons.

>Don't count on the EU having Switzerland by the same kind of vice they did Britain.
>Meanwhile you live in a non-democracy and actually believe your corporate wageslaves are self-sufficient. How embarrassing.

Britain doesnt't need the EU to be a tyrannical shithole, not when the country is run by cabals of old totalitarian boomers with ties to old Aristocracy and actual no-shit pedophile rings entrenched in the politics and media that micromanages and terrorizes it's common citizen on a routinely basis. The UK is a shitty country sized Home Owners association and the living proof you can be independent as a nation economically and politically and still be an unworthy dystopia where one class of people can emerge and oppress everyone else. The state overreach always leads to this. No country has EVER benefitted from Leviathans.

I just can't put my head around America being so obsessed about guns and their relation with "safety", yet it's so coded into the culture of the country that people would find ways to get guns anyway, no one can fix that shithole

>in america[...]there is no elite class of people
holy fuck damn.

i agree with the general sentiment, but this shit right here

>I have no argument

I want that mommy dog to blow me

Right to bear arms preludes the extension of rights onto blacks, objectively

No I think it's because what you said doesn't make sense.

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>Right to bear arms preludes the extension of rights onto blacks, objectively
Negroes will get guns no matter their legality, so I'm more than content with continuing to let them be shit at shooting them, rather than training them to kill me.

I ask you again.
You think those guns are going to disappear?
Any gun control legislation imparted by the EU can be amended. Anyone who has guns will get permits for them. Everyone who has guns knows how to use them. The citizens who want even more guns will still be able to acquire them given they go through the proper process.
The entire reason why Switzerland is willing to conform to gun control is because they are ALREADY controlling their guns as well as they are.

She's the type to give you the best head of your life if you bring home her favorite wine coolers.
I wonder what she drinks.

furfags are also gun autists color me surprised

What happened to all men created equal?

Blacks correctly weren't considered people when that was written.

Those suits are exspsive. If I dropped that much money on something people hate you bet I'd get some protection.

Is Bad Wolf a n____? Then who are harmless sheeps?

Actually as another user pointed out, individual rights to bear arms only starts in 2008 whereas the 2nd amendment is for regulated militia, not individuals.
Ok moron.
Let's say we humor the racist argument for a second. Blacks are only 13% of the population. If everyone gets gun training and the blacks start shooting whites efficiently, the whites will shoot back and eradicate the blacks. You'll get your ethnostate, only now you've also got a bunch of blonde blue eyed aryans to conquer the world with.
Everyone wins.

There's no irony, I do not consider blacks to be countrymen. I do not want them here.
I'll happily call myself racist. Do you understand my stance now?

This thread could use more actual Yea Forums stuff in it. Oddly enough this one also has anthros too, the feathery kind.

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I understand the author of OP comic would call you a wolf for being a racist.

Oh yes there is irony. Also yes I do.

> Ps 144:1

psalms 144:1
Blessed is the lord, he is my rock, who trains my hands for war, and my fingers for battle.

really... really?

>comic about furries and guns

Yup, like fucking clockwork

>no service for ___
>___s don't follow the rule anyway

Non-libcuck whites already know how to shoot.
Seriously, have you ever seen a negro before in your life? Do you understand that innawoods tacticool redneck gun nuts are not the same as negro thug gangbangers?

Then i'd call her an idiot for not being racist herself. No good has ever come from the darkies and it never will.

Explain the irony then. Go ahead, point out what's ironic about my stance and everyone can have a good laugh at me. No reason not to really, is there? You're anonymous just like myself, go ahead and state the irony.

>You think those guns are going to disappear?

You can reduce gun ownership and attack gun culture to the point it is too debilitated to preserve itself, see Australia after Port Arthur, or what's happening right now in NZ with people getting their property seized en masse without actual due process.

>Any gun control legislation imparted by the EU can be amended. Anyone who has guns will get permits for them. Everyone who has guns knows how to use them. The citizens who want even more guns will still be able to acquire them given they go through the proper process.

But indoctrinating people into being feeble, distancing them from weapons as a part of their lives and teaching them to fear and reject them only takes them being kept away enough for long enough, as it did with the once upon a time great levels of gun ownership all over Europe, France, Spain, even the UK had huge levels of gun ownership once.

You are a fool if you think they would be doing this if it didn't work.

>Actually as another user pointed out, individual rights to bear arms only starts in 2008 whereas the 2nd amendment is for regulated militia, not individuals.

Don't ACKSHUALLY at me if you don't know how legal interpretation works, holy fuck. SCOTUS, much like the constitution itself, didn't grant that meaning to the words, it only reaffirmed them as the true interpretation all along. Fuck your regulated militia nonsense, every Able-Bodied American in the draft registry is a militiaman and thus should have access to all the items in the US MIlitary inventory.

Fuck the fed bastards that turned all actual militia groups into Aryan Brotherhood honeypots too, they can keep arresting eachother all day after planting drugs and auto sears on people.

So you're saying the constitution isn't a living document?

>There could be niggers rob this store!
>It's our familly's business. Don't let others know we think niggers are dangerous

> luke 22:36

luke 22:36
> He said to them, “But now let the one who has a moneybag take it, and likewise a knapsack. And let the one who has no sword sell his cloak and buy one.

this is sorta weird, putting bible verses everywhere

I'm saying blacks are even less human now than when they were slaves.
At least then they were useful, and not a gigantic blight on society.

>What if I told you there's a furry comic book entirely devoted on gun safety?
I would be entirely unsurprised

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How would you have liked this thread to go?
I didn't even notice these. Kinda boring that they're the tried and true verses though. I want somebody to cite the weird shit sometime

>Do you understand that innawoods tacticool redneck gun nuts are not the same as negro thug gangbangers?
Neither acknowledge the authorities so they both have a place in Gun Respect Camp.

Lesson 1: To respect a gun is to respect power. The government can end your life any minute with its power. Respect the power, respect the gun.

I can appreciate what they were going for with the verses myself, it's nice to see sometimes.

>How would you have liked this thread to go?
Haven't seen a CHINK NIP CHONG thread in awhile.


Under this logic the sheepdog are the police.

Conservatives are correct in portraying themselves as dogs, however: they are incapable of rational thought.

Is this what they teach you at cuckold conversion camp?

>And Jesus said, "fuck this fig tree, just fucking fuck it"
Probably one of the more well known Bible things by this point, though.

>Lesson 1: To respect a gun is to respect power. The government can end your life any minute with its power. Respect the power, respect the gun.

Lesson 2: The government can be ended at any minute with your own power. They should respect you.

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>>But indoctrinating people into being feeble, distancing them from weapons as a part of their lives and teaching them to fear and reject them only takes them being kept away enough for long enough, as it did with the once upon a time great levels of gun ownership all over Europe, France, Spain, even the UK had huge levels of gun ownership once.
>Says the American libertarian who gets to go his entire life without military training while all Swiss civilians are mandated to have some
Actual hearty kek.
>Fuck your regulated militia nonsense, every Able-Bodied American in the draft registry is a militiaman and thus should have access to all the items in the US MIlitary inventory.
Yeah, yeah, of course, of course. It's not about the guns. It's about no regulations.
Daft idiot.

Does everyone forget the government are the people?


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This is so cringeworthy

only the armed are free, the rest are merely protected

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>Haven't seen a CHINK NIP CHONG thread in awhile
Can you spoonfeed me on this one?
>Under this logic the sheepdog are the police

This comic not only triggers Yea Forums but also makes Yea Forums discuss. The thing only truly great literatures can do.

> the sheep

*tips fedora*

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Instead of complaining about niggers we complain about asians.

timothy 2 1:7
> For the Spirit God gave us does not make us timid, but gives us power, love and self-discipline.
Revelations 19:11
> I saw heaven standing open and there before me was a white horse, whose rider is called Faithful and True. With justice he judges and wages war.
Romans 13:4
> For the one in authority is God’s servant for your good. But if you do wrong, be afraid, for rulers do not bear the sword for no reason. They are God’s servants, agents of wrath to bring punishment on the wrongdoer.
Isaiah 6:8
>Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, “Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?” And I said, “Here am I. Send me!

i think i may have missed a few at the beginning but whatever.
this is sort of silly. hiding bible verses in the book.

If the government could be ended by a lone wolf it would already have been done. Killing some civvies does jack shit to take down a govt.

>Lesson 2: The government can be ended at any minute with your own power. They should respect you.
No, you can't, moron.

I like this

>I literally can't argue with you without building a strawman to attack your character

comes as no surprise

>Yeah, yeah, of course, of course. It's not about the guns. It's about no regulations.

Regulation is just the tip of the prohibition dick. All regulations have only made everyone less safe and punished innocents over fictions and lies. You're just an anti-gun pretending to be pro-gun.

But aren't asians considered as the harmless?

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Love the random bible verse on the bench.


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The comic didn't trigger Yea Forums.

This is inkbunny level material.

Don't forget the bible verse on this kids shirt.

Attached: Grey Knights relations with other Space Marine chapters.jpg (953x772, 290K)

more like "deepest lore".

>not a wolf
So they can tell on sight who the thoughtless vicious criminals are?

Do americans really carve the bible on public things?

George Zimmerman

>Christian author puts bible verses in her comic about set in a christian nation, to be read predominately by christian people


Anybody else want to see /ss/ of the mom and her son?
Just me?

Attached: 8d8.jpg (324x291, 39K)

Why do I get the feeling the artist draws gay furry porn?

No alt here. This is just average conservative self-righteousness.

>And what kid today knows who Wyatt Earp is??????
The ones who read about him in this book.

Obviously. Only the carniggers need a prey to eat.

You can in real life too. It's not just skin colour, body language is a huge signal no matter the race.

Wouldn't this be more of an analogy of people's personalities not their titles.
Nobody is born a sheepdog or wolf, but they end up one by being protective or by being a selfish asshole.

So this is Jay Naylor but with lower quality art?

>If the government could be ended by a lone wolf it would already have been done. Killing some civvies does jack shit to take down a govt.

McVeigh's attack halted the ATF and FBI on their tracks after a steady increase in violence and pressure against gun owners and militia groups in the late 80s early 90s, There hasn't been anything like Ruby Ridge or Waco since. For all intents and purposes, he alone put the fear of thousands of disgruntled, trained vets and militiamen putting up more of a fight than the pencil pushing feds wanted to ever face.

>No, you can't, moron.

Attached: ukraine-coup-2014.jpg (820x600, 82K)

>in america[...]there is no elite class of people
but thats wrong dick head

Attached: unflimflammable.gif (389x279, 1.42M)

They have gone entirely in Australia and most states that ban them, actually:


>You can in real life too. It's not just skin colour, body language is a huge signal no matter the race.
NPCs can't.

>Punisher hat
I laughed my ass off at this, but otherwise a good book for kids I think

>that stance
So in addition to leaving guns on the table Butch’s dad can’t even shoot for shit

You're conflating rich with elite.
Those rich people have no more rights than you do.
Your president doesn't have a single extra right over yourself.

Let's not pretend Australia is any standard for what we're discussing here

It's not a how date they thing it's just kinda weird. Gun ownership isn't inherently Christian, and I'm pretty sure jesus said some stuff sout not being prideful and maybe not looking for trouble. Idk if the comic is about Christian stuff because I got bored halfway through but still
>Wouldn't this be more of an analogy of people's personalities not their titles.
I was trying to word it that way but I'm a fucking retard

Daddy, when could I have a gun?

Love how the rights are in quotation marks.

Well it's definitely alt something

When you're allowed by law to own a license and have shown sufficient skill in handling a firearm at the range. Don't worry Son, I know you can do it.
Proud of you.

Le sigh:


Attached: 18cho-2-600.jpg (600x300, 38K)


Bold of this furry comic to compare conservatives to literal child fuckers.

Not enough Ayn Rand, urinating and cuckolding

Chris Kyle was a weirdo and kind of a scumbag by many accounts.

And yet violent crime, which was already dropping saw zero effect because of it, but a bigger proportion of it ended up being gun-related somehow.

And here's is the part where someone tells you you're wrong because people get around the law, but that's not quite true, the president has a special legal status that keeps him from being trialed without losing it by congress vote first. That is a feature intended to maintain the public office from being obstructed with perpetual nonsense though.

Children are safer in states with no blacks too.

>attack your character
Why, are you upset I'm calling you a good for nothing libertarian? The kind for whom society is just a convenience? Who threatens a revolution every time the authorities make any demands and never follows through with it? Who wants the government to protect him from all those nasty immigrants and invaders but will always dodge the draft because the military is too good for him?
As a matter of fact, I can see your argument. You want to be left alone to live in freedom and without anyone taking your property or making you learn things you don't want to learn or telling you what to do. So I'll be completely honest. In my power system I wouldn't be so crass and insulting as to try to convince you to give any of that up. I'm not a monster, I understand that is what you want. It's your right to want it. So I would just hand a gun to another guy, train him to use it, and tell him to kill you for treason. And they'll do it too. Because between the American Civil War, the Cold War and the War on Terror, your dream of private liberties has ever so slowly crumbled to nothingness.
The sheepdog can fight a few stray wolves with guns, but it's a completely different story when the sheep have nukes. And they're gunning for you.

Deeper than any Punisher run. Punisher should have a child character.

Spartans weren't child fuckers, at least they were the least prone of all Greeks. They were the most feminist of the states though, as rich women amassed all the wealth and land and slowly gained sway over the elected officials, leading to economic and cultural decay over time.

but if the rich can literally not pay taxes, have access to more resources than me, and can directly effect the laws of the land how are they different from the elite
>Your president doesn't have a single extra right over yourself.
you know that currently lawyers are trying to decide if its possible for the president to commit crimes. Not if its possible to prosecute the president but if anything the president does even counts as illegal.

>Chris Kyle was a weirdo and kind of a scumbag
How can I search this

tl;dr you have no argument

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chris kyle is a liar
chris kyle is a dick
chris kyle is an asshole

try those

Nothing you just wrote was a "Right".
Do the rich have more advantages than us? Absolutely. Is it necessarily fair? No, not really.
Do they have more rights? No.

The elite ruling class in my country can do whatever the fuck they like, regardless of how much money they have, and never fear consequence. Your leaders can't have a blowjob without it threatening their position.

You know who else hate guns? Rapists, at least when their would be victims are carrying one.

Thread's gone to shit. Can we post Franks and other /k/omics & /k/artoons characters instead?

Attached: Fronk.jpg (1275x1832, 507K)

without a gun how could I rape qt?

This isn't the 90's anymore. American leaders can get all the blowjobs they want.

Mainly just the arrogance and unwarranted self-importance of it.
Being armed for self-defense is fine and reasonable, but you're not a fucking superhero because you have an AR-15 and a hat with the Punisher logo on it.

Do people like you who think you can just change the topic when there's discussion you disapprove of ever have any luck? i've only seen attempts like this end up as a further detriment to threads.


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>Do people like you who think you can just change the topic when there's discussion you disapprove of ever have any luck?
Are you mad that someone wants to talk about comics and cartoons on the comics and cartoons board?

Attached: the most anticipated tv event of our time.jpg (1024x682, 107K)

Find a weak liberal woman

is this beastars but for even smaller children?

thicc Frank is the best Frank

Attached: tumblr_o1xwjbzb331tb9yq3o1_1280.jpg (1115x1859, 133K)

Imagine being triggered by a sticker.

Firstly I don't hate guns. The only thing stopping me from having one actually is cash.
Secondly, there's a difference between "I'm gonna carry a Derringer in case some mad fuck decides to rape me" and "I'm gonna buy a Derringer and make it my duty to make sure nobody gets raped in this neighborhood". The former is fine, the latter is less fine.

The thread isn't for Punisher-wank, it's for rule breaking furry posting and gun control comics.

Attached: Deathstroke (2016-) 011-022.jpg (1988x3056, 1.66M)

Note to the mods, my behavior is widely practiced by the denizens of your precious pet board, Yea Forums. Therefore, in your eyes, my actions are absolutely infallible and my demand must be met.


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dance thread?

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When shortening a year an apostrophe isn't used.


Is this pic related to the topic of this thread?

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No but someone saying "thread's gone to shit" is the most passive aggressive woman thing you could do while people are having a discussion, even if you think it's in bad faith. If you want to have your thing just do it instead of nagging others to stop.


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Ah, an Escape from Tarkov player I see.

Ah, so you are mad. Good to know.

So you want him to do what Is doing then?


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So is this the only page with a goddamn wolf?

Advance in my direction, brah!

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>For all intents and purposes, he alone put the fear of thousands of disgruntled, trained vets and militiamen putting up more of a fight than the pencil pushing feds wanted to ever face.
That only goes to show how pathetic the U.S. has become. Literally the fall of Rome. Imagine the Union being unable to defeat a few thousand men in the 1860's. Ridiculous.

Get this Donut Steel shit out of my face


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Too modern.

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Wait, why is someone trying to get this thread deleted? We're still discussing points relevant to the actual comic


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No, user's saying just fucking post franks without acting like you're somehow saving a thread that started off as a storytime of a bizarre furry gun safety comic.

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>"Dont tell other people what to do"
>Spams pony porn and cries to the mods to shut down the thread

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His parent should shot him at the spot. How could kids learn if they let the wolf alive? This book needs a waldo appendix for the target practice. Be a sheepdog, find the wolves and keep the sheeps safe!

They post lolis and batemen, not horses
Get it right

I was more focused on the "passive aggressiveness" part then the "don't tell others" part.

Add an undeslung cobray terminator

Not bad, not bad...

But how will you handle ... this!?

Attached: HZpv1Rr.jpg (962x522, 84K)

There are videos of criminals getting sprayed and beating the shit of the one who sprayed them after

how many pony porns do you save?

>Leftard can't defend his own opinions
>Demands the thread is deleted


I thought we established that furries are more right then left?

>Everyone is the same person

What the fuck did you expect?

Attached: 6CBF3889-7DED-480A-ABD7-DCBD133C1350.jpg (703x521, 40K)

Ameritards are still hiding behind the second amendment, pathetic

r8 my gun

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Cool Cat Saves The Kids already exists.

Mods please ,ban this asshole

Makes me think it's a hybrid snake and weapon.

>europoor being this intimidated by FREEDOM
You sad pitiful fucks cant even jerk off anymore without a fucking license and you want to call out a nation that still attempts to hold itself to one of the basic fucking human rights as somehow in the wrong?
Get fucked.

Attached: E23B9494-CFB6-4740-B305-253292676683.jpg (600x600, 51K)

What the fuck is your problem?

Depends on the type, twitter trannyfurs are a thing. Generally if they have social media they're gigantic pride flag waving, unironically communist shitstains. Right wing furries get yeeted the fuck out of most furry sites so they dont have a lot of visibility.

Rights are a joke.
There are no rights. Only obligations.

The best furries are the ones you don't see.

Well, I mean, we're not getting arrested for hurting people's feelings on the internet, so it kinda works.

I don't understand how they are any more of a blight than any other race in the country. The statistics that retards unironically love pulling up has more to do with petty larceny drug related crimes and gangs. However, nobody talks about the immense scale of crimes whites do. I'm not even talking about slavery or colonization, no I'm talking about how every crime committed by whites is alway s more ruthless and straight up evil. Organized Pedophile rings sure aren't set up by blacks. School shootings are rarely done by them either. Mass fraud and money laundering aren't done by blacks as often too. The Jamestown massacre wasn't organized by a black person. Black people commit crimes that's for sure, but the damage you guys cause affects more people and has more weight and victims than any crimes a minority could cause.

Yes, and I am obligated to defend myself, god, and country with my beautiful weapons instead of being a eurocuck.

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>In honor of a man who died after thinking it was a good idea to give guns to a man with a long history of mental illness and take him to a gun range.

>defend god
You can't even fucking get religion right, holy shit!

Wait a minute, what kind of salesman shows up at 8 o'clock at night?
Something's a little off there.

I love commie furries
they seriously think their lifestyle would hold up
poor saps

Did you know that they don't keep ammo at home?

I call it the little bastard.

Attached: gunne.png (343x226, 12K)

Behold, a weapon to surpass metal gear!

Attached: 5EzRcXJ.jpg (1280x730, 113K)

Because they don't need any. They are that good.

God and country is a phrase you useless swine.
You do not defend god himself but his works and principles here on earth you fucking moron.
But youre a eurocuck so youve been abandoned long ago, which is why your continent is flooded with heathens you welcome with open arms instead of heavy artillery.

>some guy wrote a bunch f inflammatory bullshit on the internet, that means it's true
There's not even the faintest hint of a source to back up any of that.
Sweden is a pants on head retarded shithole, but that doesn't mean any and all bullshit claims are true.

>Niggers are so fucking bad at everything they do they cant even do crime properly
Imagine this level of cope

Have you ever seen a kids book? Most of them have anthro characters.

Tell me that these kids pulling out the 2nd isn't propaganda. Most of the things in this book- like whether or not kids should be playing with toys guns- do not concern children at all, nor are issues at any kids mind

Attached: nostalga.jpg (1920x1080, 412K)

Gotta teach em while they are young

i support the 2nd amendment but i do wonder if the american people are too complacent to do anything if tyranny ever does arise

There's a fine line between someone declaring themselves a protector of sheepeople and declaring themselves Judge Judy and executioner.

Uh-huh, but let's not mention the regulated militia in the 2nd amendment. God forbid kids associate the word "regulate" with anything positive.

Hey can anyone storytime that government funded comic about why sexual harassment is bad?

But that refers to the adult male population as a whole

If the tyranny BTFO's the liberals they'll welcome it with open arms.
Americans cant decide if the Nazi's were left or right for crying out loud.

Imagine being this triggered hahahahaha holy shit oh god OP look what you've done shame on you hahahahahaha Yea Forums is supposed to be a SAFE SPACE for the poor straight white male, the world's most persecuted minority hahahaha

>it doesn't even shoot swords

Attached: 7fGEbm5.jpg (850x1280, 155K)

The only regulation necessary is that everyone has guns. Every citizen is the militia, especially now that women are part of the draft registry too.

........boys where did you get that?

Less than 10% of the population actively rebelled during the revolution.
Things have changed significantly of course but that just changes the technical details of insurrection rather than principle and practice.
Things are running relatively fucked but stable so we wont see much of anything any time soon, unfortunately. But if fucking Trump just winning a goddamn election as "fairly" as any of the other shitstain politicos was enough to get riots from both sides of the aisle, god help us what will happen when something serious actually goes down in this climate.

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Cringe post

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I remember someone saying people stopped saying Feminazis because they realized they actually liked Nazis after all

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No, user.
Well-regulated militia doesn't refer to the entire adult male population just because your personal idea of "well-regulated" is being registered for the draft.

I like the gun-a-pult the most.

more gunpults!

Attached: Y5vEsng.jpg (386x364, 9K)

No that exactly what it meant

Is this for when they give the order to fix bayonets and charge?

>Well-regulated militia doesn't refer to the entire adult male population just because your personal idea of "well-regulated" is being registered for the draft.

Except it does and you disagreeing with it can't change that. You don't understand what it means better than SCOTUS does.

>America was 90% white in 1960
>Now is barely above 60%
Your country is irreparably flooded


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No, we only use combat knife!

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Its propaganda. A lot of the reasoning it uses would go right over a child's head.

Lol you just keep boosting and inflating the black crime rate. The black crime rate for poor blacks is the same as poor whites. Despite getting far larger sentences for the same crimes

So I'm too lazy to read the whole thread chain but what specifically about this furry gun book sparked the race debate and all the other shit in this thread?
It's more annoying than even the horse porn.

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> there is no elite class of people because we are the ones who rule this country

Someone is actually this deluded. Holy crap.

> sheepdog

> is actually a labrador

>pony spam gets nuked
>literal furry thread is still here
what is this i don't even

Meh, the english is too goo to be proper Spurdo.

Honestly, what doesn't spark a race debate these days?


It’s simple people started complaining about guns and then about who does the crime with guns


>to adjust so as to ensure accuracy of operation:
>to put in good order:
"Regulated" in the context of the second amendment basically just means "properly equipped". You may disagree with this statement, but worry not, as I already have several rebuttals to whatever argument you were probably about to make:
>Why would the U.S. government feel the need to declare that its own military has the right to be armed? Isn't that the whole point of a military?
>Why would they include this declaration in a document about the rights of THE PEOPLE, when no other amendment in the Bill of Rights says a single goddamn thing about what the government has authority to do?
>What part of the government actually does this regulating? The federal government? The state government? You'd think they would've gone into a bit more detail about who is supposed to do the regulating.
>None of this fucking matters anyway because the prefatory clause about well-regulated militias doesn't change the subject of the sentence, which is "the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed", it only establishes why that right is important

fucking kek

Honestly, despite maybe looking like the artist drew porn, it's really nothing unusual for typical Yea Forums animal characters. The whole thing is some weird, classic after school special shit where they use the animals as metaphors to try and make their arguments. The whole "sheep, sheep dogs, wolves" thing. We're allowed to post anthro-animal character media on Yea Forums, we have fucking Rumba Racers or whatever it's called threads. You're just not allowed to be an actual furry and post blatant furry porn.

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Are children’s books considered Yea Forums?

Ergo making your self-righteous claim to be the protectors null since there is an actual niche in society for that.

Waifu threads. Which is why they can get spammed with the same pile of images over and over.

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Police have no obligation to protect you, Supreme Court said so

Remember that time a /k/ommando got his dick stuck in a gun, and that other time another got it stuck up his butt?

Pics or it didn't happen.

Ya. What else would they be? I don't think they would allow them on Yea Forums and we allow children cartoons here like Sofia and paw patrol.

Attached: EWBl4b3.jpg (1023x437, 146K)

Someone will make a joke about puppies with black fur causing 50% of the crime despite being only 13% of the population of puppies. Someone else will take the joke seriously and equate puppies to people and then the rest of the thread takes it from there.

Warren vs District of Columbia

Are sure it's someone taking it seriously or just trying to be "ironic"?


Attached: my hero.png (848x1288, 1.2M)

>We're allowed to post anthro-animal character media on Yea Forums
AHAHAhahaa. Lurk more. Then try making a Sabrina Online thread. Or a Lt. Vixen thread. Or a Leggy thread. Or a Tiny Toons thread. Or a... the list goes on.
The only reason Rimba is allowed is either because the mod likes it or because it's still ongoing.

People don’t argue for 5 plus hours on the internet unless at least one side is mad

>dur lefties can't meme

That's because we're too busy getting an education you manchild.

Technically no, but I wouldn't complain if someone were to post The Monster at the End of This Book.

all Yea Forums media are childrens books anyways

Poe's Law will come into play. Also

It's malicious, they're conspicuously dropped like grenades and meant to push the reader, most likely a kid, towards Christianity. Religious freedom to these people always means Christianity and nothing else, which is wrong. That's why there's separation of church and state, because you never know what religion, or what branch of it, could become popular at any point and then start introducing rapid changes subservient to the core of that religion. It's led to some extremely ugly results in Egypt this decade. That and the fact that Americans have warped Christianity and abused it for the sake of politics in a way that most other nations don't anymore, with exceptions like Russia and Hungary.

I see we are auto saging

this isn't even my final form

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>5 plus hours
Had this been any other website I would agree with you. However, there are people here that are so socially inept and soulcrushingly lonely, shitposting is their only means of human contacts.
These "people" are willing to do literally anything, as long as it means someone will continue to acknowledge their existence in the form of (You)s.
Replying late, to drag out the attention, is a common tactic. Samefag arguing with stupid non arguments to lure unknowing schmucks into the fake convo is another common tactic. Shitposting your way into an ongoing convo between two other anons is yet another tactic.

So where is the tank that flys made out of guns?

>are willing to do literally anything,
Unf, sounds like a good time.

Who robs an ice cream parlor?

post this to a drawthread.

>Political book for kids
No shit it's propaganda, but I don't see you bitching about any other kids book with a moral.

Pepper spray working is a meme

user no one on this planet has ever lived in a democracy.

Pit bulls.

season 2 soon in hd~!

You haven't met American kids?