Donny Cates

Could someone explain to me why he's amassing such a huge following? I've read a lot of his stuff and I just don't understand the hype. Am I missing something?

Attached: Donny Cates.jpg (960x540, 50K)

I've read God Country, Venom, and Cosmic Ghost Rider and just can't connect with it.

There's a lot of stupid people out there

The industry memes people into "stardom" in the hopes of boostin sales. Every few years it's a new one.

As you said nothing he's written is worthwhile so it shouldn't last long unless he pulls a full faggot heel turn and makes someone gay like Bendis for flash in the pan controversy bucks.

Is his Doctor Strange run actually good? I see people shilling it relentlessly.


Marvel's Tom King?

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Marvel marketing machine.

people seem to be into "blue collar" writers I guess you could call them, like jason aaron, that shoehorn in shallow comedy and goofy action which I guess calls back to the era of schwarzenegger

so call it a bit of nostalgia mixed with a bit of just being the new thing, but it won't last long

I'll take that as a no.

It’s fine when you put it up against Aaron’s terrible run, but it’s otherwise very mediocre when compared to other Strange runs. It sucks is what I’m getting at.

I think the thing is none of them are actually blue collar. They love to imagine putting their 350 dollar thin leather boots on with right denim and a denim jacket with fuzzy interior makes them blue collar but their parents are all well-off if not rich and many are the children of academics. the only true "blue collar" creators are the Latins and they're all flamboyant so their art doesn't exude blue collar aesthetic.

The writers are all fucking pompous pricks who only romanticize being a middle American because come election time they hate those people.

>Could someone explain to me why he's amassing such a huge following?
Because of the success of God Country and Venom, and that the stuff he writes is mostly casual-friendly.

>Is his Doctor Strange run actually good?
It has its good moments and it's much better than Aaron's shitfest of a run, but other than that it's pretty weak.


Maybe just a bunch of people enjoy his stuff?

I personally loved God Country. Ghost Fleet was alright though a weak end. Heard good things about Redneck and Baby Teeth.

Far as I understand, his stuff is edgy and apolitical.

Fuck no.
Tom is like "Life is horrible, death is the only escape"
Don is more "Life is horrible, YEE-HAHHH!"

The same reason Johns, Snyder, Aaron, Tomasi, Ewing, Rebirth are famous. Comic readers, especially capeshit readers, are stupid.

Comics readers love garbage.
Just look back a couple years and you see Soule and Aaron getting fellated by fans for boring, stupid shit.

>If people like what I don't like; they're idiots

This is the mark of true stupidity

You mean like how Yea Forums was doing just that a few years ago?

If you aren't aware that there are more stupid people in the world then perhaps you are one of them.

Your point? Yea Forums is full of stupid casuals, half of the posts in a day here are people pretending like they're arguing with their archrivals from redit or cbr forums or twitter or whatever.