Instead of beating up the mentally ill...

Instead of beating up the mentally ill, why doesn’t he invest in social programs that would make being a villain seem pointless and stupid?

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Because its fun beating up the mentally ill.

Batman needs to fight the funder of all these villains. The jews. He knows they're too powerful, though.

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He does both.

Without Bruce, Gotham would basically be Hub City. Nobody wants to be in Hub City.

Because social programs don't work

Because that would mean ending Bat-Man. He's too angry to not want to beat up and break the bones of the same kind of people who killed his parents.

He lacks basic logic, he knows that removing Batman from Gotham would be the end of the masked freaks, but he just won't because he is a nutjob himself.

He does both, as evidenced by the midget/underage junkie/hooker that ended up becoming a receptionist at Wayne Enterprises and that one The Batman issue where he gives Black Mask's thugs a job offer.

Unfortunately, thanks to the "never ever end a story as long as we can keep milking it" that is prevalent in the western comic book industry, all of the social outreaches and face punching that he does in the comic books will never make any real headway in cleaning up the crime in Gotham City.

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> Would be the end of masked freaks.

Their lives don't revolve around Bat-Man. I can only think of Joker, Bane, and maybe The Riddler who'd hang it up if he was gone.

And Dr. Strange would be very happy to take his place.

He just wants to fly around in a suit and beat up lower classes OP

> Just hit him

Hasn't Black Mask seen Bat-Man's crazy ninja martial arts skills before?

Something that really bothers me about Batman is that he does everything he can to clean up Gotham, to make it a better place. By night he fights criminals and solves crimes. By day, he's a philanthropist whose company delves into medicine, criminal rehabilitation, charity work, urban restructuring, etc., etc. We're repeatedly told that he makes a difference, that Gotham has become better since the Batman surfaced. We're TOLD that. But none of it's shown. Gotham is still a total shitshow. How the fuck is any of this BETTER than back when the likes of Carmine Falcone was running things?

oh look, it's this bait again

He's either a great philanthropist who made Arkham security so tight even the Joker or The Riddler has a hard time getting out by day and a very bored Bat-Man by night or he's an idiot playboy by day and "Can't wait to wring my hands around some scumbag's neck" by night.

Unlikely he's both

If he really cared about Gotham he’d let Superman clean it up and then have his own job be to make sure it stays clean.

A principle problem with that is that Superman can't even keep his own city consistently safe. Shit is CONSTANTLY happening in Metropolis. There is ALWAYS something happening there that requires Superman's attention. If Metropolis keeps Superman's hands full, then how the fuck is he supposed to clean up Gotham?

Why do you think he doesn't invest in social programs?
I mean there are like at least 10 free clinics in Gotham titled after his mother, and he often hires excriminals who need a steady job.

His mother was Jewish.

He does fund such programs, and even has placement in his corporation once rehab is complete. The Wayne Foundation is keeping Gotham afloat.

But user Batman is Jewish.

So was Jesus. That didn't stop him from fighting the good fight.

Because he himself is mentally ill.

Majority of his villains arent even mentally ill.
Dude just loves breaking criminals bones for fun while dressed up as a freak.


He's a furry and a manchild attracted to the one thing he swore to protect the city from. I love Bats but this is a guy who thought a bat flying in his window and sitting on a bust of his dead father while he sat dying from a gunshot wound was a sign that he should do anything other than consult a therapist. He's just as bad as them if not worse because he's a schizo hypocrite ready to turn on those he calls friends if they step outta line. At least Two Face and Riddler are consistant.

>thanks to the "never ever end a story as long as we can keep milking it" that is prevalent in the western comic book industry, all of the social outreaches and face punching that he does in the comic books will never make any real headway in cleaning up the crime in Gotham City.
This. If this was written in Japan, he would spend 100 volumes, he would systematically take down each villain and eventually convert them to the side of good by helping them out of a life of crime until the last showdown with Joker. With the power of his friends he made along the way, he and Joker find out they're not so different and have a final laugh together before they both die. And then the sequel comes where Damian must rise to the expections worthy of wearing the Batman's cowl.

Can't he do both?

I got you.

Because Gotham is that bad. It's been shown how corrupt everything is and how no matter how hard Batman tries to fix everything something else takes it place. We're talking about a city that was cut off from the rest of the world and declared No Man's Land. And there are people that are just as organized as Batman working against him. He's not the undisputed ruler of Gotham.

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And instead he becomes the Villain?

>he really thinks someone would want to punch Batman after that tape

>Invest in social programs
Shut the fuck up commie. If you need the help of a 'social program' then your already a piece of shit who deserves to have your ass beat by your betters. This is capitalism, the only economy that works, and if you didn't want to get your shit kicked by a billionaire you shouldn't have been born poor, loser.

Yes, because the shoes were too big to fill and the real hero's reins are handed to Superboy, who was made to look like Superman but made with Batman's dna. He calls himself Super Batman.

Because its fiction. Dont over think this shit.

That The Batman issue was well-intended, but Black Mask felt so off. Probably because the show consistently portrayed him as a terrorist instead of a traditional mob boss.

>Implying it would take Superman more than a hour tops to clean Gotham

I only watched the first 2 seasons of gotham but I think they protrayed how much of a shithole it was before the bat.

I fucking tired of this brainlet take on Batman. He does all of those things. If the criticism was, the story should focus more on Bruce Wayne's philanthropy because otherwise it just looks like most of the time he's just punching out criminals, then I'd have to agree. But that's not the original criticism. I don't like the revolving door at Arkham, because it makes Batman look impotent. It makes all those times that writers do show Batman and Bruce Wayne positively impact the lives of the average person ring hollow as the mass murderer has just escaped again.

I want fanart of that girl being rawned by batman

my country has lots of "social programs", all it did was create a culture of entitlement, they want our constitution changed so that it includes the right to a house, these same people throw their trash out onto the street because they feel the government should take it away for free.

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reminds me of this

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> "Ya, know it's kinda' weird that The Bat always promotes Wayne Enterprises. He fancy himself to be a mascot or somethin'?

> "Who knows. Quit askin' stupid questions and be happy you got a 50k salary and insurance."

They thankfully managed to sidestep this particular quandary in Batman Inc. by having Bruce come out as Batman's sponsor and financial backer.

Wayne Enterprises is probably the biggest and most involved company in Gotham.

Isn't this that WORDSWORDSWORDS artist? How did they manage to write even less than usual in describing Batman from his design to his gadgets to his Batmobile?

>Instead of beating up the mentally ill, why doesn’t he invest in social programs that would make being a villain seem pointless and stupid?
Such as?
How do you convince Batman's rogues to not be villains with social programs?
Ivy by buying her a park to curate maybe? But she'd expand every time.


Good point.
Penguin might've become Mayor if he wasn't so petty and insecure. Leading him to massacre a guys family if he thinks the guy mocked him.
Two Face would be a good judge but you really shouldn't decide if a person is guilty or not by flipping a coin. It's fair but unethical and unreliable.
Without the Joker Harley has a chance at becoming at least semi normal.
Riddler has used his powers of deduction to be a detective. I forget why he quit.
Solomon Grundy is good as long as you stay out his swamp.
Joker would be sitting pretty if Batman wasn't around to perpetuate and justify his existence.
A lot of people with deformities like Clayface, White Shark, Killer Croc, etc. Would be good if they somehow got cured.

The Falcones, Maronis, Bertilinis are the only one's Batman really defeated.

The idea is that its a Sisyphean task. Batman can clean up crime as much as he can but it's going to exist no matter what he does as Batman or Bruce Wayne. Even with Superman around, Metropolis still has significant crime going on and Intergang still use it as their operations base. The difference is Batman's obsessed with rolling that boulder himself while Superman knows he has to inspire people to help him move the boulder, but not everyone will help.

Because he is mentally ill

Batman into the Bat-verse when

Is she really tho? His family seems to be pretty WASP-y

>all these retards ITT that don't know that Batman does exactly that
Man, I know Yea Forums doesn't read comics but come on. Mindless circle jerk hate threads are so retarded

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He does with the Batman corporation, the real question is “why doesn’t he get his justice league friends to get rid of the curse on Gotham?”

Because "the curse on Gotham" is just the in-comic handwaving for how DC can keep making Batman comics in perpetuity.

Is that bat mobile a reference to those DC snipers? Weren’t they black?