"Close the logical part of your mind."

"Close the logical part of your mind."
"Embrace nothingness."
"Become like an uncarved stone."
"Bart, you're just pretending to understand me!"
"It's very frustrating."
"I'll bet."
"I have a riddle for you. What is the sound of one hand clapping?"
"That's easy." *clap*clap*clap*
"Bart, it's a 3000 year old riddle for which there's no answer."
"Sure there is. Listen." *clap*clap*clap*
"Ok...how about this one? If a tree falls in a forest and there is no one around to hear it, does it make a sound?"
"Sure it does. Weeeeeewwwwwwwwpppfffffffftttt..."
"But Bart, how can sound exist if there is no one around to hear it?"

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I'm guessing this is the other path to enlightenment? Just plain ignorance of higher concepts that you loop back round.

Lisa is a terrible example of buddhism tho she's pretentious and thinks shes better than everyone because of her beliefs

This was Season 2 so "that" Lisa hadn't developed yet.

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Yes, actually. But not really.
See the thing is to reach enlightenment you need to be able to drop desires and vices. The whole zen thing, embrace nothingness is a stepping stone on that. If you had that plain ignorance coupled with near saintliness you could stumble on enlightment.
But yeah, Bart is a lot closer to zen than Lisa is.

>"Bart, it's a 3000 year old riddle for which there's no answer."
This is fucking wrong. Bart has them well solved. The purpose of the riddles isn't to be unsolvable, it's to help you realize you're overthinking bullshit and that the answer is simple once you get your head out of your ass.
Also, yes there is sound with noone to hear it. We're not that important. Arrogance is one of the five poisons of buddhism.

No she doesn't. That's just the audience that thinks that

This sounds relaxing but strangely boring. The idea of over thinking one hand clapping invites the kind of autism and imagination that's enjoyable. This just seems like a defeated stoner finally living at base existence.


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>Lisa's bare feet

she is pretentious but I dont think she means it. She knows whats best and doesnt realize others have a right to choose their own path. even when she feels its wrong.

Yeah there's a reason stoner culture identifies with buddhism. Real buddhism on the other hand despises junkies. Substance addiction is one of the worst kinds of attachment to have and attachment is one the three unwholesome rootsroots that keep people trapped in samsara.

>No she doesn't
Well it's not that it's just that she has to be fucking loud about it. It's not because she's a girl, not because she wants to change things it's for the audience to know what's going on. So Lisa will always come off as an ass hole. Reminds me of when she is standing next to Mr. Burns who makes tries to make small talk only for Lisa to put a political spin on it, Mr. Burns responds "My God, are you always on?" In a lot of way I feel like Mr. Burns, it's not that I disagree with Lisa but does she always have to spout some political shit every single line?

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No I mean the teachings. It sounds like a more abstract version of closing your ears from everything. Hard yes but in the same manner as eating 6 tons of pudding in one day hard.

I do like the self-awareness of this scene.

>"But Bart, how can sound exist if there is no one around to hear it?"
Because physical phenomena don't need to be experienced by humans to exist.
That bullshit answer has bothered me since I was eight years old. Stop thinking that humanity is necessary for the universe to exist.

In a lot of ways Bart episode are fucking great because he doesn't announce everything he's going to do. He just does it. As the audience we have to guess what's going to happen. When Bart jumps into something he does it a a lump of wet clay. Very blank and basic, but as clay he allows himself to be enveloped and molded by whatever he's doing. Maybe I'm ready too much into Bart.

He doesn't need to go around saying look at me, he's just in the moment.

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Besides, David Hume said we can't even be sure we exist since we only perceive the world through our imperfect sense.

The whole point of the zen koan is to aid in reaching enlightenment, to get you thinking outside of the box of logic that we trap ourselves in with western thinking. It's not about finding an answer, it's about the process of finding an answer.

mmmm bart's feet

The show could be pretty intellectual before Mike Scully happened.

>we can't even be sure we exist
He has a point, but I think that is going a little far.
Our senses are imperfect, but they're not that fucked.

Sound is when ears pick up vibrations of the air and decipher them into information.

Without ears there is no sound - just air vibrating.

And no, it doesn’t have to be human ears, I don’t know where you guys got that “arrogance” angle from - it can be animals, insects or anything else that can hear.

If anything, it’s arrogant to think that our subjective perception of the universe is in any way ingrained into the universe itself - it’s not. On some other planet in some other age there could be life forms that can taste the air vibrations instead of hearing them, or maybe their skin could translate it into colors. The universe is infinite and unknowable - sound is just one of living things on this earth to experience at least a tiny fraction of it.

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We know how things work when we're around and how they keep on working the same when we're not around thanks to physics.
There is no one to hear it but if there was, they would hear it. It makes sound. The absence of a receptor does not mean there was no sound at all.
Even in science we theorize events occurring light years away that we can't observe because we now understand a bit of what must go down in the universe thanks to physics. We were not there, we did not observed it, yet our ability to put together what happened based on how the universe is affected by an event tells us that there was, in fact, an event.

This is just a pointless bs attempt to be deep. Humans learn from an early age that things exists whether we see them or not. Before a baby develops that conscience of an object's permanence, they think it has ceased to exist as soon as it leaves their field of sight. This is why babies are surprised then you hide and then pop back again. They literally thought you were gone.

We instinctively develop the knowledge that a tree makes sound even if we don't witness it. It's our bullshit rationalization that makes it more complicated than it needs be.

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The existence of camera's should've brought that discussion to an end long ago.

>Leave a camera capable of recording sound in the woods.
>Walk off and return hours later.
>A tree now rests in the ground, within the camera's field of vision/recording.
>Check the recording: It indeed made sound even though no one was there to hear it.
>The camera didn't 'hear' it, it recorded it.
>The camera is not an extension of our consciousness, it's not 'someone'.
>Yes it makes a sound ffs.

What's your endgame? Don't tell me you think shitposting on
Yea Forums is going to change the social constructs humanity
have built over hundreds of years?

How come we never see a little girl or even a full grown female being naked in public in cartoons in a 'look, this is funny!' light?

Because America.

Why not? I mean if angry feminists think they can change them..

The riddle makes more sense if you replace the word sound with the word noise.
The tree will make a sound, it will not make a noise because of the definition of the word.


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you mean microphones?

>humiliating men good
>humiliating women bad


But then it is language that limits the existence of it, not reality. The limits of language are the limits of thought, but not of reality. And perhaps another language defines 'noise' differently.

That makes me think about what culture does this whole riddle thing come from. Things get lost in translation.

.... I want to theoretically see the cool theoretical crash ok?

But yes, touché.

Can you prove that you aren't a brain in a jar being fed electric stimuli to give you the impression of living a life

They did already change them retard.

Sure they did Stacy, sure they did.

That’s still existing

and the existence of hands has also solved that other riddle/thought about one hand clapping.

Can't change the facts bro. Even the shittest hellhole on earth treats females way better then the average just a century ago

Except we had a whole episode about Homer and Marge running around naked.

I don't think that's nessisary the case, there have been times where it's been a girl naked in public. I think the reason if isn't seen as much is because it would be more of a hassle with a girl character, since with a guy you'd only have to keep his junk covered.

Aaaand that has nothing to do with angry dykes at campus. I didn't conquer the new world and they didn't change shit.

Is it though, I mean none of this could be real, this post could be a delusion in your mind, hell, you could be a delusion in my mind and I'm the one that's a brain in a jar
Can you prove that you exist?

He doesn't need to. This reminds me of the annoying baked wannabe guru asking people who they are.

>Who are you?
>Naaah bro not your name, who are you?
>I'm so and so and I do this
>NOOOO maan, man I'm asking, who ARE you???

God fucking annoying twats.

Why did they take their shoes and socks off?

What would be the difference if we where?
Thats what bothers me about the matrix, if we are all Just playing some advance vr so what? How does that make life any different?

>dude asks you to get introspective for a bit
>reeeee I hate this, my identity is my name and my job
Anyway that's also related to asking if you can prove you exist, they way you think about the question and how you answer it might give you some insight into yourself, like does the idea of not being real trigger an existential dread in you, do you just not care, and so on
Basically just think a little more about things than not at all

>sound is when ears pick up vibrations of the air and decipher them into information.
no it isn't

Ah yes, when Lisa was an actual good character.

We had a "Marge naked in public" episode and one where Lisa did appear naked in public. It was that Duff Gardens episode. Also there was an episode that mentioned Rod and Todd spied on Lisa naked and it was treated as a joke. Both Marge and Lisa have canonically been naked in public multiple times.

Two people meet on a road between Ignorance and Enlightenment. One of them declares that they are at the end and the other states that they never needed to move in the first place.
The struggle is amusing.
It calls into question ideas of free will and god.
If you are simulated, who or what is the simulator.
What is the clock and who is the maker?

I guess also, since it might be more practical for you, why are they simulating at all?

>Anyway that's also related to asking if you can prove you exist,
Exactly, annoying baked wannabe guru bullshit.
Even Alan Watts recanted his lost time spent in Buddhism.

>sound is the ear, not the vibration
The meal is my stomach, not the food

The meal is your stomach receiving the food.
The sound is your ear receiving the vibration.
The noun is the verb.

Fucking semantics. Sound and vibration are the same phenomenon from different perspectives.

Perspective is the key difference.

The delusion still exists

Does it matter? We can't change it so why worry

Seasons 1 and 2 are underrated imo

Yes, and "air vibrations" are called "sound" you absolute brainlet.

Not when talking about the bare fact of it.

It’s not like Budism is the defacto achievement for everyones development, some will find affinity with those teachings while others may end up on another end of the spectrum.

I was talking with a friend that believes art is objective and that you can’t simply just make anything and call it art because it devalues the work of those who went to school. I disagreed but felt he should run with that idea and keep challenging others with it cause his clashing perspective may end up new concepts into light. Point being, it’s good that you think budism is flawed as it challenges budism to evolve.

>read three replies
>didn't see Sneed once
>fuck this thread

Perspective is irrelevant when talkin about objects.

>"Embrace nothingness."
It's funny that this is her quote for The Simpsons arcade game.

>isn't unsolvable, you're overthinking bullshit
No you tard. Chan Buddhist riddles are intentionally ludicrous to invoke a sense of contemplation in the listener. They have no answers, except for what some smartasses think they're being humourously straight minded by giving a non seqtuir.

"Lisa you're just pretending to be spiritual to cover for the fact that you let 10 black guys pump and dump you over the span of a single week all while abusing various drugs in the name of enlightenment"

>"Close the logical part of your mind."

Ah yes, the necessary first step to discussing any form of pseudo-philosophical bullshit.

I thought it was reverse.