>>Captain Marvel on digital
>>Decide to watch it
>>This is the final fight
Jesus...Christ...this film is awful
>>Captain Marvel on digital
>>Decide to watch it
>>This is the final fight
Jesus...Christ...this film is awful
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The movie was overwhelmingly mediocre but that was one of the worst timed musical fight scenes I've ever scene.
doesn't help that the actual score manages to be bland even among the MCU scores
No it isn't, that's the fun cathartic fight scene after Carol breaks out. You clearly didn't actually watch the movie.
The thing that gets me is that if you're going to have a fight set to a song, have the fight move with the tempo of the song. Everything just feels so fucking stiff.
For example, this. This is one of my favorite fights that goes with the song
>I thought this was the best MCU Film when it came out
Oh, how very naive I was 2 Months & 21 Days Ago.
kys carol fag no one likes you
It still is the best MCU film.
you are subhuman
Does being this contrarian hurt?
No doubt that was such a waste of a song
>I thought this was the best MCU Film when it came out
well you're fucking retarded
I don't anymore.
Avengers: Endgame is now the best MCU Film followed by either Guardians of the Galaxy Vol.2 or Black Panther.
Did they... did they seriously just play that song? Like, in the movie? Jesus fucking Christ, this is a fucking atrocity. The shameless pandering, the laughably bad timing... how the fuck did this dumpster fire make a billion?
Because it was incredible and the audience isn't full of joyless incels like you
you are not human and have no rights as one kill yourself
You people have such low standards it's laughable. Jesus fuck, watch a real movie for once in your life. Not this flaming trash.
>t. wamon with shit taste
Maybe is just a wright thing, because this one is fantastic as well.
Checked and based.
It's definitely his first going with this style. Baby Driver as all about that.
I think it's more that they wanted to ape GOTG's thing, but it just comes out of nowhere. The rest of the film doesn't have any scenes like this, and it's just BOOM, No Doubt.
>>The sound at 0:45
That's...a goofy sound.
They really should have had it start playing from the jukebox when she threw what's his face into it at the start of the fight. It's still dumb, but at least that way it's less jarring
Please don't degrade the art of film by association, capeshit are 'flicks' at best
Not only was that a retarded choice in music to play during a fight, but the way the song is chopped up to fit the action sounds like shit even if you're not trying to follow it. Verses stop and start then its the bridge, now its a verse again, now part of the chorus now its part of the first verse again...ugh
>Black Panther
I will never understand what people see in that movie. It's plot and characters are barebones as fuck and extremely predictable and the fight scenes aren't anything special.
This is super embarrassing after the Guardians movies where each song complements the scenes they are played in, especially in the second one.
It's unique in that it's a black superhero movie. The director was a bad pick for a superhero movie though.
I guess. I just expected more from it considering the raving reviews and everyone gushing over it. Ended up with a below average, formulaic marvel movie with some cool visuals at parts.
So this movie has gotten a lot of hate here, possibly justified but I haven't watched it so I can't speak to the quality of the entire film, but holy shit this sucks.
It's such an odd mix of issues. The editing, the directing style, even the fucking sound mixing. The choice of song and quips, as well as the occasional physical joke like the nerf gun scene tell me this is supposed to be this not uplifting but triumphant moment where this badass woman fights and kicks all these fucks asses, but it feels so lifeless and messy.
Someone mentioned how the music just starts when not even a second later someone is thrown into a jukebox, which felt like it should have been a cut to moment where the music would have then started. From there it just goes on to be this disjointed mess where the music and the action don't go together at all and the music actually drops at moments and not in that well done style you'll see in Edgar Wright's or Samurai films but just drops unevenly to let a sound effect or line come through.
And that is just the big picture. The moment to moment edits are horrible. They repeatedly break the line of action, which is not some law you can never break, but they just break willy nilly with little to no care. The continuity is intact but the flow of the shots is almost janky and decidedly jarring.
Watch when Blood Diamond Poppa leaps down to attack her and when the "I don't want to do this" line backer tackles her.
what's up with that cringe music?
All the raving was because it's a black superhero movie. Not because it was amazing.
Also now that I keep rewatching it, holy shit does the song choice also suck.
Riot Grrl was a thing by the time period Captain Marvel took -place. A Riot Grrl song could have been cleaned up and used instead of this.
why does that look CW tier?
the general world, entertaining supporting characters, nice score
Which is really sad since the first two Blade movies are better than it in every way, but they didn't come out in the age of identity politics, so they didn't get to blow up as hard.
>better than it in every way
Yeah, that's right.
>how the fuck did this dumpster fire make a billion
It was supposed to be important for Endgame's plot. It was not.
This. Easy to make a billion when one of the biggest movies of your decade spanning franchise hypes you up as being integral to the plot.
Not as awful as the music scenes in Suicide Squad. But still.....