What the fuck race is he

What the fuck race is he

Attached: Otto_Rocket.png (377x537, 202K)

Think of the actor from Archie.



There is no race in cartoons

drumpf race XD

The radical one.

Did anyone else think he had a punchable face when they watched this show as a kid?


Where did Rocket Power take place again? Hawaii or just some random Beach Town, USA?

Southern California

no, I even felt bad in that episode where there was a bunch of garbage on the beach and he stepped on broken glass and cut his foot

I always thought he was latino, or at least half from his dad

El Atrocidad

Woogidy Woogidy Woogidy


100m dash


I'm pretty sure Raymundo was just a cheesy white guy with a dorky nickname.

Pic related

Attached: orange-man-rad-orange-man-rad-39815979.png (500x477, 129K)

wtf i love trump now