Who wins in a preptime battle: Kevin McCallister, or Batman?
Who wins in a preptime battle: Kevin McCallister, or Batman?
That's daredevil
Kevin McCallister in an abandoned warehouse with at least 45 minutes of preptime can solo the DC universe.
What can Batman do against the paintcans? Jak shit, that's what
send in his robins to take the hit
Kevin, always.
He'll eventually run out of Robins.
Will he though?
>kevin sets up all his traps
>door opens
>this guy comes in
It'd be like Punisher walking into a gun store.
Oo that's a good one. Kevin with preptime vs. Jackie Chan protecting a baby and not looking for any trouble
Kevin McCallister would be a great Robin
oh snap!
He wandered into the house because his car broke down and he's trying to deliver the baby of the Yakuza leader to his mother. In ten minutes the Yakuza storm the home, forcing Kevin and Jackie to join forces.
after taking much abuse Batman would eventually defeat Kevin until an old creepy character previously befriended by Kevin sneaks in and hits Batman over the head with a frying pan
>i will never see this concept realized
>heh, nothin personnel Bats
You guys forgot the key component for jackie, someone left a tall steel ladder out in the open
already booby-trapped by kevin . when you go to pick up the ladder, a bunch of hot-wheels on the top rung fall down and K.O. you
Thqt overgrown Starfish might tank a good chunk of the traps.
Jackie is still gonna make a martial art out of it WITH THE HOT WHEELS
>or Batman?
>Its clearly Daredevil
Batman's preptime involved getting Kevin's parents back home thus getting Kevin punished for booby-trapping the house. Again.
Now the real question is: Does Kevin paint-can his dad?
Side note: Anyone remember the name of that batman episode/movie where civilians were describing Batman and one person thinks he's a ninja, one thinks he's a shadow demon, and the other thinks he's a robot?
He'll step on the hot wheels after getting glue on his shoes to use them as roller skates
Gotham Knight?
Wasn't that an episode of Batman: The Animated Series? Except Batman and the kid teamed up.
why doesn't this exist
While yelling "bad day" over and over again
>has not appeared or even talked about outside of JL book
Yeah, there is a 100% chance he's going to die before the run is over.
don't say that user.. pls
In a ladder factory holding a baby
That'd be a fun crossover, DC should try to make it happen.
That's always been my favorite question to ask friends while drinking.
>you're trapped in a furniture warehouse with Jackie chan.
>He's drunk, his master died, you hit his wife, he's holding a mop, and he "doesn't want any trouble"
>How fucked are you?
You already died a minute ago
>You already died a minute before that sequence of events took off
what if you were stuck facing Jackie Chan, and he WANTED trouble?
what if Kevin became a robin?
Then I'd win, Jackie Chan's powers only works if he wants no trabble
>Bruce I need about 47 paint cans
>And a whole lotta string
>Kevin and Batman use their prep time to make most criminals too afraid to leave their hideouts.
>crime actually drops because crooks everywhere are utterly humiliated
>Joker just makes things worse by rubbing salt in the wounds by making jokes at other criminals caught by the duo
>until Joker ends up caught in a Bat-Kevin trap
>Joker is out through a conga line of shame and topping it all off is being dumped in front of Kevin and Batman who watched the whole thung...
>And Batman bursts into laughter at the Joker's humiliation
>in that miment, Joker knew he had to ducking murder Kevin for making Batman laugh at him
And then the joker will wait until Bats is out of town and try to siege the Bat-Cave with an army of mooks And Kevin having access to the full resources of the cave.
And that's how we get an actual Home Alone 3.
Alfred is also helping Kevin set the traps.
>kevin and Batman being happy together
Why is that so wholesome?
Finally a real death battle.
>Alfred is also helping Kevin set the traps.
Oh god I can see it so clearly
Kevin couldn't even win against the Wet Bandits in either movie without some adult coming to save him at the end.
user those two can take a beating from superman and continue to try and rob a place
>Batman attempts to reach into his belt to use a tool to circumvent on of Kevin's traps
>Kevin somehow managed to rig his belt to shock him
Batman will fall
>Kevin McCallister, or Batman
Fools! Kevin McCallister is Batman!
Just because we've never seen McAllister and Batman in the same place doesn't mean they're the same person
The good part is this totally looks an awesome idea for a Jackie movie.
The Wet Bandits would have died 10 times over were they ordinary humans.
Jackychan who dont want trouble can counter prep-time by both batman and Kevin.
>Metal Gear McCallister
Whatever, they’re Master Planners from DC.
>Alfred is also helping Kevin set the traps.
and then he takes Joker out with a fried pan
Jakie chan can defeat both of them .
I really need this in my life
Stewie Griffin.
stewie is a fictional character
Your face is a fictional character.
I wish
can Kevin call Mike Matei to cockslap Batman to death?