Left,Right,or Center?
Left,Right,or Center?
Other urls found in this thread:
Marry, fuck, kill in that order
>marrying a whore
You're a whore.
They are all whores, but poison ivy might vore you after
Well, all three of them might try to kill me on any given day, but I guess Selina's the one with the greatest odds of letting me live, so her.
left to right fuck marry kill desu
I have a weird fondness for Catwoman's redesign so left.
fuck, fuck and fuck
Center deserves to be happily in love and romantic with right, any other post are invalid and flat-out wrong.
Marry, kill, fuck
I like your enthusiasm user, but getting mistah j's sloppy seconds/VD is not my cuppa. Good instincts tho
Marry Selina
Have tea with Harley
Hold hands with Ivy
Is that from the Gotham Girls flash series?
it's always baffled me how mark brooks is so good at drawing women and so shit at drawing men.
Impregnate all three.
None! Fuck these bi whores
I choose best girl
>Fuck these bi whores
Oh shit I forgot Selina went full gay for a while.
user...She's Constantine sloppy seconds.
But bisexual girls are the best! It makes it easier to get into a threesome! Maybe even a foursome or more!!
Kill, marry, fuck.
I don't see how else you could answer.
>choosing any of the sirens
>t. pleb
every comic female is sloppy seconds
Ivy. Sure, I'll probably end up dead or some mind controlled zombie, but I'm not gonna fuck the Batman or the Joker's girls.
>loves the outdoors
>sees humanity as the walking plague it is
Right, clearly.
>Harley's clearly admiring Pamela's roses
These three are so bi.
making harley explicitly bi/lesbian was a mistake. it was much better when it was just implied.
I blame "Batman and Harley". That car scene opened the floodgates, after they rolled down the windows.
Leslie honest user. This is Dini/Timm we're dealing with here. Their treatment of the sexuality of the various Gotham girls has never been entirely...restrained.
>Blatant sex scene
>"B:TAS" packed more subtext into a still frame devoid of context
Marry poison fuck poison ivy, and let poison ivy kill me
>not having tea with Ivy
Honestly if you were a nature fan, mindful to avoid drinking anything she touches and avoid touching her yourself she'd probably make for pleasant company. If you were ballsy enough and had a good buisiness mind you could probably convince her to open up a gardening or spice and tea shop. Her powers would make her a (hopefully non literal) killing in that buisiness venture.
Batgirl totally accepted every single invite she got to these events.
>Ivy running a spice and tea shop
Oddly cozy. I'd imagine it'd be a nice joint for villains to hang out and unwind in after the store closes to the public for the night. What sort of teas do anons think criminals would order? Thus far I figure chili-pepper tea for fire fly, ice tea for freeze, and black with sugar and milk for hatter.
I'd just want Harley to cheer me up. Even though she'd be the one out of the three who hates people with bland personalities.
Freeze unambiguously loves mint tea, which has a natural cooling effect on the human body.
Look at it this way. She knows that Selina won't let her get hurt, Bruce might actually kill her for that, or at the very least she's never getting any Bat-dick ever again.
And she knows Ivy and Harley. They're violent criminals, but they mostly mean well, at least since Harley broke things off with Joker.
And if they do try to pull some shit, she can try to talk them back, and it'll probably work even.
These three are the closest thing to friends she can be real and honest with in Gotham.
Who's towel did she steal?
She's the token good chick of the four-group.
Get enough viagra in me and I would love to disappoint all 3.
How do these four fit into the Four Humors?
I'll go wiht Ivy only if she is a womanlet like in the 90s cartoon.
Selina is fine if we're going with the "bored eccentric millionaire who wants to steal jewels for fun" characterization instead of the "vengeful prostitute" characterization. She's the only one approaching acceptable.
Harley is crazy, too crazy for me. She is just as likely to cut off my balls with a steak knife as she is to kiss them.
Ivy is living garbage, she deserves to die and rot, preferably beneath the foundation of a strip mall built in a recently developed area she wanted to protect. Fucking hippies make me sick.
Yeah. All that shit totally went over my head when I was 8 years old, but 23 years later, with Dini and Timm essentially having free rein to do whatever they want with these characters they've developed, it all gets cast in a new light. They've been doing this for decades.
I feel like it was more than just implied in the cartoon. Maybe not romantically involved but she and Ivy 100% fucked.
Patrician taste, boys.
Something something how Harley's prolonged low dosage exposure to Joker venom makes her immune to Ivy's toxic urushiol-based bodily secretions.
So Gotham girls and Lobo TAS, anyone remember them? Wasn't Lobo part flash game? Also, are they canon?
Altho even if you were immune to the poison, imagine how fucking high you'd get from sex with her.
I'm kind of a fan of Brubaker's, Loeb's, or Jones's interpretation of her backstory. The revenge seeking prostitute is a little overplayed.
>Sanguine: Harley, obvs
>Choleric: Babs. Most driven
>Phlegmatic: Selina, cats are nonchalant
>Melancholic: Ivy, bc she hates everyone deep down
I like this timeline, user.
>Something something how Harley's prolonged low dosage exposure to Joker venom makes her immune to Ivy's toxic urushiol-based bodily secretions.
She's immune to Ivy's toxins because Ivy injected her with the vaccine. Nothing to do with Joker.
I must've missed that episode. No doubt Harley would still trip balls if they ever made out tho.
>No doubt Harley would still trip balls if they ever made out tho.
This, but only with a prenup on that marriage.
Smart man.
Haha. Called it.
Not really, Harley at one point even says the two can have "fun time" because of the immunization.
Christ. God dammit Timm.
vore-whore at the door
damn she smoll
Kill, marry, fuck.
Have evening cocktails with Selina
Go to the carnival with Harley
Give flowers to Ivy
Center while fingering left and right
Do people actually pull off their shirts like that? I hold onto one sleeve to retract my arm and then the other. Then I pull the neckhole up my head and I keep pulling up from the top regions of the shirt.
Only horny women do user.
Enjoy being cucked
>marrying Catwoman
The last time Bruce and Selina meet in the DCAU, she betrays his trust and steals a ton of jewels before hiding out in Paris.
>giving flowers to Ivy
rip user
Two-Face has a special chai/chamomille blend they stock just for him. The Riddler is a weeb and wants some exotic matcha blend folded 1000 times and he makes a big show of ordering it and trying to drink it according to the specific rules of the tea ceremony because he hopes someone will ask him about it and he can show off his weeb knowlesge but no one takes the bait. The Penguin fancies himself a connoisseur so he'll always order a cup of something rare and exotic at first but his tried and true is always a plain worksman green. Ra's Al Ghul however actually is a tea connoisseur and he'll alternate between black chai blends with whole milk or plaim greens, always served with a Central Asian sampler of nuts and dried fruit. BANE? has a sweet tooth so he likes drinking Hong Kong style milk teas, because their serving sizes are big for you
>giving flowers to Ivy
You realize you probably just invited her to cut off your penis and hand it to you, right? And that's if she's in a good mood.
What if he gave her a potted plant that was healthy and thriving? Checkmate atheists.
How often does he water it?
Regularly enough to ensure it gets the water it needs, but not enough to where systemic root rot sets in.
kill marry kill
This isn't really vore, this is horror (due to the dialogue).
It's vore to Ivy, considering she recorded it specifically to masturbate to it in her bedroom.
Harley probably stuffs herself with pies.
Why haven't WB or a fan re-animated these shorts?
>implying I wouldn't give her a potted plant that she could take care of
This is why you can't get dates user
Based and hortipilled
Is it cucking if it's another woman?
You're no fun user
They'll sort it out
>L, selfish clepto
>M, literally insane
>R, genocidal loon
Nah, I prefer my deranged waifus with actual muscles and fur.
Imagine how all that cheetah hair feels as you slide your hand into her hand
Left. But only because I ship Center with Right
Harley and Pamela are massively lesbian for each other.
Harley got an upgrade lately
can't complain about catwoman as well
>Those muscles on Poison Ivy
Welp, now we know which one of them is "in charge".
I lowkey love the tiger-stripe vents in her outfit. Not entirely practical to have them open on bare flesh, but still looks good. Maybe if her outfit was leather or some synthetic, the vents could open to some kind of fine mesh or something breathable. A suit that tight fitting would need something in order to make it more comfortable (thus the armpit look in OP), but covering them with a light material makes it more secure.
Literally corn husks.
For the moment. You'd be surprised how absurdly strong some plant fibers can get.
True. Can be very brittle tho
>condeming a man with a family to a slow, painful, agonizing death because he kissed you after you seduced him with pheromones in a club
I'll never fucking understand the people who defend Ivy as some well-meaning or misunderstood nut when she's clearly a very cruel, sadistic sociopath.
She was pretty ruthless in early "B:TAS", but the series was never consistent on it (especially when Harley got involved).
When Harley got involved, the lesbian subtext overwhelmed the material.
>When Harley got involved, the lesbian subtext overwhelmed the material.
Yeah the fanboys love it, but it gets lazy. Them being just close friends make it more interesting and dispose the situation to better writing overall than if they're just fucking.
>first appearance, tries to murder Dent
>second appearance, sprays innocent people with a chemical that slowly transforms them and turns them into living, conscious, petrified trees
she's a fucking psycho
Not only the best but the safest bet. You're not surviving a kiss from Ivy, you won't last long with Harley, and by process of elimination, or the longest time before you get eliminated, the long-term choice belongs to Selina.
Imagine catching Joker AIDs from Harley. Ew.
Truthfully I like Harley with Batgirl the most. You don't need to worry about suddenly remembering Poison Ivy is actually a murderous pyscho.
Babs is Dick's girl tho.
I know. But maybe Harley was a phase for Batgirl.
He can live. For now.
Are all the women in Gotham bi?
Catwoman I'd have intimate sex with.
Harley I'd explore fetishes with, probably loves it rough.
Poison Ivy, both.
But I don't want dates. I want to turn people into dinosaurs.
I'll take a risk of AIDS over a dozen poisons seeping into my body through my penis.
I wouldn't be surprised if some part of Batgirl was attracted to Harley's playfulness and figure.
Literally what's the difference.
Pretty sure her figure is identical to like all the other women in Gotham.
I'll take 99% over 100%
True. But Harley is a very playful villainess.
No, it's still implied. Unless it's explicitly shown or stated, it's still implied.
Fits with her character.
She's going to betray his trust again. She's a hoe.
>t. butthurt contrarian
That's the MMO, and you're putting your faith in a King's comic. Who's the contrarian here?
She never really goes Eternal Youth on anyone again, but she's still pretty blatantly murderous. Even in the Static Shock crossover.
Eh. We'll see how the 12 issue goes.
In her last appearance in TNBA her plan was to get her plant clones to marry a bunch of rich people, get them all on a boat, and then sink it so that their plant clone spouses (and thus her) get all the money. This writer considered this severe enough to justify her "dying" at the end of the episode by suffering the same fate she planned for them.
Yes. Now give Clayface the fate he deserved after "Growing Pains" already.
Harley forever.