What does Yea Forums think of Catwoman's new suit

>Yes to the pits
>No to the pits

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At least we know she regularly shaves.

I think it's...



Very nice

based pitposter

Are you asking me if I'd fuck Catwoman's armpits?

No. But don't tell me anyway.

i like it but i wish they'd go back to the purple costume

Absolutely fucking retarded

What function could possible give exposed armpits? like what are the benefits?

Far more breathable. Latex and leather is stuffy user.

No to the pits. Trying too hard to be trendy. Bring back purple cat already.

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Pit windows, thigh windows, boob windows..anything to make them more naked is good.

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She can torture her enemies by forcing them to lick her sweaty pits clean.

Don't forget heel windows.

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Don't forget your basic midriff.

I wonder how much skin you can show while still technically being clothed.

Cooke Catwoman best Catwoman

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I think it looks pretty bad overall

Kate should use her original costume. Just cover the mid drift so the sjws don't get their panties in a bunch

It's weird and unnecessary, Cooke already perfected her suit

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Unironically this desu.

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Cooke's suit is kino af user. Approve.

It's dumb but I can fap to it.

>Not your proudest but ok

There's something very lewd about the purple costume, and its grey BTAS variant.

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>Something very nude about that purple costume

What did her original costume look like?

Isn't it basically the Batman Returns costume only a bit more fetish-ey

>navel dimple

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Just needs some cameltoe.

More or less?
The pits make it seem more practical almost.

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Yeah I think its tricking my reptile brain into an erotic contradiction
>she's naked!
>but she's wearing clothes!
And yet, there are saucier illustrations where she does look like she's wearing purple paint, with clearly defined nipples, aerolas and vulva, and that does nothing for me. Weird, right? Batgirl's costume does the same thing. If it just skirts the edge of being nude body paint without crossing the line I go haywire but if it crosses it, nothing.

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Wait a minute...
You're not the real Rapunzel!

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>Forgetting the objectively best version.

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Yeah. I wanna say Jim Balent showed some nips through the suit at some point.
But blame it on the guys. It's the whole reason the first superheroes were drawn with their underwear on the outside.
>Inb4 old-timey strongment did it!!!
No they fucking didn't. They wore leotards at most. But more often, they only wore posing trunks that essentially functioned as loincloths. This was to imitate classical/renaissance sculpture in displaying the musculature of the athelete, while still keeping it age appropriate.

Comic book heroes are drawn with the same thing in mind. They are *functionally* nude, just like the strongmen in the posing trunks, which is why the suits they wear always seem to conform so closely to their musculature. There's not a single textile or synthetic material that clings as well as superhero outfits do. That's because for the purposes of the story, the heroes are wearing outfits, but they're drawn as if they're not. Thus the underwear on the "outside."

Enter female superheroes. Nipples and cameltoes are pushing it, but if you can see Superman's serratus muscles, why can't you see the full outline of Batgirl or Catwoman's breast? Sure, it registers differently because A) the male body registers differently than the female body obviously and B) the female body in classical sculpture looks far less like female superheroes than male bodies in classical sculpture looks like male superheroes. But the principle is the same, at least. Now it's all up to how you apply it.

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A lot of this is relevant to the Spiderwoman cover debate some years ago. It was a stupid debate tho becase A) Milo Manara drew the cover, and he's notorious for drawing erotic and pornographic images of women. And B) because Manara was simply following the rules. Heroes are essentially *supposed* to look nude. Now, the can of worms with respect to sexualization is still wide open of course, but at least you can see there's a level of internal logic that the SJW smear merchants are ignorant of.

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Is she ok, or is bent neck a power

no, but T H I C C SPIDER-ASS is.

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This is true, although I prefer David Lopez' take on it.

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That’s not The Batman

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that's hot


It wasn't cheap.

>That's not Catwoman
Uh...lemme guess. Mouse girl?

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Lopez's art is ugly, and it was a garbage run anyway.
Looks more like a rat than a cat.

Variations on a theme, I'd say.

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I’ve heard people say Cookes Catwoman is the best but what other characters do you think Cooke does justice?

Alex Ross had an decent take on it.

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Different suit, but still classy.

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I kinda dig it. Very golden age

Haha wouldn’t it be funny if she made me do it for some kind of deepweb threat video to her enemies? Lol

I think it's fine, but that cooke's suit is pretty much perfection and I pretty strongly prefer it over this one, to be frank.

>sleek silhouette
>practical AND sexy
>bright red goggles+black suit against a dark background will always be stylish as hell

I really hope Joelle Jones fins a way to incorporate those goggles inter the new design somehow. They're like a staple by now.

Whatever the costume design, Jones' art will always be fuckin fine.

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Yeah she doesn't look complete without them.

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>be catwoman fanboy
>have near 30 statues
>have every issue since 2002
>new series announced
>see new suit
>no goggles, can't see at night
>pits exposed because reasons
>weird corset
>wrists exposed
>designed and drawn by a woman
>the fuq.jpg
>story is shit
>hope DC brings back Cooke costume
>won't hold breath

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No to pits.

I was always so torn about the new 52 art. Sometimes it was great. At others...not so much. Her face always kinda bugged me.

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What do you think of the new casting rumors? Vanessa Hudgens or the OBJECTIVELY SUPERIOR Eiza Gonzalez (pic related)

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Don't watch DC movies anymore.
If whomever they cast:
1: Has short hair
2: Doesn't have cat powers
3: Wears a version of the Cooke design

Then I'll give it a go.

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The exposed wrists are a little weird desu.

Yes they are

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Another one for what is possibly the biggest costume wardrobe in all of comics.
Seriously I can't think of another character with more costume variety. Maybe Spider-Man??

Needs more stitches

Boring and sexless.

Erotic and based.

Is this porn?

Arkham Knight had a great Catwoman.

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It isn't Catwoman though. Just a crazy zombie who has a motif of a cat.

considering it wasn't long ago that Maleev drew her entire run of her with just a painted on costume I don't get the hate.

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Her pits satisfy my armpit fetish greatly

Arkham city suit was good too. I kinda liked her makeup in that better.

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City suit > Knight suit
City's suit just looks better and that is my reason, nothing else

I see Selena has been to the BDSM shop again. Personally I prefer when fishnets are incorporated into the costume.

fucking awful

Isn't that Canary's thing?

Did she steal Dinah's top and then decided to wear pants on her arms?

It’s the thigh-high boots. Fucking love those boots, man.

A much needed and welcome improvement compared to the gay goggles

>has goggles

Please fuck off and kill yourself

>compared to the gay goggles
>gay goggles

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Literally what is wrong with goggles?

>can see in the dark like a cat while burgling
this is a bad thing?

I love the idea here but they made her ears way too big imo

>visible contempt

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Adam Hughes is kino tho

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Only if they get Jim Balent back to draw her.

A cosplayer actually managed to pull the pose a few years ago.

>Eiza Gonzalez
ayy lmao

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Might need to see pics, user.

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Fucking based.

I love Spider-Woman cosplay

Very underrated

Hey she's cute.

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>At least we know she regularly shaves.

Someone likes their kitties with hair on them eh?

Truth. He's great.

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The scientific term is axillary armpussy

That's a retarded way of putting it, but sure.

What? Three holes ain't enough for you?

Thats because it IS Golden Age you moron.

SEVERELY disagree. they look like grandma glasses. It worked with Cooke's style but there's a reason all those Adam hughes drawings had them off.

I dont know why but it reminds me of Aeon Flux

No shit.