Good evening owls,
More crossover time!
Good evening owls,
More crossover time!
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also yes, I know it just happened, but everyone gets one (1) comment bitching about movie stuff this thread, and that's it
they should just cancel all of DC Comics already
Plot update: it's a giant fight against some random evil dude.
Hello, Storyteller.
Yay, more incomprehensibility!
Speaking of, Heroes in Crisis has finally, mercifully ended. Oh, and Doomsday Clock revealed that Dr. Manhattan is fucking with the timeline because he's an edgelord who literally cannot relate to happiness. Yeah.
Griffles, are those flesh-colored pants?
Am I going to boycott the NG movie because I'm an upset Wallyfag who doesn't want to consume anything King can benefit from until he APOLOGIZES? No.
But like I thought about it.
ahhh, comics technobabble
>The losing hand
I love cheesy shit like that
The thread is, predictably enough, mostly a bunch of "A BLOO HOO SJWS" crap.
are there any collections of JSCs art in black and white
I am excited about the New Gods movie and I have no real rational, I get it
Copy pasting from heroes in Crisis thread last night
It was certainly a book?? I'm not sure what happened to change Wally's mind? But he's not totally ruined. King tried hard but the first half felt like a lot of filler than a rushed final two issues. The mystery aspect meant we couldn't see the character who it's actually about Wally for most of the book! I guess you can look at it as a triptych of Booster, Harley, and Wally but by making it a mystery and making Wally the killer it makes his 1/3 overloaded and fucks it. I actually liked the Booster stuff and don't care about Harley and Wally was ok enough to get me to his next appearance.
I liked most of the jokes in the 3x3 this issue, but it doesn't explain how they fixed Sanctuary?? I hope it's just normal therapy now?
I THINK Wally is trying to say that because he didn't get help he eventually overloaded and killed the people at Sanctuary unlike all the other heroes who did use Sanctuary properly, so to speak. In the grief he just kills his older body but the Bug crashing gave him enough time to reconsider and talk himself down? And it's a stable time loop because they have the body from the first time. and now he's in jail.
Not a good series
Wild Storm comics made me open the dictionary so many times to find words that were too modern for my old ass edition
that's actually adorable
>As long as I have Ice...
>As long as I have Fire...
Only good part of HiC. I fucking need a Dirty Pair style book with these two.
I will continue to think of Wally as ruined until the proper retcon occurs to wipe it away entirely. Here are a few options:
>It is Superboy Prime in disguise who slid into the universe during something...
>Similarly it was Walter West
>He was being mind controlled by a villain
>Kryptonite poisoning
only if Adam Warren or Adam Hughes does it
and this is why Gen13 are the best kids
What, just go full on weeb with it? Yeah, I'd be down for that.
Seriously, how many female led books are there featuring a pair of best friends who go on adventures together? Not enough, if you ask me.
...which, of course, requires an ass shot. JSC gonna JSC, my good owls.
not enough teamup books period imo
agree, it's solo or team and team-UP is a different dynamic
She's so pure I love her bros.
this is great shit
>no Wonder Sisters
>no Fire and Ice
>no Batgirls
>no Blue and Gold
DC just hates fun.
you broke his mind, bro!
oh but we're getting Batman and Catwoman... by the guy who most recently pissed everyone off in regards to that ship?
well that's not any good
The Sideways confessional was the only thing that got me, honestly.
Felt very in-keeping. Because Didio already did it.
Not hard to see why Fairchild gained some slight traction outside this book. She is the clear standout.
We could've avoided all this bullshit if they had just gotten married the first time. But no, they had to drag it out with unnecessary forced drama, instead of just pairing them off and putting out a nice Bat-family book.
I actively dislike Batman, and even I was looking forward to fun hijinks in Wayne Manor. Selina trying to be a mom to Damien would've been fucking hilarious. But again, DC just straight up hates fun at this point.
What an asshole
so just assume the world got saved somehow, okay?
Hey OP.
In post 52 continuity, was Team 7 ever a Suicide Squad?
You can't just leave us hanging like this it isn't right
do people like his art
make it like that one anime I forgot its title
By, let's say. Moe.
now I want to read a Backlash comic
he's a dilf
at least it's some equal-opportunity fanservice
Movie stuff? Is this about Ezra Miller finally getting fired for being awful?
What, emulate their trade department?
It must really suck working in it, knowing that 70% of their projects never finish or go to print.
At least I can blame Didio for it, because he's taking credit for their new plan of "collect fewer issues in hardcovers but still charge $$$ for it."
After waiting a year, he's now decided to do Doomsday Clock in TWO six issue hardcovers.
King's writing the New Gods movie, as the definitive Modern Expert on the subject
Man, horns there has got STYLE.
Well fine I guess you can just leave us hanging like that but it's very rude
All the more erotic.
Hanging with Fairchild Sr. and Pirate Captain is giving him sex island nostalgia.
Zircher said something stupid, apparently
Ah, yeah, I saw that.
Oh well, I haven't watched DC movie since Man of Steel, so no loss to me.
And Marvel is probably going to beat them to the punch with Eternals.
Hey, I don't know how they saved the world either
way to go, dad
Yeah, said he didn't want to judge the writer of Border Town.
This is kinda like when he tried to defend his use of spanish naming conventions....he doesn't need to say shit. He could just shut up.
I get having an aversion to drama, but sometimes? that means not saying anything at all, because "not gonna judge" is actually saying something.
JSC knows his audience
"It's the 90s, the ladies can take care of themselves"
just have the CW take over DC, they put everything on Netflix one week after the season ends, it's based and efficient
again? Wasn't he airing his anger over some editors last year?
And funny, searching for his name brings up multiple suspect website articles about him
SPB is a fucking clunky awful attempt at coming up with an original in universe term for supers.
lol Zircher could join Gleason in being ignorant and overrated artists together
CW is 50% WB, and DC is 100% WB. I guess you want a little CBS in the mix, which means we will have more characters turned into police procedural aimed at the over 50 crowd
>long separated child and parent reunite
>find they are two very different people and need to work through it
... Y'know, I hate to say it, but this is honestly much better handled drama than DC is trying to do right now. It's not absurd melodrama, but rather rooted in real shit that makes sense. Let that sink in.
I want this in print yesterday!
idk why but I like how he lays out his action a lot
she's got a point
good, iZombie and Lucifer are comfykino
DC needs to hire me as an editor, to give the people what they really want
I at least appreciate Doomsday Clock for saying "seriously guys what even was New 52" in no uncertain terms
I just know that none of it will amount to anything meaningful and it's more Johns complaining about things he has no power over
Wait, is the girl in the red suit Bliss?
Now I want to see a fusion.
think so
Now her Daddy fetish can get even more literal!
I appreciate the run down of why the JSA are so cool.
>seriously guys what even was New 52
Five years of great growth in the bookstore market until Johns ruined it all with Rebirth
Seriously, check the numbers.
sexy pool shenanigans is why people bought this book, I suspect
>having Worst Boy be his son nearly kills Lynch
I kid, I kid. Grunge is actual Worst Boy
crazy that he has to make an entire event to make excuses for writing really bad Justice League stories
thanks for reading
come back next Wednesday for some EPIC CROSSOVER ACTION, no shit
Did we talk about Bendis bringing back Kate Spencer?
fite me to death behind the bleachers after skewl
So, Twinrova. Okay then.
and Andreyko wrote her in the Leviathan Rising special
Also that Fraction/Lieber stuff was pretty good
I remember this cover!
The 90s were really equitable with the fanservice, although the anti-cheesecake crusaders just call the beefcake "male power fantasy" becuase they are sexless scolds.
I understand the financial reasons, and it makes plenty of sense for a company that is chiefly interested in profits, I just don't find any integrity in discarding dedicated fans in order to reach a different, potentially more profitable audience.
Even IF those fans are very often insufferable and difficult to please (not absolving myself of blame there).
Like, if a musician I like makes a way more commercial album, I understand why that would make sense for them, but I hope they'd also understand why I'd have considerably less interest in such an album and respect for them creatively.
I'm a proud owner of.....some stuff he drew?
I had to look it up. I might have his Harley and Ivy book and I know I've got Daredevil/Black Widow: Abattoir.
Thanks for posting as always, Storyteller.
This book really does have its moments.
Fuck you, Brian. You leave worst best girl alone!
Gonna be funny watching Yea Forums get conflicted between Lieber and Fraction
Goodnight Storyteller I love you
thanks OP, entertaining as always
based Bendis fixing DC
He didn't always do those giant eyes.
More like Bea and Tora: Trouble Consultants.
That VR chair looks like a Masamune Shirow mech sex cockpit.
No one draws cat vomit like Steve Lieber!
thats dank, I take it back, I'm a fan now
Thanks for runing OP.
Damaged lady superhero? Just the kind of character Bendis loves to right poorly.
it will be
>lieber was always shit