Oh fuck no

oh fuck no

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Other urls found in this thread:



I like that



His Mister Miracle was okay, I liked when Darkseid was eating celery

Can't wait for Mister Miracle to cut his wrists on the big screen and for dickless casuals like you to eat it up

Who else could possibly write the agonizing despair that is Darkseid?
Fuck you. His Mister Miracle was pseudointellectual crap

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I just want to take a moment to appreciate the irony that after he made people re-evaluate Snyder, he is now going to make people re-evaluate another Snyder.

Is this a fucking joke?

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Cast her.

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Reminder that Ava DuVernay said she wanted to base Darkseid on Donald Trump and Harvey Wenstein.

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As if casuals would waste their time and money on DC shit

At best this will be the first straight-up-Netflix DC piece of shit

I blame this on all the people that complained about Zack Snyder take being too dark and creepy.

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So how much ptsd are we expected to see?

Is the highlight of your day fake-laughing at the misfortune of others? I don't even watch capeshit movies, by the way.

Hello darkness my old friend

It's always one step forward and three step backwards with DC.

Attached: Tom King.jpg (225x225, 5K)

>pseudointellectual crap
So it's perfect for the movie universe

DC is always a joke

From horrible to worse.

No and I bet you don't ha an actual source for that either

>people complain Zack Snyder being too dark and creepy
>get Tom "I'm Sad" King to write what should be a very uplifting and hopeful film
I just
I can't anymore

Ladderbro, are you autistic?

I'm seriously thinking about breaking Tom King's fingers. 100% honesty.

She'll be black

It should a young Gwendolyn Christie

Do you even know where he lives

DO IT! Someone, anyone, punch King and Bendis in the face next event

For those doubtful


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Source? I don't even think Darkseid will be in this movie considering everything we've heard about has been Mr.Miracle and Barda. I don't know why it's called "The New Gods" and not Mr. Miracle.

I'll be honest, as long as she's hot and tall, I don't mind. The chick playing the new terminator could play her.

Leslie Jones.

New Gods is more marketable than Mr. Miracle

No! This can't be happening! I'm in charge here!

Orion is gonna be a sucidial wrist cutter isn't he?

How was he portrayed in King's Mr. Miracle?

Like a fucking cunt to represent toxic masculinity, and then he was murdered off-panel and his bone turned into a knife that Mister Miracle used to stab Darkseid.

a crazed tyrant

Wait, Orion is fucking dead? Why the fuck isn't this a bigger talking point?

Good. Now I can completely write that movie off. No more doubting it'll be terrible.

Anons were right that hacks fail upward.

yes fuck you Yea Forums

he is alan moores and morrison heir

Not him, he was the villian in there and he had an inferiority complex in regard of Mister Miracle, who was the real messed up person of that book.

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So King leaving Batman wasn't even a matter of poor sales. He left because he had a better job offer. The job all comic writers really want. There really is no failing in comic books. They're just a stepping stone, a means to an end.

King's Miracle happens in a fake reality, which Scott decides to stay in


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90% of the current Vertigo and Image comics are just movie or HBO/Netflix/Amazon scripts.

Some wrestler, hopefully.

I'm still mad that King had Scott decide to stay in prison because it was a nice prison. I didn't think it was possible to miss the point that hard, but here we are.

Honestly, I love seeing things like this, because I can hear the see the coming from Yea Forums and Yea Forums, even when I'm not on Yea Forums.

Tessa Blanchard is the only current female wrestler that could fit the mold but she's 5'5

Black sassy "woman" directing a movie about New Gods co-written by Tom "I am Suicide" King. That would be kino to wait for

lol King writes for depressed retards this is perfect for DC fans

Lupita Nyongo

We could have had some awesome New Gods...

Based on interviews, King sees Orion as a pampered baby who never actually knew suffering due to growing up in New Genesis.

she's only 5'5"

it's almost certainly going to be Gwendoline Christie

Because god knows that was up to Orion's control


She would be good for the role, she's really tall, has good size, and, outside of the makeup they put her in on GoT, she's cute

Problem is she's 40

>tom king and ava duvernay

>Director of A Wrinkle in Time
Jesus you DCucks are fucking delusional

Who is going to be the protagonist?
Mister Miracle or Orion?

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Based on stuff Ava has talked about the movie, it's Miracle and Barda.

I'm talking about Zack Snyder's plans.

Every good guy will be black and Darkseid will be a thinly veiled swipe at Trump. Orion will be biracial because his black mom was raped and his white side is the evil he has to fight.

Worser than Vietnam

Actually, Oscar Issac is surprisingly 40, so this could work.

King hates Orion

Ava DuVernay hates white people. She makes it clear every day. Be prepared for a train wreck. It is gonna suck!

Mister Miracle is a soft and small guy married to an amazon that always takes care of him. So Tom King self-insert in the character.
Meanwhile Orion represents everything King hates on men. The confidence and aggressiveness. The go-get atitude. In King's mind masculinity is a sin.

>Tom King
>Ava DuVernay

I mean, is DC/WB a nonprofit organization now?

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Oh no a bad DC movie! Whatever will we do? They've NEVER had those before

Neat! Let's call the writer who learn about the characters in the wiki and by second hand to give us imput about them!
Truly the worst timeline.

Why would anyone be doubtful? We've known for a while

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At least this sorta proves that New Gods is a project that's still happening.

I honestly wish it wasn't.

>Birds of Prey
>Trench Horror Movie
>New Gods
Pretty sure WB is just throwing money away for tax reasons maybe keeping DC alive counts as charity

ladderbro, kill yourself

I honestly thought it'd end up like those Batgirl and Nightwing movies "in development."

Ladderfag get out

Reminder Zack Snyder was in talks with George Miller, for Miller to do a New Gods movie before Warner Bros fucked Miller over the earnings of Fury Road.

I honestly wish it wasn't.

I still don't think this movie will happen

It's not their fault that DC's management is so incompetent that they can only hire even worse people every time.

Yeah it's happening

Just like JLD, Blue Beetle, Zatanna, Booster Gold, Lobo, Blackhawks, Cyborg, Flash, Man of Steel 2, Hawkman, Black Adam, Green Lantern Corps, Deadshot, Deathstroke, Batgirl, Nightwing, Plastic Man, and Black Canary

>shilling for Tom "I AM SAD" King
Go read the last issue of Heroes in Crisis and see why this is a bad thing

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I'm not shilling for Tom King and HiC is probably the worst comic event of the past decade. You didn't read it ladderbro, you don't read comics.

I honestly thought the DCEU was going slightly upward thanks to Aquaman and Shazam....I guess not.

Maybe Joker will be alright

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except had to neuter Scott to make him like that. There's no fucking way Scott would ever stay in a prison, no matter how nice it was.

Predictions for casting on this trash:

Mister Miracle: Daniel Kaluuya
Big Barda: Leslie Jones
Orion: Jesse Williams
Lightray: Kevin Hart
Trumpseid: Alec Baldwin
Desaad: Domhall Gleeson
Highmother: Oprah
Granny Goodness: Reese Witherspoon

I'm new to Yea Forums
is Ladderbro the name DC "people" give to anyone who dares to insult their precious DC and WB movies?

>I'm new to Yea Forums

I'd watch an Alec Baldwin Darkseid in any other movie.

What bothers me isn't even that New Gods is going to be a bad movie, because i knew that was a certainty when Eva started comparing Darkseid to Trump.
What bothers me is Tom King getting more work and prestige.

Darkseid is mainly inpsired by Nixon so it fits, like it or not.

Not necessarily. You will know it's him by seeing his catchphrases such as: Dcuck and dkek.

Marvelfriends have Tommy for their people they don't like

This is how they're going to blame straight white men.

>Eva started comparing Darkseid to Trump.
I love how haven't provided a source for that.


Calling a shitpile a shitpile doesn't make anybody ladderbro.

New Gods
>Announced in March of 2018
>Nothing for over a year
>Just now announces a writer

The Eternals
>Announced in APRIL of 2018
>Already has script done
>Already has cast fulled with huge names
>Fliming in a few months

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I already had no faith in the Wrinkle in Time bitch to make this shit but now you add in Kind and it's a guaranteed trainwreck. With King and his suicide fuel writing though it won't even be entertainingly bad now.

Somebody please make a picture of this.

Has Tommy Ladderbro snapped?


Cast him.

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How many times do you fucking retards have to be told AQUAMAN AND SHAZAM WERE MADE DURING THE SHORT TIME JOHNS WAS IN CHARGE

that's odd since I only see it when someone says a DC movie is shit

They already had Darkseid molesting Granny Goodness in one of the recent New Gods books. What is with so many sympathetic takes on Granny Goodness of all people recently?

That explains everything about batman ending and you retards thought it was because of sales

Cool, I hope it's good.

Nixon was reasonably competent.

It’s racist to have a black man be the embodiment of death. Make him a white police officer.

Because ladderbro doesn't read comics, from either Marvel or DC. He's just here to shitpost


Will Smith.

Cuba Gooding Jr

>Ava DuVernay
>New Gods

Why? I mean, just why? What experience does she have writing fiction or something involving extraterrestial beings? What the fuck WB? Among all the bad decisions they've made until now, so far this is the worst.

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It SHOULD be Jimmy Olsen

It will be cool if they use a New gods trilogy to build an Apokolips Earth Invasion

Because Ladderbro targets any DC thing in existence

Superman is not going to be in this movie.

Jimmy Olsen's comic was where Darkseid debuted.

Beggars can't be choosers that's why

DC has enough trouble getting people to agree to work on their movies you really think they can afford to turn down anyone?

Superman isn't going to be in ANY movie

Gosh. I wonder why they have such trouble.

ladderbro, kill yourself

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It's WB the one in charge, user. And almost anybody would do something they don't like for some bucks. Especially in Hollywood.

well my hope for a semi decent orion certainly just died even more now. gonna skip this.

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Perhaps that's because a lot of DC's recent comics and movies and TV shows and online comic archival services have sucked balls?

She asked on Twitter to do a DC movie, bunch of woke people pushed for it, and then... Nelson, i think? Said OK over Twitter. This then became a thing.

Yes, it was that retarded.

because it was all a dream in Mr Miracle's head and didn't actually happen.

>Jesse Williams
At least Leslie Jones is a big tall ape. Not a skinny kike like Gal Gadot.

Well DC fans will tell you it's because of Snyder because they're fucking retarded and think DC has never made a movie until 2013 but the truth is because DC movies are literal career killers and always have been

Of course they are dumbass that's why they hired King to write this movie and not an actual fucking Hollywood screenwriter

Sure. But Ladderbro is a gigantic faggot who is just a shitposting troll.

Get with it, newfag

so that means I have to love every single thing DC shits out just so I don't get called "Ladderbro"

damn, who would have thought DC fags were that sensitive

kill yourself ladderbro

I'm tempted to do it for real.

Why would Hollywood want a failed comic book writer who got kicked off Batman due to low sales writing for them? Did Hollywood not read Heroes in Crisis? Tom King is a hack. Why doesn't Hollywood recruit good comic writers to work for them instead of hacks like King?

>This thread
Yea Forums is so much worse then Yea Forums. At least Yea Forums's console wars have evolved to something playful and mostly self parody

>but the truth is because DC movies are literal career killers and always have been
Ahh yes i forgot how every actor and director in every DC film has never gone on to make more movies

Lurk more

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Checked and correct.

please stop replying to ladderbro

Meant for .

Almost like Hollywood has nothing to do with it and it's all DC or something

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Chadwick Bozeman

Modern comics writers and gender studies majors who now work as editors and assistant editors relate to Granny Goodness and find her behavior endearing.

Here's a note, if you see a pic with the filename "Screenshot_" and it's accompanied with a console warring shitpost, it's Ladderbro.

The sad thing is that you are absolutely right. It wouldn't surprise me if Yea Forums will surpass Yea Forums in shittyness

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DDC #10 had to come with a monkey's paw. Well, hoping for a threatening Darkseid at the very least.

Why is DC pushing their shitty writers in to Hollywood and not their good ones? Isn't Bendis' dream to work in Hollywood? DC should ship that hack Bendis out to Hollywood instead and let King write his alternate universe limited series suicide fantasies in peace.

We're at the halfway point, company wars are still a big thing but haven't gone into the realm of lunacy yet, they cooled down for a few years but really came back in full force a while back, so it's only a matter of time before the retardation kicks in. You'll know the early signs of it when you see the ocasional wojak posting instead of images of people with subtitles, when one overtakes the other the process will be complete, there is no turning back now.

>CTRL-F "ladderbro"
>18 matches
You guys are fucking obsessed.

Because of the whole DC Entertainment thing, a crap created after the New 52 to approach the DC people to the Hollywood people, DC staff now have more control about things. This is why they now get to enforce things in cartoons (the producers of Justice League Action! cartoon complained about having a list of characters they had to use and in which way to use them given by DC), movies and such.

They don't have any good ones.

At that point, hopefully the mods actually start doing their jobs

>Well, hoping for a threatening Darkseid at the very least.
They stopped Zack from using Darkseid because his Darkseid was too creepy.

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>Why is DC pushing their shitty writers in to Hollywood and not their good ones?
I would tell you but then that retard would start screaming "Ladderbro" again

>he's finally off Batman
>now on the introduction of the New Gods to the normies
It hurts

This is funny because Morrison was supposed to write Flash alongside Ezra Miller, and the script was thrown out.

>hoping for a threatening Darkseid at the very least

I hope WB people are intelligent enough to realize they should test some waters before introducing the entire cast. They should see how good is DuVernay's work, because if they show Darkseid and all the other gods, and the movie ends up being shit (which is the most likely outcome), then they'll be screwed forever and won't be able to use those characters for decades, like they did with Superman and Batman.

But WB people aren't intelligent so, so long Darkseid. You were cool.

Newfag lurk more

Oh no whatever will DC do now that they can't use their Thanos ripoff

>Grant Morrison doesn't get to work on the Flash movie
>Tom King gets to work on the New Gods movie

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>Why is DC pushing their shitty writers in to Hollywood and not their good ones

If by good you mean the ones who uses a lot of meta bullshit and stuff, like Morrison, then you are completely wrong. People don´t want to watch meta shit, leave that for comicbook readers. People want flashy stuff and comedy. Johns' work is all that, he could have been able to nail it, but well.

Johns wrote WW84

Darkseid came first. You fucking dumbass

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Namor also came first but people will still call him an Aquaman rip off

Mind you it's still being decided according to the first report, but basically Ezra Miller wants a "darker take" while Morrison is going for a more lighthearted tone, which is what WB ultimately wants. That was in March, no updates since then.

B-but Starlin created Thanos as a ripoff of Metron and Roy Thomas told him to rip off Darkseid...!

>You'd think that Thanos was inspired by Darkseid, but that was not the case when I showed up. In my first Thanos drawings, if he looked like anybody, it was Metron. I had all these different gods and things I wanted to do, which became Thanos and the Titans. Roy took one look at the guy in the Metron-like chair and said : "Beef him up! If you're going to steal one of the New Gods, at least rip off Darkseid, the really good one!".


This is proof Morrison's magic is weak.

Do you think that the story will take place on Earth or will it be only on New Genesis and Apokolips?

Since this is the first movie I would prefer if Earth wasn't even mentioned.

Maybe they could have a final scene where, after they have been for the whole movie on the alien planets, they jump into a Boom Tube and, surpise!, they are on Earth.

And if they were to introduce him now, they would claim "Aquaman did it better" even though Namor is pretty much the SAME character except for the assholery.

Erza Miller and Morrison together were doing a dark script, which is retarded
Warner and the directors want a lighthearted script

Reminder that the movie allegedly follows Mister Miracle and Big Barda as they fall in love in Apokolips and escape together. Granny Goodness and the Female Furies are the villains, Orion has a minor role, and Darkseid and Highfather don't even appear, they're just referenced.

Attached: The Frees.jpg (500x500, 84K)

Mister Miracle is likely the focus, so we're certainly getting Earth.

>Aquaman did it bette
No one would every claim that

Just like how no one claims Wonder Woman did it better than Captain Marvel

For once the producers are right. It's like Miller didn't watch Fox's Quicksilver.

I'm cool with that. Doing a big ass movie with literally all the New Gods would be dumb in the first one, but it should be called New Gods.

WB wants Spider-Man: Homecoming with the Flash, Ezra and Morrison wants multiverse mind-bending sci-fi shit.

>King writing Scott again
oh no


It's about Barda and Scott escaping to Earth and being hunted or some shit

I'm cool with that. Doing a big ass movie with literally all the New Gods would be dumb in the first one, but it shouldn't be called New Gods.

Erza's script is specifically dark.

Kirby didnt deserve this

That's because each console has been pretty shit those last 2 generations

WB will force them to use Darkseid.


You sure about that? I guarantee you they'll be forced to change key aspects of Namor to differentiate them, and there will be still retards saying that Namor's conflict between land and sea are just a lazy retread of Wan's Aquaman.
>multiverse mind-bending sci-fi shit
And I'd love to see that but it all comes down to the direction, and I don't trust DC just yet for this. The last batch of movies have been good but have also failed in some specific aspects, so I'm worried they would botch it.

Consoles have literally never been better.

Not dark, just more serious. Warner wants Flash to be a joke character and the movie to be almost a comedy.

>Meanwhile Orion represents everything King hates on men. The confidence and aggressiveness. The go-get atitude. In King's mind masculinity is a sin.
Orion isn't really about that. He is a guy that have to control anger all the time, his appearence is modiefied so he can accepted on New Genesis.
King knows nothing about the characters he writes

If this has less than 300m budget then it's going to be shit.

It was specifically said to be "darker".

You're the one spouting things that no one has said.

>PS4 is a bloodborne machine
>The switch has shit ports since is "weak" and it doesn't have enough exclusives yet.

I remember people saying that Marvel was copying DC;
They just announced the writer, while Marvel will filme eternals later on this year.
DCfags delusional

>That was in March, no updates since then.

Miller's contract lapses tomorrow and he hasn't renewed yet. He's a goner.

If you believe the rumors, Warner is already looking up replacements.

doesn't matter when you can't say the same for the games

>You sure about that?

Just by being in the MCU Namor wins

Weren't there people on twitter pushing for Laverne Cox (tranny) to be Big Barda?

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WB is never spending that much on a DC movie especially after Shazam bombed

why is the Bob's Burger's guy and the black lady from ESPN doing a "New Gods" movie?

Let's put this to rest:

>In a bid to keep himself involved as the Scarlet Speedster, actor Ezra Miller is taking a hands-on approach to The Flash.

>Miller is taking a stab at writing the script for the Warner Bros. project, The Hollywood Reporter has learned. He has teamed with Grant Morrison, the acclaimed comics author, to pen a draft that could determine if he stays on as star, playing crimefighter Barry Allen.

>The development has bubbled up from a clash of creative visions. John Francis Daley and Jonathan Goldstein, who have been on board the project since January 2018, have taken a light-hearted approach to the material (and even hail from that sort of background, with credits like Spider-Man: Homecoming and Game Night). And, as sources note, that is the general track favored by Warners, which scored a billion-dollar hit with Aquaman by going the fun spectacle route and is seeing strong buzz on Shazam!, which is wearing its “superheroics is fun” on its sleeve.

>Miller is said to want a darker take on the material.

>The two sides have been working on compromises since last year, but Miller took the initiative to tackle the story himself. He partnered with Morrison, with Warners hiring the two to script their take. It is a rare move for an actor to be so invested in a superhero project that they switch hats, but Miller sees himself as deeply committed to the character.

But what about the script? If the report is correct, it was already submitted, no way they're doing it without him... And if they are, then Morrison is definitely gone too since they were working together.

Ok and? Correct them then

Aquaman is a way better character imho

>I remember people saying that Marvel was copying DC
Sure and a hamburger only cost a nickle and you had to walk uphill both ways in the pouring snow just to get to school every day

>Mario Odyssey
>Assassin Creed's Odyssey
>Fallout 4
>Day's Gone
>Witcher 3
>God of War

This gen has been one of the greats for videos games ever

They don't need almost the budget for Infinity War for a movie like this, they need GOTG/Captain Marvel money, so around $120-150MM, and avoid filming in remote locations like they did with Aquaman since they don't know if they can recoup the investment. The problem is if they're willing to take the risk.

Where's Miller actual words about the script?

>If this has less than 300m budget then it's going to be shit.
Maybe it will be mostly set on Earth. I think King mister miracle was mostly on earth.
It gonna be shit.

200 millions would be enough, maybe even 150 millions to do more space shoots

Can't find anything aside from this article, since every other site quoted this same thing.

it didn't

>Made less than Solo
It did

It's being fasttracked

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GOTG was 170M and captain marvel 200M

Honestly, if this ends up being a well-written film it could prove beneficial to letting comic writers into the writer's room for future superhero films.

It all depends on how well they can adapt to writing for the screen.

Well, looking at who's co-writing it.. they're fucked then.

Shazam 362M WW
Solo 392M WW

not a big difference.

I remember the last time WB tried to put out a shitty copy of one of Based Disney's billion dollar movies

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For what purpose

I'm just going to stick to manga from now on. I can't handle this shit anymore.

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Solo also costed 300 million

Other way around, GOTG was $200MM and CM was $170MM.

And everyone agrees Solo was a massive bomb so guess what making LESS than that makes Shazam


Don't forget that Solo had a way, way bigger budget than Shazam

They're doing the Daley/Goldstein script that Miller was sperging about.

A bad comic writer that never wrote for a movie ot even tv show.
Johns started being a intern to Donner than moved on to comics. then started writing for DC tv shows.
There is a whole journey to go before writing a movie

In the real world people liked Tom King's Mister Miracle.

He is a ginger, so of course he will be a nigger.

Because The Eternals is going to make a billion

It seems you have no idea how budgets work

Shazam Box Office Numbers

Attached: shazamboxoffice.jpg (277x56, 5K)

>Solo also costed 300 million
yeah they fucked up. It was basically reshoot

Folks i know Solo cost was way higher. I just posted Box office numbers. Profitability is another thing

This is bizarre... Imagine them going from LITERALLY WHO even for most comic readers even though I became a fan thanks to Gruenwald, rest in power to a massive blockbuster chock full of renowned actors, making a billion and some change and putting Ikaris, Thena, Makkari and Sersi on the same level as Rocket Raccoon and Thanos.

>Profitability is another thing
Actually it's the only thing retard.

Tired: The Snyder cut of "Justice League"
Wired: The Lord/Miller cut of "Solo"

>He is a ginger, so of course he will be a nigger.
A angry black man?
oh shit

There's a video. The only "dark" aspect of it are the speedsters of other universes being killed off.

And Shazam made a big profit factoring in cost.

Deathstroke involved?

Attached: deathstroke-takes-down-the-flash-2.jpg (1193x1736, 368K)

>Actually it's the only thing retard.
No, it isn't. there is other costs beyond budget(if a studio really show the true budget)

Solo lost money, Shazam made money.
I don't know why you're bring retarded ladderbro, outside of habit.

What does that have to do with anything
An obscure recent comic book is a reason to give some nobody with questionable at best competence writing duty on a major motion picture?

When I said anything about it? Just telling the fucking truth.

>And everyone agrees Solo was a massive bomb so guess what making LESS than that makes Shazam

>>And everyone agrees Solo was a massive bomb so guess what making LESS than that makes Shazam

If leslie Jones plays Big Barda I'll make it my lifes mission to track King down and and shove a hot lead pipe up his ass

This makes the situation worse in comparison. Marvel is turning D-list books into a blockbusters while WB is still floundering to get their A-listers off the ground. It's fucking criminal.

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Who's the A-Lister? Wait, you still hung up on the justice league?

How badly do you guys think his dialogue will translate to film? And how many critics will eat his ptsd shit up

It wasn't obscure.

Everyone's...going to pause...and, oh man I'm taking this so seriously...reflect on their actions...and be depressed.

Warner Brothers are all over the place.

They used to be indecisive, but now they are not so sure.

Half the cast kills themselves by act 2 and darkseid is just a metaphor for depression

You just realized that? This is why the #Hashtag writers were so ready to suck industry cock. They thought they could get into Hollywood.

The comic industry cannot collapse fast enough.

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Oh boy. I can’t wait for DC to take another giant piss on Orion.

it's pretty likely ava will make Barda black, I wonder how mad people will be

The image you see is the most accurate depiction of me right now. And we still have JLD in the wings...

Attached: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA.jpg (223x226, 5K)

Warner fast tracks movies at a ridiculous pace, literally trying to force a superhero universe.

This is why Snyder lasted so long on the franchise. They knew it was fucked after MOS, but the production was moving too fast for them to change course.

>we'll never see this fight adapted to the big screen

might as well not happen, Simonson channeling Kirby is just too big for any other medium

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This video?

>Anagram of Nigger


Meg from A Wrinkle in Time was my first book waifu

There was no reason to make her black

I hope this movie doesn't have outfits like those awful ones in A Wrinkle in Time.

They should hire they guys who did Masters Of The Universe. Is William Stout still alive?

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Didn't Moebius do those? He's dead.

I knew something was up when he was out of Batman. Still maybe we're lucky and he goes into a mental ward or Ava bullies him for being a whiteboi.

Nah, it's going to be Laverne Cox.
It would be the only way King wouldn't be able to shit on him and that's pretty sad.


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That's irrelevant. Jimmy Olsen was THE guy to introduce the Fourth World shit

So they've given up trying to compete with the MCU I see

Good shit.
>Birds of Prey
>Trench Horror Movie
Cool I guess.
>New Gods
I'm too normie to know what this even is.

Didn't he write the WW1984 script though?

In charge of what
He can't even write one good capeshit book

Shazam was greenlit before Man of Steel

The Rock agreed to be Black Adam before The Dark Knight, when he still had hair


You're the one that's snapped you fucking faggot.

Will Ferrell

You seem obsessed user. And yes you did Samefag.

>the rock... Before dark night
Why lie?
>shazam green lit preMOS
Why lie?

And no you are not going to re-define "greenlit" even if you try to admit agreed to isn't "signed a contract".

I'm tired of this. I hated his Miracle Man and I can't expect this to be any better.

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>the rock... Before dark night
>Why lie?

It's true. Rick was cast as black adam for a long time.

I'll wait till the first trailer to make a call

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Isn't old Darkseid basically Nixon?

>Why would Hollywood want a failed comic book writer
You just made me realize as to why Bendis moved to DC. After Feige cut the Creative Comittee and pissing off Gunn he probably realize he wasn't going to make it to big movie Hollywood with Marvel Entertainment. The DC people are deep within Warner Bros and Geoff Johns is facilitating the transition for them with his own Hollywood connections (he used to work with Richard Donner before he worked for DC).

>low sales
It was in the top ten most sold comic in each month.

I hope this fails really bad and maybe then we can have a decent animated adaptation by people who actually who care about the New Gods.

I want to cry because that would have been a fun movie, fuck.

I never had any hopes for this flick anyway, so whatever
it will probably not even get made, like The Flash
It's been in "development" for like a year now and nothing happened

King's mom worked in Hollywood so there might be some nepotism there.

Even then Scott is manlier and more optimistic and not castrated like the way Tom writes him.

Tom's hatred for Orion makes a heck of a lot sense if he's self-inserting as Scott since King has a strained relationship with his own brother whom King resentsy. Hell he also has a very distant relationship with his own father and most of his protagonists have strained relationships with father figures, their wives or girlfriends are the only source of happiness that they have, and the person the love the most.

Also he kind of lost it after his last panic attack especially since his father awkwardly told him after he woke up that his grandma had died. The beginning of his Mister Miracle run is also based on that experience (Scott waking up and Oberon's death).

Even Wally's feelings in Heroes in Crisis are based on his feelings after coming back home from the CIA. King self-inserts like crazy.

>Just like how no one claims Wonder Woman did it better than Captain Marvel
ladderbro comes from bizarro world

Mister Miracle was great though, Yea Forums just likes to bitch about everything.

>Hollywood so there might be some nepotism there.
That and being in the CIA probably netted him valuable contacts, not to mention blackmail material.


gina carano

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I would let her sit on my face and rub her pussy on my mouth.

>Lightray: Kevin Hart

I need this


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I always read MM as purposefully distorted from their actual interpretations based on Scott's perception of the other New Gods.
That's why the Apokolips part of his interactions are more accurate/casual; he has more experience for the Anti-Life reality to pull from, while the New Genesis interactions such as Orion and Lightray are more antagonistic from Scott's resentment.

Oh boy I can't wait for Darkseid to slit his wrists after Mister Miracle kicks him, Dessad and Kalibak in the face, one shotting them.

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Michael Cera

I am excited by this news. Haters gonna hate.

>thinly veiled
About as thinly veiled as a sledgehammer to the face.

That doesn't change the fact Orion can be seen as pampered due to growing up in paradise and throwing temper tantrums.

You think haters care about logic? They're only interested in whining because it makes their sad, pathetic lives in their mom's new boyfriend's basement slightly less uncomfortable for couple of minutes.

Why does WB hate DC so much?

I guess New Gods is going to be awful

It's something I WANT to be excited for, but I cannot do it.

A diversity hire who has a proven record for sinking films, was given the female furies book with literally ZERO knowledge on the characters outside of what she was told in the interview TO GET THE BOOK....coupled with someone who fundamentally does not understand the New Gods and projects his depression into his writing.

You must be a masochist, or a blind fanboy, because that's the only way you could ever see this as something to be excited over.

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>low sales
Still one of the best selling top ten comics every single month
>King wrote a comic I didn't like so he's a hack and nobody should hire him!
What are you, nine years old?
>why does Hollywood want X
Because they're always looking for talent and King could be a new comic book script guy for them

Every day, we stray further from God's light...

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ain't that the fucking truth? Lord have mercy

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how did Jim Lee get so much power at DC? Wasn't the comics imprint he ran total dogshit management-wise?


Most of Kirby's Miracle Man was set on Earth too. Same with Orion's New Gods story.

Tom King actively despise super-heroes and anything outlandish, heroic, and silly. Why would you give someone like King a New Gods script? Why?

I'm baffled.

I'm someone who can appreciate adaptations without being autistic about it and immediately start bringing up the race card when you've got nothing better to use as criticism.

Yes, Kirby saw Nixon get elected and thought the entire world was going to end and created Darkseid.

I wish i could feel vindicated as a Zack Snyder fan, but i am not. I just feel a hollow sadness. At least i've Man of Steel and Batman v Superman. Those movies will always be there. They're not perfect, but are great. Two great movies. I'm satisfied.

But still... news like this are just sad.

Learn the context of the term "ladderbro" before using it retard

>nothing better
you fucking idiot. I mentioned three separate issues for her. Yea Forumsmblr needs to fuck off.

>I'm someone who can appreciate adaptations without being autistic about it
Yeah I am too, but I cannot appreciate something I KNOW will already be shit. This isn't an adaption, it's fucking hacking apart of anything resembling the New Gods. Just write a new story with new characters, how fucking hard is that?

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not that guy, but people haven't been shutting up about that recently. What is this ladder stuff?

>he probably realize he wasn't going to make it to big movie Hollywood with Marvel Entertainment

yeah he's a self-opportunist, and realized his time was up (dont like the fact that his prized creations Jessica Jones and Miles got adaptations tho)

Because ladderbro sets his sights on any DC thread while not knowing shit because he's a fa/tv/irgin who doesn't read comics from anywhere. He only watches movies and doesn't even vare about Marvel's comics

It should be like Star Trek 2009 where both Orion and Mister Miracle are the leads

Can somebody explain to me how Bruce Timm is somehow NOT in charge of DC in perpetuity?

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Legitimately angry that my boy Orion is most likely going to get butchered on screen and casualshitters will eat it up

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Batman would be fucking too much bitches left and right, while Harley Quinn farts super bad in the background. It'd be groundbreaking, but controversial. The world isn't ready.

Yet you still felt the need to bring her skin color into it as the very first complaint.

The order is entirely irrelevant. It's also not incorrect.

Man look at those goalposts go, you're real good at this.

Because Yea Forums now hates Bruce Timm due to Batgirl shipping and Harley's fart joke.

Company war-fagging pretty much only shows up when there's movies nowadays, and even then, those instigating ot are mostly Yea Forums invaders. Anyone with a brain would read comics they like from either companies, and not simply brush off like what? Half of the books in the market based on label alone

You're either a troll or an idiot. This movie is going to be horrendous.

No justice

>Honestly, if this ends up being a well-written film it could prove beneficial to letting comic writers into the writer's room for future superhero films.

or it could prevent them for ever having a voice in DC films ever

>Rocket Raccoon

no one ever thought he'd be a big screen hero either

that's a fucking beautiful thing to think about. Between Shang-Chi and the Eternals, elevating C/D list characters is going to be awesome and guaratee Marvel will never be pigeonholed like DC is with Batman and Superman.

I hope they reboot Iron Fist someday because I want a proper adaptation and proper Heroes for Hire.

Her race is irrelevant, yet that's what you immediately jumped for by calling her a diversity hire.

This is hell. God fucking forbid someone want to inject a smidgen of fucking happiness back into the world. Nope, the depressed guy who doesn't understand the characters. PERFECT CHOICE. HIRED!

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No it's not irrelevant. Race is real, stop denying reality, and yes she is a diversity hire.

they are fast-tracking this to try and compete with Marvel's Eternals movie

Timm can't really write either, user. It was
mostly Dini

I've never understood this. Isn't variety supposed to be the spice of life? If we already have X, why do we need it, but repainted? Fucking stupid normies.

Get ready for more confused characters acting like they are unsure of themselves or anything for that matter.

Let's not forget the only thing that the characters written by him have to say (repeatedly): "I..-I don't know. What am I?

Fuck off, Sad Tom.

general public is retarded and will inevitably make comparisons

If anything, it will most likely look cool

That's like the absolute base standard, everything looks cool. You can't judge anything by that these days.

Good. Let him get is own containment space, without touching comics. Marvel should have done that with Bendis ages ago.

You can only go up when your last film had Snyder's aesthetic really

Jussie Smollett

Even ironically this makes me angry.

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Hi shill

Unironically could work if she go's to more acting lessons

Did the guy in the brown jacket get dropped on his head as a baby? And what's going on the the dude to the right? Is his face melting?

all of DC's movies outside of Aquaman have been horrible to look at, and if Ava Duvernay's Wrinkle in Time is anything:

It will be a dumpster fire

and ruined the movies? He was on the Creative Comittee giving retarded notes and Fiege got rid of all of them

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Race is real, but your clear racism is even more patent.

>samurai jack where do you think we are.jpg

I care more about comics than movies, you casual.

Don't justify idiocy.


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I try not to be an asshole, but given the shit people having been flinging at the DCU no matter what it tried, totally unpleasable to the end, I actually find great joy in this causing so much asspain. Suffer you fucks. This feels like sweet catharsis after every DCU discussion thread since MoS has been endless Ladderbro tier shitposting and OH NO NO NO trolling.

This is what you deserve. Savor it. I certainly will. Best part is I've never had much interest in the New Gods, so I'm spared this suffering.

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oh no whatever will we do if DC starts having BAD MOVIES?!

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>This feels like sweet catharsis after every DCU discussion thread since MoS has been endless Ladderbro tier shitposting and OH NO NO NO trolling.
Honestly, I agree. I've been quiet about it, but seeing all the crying and whining about it (coupled with the whole Batman fiasco ever since #50 came out), it's been quite... Refreshing? I don't know, but it's a fun schadenfreude. All the vitriol they launched towards everything Marvel (in some cases relentlessly) eventually came back to bite them in the asses.
Worst part of it? I actually would love to see the New Gods/Fourth World done well on screen, but clearly this won't be it.

>unironically quoting Grace Randolph

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>So they've given up

You can over at Based Marvel

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say anything negative about any aspect of DC? You're the "Ladderbro"

because he's fucking shit and you're a pathetic loser who's stuck in the 90s and early 2000s

I bet you still think DC wins in everything but movies too

What does it mean?

You forgot to cast Djimon Hounsou

Autistic forum drama. If you say anything bad about DC you're ladderbro, if you say anything bad about Marvel you're Tommy. There are several more of these, just ignore any post using the words and you'll have a better experience.

He looks like their child all grown up.

Does King have any good tendencies?

It's weird. I was a long time Yea Forums poster for about 4 years, fell out of it for other boards for about 6 months give or take and now I've returned and have no idea what the fuck all these buzzwords the idiots are either complementing or insulting me with are. Seems a lot like Yea Forums talk to me desu

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>inb4 'Tom King bitch-slapped by a real director'

Yeah, he knows that he should be dead. Unfortunately he's too much of a pussy to actually do it. Which is strange, considering how many kids he's murdered.

has the DC cinematic universe a death wish?

there are far more experienced and talented movie makers who would take the opportunity to direct a multi million dollar scifi epic

what was WB last hit? aquaman I guess
but they should really play it more save after all those years of flops

Not for DC

Half the ones who tried are stuck doing Netflix original shit

I can get the logic behind Tom King's prescence as dumb as it is, but why is someone primarly known for writing/directing black movies doing white capeshit?

Why not Grant Morrison?

>Be a DC Chad is live in suffering

You get what you deserve for being too stupid to jump ship

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>white capeshit

Most of them are pretty terrible at that, and the writers leech heavily on the artists in several cases. It hurts.

Rumor is that he's working with Ezra Miller on a draft of "The Flash".

If DC's movie track record is anything to go by nobody's even going to see the movie anyway

>the majority of their movies have made between 700-800mil
>none of them have actually flopped, even the worst performing
>Aquaman did a billion
Do you have to practice that level of self delusion or is does it just come naturally to you?

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Wonder Woman OW
>$103 million
Justice League OW
>$93 million
Aquaman OW
>$67 million
Shazam OW
>$53 million

You're the one that's delusional

Keep coping user. Every single DCU movie so far has made profit except perhaps Justice League, due to its production problems, and the only way to frame it as a failed project is in comparison to the MCU or Critical reception. Money talks user, and the DCU makes WB money.

>Money talks user
It sure does

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Funny you should post that. The production budget is estimated to be around 100mil. Cut that down, sprinkle on some product placement money, and it likely returned double it's costs. And we haven't even gotten the physical release yet.

See my image. I mean, that's terrible, right? They are declaring bankruptcy as we speak I'm sure.

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New Gods is about a bunch of white people and monsters in goofy outfits.

It's mostly twitter and facebook lingo. Either way, fuck off newfag.

>Why not Grant Morrison

Because his script would be too difficult for normies to understand. It's gonna be BvS scenario all over again.

Superhero movies are just explosions and comedy. That's one of the reasons Aquaman did so well.

So as long as DC keeps cutting the budgets the movies will be successful

I hope you really enjoy your $20 million dollar New Gods movie dipshit

>muhh budget
>muhh 200 million $ ps2 cgi

King isn't even leaving batman
they're to stop double shipping and they offered King a way to still finish all his ideas in a spinoff title so he wouldn't miss a beat.

That wasn't a rumor.

"You don't read comics if you don't agree with my viewpoints!"

Salty goodness.

>product placement money
People always seem to forget that factor, and physical sales, when they look at the box office. All the shit in the convenience store alone was probably worth a pretty penny to WB. Rumor was that Man of Steel was totally paid for by all the fucking product placement alone before hitting cinemas. The MCU must have raked in the product placement cash with the quantity of releases and tried-and-true ticket sales.

Because the wb execs also despite super heroes and anything outlandish, heroic and silly.

>BvS is equivalent to a Morrison comic
Nice way to expose yourself brainlet

>Rumor is that he's working with Ezra Miller on a draft of "The Flash".
How's that going?

Honestly? Impossible to know anything, because everything is always obscured behind a wall of the typical industry secrecy and endless shitposts and rumors, with a sprinkle of corperate sabotage and bought media bias. We'll only really know when/if teasers and trailers hit.

>Says the retard who didn't understand my comment

An adaptation of Seven Soldiers: Mr. Miracle with some tweaks would be easy enough to understand.
Even with the mini, he's still going to come up short of the 106 issues he envisioned.

like eight short.

I'm going to throw a fit if this movie and the costumes turns out badly.

Even non-profits need to make money for charity, user. DC and Warners is just one giant loss leader of a company at this point.
Being a DC fan is pain. Life is nothing but pain.

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and Jimmy Olsen is a black man, so he is perfect for this black led film series.

Gee. Why would a film industry run by hacks and bean counters with no clue hire a hack comic writer for a comic book movie?

>Can somebody explain to me how Bruce Timm is somehow NOT in charge of DC in perpetuity?
I have been saying this since watching Batman TAS in high school in the 90s.

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Marvel is just making Eternals as a fuck you to DC being unable to make New Gods, aren't they?

I've been on Yea Forums since the day it started and I have no idea what the fuck any of that means.

Nolan and Reeves are better than any Director on MCU.

I think she's a terrible writer, but you're right.
Smooth brain over here is pretty much just salty a black chick is writing it.
Though the book is terrible, bringing her race into it just makes you look stupid.

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No DC announced New Gods just because Marvel was making Eternals

Based Marvel doesn't work that way while that's the ONLY way DC has worked

nice try baiting, casual /pol/fag

(still a proven shitty director for big biget shit)

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You know how it goes, brainlets need to reee at something or another constantly, they can never enjoy anything or let anyone else enjoy anything.
So it's nice to see them have their days ruined.

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Dumb shill located

Marvel is literally nothing more than a DC ripoff.


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It's funny how /pol/ never has any idea about what they're screeching about.

Huh. I guess Marvel snnounced Eternals longer vack then I thought. Geez. Warners is just dragging their ass and playing second fiddle.

Funny since DC usually had the original ideas that Marvel later copied. Of course, here it was Kirby copying himself when he went back to Marvel.

Congratulations for finding a couple. I doubt the entire movie is going to be about Black Racer and Willie Walker, a one-shot character.

I dunno man, repeating the same phrase over and over again with the unproven claim and threatening to kill DC staffers isn't just "anything negative about DC"

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>DC and Warners is just one giant loss leader
See . Sorry, that narrative is never going to stick when a single glance at a screencap or five seconds of googling disproves it. If you honestly expect the DCU to be a genuine competitor to the runaway success of the MCU, and that is your bar for success, we'll be waiting many, many years to a lifetime for it to happen.

It always ramps up when DC gets a decent win (Aquaman) and there is something new on the horizon (Joker/New Gods/Gotham City Sirens). It sucks but I've just gotten used to enjoying the movies and not being able to actually discuss them without your image related happening. Not only do you have the tribal fuckwits who think you have to choose/enjoy one or the other but Disney sends out the bots and critics.

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ok guys
What are your dealbreakers?
What would make you not go out to watch the NEW GODS film?

Honestly, I would only watch it in the first place to support the DCU, and because it will likely have elements present in a future JL movie with Darkseid. I've never had much interest in the New Gods. Then again, I didn't have much interest in Wonder Woman or Aquaman either, and I enjoyed them greatly.

Non profits just means you keep minimal profits anons, sorry to kill joke

>failed Batman run

Oh yeah, the guy with a 95+ issue run, almost half of the issues sale over 100k, 40 other tie in comics on top reaching the same sales really is a fucking failed attempt at writing comics.
Snort more crayons you fucking wuwu retard.

DC logo

Doesn't it bother you that you'll enter a thread about a DC movie and yet apparantly even the DC logo is enough ro repel you? You don't think thats strange?

At least when she's being negative I believe she's being honest.

user he stayed because he doesn’t want to get tangled up in DC’s constant status quo of nonstop serialized conflict, or at least unintentionally did so according to Thaddeus Brown’s spghost

Exactly. You can criticize Duvernay without bringing that up, it only makes your argument weaker otherwise.
The whole concept of "white capeshit" is absurd when 'white' was simply treated as the default and it took people like Kirby and Lee to actually bring black heroes to the mainstream (because there were a few before that but none broke out) just to spice things up. It was simply a sign of the times, not something that was meant to be explicitly for white men.

and all of their characters are going to be worldwide recognized while DC becomes increasingly irrelevant

Strap up, because Shang-Chi and the Eternals are about to become A-list

Escaping would have been too obvious. Subverting expectations works in this case. He escaped his anguish into a dream.

hope they go all out on the Kirby aesthetics

"White capeshit" doesn't mean "capeshit for whites" it's capeshit with a predominantly white cast. Why would DuVernay be interested in this and why would WB choose her given her body of work? She does serious dramas/documentaries about black people. New Gods isn't remotely like that at all.

>it's capeshit with a predominantly white cast.
It's still dumb because most capeshit is only "predominantly white" because of the time it was made. No reason for New Gods or Eternals, of all things, to be married to that concept.

>It's still dumb because most capeshit is only "predominantly white" because of the time it was made.
Kirby had no problem making black characters considering Shiloh Norman and the stereotypically-named Black Racer. There was nothing stopping him from making New Genesis full of brown and black people if that's something he really wanted to do.

Damn it

No way fuckboy, all of the best episodes were Timm and Reaves by a long shot.

You are no Bonnie Timmermann

>New Genesis full of brown and black people if that's something he really wanted to do
That fucking strawman. Yikes.

Hopefully it crashes and burns and Tom commits gaijin seppuku

Because that's how King views the world, there's no fighting and there's no reaching out for the better when you see it. He's depressed and will settle for mediocre.

Shut the fuck up D&D

Honestly if it was between Leslie Jones and Laverne Cox I would probably choose to cancel the whole movie

They will fuck it up, they will fuck it up beyond recognition and people will hate it and they'll deserve it but the New Gods won't and that's what hurts me the most.

Johns' dream has always been to write for DC and the only reason he got to DC was because he met Berganza (who was probably on his way to #metoo someone) while working for Donner.

Tom King is probably writing New Gods because of his shitty overwanked comic, DC giving him the push, and nepotism from his mom having been a Hollywood exec.

Fuck King. According to doomsday clock he gets out and back with Barda. She probably broke into the OS and had to drag him out kicking and screaming before spanking a sense of reality into him.

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Everything King writes is just some bad dream that doesn't matter in the long run. Him being moved to a BatCat comic is also probably to phase him out of the main Batman comic.

New Gods was going to suck the moment Ava was involved so I don't give a fuck if he destroys that too.

Can You imagine incredibles 3 written by Tom King?

Fuck this gay earth.

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Mr. Incredible finally suicides, Elastigirl gets in existential ennui while Violet has several issues to connect with her friends, leading her to turn invisible permanently, living as a ghost in her own house. The little kid whose name I forgot is barely even written into the series, while Jack Jack settles on reality-warping powers that create a mock version of his father out of one of his toys, who only says "Helen, I'm here. I'm alive. I'm whole" over and over.