What does Yea Forums think? She nails the whole racially ambiguous aspect that theyce been pusginf for thr last 10 yrars or so...
The Batman is going to be a musical?
that would be dope
Who's going to be the main villain then? Bane?
Did you have a stroke OP
This pretty much confirms she isn't gonna be catwoman. Actors who campaign for roles never get them unless you're the Rock.
Will Alan Tudyk return as Van Wayne?
uber kek m8e
Its catwoman not catgirl.
dc really needs to give up the movies. Its all just mediocre or really bad. I still dont get how they fucked up a superman movie, a batman/superman movie, and a justice league movie.
>tfw no music meister feature film
WW, Aquaman and Shazam are good
A team movie is pretty easy to mess up. Just look at all those shitty Avengers movies.
Uhhh ... No ????
She needs to be black like Halle Berry
I swear if this Hollywood nutjobs keep whitewashing characters ...
>make a billion dollars off of the "joke" DC character
>give it up
Just in time to look whitewashed in light of the positive reception of DC Superhero Girls' Eartha Kitt obviously black Catwoman.
Its 2019
Its time a man is Catwoman. Not Catman. Catwoman.
Will we get the tactical pit action suit?
Thread theme
>Imagine not picking Eiza Gonzalez as Catwoman
The absolute state of DC
She does have a nice pussy.
It sickens me that exposed pits is a fetish of mine now, but at least I’m not into feet
Zac Efron just played Ted fucking Bundy, I think the HSM actors should get a pass from dealing with this over and over.
Thats adorable.
Could someone tell this dumb bitch about Sean Young?
Sean Young was a different case altogether.
she has no ass
Hudgens could easily go crazy too.
>the the CW promised us a live action Music Meister and gave us a garbage dream demon or some shit instead
I will never not be mad.
The CW never does anything right, the one exception was early-mid supernatural but that was more due to a director who cared
I thought she just auditioned for the part. Was there more to the story?
>the whole racially ambiguous aspect that theyce been pusginf for thr last 10 yrars or so.
What the fuck are you talking about?
Yeah, she was overzealous and batshit about it.
Fify user.
Fuckin autocorrect
>Jews are white
Plus Catwoman in Cuban
Why is that?
Catwoman is black
I wasn't on Yea Forums in 2012, what did everyone think of Hathaway in TDKR?
She's Italian bruh. Or at least half italian.
she was good, but no one cared because baneposting was at its peak
We were too busy realizing how Nolan literally referenced Adam West in the ending
I only know her as someone that had leaked nudes a long time ago. How is she as an actress?
I crushed on her hard then but feel nothing now.
>Tfw you already know what she would be hiding underneath that skintight leather and latex.
Feels bad user.
>Actors who campaign for roles never get them unless you're the Rock.
Does this have to do with the Rock wanting to play Black Adam?
>the last 10 years
Batman Year One came out in fucking 1987
Those retconned with her bring italian and Cuban are recent, Year One only added that she was a prostitute
Fucking where was that from? New 52 had her as the daughter of Rex Calabrese.
I didn't like that she had long hair. They should bring her back for Reeves Batman though.
good taste
i find her kind of annoying
Probably because they showed they want the job, so the people doing the hiring say
>work for this extremely low amount or you can’t get it
As long as she wears green contacts and cuts her hair
>Probably green cgi on the eyes in post
>How is she as an actress?
The Rock had been cast as Black Adam since 2007. He never had to campaign for it.
right now I don´t know a single actress who would be sexy enough to fit Selinia
but they are gonna fuck up her character anyway both with dc incompetence and sjw pandering
>For the last 10 years or so.
Didn't he fund Shazam, that's why he got the role.
That's false though.
Just have her naked a lot (even if censored) and we have a deal
What? No. Where did that ridiculous rumor come from? He certainly didn't have enough clout or cash to fund a movie in 2007.
Nope. Shazam has gone through at least 2 attempts to get it to the big screen before they finally got it right the third time and the Rock was attached to every sing attempt.
The Rock was the only constant
I can see that...
An actress is required for a catsuit-wearing role you say? There's only one choice really.
She's not really just enough for the role is she?
Catholic does not equal italian, you stupid burger.
A superstitious cowardly looooot
Who plot and plan but always get caauuuuught
It worked for Sean Young, right? She was great in Batman Returns.
>But being Carmine Falcone's daughter does you nonreading casual.
Pretty sure she is part Italian because she is the illegitimate daughter of the Falcone crime family
Catwoman has been italian for at least 30 years.
Tim Sale's Catwoman always reminds me of a Sicilian girl I dated who I try not to remember. I remember she made some comment on how Catwoman looked when she read through my signed copy of Long Halloween.
>What does Yea Forums think?
Every live-action Catwoman after Michelle Pfieffer was a disappointment