Ships that only exist because Editorial demanded it

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Superman/Wonder Woman most of the time.
They were stupid enough to even force in INJUSTICE.

>Ventress/that wierd OC Jedi that showed up for two episodes in TCW
>And was revealed in later lore to be at other important events where he really shouldn't have been
>Like observing Anakin on Tattooine before/during Qui Gon's scheme

Doesn't really count because the executive producer who wanted it got laughed out because it was so bad, but honorable mention.


Luke Cage/Jessica Jones

how many times are we going to see the same story about the baby being kidnapped and them worrying about it? I'm so sick of Jessica Jones and how she's essentially like dead weight carrying Luke down. He'd be better off a bachelor.

>>Like observing Anakin on Tattooine before/during Qui Gon's scheme
Wasn't he a literal background extra in one scene?

What the fuck, when did DC give Batman a new mask and turned WW into a niggress?

Do you really not know who Marvel’s Black Panther and Storm from X-Men are

Wasn't that Hudlin's decision?

Yeah Hudlin's the one who demanded it. Marvel took advantage of him leaving the book to get them divorced in AvX.


Remember when Dini was going to write a saga about Bruce and Zee relationship in his Detective Comics run, but DC told him to switch Zee for Catwoman and remake his big villain to be Hush?

You mean Claremont

Claremont didn't want that.

He's the person that caused the ship even being a thing

They pushed it everywhere. Every game (INJUSTICE, Infinite Crisis MOBA, Dragon & Puzzles xingling cellphone game), every animation (DCAMU animated movies, LEGO animated movies, Justice League Action! cartoon), every comic line (like the DCAU tie-in comics). They believed it'd go big and be the next status quo.

I keep seeing this and I don’t understand it. Wasn’t Claremont the one that made that ship in the 80’s or so? And even if it was an editorial mandate, they have a decent backstory together, albeit through retcon.

>how many times are we going to see

None, because the only one who cared and was willing to write about Jones was Bendis, his creator, and he too busy making a copy of her over at DC right now.

You can retcon any couple into an OTP.

Editorial also ruined some ships, like Kon Superboy and Cass Batgirl

Batman editorial blocks any ship with Batman related character with character they don't control. No to mention they like to force the idea of Robin x Batgirl. No matter which Robin or which Batgirl. It's one of the reasons Babs have fucked almost all the Robins bar maybe Damian.

When you think about it it's honestly kind of racist to pair together two completely unrelated characters just because they're both from Africa.

You mean Quinlan Vos? One of the based Jedi in the order?

This is one of those things Marvel does, they make a what if type tale and if something within it sticks, they bring it over to 616.

>It's one of the reasons Babs have fucked almost all the Robins bar maybe Damian.
Just you wait
>W-what are we gonna do on the bed Barbara? *Pomf*

No, user was taking an opportunity to be racist.


Did they not know that Lois Lane exists or something? Like, everyone knows the mythos is Lois + Superman.

Batman can fuck Wonder Woman in a continuity because he gets all the bitches, but everyone knows that in the end he'll be a bitter lonely old man without a child to his name, eating Campbell's chicken noodle soup in his huge empty mansion.

Wait, but Quinlan x Ventress is actually canon in the nuCanon. Quinlan fucking Ventress and then betraying her in a Sith powerplay is what his book is all about.

Also, RIP Vilmar and Vos' hot punk girlfriend who were written out of existence for Ventress x Vos.

I'm still irritated at the wasted potential of that idea.

It's like when they made Alan Scott gay. They didn't do shit with it.

DC editors fucking hate Lois Lane because they feel she makes Superman look lame. They also hate the Clark Kent persona for that same reason. Yes, they're THAT retarded.

>Johnny and Medusa.
Marvel was trying to push Medusa as the face the Inhumans so all the inhumans the Inhumans that could overshadow her put in limbo, notably Crystal and Black Bolt. So Black Bolt couldn't be king anymore and he had to disappear. This of course didn't help with popularity. To boost sales Johnny and Beast were brought in for star power and I'd argue this was editorial doing because neither re used in the majority of Soule's plots. Hell beast didn't even appear in the background after first arc and most Medusa/johnny appearances happened in other books.

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Quinlain Voss has been a turbo-cringe OC Donut Steel character for about 15 years now.

Which was somehow handled even worse than the relationship itself.

Colossus and that girl from Secret Wars

Editorial did not demand T'Challa and Ororo.

Editorial gave Reginald Hudlin a blank cheque to do whatever he wanted. Hudlin gave us snide comments that Iron Fist was a white guy jealous of Shang Chi (the REAL best martial artist, not an equal), did an issue about how James Rhodes was kidding himself for hanging out with Stark, gave us a story about how a perfect future would be Wakanda gaining power over the U.S., made Steve Rogers seem whiny and inferior to T'Challa, etc. etc. etc.

Also Hudlin figured that his character deserved to bag the most eligible black woman that Marvel had available, and editorial said "sure."

And as editorial granted that request, Christopher Priest, who could never get editorial to throw him even the smallest bone, probably just sighed and shook his head.

Batman and Zatanna sounds rather fun, although I don't see it working long term

>copy of her over at DC right now.
Bendis is making a Jessica Jones copy at DC? What?

That explains so many things, holy shit. Does anyone at DC understand Superman at all?
Let's be honest here, the Inhuman push was idiotic in its entirety

Colossus got shipped? When was that?

>T'challa gets thunder titjobs and not me.

It makes more sense to assume such retardation came from outlandish but well-meaning mandate, than to assume a writer just bent over editorial and forced his will upon the whole of 616.
But ever since Bendis, I can believe it.

Secret Wars

It was mostly an excuse to kill the Kitty/Colossus thing.

He has Damian, but whether that's a good or a bad thing may vary depending on who you ask

Stop that!

but Colossus already fucked Domino a while after after AvX
when did he get back with Kitty?

Voss is an old character by now, based on a background figure from TPM

Yep, bring Vos back for nuCanon but ruin everything about him. Brilliant move on Disney's part.

>Johnny and Beast were brought in for star power

One, thats hilarious

Two, Beast has become a placeholder for bad decisions. He fills the role of the Cyclops contrarian, and we all know that Cyclops Was Right. He is always right. Hence, Beast is always wrong.

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>Marvel was trying to push Medusa as the face the Inhumans so all the inhumans the Inhumans that could overshadow her put in limbo, notably Crystal and Black Bolt

but...why? Crystal was always the mainstream face of the Inhumans before


DC already thinks Superman on his own is lame as fuck, so he has to be spread out to other superhero franchises as a the ultimate God hero who everyone sucks off and women want to throw themselves at.

Fuck that shit. Ororo x Forge forever dammit.

>Editorial also ruined some ships

patiently waiting for a OMD mention...

>like to force the idea of Robin x Batgirl. No matter which Robin or which Batgirl
I like Steph x Damian

That was such a fucking retarded moment for so many damn reasons, not the least because nothing ever came of it. I wish they'd stop shitting on Beast so much

Naomi, she's a teenager trying to uncover the secret of the DC Universe or something. It's your average Bendis book about a nonwhite person, so it's shit.

Just because she is also black and from africa doesn't mean they need to be together.
Also Logan x Storm all the way.

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Get with the times, grandpa, even Bats is a magnificent African under that mask

>when did he get back with Kitty
Couple of years later, after Kitty returned from Guardians of the Galaxy

>a ship that existed virtually since Catwoman was created
Casuals are so funny.


She was a rogue.

Amen brother


Beast might have been brought in for IvX rather star power. Considering how he only existed bring up the IvX plots. He only showed in the first arc and never again.

peter parker x mary whore

his face reminds me of xavier renegade angel

Make way for one of the biggest and oldest forced ships.

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>Crystal was always the mainstream face of the Inhumans before
Eh not really. She got to be in teams but was barely in any books with Inhumans in the title. Medusa was on the F4 longer than she was. Black Bolt was firmly the face from 98-09. The height of Crystal pushing was when she was an avenger in the mid 90s. She fell off after that until war of kings where she was the narrator.

OG Secret Wars frim the 80a

Comic book writers are such fucking cowards they can't even take responsibility for their own dumb shit and have to pretend it was all the fault of literal nonexistant fucking fictional characters that exists purely on the whims of writers and editors. Nothing is Beast's fault because he doesn't fucking exist, but people get angry at him anyway instead of rightfully choosing to not participate as the audience in making a story feel real and instead just dump on the retards writing this shit.

That's not true. Superman and Wonder Woman have a deep connection through the history of comics. It never was forced. How long were you reading comics newbie?

I know user it's the same with this user

Isn't that batman user?

Lois Lane dies and superman is made evil. The same old trope.

This is a good ship, I don't understand why you guys don't like it.

Apparently you don't think two African super heroes would have enough in common to find each attractive and want to date. Especially not a powerful female and a male of high politic status in his own secret country. Surely things could never work out...

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Why the massive hate with Wonder Woman being with Superman that much. Because she's always favoured with Superman and not Batman?


Storm literally had to be retconned into a damsel in distress during her initial meeting with T'challa just so he could look cooler. He even popped her cherry for good measure.

Storm is one of the most capable female characters in the Marvel universe, but her relationship with BP constantly drains her of her independence and competance in a way that her relationships with Forge, Wolverine and even Bishop do not.

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Haha his head is big XD

So? Relationships are draining. Sometimes Storm's in trouble and needs help, like all other Marvel heroes when it's cross over time.

he didn't. he toyed with the idea, but he dropped it

the ship is gay, and you are gay for defending it

So Hudlin is a black dude with a MASSIVE inferiority/superiority complex?

>Smelly 100 year old hairy manlet who is abrasive and antisocial by nature. No home or assets to his name.


> Extremely smart. Suave. Tall athletic. Charismatic. Highly influential respected in a regal way. Kajillionare.

Say what you will about Tchalla×Ororo but it makes 100 times more sense than her and fucking Logan. She deserves better than that.

meh, I dislike the pairing cuz wonder woman is a despicable villain in injustice.

relationships are literally the opposite of draining.
the fact that you only date damaged and easy hoes is your very personal problem.

do you not know who Uatu the Watcher is?

>That's not true. Superman and Wonder Woman have a deep connection through the history of comics.
Come on.

Batman ships are great when they're good, and absolutely garbage when they're bad. At least he still has four loving sons. I kind of prefer the single dad life for him, but it gets shown as such too infrequently. As for Robin ships, let's see some Super-Sons go canon, it would be great. Superman and Batman, World's Finest Dads, and their sons end up together. Maybe more than just once, I like Tim x Connor just as much as I enjoyed the purity of Jon x Damian.

Pic related is the best ship for Storm; she belongs with Forge. I would accept her being with Wolverine, that had some serious potential too.

I don't think I read any of those stories; did he have many love interests?

I love changing things and hate the idea of status quo, but what's so wrong with showing a healthy, stable, long-term relationship? I've noticed that very few comic book romances check off all of those boxes, if any at all. If Superman can't make it work, what chance does anyone else have in an age when Spider-Man sells his marriage to Mephisto?

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