Post your favourite suit for any given character. Let's judge each other on our shit taste

Post your favourite suit for any given character. Let's judge each other on our shit taste

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bishounen Tim > all other versions of Tim

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I'm not gay, but I just want to drink Wally's cum.

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The Frankest Frank

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Lately they're having a good roll with costumes.
Now if only they give Supes his red shorts back.

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So good

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>Now if only they give Supes his red shorts back.
user, what year do you think this is? I feel you've not been keeping up.

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Did you live under a rock for the last two years?

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They really fucking knocked it out of the park for a "modern" Superman look. Then they killed him in a single issue and made the normal Superman wear the ugliest suit he's ever had. While we're at it E2 Bats would make a good DickBat costume

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Are you talking about the red belt? Because is to small for my liking.

I love that costume for supes and realy wish they went something more along those lines for Jon

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That's not gay at all, user. Everyone wants some of Wally's west

side not; the bat symbol going into Kate's suit is such a small, but amazing change. Her suit is definitely in my top 3 for the bat family

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don't judge me, I love his suit

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It's cute

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Yea Forums but fuck it. It's a shame it'll never get finished

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That suit was top notch for me too until DC outdid themselves with Rebirth. The Rebirth suit will always be the definitive supersuit for me. It's frustrating that the only suit that has been adapted to statues and toys is the proto Rebirth version with blue boots. That one is ass.

There actually is one Rebirth statue from Sideshow that was made, but that thing is the price of a car. Way out of my budget range.

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It's a good costume

>scans ran out the second the MC grew a pair
Excellent taste and I feel you user

Superman is back to wearing the dumb red panties again. You got what you wanted, fag.

Horde uniform better

Yeah, it's pretty great,

I know most people hate this design, but I'm a sucker for black/yellow combo. Other than the emblem, I love it, and the fact that the TV show tried to incorporate some of it into their Eobard.

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