Azula thread

Azula thread

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She’s for Steven

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>all her friends abandon her
>can’t even beat zuko without cheating
>gets dabbed on by katara anyway

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netflix adaptation will make her super explicitly gay, calling now

I wish Skuddbutt could do more animations with this model

Duh! Can't have beautiful straight and competent female characters anymore. Hope ty lee fucking dies so Tyzula babies gets another blow.

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Had to make sure I hadn't re-entered the Mr Potato Party /aco/ thread.

They're royalty so it is just natural.

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She's always been explicitly gay.

This is now a Toph thread. Post the daughter of the flying boar.

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But anons they can't make her gay! Gays can't be evil!

please leave ty qt out of this, all the fire nation girls were top tier

sorry, don't see her sucking face and coming out to literally everyone about how gay she is, not explicit enough for current year
god korra comics were an abomination

of course you think they would let themselves be infected by non-divine blood
Izumi is Azula's daughter

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I need somebody to explain to me the fascination with the evil crazy girl characters. I really don't get why characters like Azula, Juri, Toga, and millena are as popular as they are

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In hindsight, we all thought that chin came from Mai, but Azula and Zuko both do have very strong jaws.

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>Have to choose between the 2 best girls of the entire series.
user you cannot ask me to make this choice,

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the choice is easy one will cheat on you with her brother and the other will cheat on you with random guys

God damn Azula so fine without make-up. No wonder Zuko put s bun in that oven.

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Easy to imagine as strong dom (for obvious reasons), exciting as fuck because batshit, high energy, "crazy in the street, crazy in the sheets", hot designs, etc.

Nah bitch she was clearly interested in boys and was frustated in not being able to seduce one without scaring them. Azula wanted a sub boy to peg

Who would win a fight between Toph and Azula? No comet.

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Azula probably. Toph has a critical weakness in her feet. Azula would strike right at that repeatedly.

But they can be misunderstood user thats the loop hole they will use



>azula for the last time, I have a big tiddy goth gf and got vegeta'd into a good guy, just fuck the manservants or something
mai and zuko broke up in some spinoff comics and I'm livid, why have they done nothing but ruin avatar after tla ended?

>big tiddy

Mai is flat as a board. Azula has bigger tits than her. Overall a much better body.

>Toph better with long hair
>Azula better with long hair

Reminder she gave her virginity to Zuko and is into anal.

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Is it gay to fuck a tomboy like Toph?

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>TFW he outclasses her in every way

Except making fire. She is much better at that.

I am sensing a theme here.

>Toph has a critical weakness in her feet. Azula would strike right at that repeatedly.



Okay. What the fuck kind of bizarro shit -

Nope. Practical. Her halfwit brother incapacitated Toph without even trying. Azula would home in on it in seconds.

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It's the straightest thing a man can do, user.

>Azula would home in on Toph's feet in seconds.

Is there anything interesting there?

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Azula/Toph is an underrated ship.

>I am sensing a theme here.
someone on Patreon created a free Azula model with alt clothes and hair that are on model and now artists are starting to make rule 34 with it.

Any news on other models? Maybe Ty Lee?

I'd like to to restage some TyZula pics with his models.

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That's a render? Damn.

I'm sure the artist knew. Look at how detailed he modeled here pussy.


The hope that deep inside them there is good.

They don't have to become all sweetness and light, but...

'sides, Azula is, what, 17? She has a lot of emotional growth ahead of her.

>Adult Azula is reminded of her teenage self
>Embarrassed beyond belief

Hmmm like the Habsburgers you mean?

She's interesting, has character, faults and is hot.


>tfw Bryke will finally confirm TyZula in the live action remake.

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Isn't Azula 14?

Damn I guess I'm a flaming homosexual now

More like Fire and Blood.

Not sure how much input they really have, but if it's a Netflix show it'll be full of blacks and fags. TyZula fans should be hopeful.

I'm going to throw a god damn shit fit, that's what.

Lol that t-rex arm.

it's foreshortened

>those useless red bands around her feet

Based render-man.

I know that was the artist's intention, but it doesn't look foreshortened. Mostly because the shoulder position is wrong.

It looks fine, calm down.

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Do you tell everyone who disagrees with you to calm down? Because all that dude did was state his opinion. Sheesh

Calm down.

no u

girls girls quit your bitching and post more Azula

oopsies I forgot to post some

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quite the opposite

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They're the perfect couple. This can't be by accident.

The only boy she wanted to seduce was Zuko and she absolutely wanted to scar him.

She was frustrated because she didn't know how to reconcile her lust for women with her thirst for brother dick.

What happened to her after The last air bender? I didn't bother with Korra.

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Would Azula try to kill Toph or capture her and hold her for ransom (she is a high-end noble of the enemy) or to blackmail the Gaang? Would Toph fight back once beaten in a straight fight and captured?

life finds a way

Capture and torture probably. Azula is psychotic, torturing someone who can't see it coming would probably amuse her.

>big lanky goth gf
sorry, just typed it without thinking

who's getting paybacked here

We know Azula can lie to Toph.

>"Hey, there sweet sugar cakes! I'm Kanto, you're the most beautiful girl I've ever seen. Let's fuck."
>"Huh, I can sense you're telling the truth. Let's fuck."

>the other will cheat on you with random guys
Where did the meme of Toph's promiscuity during her youth come from? Conjecture or something from Korra?

Azula, like most ATLA characters, isn't mentioned in Korra. In the comics she is trying to turn Zuko into a tyrant with really dumb plans and schemes.

Korrafags desperately trying to defend their terrible depictions in that show, and Other horny faggots hopping along to satisfy their dick.

If by Tyrant to mean semi-respectable leader. Serious Zuko’s neutered as fuck in the comics, and the writers idea of good leadership is so juvenile that Azula looks like she actually has a point

I see. Did we at least learn what happened with Zuko's mom?

Azula, easily. With the exception of the Dai Li's rock glove bullets, it seems like the go-to technique for earthbenders is to make a spike of rock out of the ground and crush their opponent like a war hammer. Toph's no exception. Her blindness aided her in the development of metalbending, but I think Azula's the more creative bender. She was the first firebender we saw (iirc) to realize she could sort of fly by pushing fire downwards to create propulsion like a jet engine, and this was while she was plummeting to her death.

She asks a helpful spirit to give her amnesia and change her face, then she shacks up with her old flame from the podunk village she's from and has a kid with him.

The ATLA comics have been showing us the creation of various institutions in Republic City/the former colonies. I want a comic where Toph decides to return to competitive arena fights as the Blind Bandit and founds pro-bending tournaments. Cool new sport outfits mandatory, maybe she can recruit Katara as a waterbender.

Yeah, she’s a bitch who decided to mindwipe herself of memories of her kids, and life a new life devoid of the responsibilities of her old one. Honestly she’s just as much of a cunt as Azula.

It's pretty much Korra's fault since in the show they made her a single mother of two daughters (from different fathers that the girls don't know) that worked as a burned out police chief and was bad at parenting.
The only character from the gaang that doesn't get too much shit in LoK is Zuko.

Sokka doesn't get too much shit, does he? I thought they just up and forgot about him.

>he baffled Christendom by continuing to live
I don't know why but that line in particular

He is dead and shows up in a couple flashbacks.
He was a minister or some shit and once defended an infant Korra. That is all he gets.

>The only character from the gaang that doesn't get too much shit in LoK is Zuko.
Well he’s still a Jobber but Avatar had already turned him into one when they introduced Azula and mever really changed it.

Nah he shows up in a flashback talking about his trusty space sword and boomerang at Amon's dad's trial. From there it's simple inference to draw the conclusion that he lived a rich, fulfilling life full of happiness and adventure, far away from all the daddy issues melodrama that everyone else seems to have succumbed to, being fondly remembered as Best Boy after passing away peacefully in his sleep surrounded by his harem, from a terminal case of being too good for this sinful world.

oh no, I hate this.

>Avatar had already turned him into one when they introduced Azula and mever really changed it.
That is why he isn't shat on. In Korra they tell us he was a competent and peacefull Fire Lord who raised her daughter to also be a competent Fire Lord and has a nephew who is also a good boi. He's pretty much the only one who can fucking die without regrets.

how did they drop the ball on literally everything post tla? unless you're a shipper subhuman wetting themselves over the mako's exes asspull not one thing has felt narratively satisfying since

Legend of Korra really just wanted to separate itself from Last Airbender as much as possible, that is why they erase all the Avatar's previous lifes including Aang.

>He's pretty much the only one who can fucking die without regrets.
when you fuck your mom, sister, and her friends theres not much to regret

I think the Toph x Sokka moments are the only good thing to come from the comics apart from Zuko's mom. The search felt more or less on point.

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It's gay NOT to fuck a tomboy like toph

No one to reign in Bryke's worst storytelling impulses. Sad!

>how did they drop the ball on literally everything post tla?
Bryke stopped having tard wranglers and became resentful with TLA after people began saying mean things about LoK.


>a nephew who is also a good boi
Typical bender cronyism. Uncle's the Fire Lord, uncle's best friends are the former Avatar and the city councilman for the Southern Water Tribe, so he gets a commission as a general in the bloated and useless Republic Navy. Amon was right about everything.

>sokka dies surrounded by loved ones
>his spirit departs his body, satisfied with a life well spent
>he is reunited with the ghosts of boomerang and space sword
>gets to spend eternity with his moon waifu
he deserves nothing less

They are only good for shipbaiting. Fuck they single handedly created SukixZuko.

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He deserved another space sword and cute babies with Suki.
But eternity with moon waifu is also pretty good.

>People who can afford education and tutoring have a higher chance of being qualified for administrative positions over people who don’t and instead spend their whole life either farming or learning their parents trade.
Gee, whoda thunk it?

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And boy did they have fun with that one.

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There's nothing published that says he didn't. Having a moon waifu in the afterlife and having had a great mortal life with lots of earth waifus and space swords are not mutually exclusive scenarios.
10,000 years gulag. No breaks.

We can only hope.

>has a grandson who is also a good boi.

isn't Iroh his grandson

>best boy gets a moon ghost harem once his earth lovers die too
>having the moon for a wife means he can probably get the most baller space spirit sword directly from space

Yes, I'm just so accustomed of talking about Zuko and Iroh(Uncle Iroh) being nephew and uncle that my mind slipped.

Lads, how much better would Korra have turned out if Sokka had not unexpectedly and suddenly died from Exploded Dick Syndrome, and had been alive to mentor her?

What do you think will be the most "sacred" part of TLA that the netflix version will fuck up?
If they mess up brave little soldier boy I'm gonna storm netflix studios and make the air temple genocide look like a joke

Seeing how LoK treated the old cast I think he being dead is a blessing in disguise.

whoa, a fanart of toph that I haven't seen? that's cool

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Is live action, user. That means everything is going to be ruined.
But still I think they will butcher southern raiders by overloading it with feminist bullshit. Which is to say that all the well treated feminism that Avatar already had will be turned to 11 because fuck everything that isn't radicalized.

I really don't know what's worse, the netflix adaptation making my wife gay, or the netflix adaptation shipping my wife with a traitorous whore like Ty Lee

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Tyzula is great, faggot.

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oh my poor kyoshi warriors
yeah kyoshi herself is already a big gay now because "strong women are all dykes amirite? -Bryke" but the comics can probably just be ignored because they're all retroactive and trash no one bought

Fuck you Ty Lee did the right thing by saving Mai and stopping the fight.

Azula deserves better than some trashy circus slut

toph doesn't have the thighs for that look.

Azula got what she deserved.

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They will present it in the way it was always intended.

Maybe we could get lucky and Azula will find her happiness buried in Jin's gigantic tits. Mmm, you smell that? She's still got Zuko's scent on her.

Go get that earth kingdom pussy, lightning girl. Slurp slurp slurp it up!

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Azula is a sociopath

Sociopaths don't get better

Ty Lee will provide Azula suitable children for her to mold into soldiers.

Shut the fuck up, dipshit.

>He deserved another space sword and cute babies with Suki.
i heard they turned her gay

That was not the ending I saw coming when I asked that question. I guess being a massive cunt runs in the family.
I was really hoping for some heart warming reunion to.

People who fall for sociopaths are suckers. They never change and can't if they even wanted to

That's Kyoshi, not Suki

>Azula is a sociopath

Actually, no. She's not. She's got Schizoaffective disorder. If you've got an hour to burn, this is a pretty great analysis of Azula's psychlogical state.

Zuko's mom goes back with him to palace along with her new family, then she has a non-arc in which she becomes the poster girl for beaten wives, confronts Ozai a whole 2 pages at the end and gets over everything. Literally Zuko's new little halfsister does more than her.

thats why she has her brother's cock

it's only a matter of time, anyways.

Love changes a person.

Don't agree with that. It *might* make a good differential diagnosis, but the symptoms of schizoffectives and ASPD are sometimes comorbid. The way she toys with her brother as a child is sadistic, cruel, and vicious. She may seem unstable at the end if the show, but people with ASPD have a bad habbit of self destructing just as she does

Did you even read the comic? She was coherced by Ozai because otherwise he would have to kill Zuko for the treachery that was claiming the throne while Iroh grieved his son. This is how the conversation goes:

Attached: ozai_plan.jpg (1066x1600, 358K)

Sociopaths are incapable of love. They have no ability to form emotional connection or bonds

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So keeping in mind that the live action ATLA will maintain consistency with the canon of ATLoK because that is the show Bryke loves, who will be retconned gay by Netflix?
I bet on Haru (if they don't cut him out), hes too much of a chad for todays Tv and his moustache can be reworked into a 80's gaystache.

Wow, that's pretty bad.
>My mother was a master herbalist, so I know how to craft the ultimate poison.

Based Ozai. Even though he's royalty he still finds time to go on the thot patrol himself. Really the people's king.

Well, when you do as much research into the matter as the guy who made that video did, then I'll start taking your opinion into consideration.

Shippers really are the worst, you can really tell from this people that they didnt experience real life love

She's primarily a psychopath. After getting her ass beat, being betrayed by people she thought she knew well, and losing her one shot at becoming firelord, she experienced a psychotic episode.


The critique is not on the situation she is forced into, it is in how apart from changing her face so Ozai can't find her (understandable) she chooses mindwiping so she can forget about her previous life, which includes her kids (kind of a cunt move)

Look up the actual definition of the two disorders and the criteria of each diagnosis. Schizoffectives are diagnosed by exclusion and even then she doesn't meet the criteria aside from having a bear psychotic break at the end of the show (and it's not a real full psychotic break, take it from a paramedic). Schizoffective disorder does little to explain her behavior towards her friends and zuko, or her cruelty

But they can love themselves and in many cases others in a more protective way.

Anyone have any toko?

Yes this. Psychopaths and sociopaths don't feel connection to other people but they become frustrated with failure easily and often turn to drugs or suicide

No they can't. By definition they never will. They only protect their family in way you protect your expensive car's shiny paint job


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Also, they've got superficial charm, poor impulse control, a constant need for control, and are prone to bursts of anger.
user, psychopaths don't love. They use people and move on.

Read the subtext, user. She's been experimenting and plotting against Ozai for years. The islands of the Fire Nation are littered with unmarked graves of the condemned (or innocent??), all dead by her hands as she perfected the recipe.

We see Azula care about Ty Lee and Mai. She is honestly hurt by their betrayal and talks down on herself for being who she is.

She did it because she was in pain, the Mother of Faces offered her to erase her memories because she knew she wouldn't be able so see her kids ever again. It's not like she said "fuck my kids, they're from that despot anyways"

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From a scant look at Wikipedia

"Reputation defending subtype: Needs to be thought of as infallible, unbreakable, indomitable, formidable, inviolable; intransigent when status is questioned; overreactive to slights."

Try watching the video. He covers all that.

Either way, I'm pissed as shit and it hasn't even happened yet.

She's not hurt, she's fucking livid.

Not during the breakdown.

She's angry for betrayal. "How dare they".

Look at how she treats Ty Lee. She manipulated her into joining up and quitting the circus, and she's not upset about it, in fact she's smug

Ok, call it whatever you want. The bottom line is that she'd make a terrible waifu if you actually were to meet her.
She's hot though. Real hot.

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Well she was looking for a boyfriend to rule next to her which sounds amazing.

>She did it because she was in pain
I know, but while it is a reason it certainly isn't a good enough excuse. The "forget me" trope is good when a character sacrifices himself because it is a maximun expression of love. This in the other hand is sacrificing the memory of your loved ones to get rid of a burden, and it vanalizes the value of that love.
Is like if Iroh chose to forget Lu Ten. The only thing he has of his son are memories that are as beautifull as they are painfull, but if he willingly gave them up just because they hurt that would devalue said love, it would mean it is worth less than the pain.

She doesn't care about you she probably would never fuck you.

She cares about those closest to her so you have to get in that area.

She doesn't strike me as the type to share power. The moment you became even close to a threat or a liability, you'd be dead. She'd be like good old Henry 8, except subtle about it.

Oh do I.

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so what your saying is Zuko should have made her remember by returning to the womb

>she'd make a terrible waifu if you actually were to meet her.
Yes and no. I do believe she can be a good waifu without losing most her charm with some years of therapy and learning. You'll always have too be on your toes, though.

Sounds like you just need to stay out of her way.

Yes. In the same way you need to stay out of a burning building, or central africa. How is this difficult for you?
maybe I'm being old fashioned, but a waifu you need to stay on your toes around doesn't seem very shiny to me.

Doesn’t excuse her choosing to forget about her kids and not even trying to get them out
>but muh heartache
A good person would have tried to solve the probelm, rather than take an amnesia pill to forget
>but Ozai could have found out
So not even trying is justified? Especially when she would have had a perfect opportunity to discreetly get Zuko out of there during his exile?
Ursa a shit. That is a fact

Because she is a person, not something to be afraid of but something to love and cherish.

Gotta love how even though his Trip changes, Scrapper’s Autism and doublethink never do.

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Except she doesn't and is more than happy to sabotage her closest friends lives to manipulate them and get what she wants


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Toko and Firecest have always been a favourite of mine.

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I'll watch it when I have time but I'm a paramedic with graduate level abnormal psych courses under my belt. I know this isn't much to flex on but my fiance is also graduating in less than a year with an MD and a master's in psychiatry, and she'll tell you everything I've said too

Azula is simply a product of her environment. Getting banished was probably the best thing to happen to Zuko.

Where's that "shut up scrapper, I'm going to fuck your waifu " edit?

Having an uncle who gave a shit about him probably helped too.

Azula was rotten inside. A person with a sliver of humanity wouldn’t have taken as long to break as she did, and she only broke because she was losing.

Yeah but they had a loving mother. Azula was fucked up to her brother like she was possessed by demons before her mother's banishment

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>maybe I'm being old fashioned, but a waifu you need to stay on your toes around doesn't seem very shiny to me.
To each their own, user. Probably helps that I've learned how to love a psychopath because of my mother.

She's got curvier, her clothes hidden her puberty grow

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Does not surprise me at all. You might wanna talk to someone about that.

I feel like this has a significant more lewd version just a feeling though

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>tfw you always imagined Toph growing up to be this huge thick behemoth of a woman
>somewhere around seven feet tall and close to 300 pounds
>because it would be amusing if the littlest member of the Gaang grew up to be the biggest of them all
>also would be a funny joke about how she came to resemble her actor from Ember Island Players
>instead she has the most boring fucking designs, both as a thirtysomething and as an old woman

I guess I shouldn't have expected too much, but I was disappointed all the same.

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There isn't, but he's drawn some lewd for this one.

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this is the sole reason why korra and the comics should be retconned

Not really. My mother was a good mother, if a bit unorthodox and dysfunctional at times. Only less if you're trying to pull the Freud crap on me and say I've got an Oedipus complex. Then you can fuck right off with that.

>implying there’s just one reason
Good joke

I wasn't going oedipus with you, don't worry. Good that your mom did well enough with you.

>Legend of Korra really just wanted to separate itself from Last Airbender as much as possible
no it didnt you fucking idiot

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where? can't find them on any f the rule34 sites

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user LoK treats TLA the same way Germany treats Nazi Germany, they just want to get the fuck over it.

Thanks user. Sorry if I was a bit touchy about Oedipus, I always get a bit too defensive about my mother even online.

I approve of Shaq-sized Toph, it would have been better than what we actually got.

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his patreon. He posts monthly Mega links to erverything he's drawn for that month

fuck off retard

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Niggee they did a complete time period change on the setting in the span of 2 Generations, had Korra act as the very Antithesis of Aang, and literally destroy the Avatar Cycle, as well as everything they supposedly worked for by just letting spirits have free roam of earth. The desperately wanted to pretend they weren’t a sequel series.

>bait baiting bait baiting bait

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>literally destroy the Avatar Cycle
retards are still trying to say korra did this

both of you are trying way to hard

Not sure which user you think I am, but you're probably wrong.

>Korra apologist
And all the hate Korra gets is because of Korrasami, right?

>Retards are still trying to say korra did this
As are non retards, because it’s literally a no brainer. Try and explain how she didn’t destroy the Avatar Cycle by making the only person her successor could turn to for advice be her dumbass.

It's all so tiresome....

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By pointing out that that's not what the avatar cycle is. The avatar cycle is that when the avatar dies they are reincarnated into another person with the ability to call back on the knowledge of the previous avatar. But given that you're talking about a successor then you acknowledge that the avatar is still capable of incarnating, just not able to call on the knowledge of anyone before Korra. Comparing it to a computer, she didn't delete system32, just cleared the browser history.

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Oh man, this isn't an edit, is it?

>Implying the browser History isn’t literally the point of reincarnating
Did you think being able to Bend a few more Elements was the important part here? Fuck no, it was the experience and Wisdom of 10,000 years. Hell, even the Avatar State, the real game-changer of the whole thing, is reliant upon tapping in the power and Wisdom of past Lives. And now all you’re going to have is some guy and the dumb Lesbain Ghost in his head whose only advice is to hit things harder.


Nah, is just wrong context due to retarded panelling.
Pic related is an edit though, but still fun.

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>the browser History isn’t literally the point of reincarnating
It wasn't. It's like you never watched the show. The whole point of reincarnating was for the Avatar and Rava to get back in the game of trying to bring peace and unity to the world.

>The whole point of reincarnating was for the Avatar and Rava to get back in the game of trying to bring peace and unity to the world.
>Literal retcon of what it was back in ATLA
>LoK doesn't want to distance itself from ATLA
Do you even think before writing?

kys korra faggot

I don't think that word means what you think that means, because they literally never bother to point out a reason for reincarnation in ATLA, and being able to confer with past avatars was just a perk of being the avatar, not the raison d'etre.

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>It wasn't. It's like you never watched the show. The whole point of reincarnating was for the Avatar
Except if the Avatar doesn’t have his past lives then he’s not really coming back now is he? The Past Lives are literally the only thing that make the reincarnation have any meaning or connection between then
> and Rava to get back in the game of trying to bring peace and unity to the world.
Which they can totally do without their past lives, just look how well Korra did-oh wait

>Except if the Avatar doesn’t have his past lives then he’s not really coming back now is he?
Worked fine for Wan.

>they literally never bother to point out a reason for reincarnation in ATLA
did they need to?

also, it was a retcon. the avatar was always referred to as a spirit of balance or a spirit of the earth or some shit like that
with Raava, they just become a spirit of "light and goodness" because the writers are idiots

The avatar is the intermediary between the Spirit world and the material, the knowledge and insight that can only be attained through countless lives of experience to being balance and harmony to the world
>not a retcon

>I don't think that word means what you think that means
No user, you don't know what it means, because you're one of the brainlets that know it as a buzzword that means "changing something previously established" when that is just one of its aspects. Retcon is short for Retroactive continuity. Rava, Vaatu and all the first Avatar and origin of bending wasn't in ATLA, is a retroactive addition made in LoK to fit its plot.

Because Wan had his head on relatively straight, unlike Korra, and had the sprit actually helping him, instead of being shoehorned into the Avatar cycle in a manner that barely plays an active role.

>the avatar was always referred to as a spirit of balance or a spirit of the earth or some shit like that
He wasn't though. Pilot and opening just refer to the avatar as a dude that is master of all the elements. The story of ATLA places the avatar as the intermediary between humans and spirits.

What does any of your yammering have to do with "hurr if he doesn't have past lives how can he be coming back" that Wan disproves?

These two don't really seem excludent of one another.


Why does she have her father's name on her shorts?

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Reminder that whoever defends retcons as something good is also defending what George Lucas and Disney did to Star Wars.

>"hurr if he doesn't have past lives how can he be coming back"
It doesn’t, because that’s purely what you said. What I’m saying is that the Avatar Cycle is worthless with it’s past lives, which is still true as Wan is a special case didn’t really function like his successor avatars at all. If you’re going to argue, at least do it with actual people and not voices in your head.

Then you might just be retarded because even from a cursory examination, the central idea of the formers is enlightenment and the second is just Jesus juice.

>It doesn’t, because that’s purely what you said
>Except if the Avatar doesn’t have his past lives then he’s not really coming back now is he?

kill yourself korra faggot

Marking what's his?

>Come to bed Zuzu

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And what's stopping the avatar from being enlightened AND having Jesus juice?

>stop it Azula, I have Mai and we are very happy together

>Then why do you keep coming by my room to ravish me? You don't even ask permission

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her entire character is daddy/mommy issues

For the people too retarded to understand the difference:
>First is eastern philosophy that exemplifies how knowledge and control of oneself represents the most balanced and perfect way for individuals to exist, which is central to the themes of Avatar The Last Airbender.
>Second is the westernized religious ideal of the need for a Godly savior to always protect the feeble imperfection that is man because like the perpetual children that they are they will never know any better.

>because you keep on spiking my tea with Viagra
>please don't tell Mai

Yes, because if you lack your previous life experiences and personality, you’re not actually you. This should be rather simple to understand, even for you.
I’m the one shitting on Korra though.

>I’m the one shitting on Korra though.
be defending the main point that killed it

I was saying that Wan doesn’t disprove what I’m saying because he doesn’t function like a normal Avatar. Get some reading comprehension nigga.

All the Avatar incarnations only draw from previous experiences and memories. They're a continuation of the symbol, not an extension of the individual. In regards to their personalities, Kyoshi is as far detached from Wan as Aang is to her, as an example. They're "not actually you" but they're all still the avatar, and that's from before Korra wiped the slate clean.

I just want to bite her all over.

Here, for your Jackpot.

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>All the Avatar incarnations only draw from previous experiences and memories.
That’s literally what I said you dumb fool. All that is what makes the person. >They're a continuation of the symbol, not an extension of the individual.
That is not only the opposite who what you just said, but also blatantly untrue.
>In regards to their personalities, Kyoshi is as far detached from Wan as Aang is to her, as an example. They're "not actually you" but they're all still the avatar,
That’s why Aang straight up went back to being Kyoshi during the Trial episode, or how in the Third season Aang was literally able to converse with his previous lives and ask for advice, despite them all being people who had died and him have only the memory and experiences right?

Korra’s Avatar explanation is a Retcon even in the traditional sense, and a poor one at that. Accept it, and move on

MrPotatoParty is the new hotness, but he makes Azula slightly too thick.

>he makes Azula slightly too thick.

I agree, but I like it so I don't care.

>clinging on to ATLA and going "hurr korra is bad and you should feel bad!"
>telling others to move on
The lack of self awareness is rather humorous.

You're mixing your interpretation of it to what it actually is.

Either way, there's literally no reason as to why you can't have someone that achieved balance by knowledge of oneself AND having powers from a Godly being. You might argue they're not a good mix, but they're not in contradiction.

Also, the existence of nonbenders already breaks your rule of balance; people can't become powerful in ATLA by merely being 'balanced' people. They are born powerful, just like the Avatar. Aang didn't get more powerful by achieving balance, it just achieved control of said power. the existence of Raava only comes to explain where that power comes from.


>desperate trying to defend a bad show, even when it’s been explained to you from multiple angles why its indefensible

I've seen this sketch dozens of times, but never all colored and shaded like this seems to imply. got the full one somewhere?

I'm not even disagreeing that it's a bad show. I am however, capable of accepting that it has changed elements of the lore rather than be an ape going "reee that's now how any of this works korra you suck!"

Cuz she's daddy's girl.

>the knowledge and insight that can only be attained through countless lives of experience to being balance and harmony to the world
Which hardly helped Aang on his journey apart from Roku dishing out necessary info to further their quest. The one time he turns to them for advice, not one out of 4 helped.

>You're mixing your interpretation of it to what it actually is.
That’s not an interpretation, thats actually what it is, regardless how much you like it.

>Either way, there's literally no reason as to why you can't have someone that achieved balance by knowledge of oneself AND having powers from a Godly being.
Actually you can. To assert that Balance comes from a divine power beyond humans means it cannot be found by non divinely ordained means, which means that one would not be able to achieve through means of knowledge, Wisdom and Virtue.
>You might argue they're not a good mix, but they're not in contradiction.
They very clearly are.
>Also, the existence of nonbenders already breaks your rule of balance; people can't become powerful in ATLA by merely being 'balanced' people.
Tell that to the songular Indian in the series who could survive in the mountains even at his age.
>They are born powerful, just like the Avatar.
1 Balance doesn’t mean genetic differences don’t exist
2 The Avatar isn’t powerful because he was born that way either. He’s powerful because he keeps coming back and never truly losing the wisdom knowledge and understanding he gained from coming around over and over.
>Aang didn't get more powerful by achieving balance, it just achieved control of said power. the existence of Raava only comes to explain where that power comes from.
The ability to control oneself fully IS the key to Power. By being able to understand and control himself on both a Metaphysical and Material Level he is able to decide how he cpmes back and where he goes rather than flying around like a kite in the wind like everyone else.

Eastern Philosophy isn’t Dragonball Z. You don’t automatically raise your Powerlevel by training in balance or committing self-flagellation.

user I'm going to explain it as simple as possible so you can understand.
One is Buddha reincarnating himself again and again to help others achieve the same harmonic balance with themselves and nature that he himself has.
The other is God, a benevolent entity who will be by your side forever to protect you because your mortal nature makes you fragile in every sense of the word.
Bending and super natural explody powers don't matter. Enlightenment is not about being more able to beat people into submission, is all about learning to live in peace and trying to pass the knowledge of how to. Vaatu, Raava and Wan are an uneeded retcon that transform the first (Buddha) into the second(God).

>>literally destroy the Avatar Cycle
>retards are still trying to say korra did this
>I-i-it’s not tru because they technically still have an Avatar Cycle
All you’ve done is prove that they have a pathetic facade of the Avatar Cycle left After Korra with none of the power or meaning it once had, and now you’re trying backpedal and say you weren’t desperately trying to defend Korra. And all this after trying to argue that Korra didn’t have retcons, and backpedaling from that when proven wrong there as well

You're Not only a faggot, but a disingenuous one at that who’s desperate to try and appear right, even if it means flip-flopping on what he was arguing in the first place

Well apart from her fighting and training she doesn't actually do much physical activity, it's not out of the question for her to be the tiniest bit pudgy. Not like she'd have a gut or anything, but I can imagine her being thicc.

You keep saying it destroyed the avatar cycle but where's the proof? Korra is the last of the franchise. We won't know if whoever comes after her will be able to draw on her experiences. If this new avatar can, then the cycle is still fucking there, just set back to square one with Korra as the new Wan (aka the first memory the avatar can pull from). If there is no avatar after Korra or the new avatar can't use her memories that's the only time you'd have a point.

How would "reformed" Azula be like? They showed us a little bit of her post-breakdown in Shadow and Smoke, but is still not quite right since she might appear sane now but her life still revolves around making Zuko's life hell.

How do you imagine her?

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>You keep saying it destroyed the avatar cycle but where's the proof?
Okay i’m going try and dumb this down for you to understand
All the smart Avatars are gone, the only one left is a retard
>Korra is the last of the franchise. We won't know if whoever comes after her will be able to draw on her experiences.
We know that it doesn’t matter because Korra is a retard, and thus, has no good insight
> If this new avatar can, then the cycle is still fucking there, just set back to square one with Korra as the new Wan (aka the first memory the avatar can pull from).
Except Wan wasn’t a complete retard and his successor had a much less complicated time to manage. Korra is a Moron so the new guy has to ask her for help things are gonna go to shit really fast
> If there is no avatar after Korra or the new avatar can't use her memories that's the only time you'd have a point.
The point is that you can’t use Korra’s memories either way, because she’s a complete incompetent. If she’s the new start, then everything is doomed anyways.
10000 years worth of avatars>>>>>>Wan>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Korra

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>10+ post explaining what the cycle is.
The Avatar cycle is a direct rip off of Buddha's reincarnation you fucking brainlet, the knowledge of thousands of previous lives.
>Inb4 but Wan.
Fucking read the thread and stop arguing in circles.

Is everyone just forgetting that Korra sat in memory tree and sucked up all the history that she fucked over by getting rid of her previous incarnations? No? Okay then.

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It didn’t make her any less of a brash violent idiot, so it probably didn’t stick.

she would still be a smug bitch and shit on the Gaang constantly only to get a rise out Zuko, she would also try to get Zuko to go down a more aggressive path

See that's the thing, she went from a brash violent idiot to a a brash violent person that knows things.

Didn't Aaron Ehasz have a Twitter thread about this?

And go down on her.

Hey, so am I! What a small world.

Could you link it? I don't have a twitter.

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Yeah, about how before the movie they thought Avatar was going to have a fourth season and in it Azula was going to have a redemption arc with Zuko acting as her version of Uncle Iroh.

well of course she loves her big brother and she wants him to taste that love

That too.

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>Avatar was going to have a fourth season and in it Azula was going to have a redemption arc with Zuko acting as her version of Uncle Iroh
That is surprising. Even the actual Uncle Iroh thought she was beyond hope.

There are like another 2 tweets about the subject, just go back to April 1 on his feed.
(He already said it wasnt an Aprilsfools)

3 words user.

Probably something like how she’s become in Abandoned Sparks, where she’s still kind of a manipulative bitch, but she’s come to realize that not everybody is cursing her name under their breath and is more appreciative of goodness in people like Zuko for sticking by her even when he has all the reason in the world to leave her for dead.

Thanks lads. Definitely will check it out.

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Huge toph fan, I also would have loved that but it doens't have sense for her to become a giant titty monster considering how her parents looks.

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Wickedly pure

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>thats actually what it is
ATLA World doesn't even have the concept of east/west philosophy, or a concept of Divine. You just interpreted it that way.

>To assert that Balance comes from a divine power means it cannot be found by non divinely ordained
Wrong. Balance being found in "divine power" AS WELL doesn't mean it cannot be found in non-divine ways.

>Tell that to the songular Indian in the series who could survive in the mountains even at his age
How exactly living in mountains is in any way related to moving boulders and manipulating fire?

>Balance doesn’t mean genetic differences don’t exist
You were the one equating balance with power. Also, canonically, bending power is defined by spirituality, not genetics. The fact is, there is a source of power other than 'balance'.

>He’s powerful because he keeps coming back and never truly losing the wisdom knowledge
Basically: Being born that way.

>The ability to control oneself fully IS the key to Power
His Avatar State wasn't really any more powerful before and after in terms of raw power.

>One is Buddha reincarnating himself again and again to help others achieve the same harmonic balance with themselves and nature that he himself has. The other is God.
That is your interpretation of it. One that doesn't even work, because the avatar is not supposed to be all-powerful or all-good.

Either way, there's nothing stopping a being from being 'Buddha' AND 'God'. Again: they might not make a good mix, but they aren't paradoxical. It is added canon, not new canon.

The fucking TLA vs LoK is over user. We are fagging about Azula now. Go vent somewhere else.

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Cute and crazy.

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I know she can handle herself more than enough, but I want to take care of and protect her.

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This makes me think in a au about azula and zuko being more closed together. Then, instead of ursa, is azula the one hearing about ozai "punishment" for trying to usurp the throne, which leads to both of them running away.
any drawfag draw something about this plz

He's getting good at these, the model itself could still use some work but the shading is spot-on

I remenber a smutty fanfict that is quite similar to what you're talking about, sadly it was abandoned about 4 chapters in years ago.

really? name???

drawhore here, give ideas

I dont know user, it was years ago. I can only remenber it was in both and archive of our own.

>ATLA World ... You just interpreted it that way.
user. The entire world is just a rip of eastern influences stop being a retard

>Wrong. Balance being found in "divine power" AS WELL doesn't mean it cannot be found in non-divine ways.
Well then if it can be found without the help of divinity, divinity is not a requirement or in anyway tied to balance, and is instead just an extraneous addon slapped on that adds nothing to the concept, which is just as bad as a retcon.
>How exactly living in mountains is in any way related to moving boulders and manipulating fire?
It’s not, it’s about finding the strength and ability to live with the world around you. Not everything is about bending
>You were the one equating balance with power.
I equated balance with being able to transcend seemingly unmovable boundaries like death and the spirit world, you’re the one conflating that with powerlevels
>Also, canonically, bending power is defined by spirituality, not genetics.
Your skill of how much and how well you can bend (you know, the other definition of ability) is tied to spirituality. The ability to bend, yes or no, is genetic.
>The fact is, there is a source of power other than 'balance
The fact is that you are really stretching to try and make this work

>Basically: Being born that way.
if you want to stubbornly ignore all the metaphysical aspects of what’s going on before he’s born again and after he dies again, then yes.

>His Avatar State wasn't really any more powerful before and after in terms of raw power.
The Avatar state’s itself is a manifestation of his past lives being able to carry their knowledge over you dolt. It’s already been made by his previous forms having existed and learned for thousands of years. It’s not a secret Naruto technique. Whether or not the Avatar’s 634th time around starts to understand it now or later doesn’t change it’s nature.

You can’t think of spirituality in terms of fighting anime.

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>The ability to bend, yes or no, is genetic.
Airbenders literally went from just one family to who knows how fucking many even though Aang's family should have been the last of them.

You two arguing about balance, when fucking Raava was basically the incarnation of good and Vaatu was evil.
How the hell was Raava going to bring balance when all she ever did was bring good which imbalances evil

>Airbenders literally went from just one family to who knows how fucking many
You can blame that directly on Korra and her fucking up the separation between worlds.

>Airbenders literally went from just one family to who knows how fucking many even though Aang's family should have been the last of them.
>Using the series that is currently on trial for being loose and doing whatever dumb idea they though of as evidence for its own defense
Are you retarded?
She wasn’t which is another reason why the Korra fag is an idiot.

Ignore them. LoK is mostly cancer to ATLA.
Let's post Azulas.

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W-What's she going to do with him?

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>this series is on trial because I hate it and I say so!

Does Azula give Zuko headpats?

Reminder that ONLY ATLA is canon. Fuck comics, fuck korra, fuck live action and FUCK BRYKE!

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Absolutely this

Though I will consider Aaron's tweets as nearly canon, at least until he inevitably tweets that Azula was "always meant to be gay" after the live action remake receives backlash for making her gay.

Yes. And he gives her hugs.
Pretty much this.

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This user truly understands it.

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In this context, evil/chaos is the opposite of good/balance.
Yin and Yang don't have moral alignments in Daoism, good and evil aren't factored into them and are separate concepts.

>I-i-im not frantically defending this series, i-i-i’m actually winning!
Well you’re right that it’s not on trial, if only because it’s already been convicted, found guilty, and executed. This is the equivalent of defending the joker after he gets the electric chair.
Yes When he’s a good boy.

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My wife wouldn’t smoke!

Azula shouldn't smoke. She is a studious and fit girl who demands the best of herself.

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I never said anything about winning or losing. I'm saying that you don't own the franchise nor do I. As such all this handwaving and ignoring everything they did, no matter how bad, is very cringe worthy coping. Life is full of unpleasant realities that you have to learn to live with, like the death of a beloved pet, or rejection from someone you had romantic inclinations for. The shitshow that happened with Korra is just one more thing you add on to that pile.

>In this context, evil/chaos is the opposite of good/balance.
No he’s right. Raava is completely unbalanced.
>Yin and Yang don't have moral alignments in Daoism, good and evil aren't factored into them and are separate concepts.
Yin ans Yang aren’t what’s being referenced though. Raava had not concept of balance and was just good times aplenty with no concept of moderation. The only reason not-good times were around was because of Vaatu, so it clearly didn’t give two shits about moderation or balance.

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You shut your whore mouth!

Mom bod Azula is the new hotness.

Have you ever loved someone so much that it physically hurt?

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>tfw no lewd Grey Delisle asmr kino
I’d pay a hefty sum to have Azula snuggling roleplay.

probending young adult toph

>As such all this handwaving and ignoring everything they did, no matter how bad
When has anyone here ignored anything? Half this thread is literally anons pointing at all the shit they did and being bitter at how it retroactively hurts the original show.
At this point your ranting is just purely nonsensical.

>Yin ans Yang aren’t what’s being referenced though.
It clearly is what is being ripped off from, it's just being applied without any understanding of what the fuck it mean.

>In this context, evil/chaos is the opposite of good/balance.
Except the opposite of chaos isn't balance, its order.
Only when those Chaos and order are perfectly matched is balance obtained and in that balance is when life prospers.

>When has anyone here ignored anything?
Literally everyone going "ugh why are you accepting that as canon it's korra shit and korra is terruble UUUUUUUGH". Rejectng that reality in favor of one you find acceptible is every bit the same as ignoring that it's the reality of things.

I remenber a week or so ago an user was actually going to pay her for some lines.
Don't know if he ended up doing it.

>I never said anything about
And nore did you need to, the salt is clearly evident in your post and frantic goalposting shifting in a desperate attempt to have the last word and “win”. So just say whatever bit you have left and shift else where

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Sounds like a cringy disaster lmao, God bless him

>can’t win an arguement with people saying that Korra was retarded, so he has to pretend he was talking to the people trying to mediate the thread by saying Korra wasn’t canon all along
>all this, while pretending that Canon events haven’t been retconned entirely out of existence before
Imagine the amount of JUST this guy is going through right now.

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>the salt
>coming from people moaning and groaning about Korra "destroying the avatar cycle"
Again, the lack of self awareness is ridiculous.

How can one girl be so cute, sexy and intimidating all at the same time?

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>Literally everyone going "ugh why are you accepting that as canon it's korra shit and korra is terruble UUUUUUUGH".
Nigger read the fucking thread. People are ANGRY because LoK is CANON and is SHIT. A couple days ago there was an entire thread talking about how technology in Korra is retroactively ruinning TLA. The point is not "This is shit, is not canon and I'm angry", the point is "This shit being canon ruins EVERYTHING".

>tfw we have ATLA and noone can take that away from us

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EHHH! Sorry user, but your previous posts that started it all show astronomical levels of bootyblasting
Evidence doesn’t like Bud even if you do. You are Saltier than the Dead sea.

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If Bryke are taking their concepts from Chinese beliefs, which they most likely are, then order, balance, and harmony are all synonymous with each other and opposed to evil/chaos/imbalance. LoK did try to attempt this angle when explaining what caused dark spirits to appear, but I'll admit they bungled the execution.
>an entire thread talking about how technology in the TLA comics is retroactively ruinning TLA.
Fixed it for you.
The tech leap in Korra made sense given the industrial revolution going on in TLA and how limited the spread of the tech truly was (ie mostly contained to modern hubs like republic city and zaofu), the stuff pulled off in the comics is just impossible.

Is the only thing that makes me happy about this whole series, just like remembering the original Star Wars trilogy and the couple of good bits that the EU had (And fuck Lucas and his Nuking).

Sorry but when someone on your side says things like
>People are ANGRY because LoK is CANON and is SHIT
>"This shit being canon ruins EVERYTHING".
You lose credibility on the whole "you're the salty one" argument.

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at least commission a better artist instead of spamming this ugly as fuck pic

Shh...She's sleeping anons.

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Did you ever read Moon Over June? The same way Hatsuki got pregnant.

>TFW Azula is still a teenager
>Still has time to mend her ways and be a good person.
>TFW she would be close to my age now.

>TFW no prodigy firebender waifu with rage issues and a problem with authority.

Stop negotiating with Korrafag, he is beneath notice.

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>an entire thread talking about how technology in the TLA comics is retroactively ruinning TLA.
user the only reason TLA comics do that retarded shit is to try to justify and tie in what exist in Korra, that is why almost half the comics have themes of industrialization in them.
Don't fucking try to sell us a rebrand of what we all talked about in that thread.

Reminder that Korra apologist are as delusional as holocaust deniers.

>b-b-but someone else said
Nope. Don’t care and i don’t need to. None of that has to do with the fact you’ve already proven yourself to contain enough salt to commit a snail Holocaust. Sorry, it’s not up for debate

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MPP really captures how luscious Azula's lips are.

>and a problem with authority
She doesn't have a problem with authority itself. She just wants, at the end of the day, to BE the authority. Or at least part of it.

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>Did you ever read Moon over June
Why would anyone do that to themselves?

>Sorry but when someone on your side says things like People are ANGRY because LoK is CANON and is SHIT
They say things like that because you don't know how to read, user. You have been proving that again and again by repeating stuff that has been responded to in 5 other posts. You're the poster child of brain damage.

Any good Azula Fics? Zukocest preferred but not required

I thought it was funny. It wasn't really meant to be, but it was.

That sounds like a problem with authority.

>trying to quantify anger and use that as an argument

What is this discussion?

Book 2 love route of Four Elements Trainer.

>tfw live action will replace the perfect waifu with the most asian looking asian imaginable for diversity points
>Katara and Sokka will look straight out of the congo too

Except that the technology as it's presented in the comics doesn't even exist in Korra.

>Implying Anger can’t be quantified
Get on my level scrub.

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Do you think IRL Azula would be more Asian looking or caucasian?

Fuck, they'll either look ugly or will use tons of makeup like with Korean popstars.

Asian, there’s no reason for her to be caucasian.

Everyone in Avatar is asian user, there isn't a single blonde or redhair in that world.

A classic perhaps?

>be a servant boy in Firelords Palace
>think Azula and her friends are cute, but they're far above your station and so you don't talk to them
>One day, notice that Azula is watching you whenever you're in the same room together
>she looks hungry
>One day she summons you to her quarters, beckons you over and whispers in your ear "Hey servant boy, bet I can get you off in under 3 minutes"
>You're terrified, but also aroused, so you weakly say "you're on"
>She wins the bet, but you can't say that you're all too broken up about it
>For the next few weeks she ignores you outright, and you figure it was a one off thing. The Princess is experimenting a bit you decide, clearly she's not going to degrade herself using a mere servant boy again
>but as the weeks go on, she starts to get that hungry look in her eyes again...
>You're... affair, for lack of a better word, continues on for several years
>You live in a state of near constant fear. Several other guards that you work with have met with terrible "accidents", and you've seen her making eyes at them as well
>In addition, several rather cute serving girls have rather abruptly quit there jobs and ran off, including one that you had a crush on
>however, you somehow manage to avoid whatever mistakes they made, and reap the rewards.
>Well, if you can call them rewards, you're still not sure if she's doing this for your sake or hers.
>As time goes on, Azula's technique develops. While initially she just used her hands to get you off, she soon starts to get more creative.
>She uses her feet, her thighs, and even her mouth surprisingly, although she always makes sure that you cum on yourself and not her
>Sometimes she simply strips naked and makes you get yourself off in front of her, betting you that you'll cum before her
>She eventually grows to a perky B-Cup, and insists that she use them on you, even though you're terrified that you might blow early and hit her by accident

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Losing battle. Azula is visually caucasian but literally Asian. Only the most happa happa to ever exist could do it right and not get immediately flamed.

>pace of the show will feel rushed because it'll undoubtedly be hour long episodes and 12 episodes a season
>the already pushing it feminist themes in the original show will be cranked to 11, especially with the kyoshis and once they reach the north pole
>the kyoshis will talk about gay shit as well
>azula will be gay for ty lee
>toph wont be barefoot basically ever
>the beach episode probably wont happen at all in season 3, and if it does it'll be more gay shit with azula and ty lee
>despite all these changes, the one thing that will not change is the one thing that should be changed, the lionturtle asspull at the very end

I don't want to be right, but I think we all know that I am

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>Character comes from a nation and culture most resembling thailand and china
Tough question user

>The unthinkable finally happens one night, while she's roughly stroking you off between her breasts
>You're nearing your limit, and are about to warn her, when she decides to put the head of your cock in her mouth. It's too much, and you let loose, pumping into her mouth and then onto her surprised face
>You look at her, plastered in your seed and looking shocked. This is it, you think, she's going to kill me
>To your complete surprise, she merely smiles deviously and says "I win again servant-boy. You can go now"
>After you leave, you crack her door open slightly and peek in, expecting to see her frantically cleaning herself and possibly sharpening a knife
>Instead, you see her scooping your seed off her face and sucking it off her fingers
>It's around this time that she abandons the "under 3 minutes" rule of your little game
>she also starts to demand your presence more and more often, no longer waiting weeks in between sessions
>You don't mention that you saw her eating your cum, and she doesn't ask you to cum in her mouth again
>However, she does allow you to spill your seed on her breasts, which you're happy to do. You don't push your luck and watch her through her door again either, but you're fairly certain you know what she does to clean up afterwards...
>Azula also introduces a new game for you to play. She strips naked and tells you to lie down, then sits on your face. "Start licking, servant-boy" she says with practiced disinterest. "Do try to finish me off before you pass out.
>Despite the initial fear, you grow to enjoy these sessions. Azula's pussy tastes delicious, and the heady scent of it drives you crazy.
>The first few times this happens, you fail and pass out. You wake up awhile later, still naked, with Azula jacking you off slowly. "Better luck next time servant-boy, get out"

That was one of the points made on the thread, that in its aim to tie in with Korra conflics with it.
Another of the points made on that thread? No matter how retarded they are, they're canon for both original and sequel.

>Eventually you succeed though. You're fading quickly, struggling to breathe and lick her slit faster. You can hear her breathing quicken as you do, but you feel light-headed. In an act of pure desperation, you try and slip you fingers into her.
>But your arms are almost pinned, and you can't see anything, so you stab forward blindly. Azula gasps aloud and then moans. Her whole body quakes, her thighs lock around your head, and she gushes all over your face. Her cum is sweet.
>She collapses forwards, and you gasp as air enters your lungs again. Your finger is still inside her, and you look up with a weary grin at it...
>Only to feel your joy turn to terror when you see that you're not fingering her pussy. In your blindness, you've stuck your finger into her rosy little pucker. Azula is looking back at you with a shocked and almost horrified expression.
>For the second time since you started this, you feel certain that you're going to die
>But instead, Azula rocks backward with a ragged moan, driving your finger deeper into her butthole. She starts to rock back and forward with a steady rhythm. You're too stunned to say or do anything. Her tunnel is tight and hot.
>Azula looks back at you again, a fierce look on her face. "It... feelsssss... sooooo.... GOOD." she growls at you, as if accusing you. You swallow nervously, and then Azula moans as she cums again, drenching your chest this time.
>She collapses on you, and you cautiously remove your finger. "P-princess?" you ask, cautiously. She rolls off of you.
>"C-clean yourself up, servant-boy. You can go."
>You get up and wash yourself off quickly in the basin, licking Azula's essence off your lips. As you go to leave, Azula calls out to you.
>"Oh, and servant-boy? You win this round"
>You feel joy bubble up in your chest, and you murmur "thank you Princess" before leaving.
>After you win this game, Azula is much more forgiving.

>the most happa happa
Does such a creature exist?

>code your characters white
>put them in fantasy asia
>modern sensibility would rather have racial accuracy over aesthetic and character accuracy

This is why live action cartoons almost NEVER work.

>She continues to sit on your face, but she no longer suffocates you when she does. In addition, while you're licking her pussy, she's started to pleasure you with her mouth.
>Every so often, if you're feeling daring, you slip away from her pussy and try licking her asshole. Usually she stops you, but every once and awhile she lets you continue. You gently slather her asterisk with saliva and push your tongue through her tight back door, while she moans around your cock. On these nights she always cums explosively.
>You always lap up her sweet cum without complaint, relishing it's warmth. While Azula never acknowledges this, she seems to "reward" you by letting you play with her butt more often. She even starts deep-throating you, though she's not very good at it yet. Still, you have to admit that you enjoy the sensation of her gagging slightly on your shaft, although you'd never admit it.
>One night she summons you to her room and informs you that you're going to try something new. The two of you strip naked, and she has you lie down. She mounts you, and begins to slowly rub her neatly-trimmed pussy along the length of your shaft.
>"Don't get your hopes up servant-boy. I'm the Princess, you're not worthy of taking my maiden-head" she says sardonically. "But that doesn't mean we can't have a little fun..."
>Azula grabs both of your wrists and pins you down, rutting against your shaft without letting you penetrate her. Soon you're both sticky with each other's pre-cum, moaning and sweating.
>Azula never breaks eye-contact with you, a sadistic grin spreading across her face. "Do you like this, servant-boy? Do you like serving your Princess? Do you want to make me happy?" You groan a yes.>She leans in close and whispers in your ear "Then cum for me, servant-boy. Cum for your mistress!" You moan and oblige her, cumming forcefully and jetting it across your belly. Azula follows closely, cumming on your shaft.

crazy girls are amazing in bed, she's competent, and I really want to dick the evil out of her. Or at least dick the evil in her towards more productive ends.

Dubs of emptiness confirm.

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>She slips off of you, and you begin to get up to clean yourself. Azula puts a hand on your shoulder and shoves you back down. You look up at her, surprised, and notice that she's staring at the sticky white cum on your belly.
>Azula forces you to lie down on your back, and then slowly leans in and begins to lick the cum off your stomach.
>You lie there, somewhat surprised, and watch Azula lap up your seed. The room is so quiet that the sound of her licking you almost echoes. You scarcely dare to breathe. You notice with dull terror that this whole spectacle is beginning to make you hard again. Azula appears to be almost in a trance, and you're terrified your arousal will do to her. She might just rip it off, for all you know.
>You needn't have worried. Azula reaches out with one hand and begins to slowly stroke you off. She's being surprisingly tender.
>She finishes cleaning you just as you begin to reach your climax. Azula licks the last rivulet of cum up, then swiftly fastens her lips around the head of your cock.
>You explode in her mouth, pumping cum into her. You see her struggle valiantly to keep it all in her mouth, but her cheeks quickly swell and it begins to spill out the corners of her lips and drip onto her breasts. She turns to face you, opens her mouth so that you can see the cum in it, and then swallows it all with a loud gulp.>You sit in stunned silence, staring at her. She looks down at you as if she hadn't noticed you were there. "What are you looking at servant-boy? I like the taste of your seed. Is there something wrong with that?"
>You quickly stutter a no. "Of course not. After all, I know you like the taste of me." she reaches between her legs and rubs her dripping sex, and then sticks her fingers in your mouth. You suck her juices off of them dutifully, and she smiles at you.

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Her voice is pure sex and I want to save her with my penis.

This is absolutely Toph's sense of humor and I love it.

>"Good job servant-boy. You've made your Princess very, very happy tonight." She pumps your cock again, and then scoops some of your cum off her breast and sucks it up. "Hmm, I wonder if I could milk you for this..." she murmurs to herself. She waves for you to go, and you take your leave of her.
>For the next few weeks, things continue as normal. Azula now makes no effort to hide how much she enjoys drinking your cum, always insisting that you finish in her mouth. She also begins jacking you off into a large wine goblet at the beginning of every session, and sips it as the night goes on. In turn, your endurance has increased, and you find yourself cumming up to three times a night with Azula. She slurps every load down greedily.
>One night, when you arrive at her bedroom, Azula looks different. Usually Azula just wears her normal clothes when you arrive, and then strips out of them as the night goes on. This time, however, she's wearing a loose red robe, and her hair is let down. She smiles lasciviously at you as you enter, and sashays over to you. "Hello servant-boy," she whispers to you, placing her hands on your shoulders and pulling you in. She pushes you onto the bed. "I think it's time we dealt with a few things." She opens her robe to reveal her naked body, still slightly damp as though she'd just gotten out of a bath.
>You ask her what she means. She smiles and leans in close to you. "Like how you've been... defiling me recently." You feel a shiver run up your spine. She sees the fear on your face and smiles indulgently. "Oh, you're so cute when you're afraid. Don't worry servant-boy, I'm enjoying this too much to get rid of you. However, I think we need to address your... obsession with defiling my rectum."

>She spins around rapidly, presenting her backside to you, while glaring over her shoulder in your direction. "Every night you tongue it, finger it, play with in incessantly like some kind of deviant!" She reaches back with one hand and spreads her ass cheeks, giving you a wonderful view of her tight little asterisk. "You're obsessed with it servant-boy, lavishing so much attention on it when you should be focusing on the rest of me!" she wiggles her backside enticingly in front of you, and you fight the urge to reach out and touch her. She smiles at you, and then swings her feet onto the ground, briefly grinding her butt into your crotch as she does. She leaps daintily onto the ground, then turns to face you. "Get naked servant-boy. It's time to get this out of your system."
>You quickly strip, unsure of what to expect. Azula walks off to the other side of the room and begins rummaging around in a closet. You nervously sit down and watch her. Despite your fear, you can't help but admire her naked form, and it seems like she's aware of it as well. She's arched her back and stuck her butt into the air, and he legs are spread wide. Even from where you sit you can see that her pussy is sopping, dripping onto the floor every so often. Despite her aloof demeanour it seems that Azula's quite excited for whatever she's planning.
>Azula finds what she's looking for and turns to face you, a wicked grin on her face. As she returns to the bed you see her holding a small urn in her hands. She sets it down beside the bed and then crawls on top of you, locking eyes with you as she takes your shaft in her mouth and begins to pleasure you with it. After a minute or so of this, she pulls off your cock with a pop, still smiling evilly at you. She removes the lid from the urn to reveal that it's full of some kind of cream, and puts a dollop on her hand.

fire nation is based off of imperial Japan

>"Let's get you ready servant-boy" she says, and then begins to stroke your shaft. The cream feels warm and makes you feel odd. It doesn't hurt exactly, but you can't decide if it feels pleasant or not. Also, it's making your shaft even harder if such a thing is even possible.
>After a few minutes of this treatment you're ready to explode. Azula can sense it, and increases her pace. "Go ahead," she whispers in your ear, "let it out." You groan and explode, shooting your cum into thin air. Azula clicks her tongue in a disappointed fashion. "What a waste," she murmurs, before returning her attention to you. "Oh well, I know their's plenty more where that came from," she whispers. She releases her grip on your shaft and quickly reorients her self so that her face is in your lap and her backside is up in the air.
>"Do me a favour and get me ready, won't you servant-boy?" she asks, wiggling her ass in your face again. Her rectum twitches in anticipation. Nervously, you reach into the urn and scoop up a dollop of the cream. You slowly begin to lubricate Azula's backside, tracing the ring of her ass with one finger, teasing it gently. Azula groans and begins to lick your cock. "Hurry up servant-boy, I can only wait so long!" she says, before going back to sucking you hard again. You take a steadying breath and shove a finger into her backside. She yelps slightly in surprise, but otherwise remains controlled. You pick up the pace, pushing the cream deeper and deeper inside her. You can feel your erection growing rapidly between her lips, and struggle to focus on your task.

>Azula abruptly stops sucking you and clamors off of you. "Good enough," she murmurs, and you can see by the red flush to her face that she's getting quite excited. She gets on her hands and knees and presents herself to you. You start to line yourself up, gently prodding against her back door. You swallow nervously. "Ready, servant-boy?" she asks, looking over her shoulder at you. You nod, not trusting yourself to speak. Slowly, you push forward.
>You get your head in before you have to stop. Azula's tunnel is incredibly warm and tight, and despite the lube you put in you can't get any further. You hear Azula whispering to herself. "Just relax, just relax, spirits, Tai-Lee didn't tell me it would be this hard," you stop trying to push forward and stop, waiting, feeling Azula's whole body tense. Slowly, she begins to relax. "You can keep going now," she says, her voice tightly controlled. You slowly push in again.
>It's a long process, but eventually you get most of the way in. Azula is trembling by this point, trying to keep herself together. "Princess?" you ask, awaiting instruction. She says nothing. You ask her again, and hear her let out a tiny moan. You start to pull out, worried you've hurt her somehow. This gets an immediate result. Azula nearly howls, biting back on it at the last moment, and her composure goes with it. "Aaah! No, no, don't move! Don't- aaaah!" she collapses, moaning on the bed, you're shaft still embedded in her. Now knowing what else to do, you reach between her legs and begin to rub her dripping mound. She begins to moan again. "O-oh, thank you, s-servant..." she manages between panting breaths.

It's also based on china. It's a mix, it's not just one or the other like people seem to think.
here's her twitter page. she is a amazing 3d artist. please follow her and support her work.

>After a few moments of massaging her, she manages to push herself up on her hands again."A-alright, you can start thrusting now," she says, her composure back. "Slowly. What are you waiting for?" You begin to move your hips, being careful not to go to quickly. Azula tries to retain her ramrod-straight posture at first, but soon loosens up and starts rocking in time with you.
>Eventually you're able to keep a steady rhythm going, Azula leading as normal. The warmth and tightness of her backside is overwhelming though, and before you know it you're about to cum. Reflexively you try to pull out, but Azula locks her legs around you and pulls you back in. "No! Don't pull out ye-" she's cut off as you lose control and cum, plastering her innards with your seeds. The surprise sensation triggers her own orgasm. She collapses, moaning, back into the sheets. You manage to pull free of her, the last few droplets of your seed spent. For awhile Azula just lays there, panting, as you watch your cum start to drip out of her rectum and down towards her pussy. After a moment she shakily starts to rise, almost falling as she gets to her feet. You catch her.

You could always handwave it as a side effect of being an earthbender, and that benders of various elements all wind up taking on certain characteristics. After all, I don't think either of her parents are earthbenders. And all the adult earthbenders we see in the series are absolute mountains.

>Admiral Zhao
>Try Li. There's a million Li's
>War Minister Ching
Yeah. Very Japanese.

>"Thank... thank you, servant boy. I just need to sit-Gah!" she cries out as she sits down, quickly leaping back up. "I think I'm going to be sore for awhile," she murmurs. She doesn't mention you coming inside her. "Well, that was more enjoyable than I thought!" she says, smiling tiredly and lying down, face first, on the bed. "Good job, servant boy." You thank her breathlessly and get up to leave. She grabs your wrist. "Where do you think you're going? You haven't let me taste your seed yet tonight!" she says, pulling you back onto the bed. You try to protest, but before you know it she's slurping on your cock again. "B-but Princess! That was in-" she cuts you off with a dire look.
>"I'm thirsty servant-boy. Be a good little servant and let your Princess refresh herself. Without talking." You swallow and let her have her way, soon coming into her waiting throat. Se swallows it down greedily. "Not your biggest load, but under the circumstances I can understand it. You can go now." you quickly get dressed and go to leave. You glance back at her as you go. "Spirits," she murmurs, "I can feel it inside of me..." you see that she's gingerly fingering her own backside. You close the door and go to bed.

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For fuck's sake man, put it in a Pastebin.

The fact they are an imperialistic island nation alone makes them somewhat japanese inspired. Culturally however they are far more chinese

So what the fuck are watertribes suppossed to be? Inuits?

Yeah, they're obviously First Nations/Inuits.

Real septuple digit IQ you got there, piecing the clues together like that.

I know but they certainly don't look like them. Out of all the watertribes are the ones with the most rounded eyes.

>they arent japanese!
>wow you're such a genius for pointing out the obvious references to the japanese

Which is it, guy? Is it obvious they're japanese or are they not japanese?

this nigga knows

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They're both and neither you drooling failed abortion. Are you the kind of faggot who goes "wow I love historical shows like Game of Thrones!"


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I literally said they were a mix before. It's like you're purposefully making an ass of yourself just for the sake of it.

Book 4 soon. I can't wait to break Korra.

slave love slave slave is the only correct way to play

I didn't like the dialogue or the characters much in B3LR, but it had some great scenes. I guess B3SR is overall better though.

>Gotta dick the gay out of the dyke!

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I know, I meant to reply to the other guy. Asshole

I want to suck those.

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They're what Filipinos think they are.

The point made in it is not bad, but the image is cancer

I feel personally attacked.

Rather Tylee get BLACKED then become yet another lesbian to throw onto the pile.
Honestly, why is it always lesbians? Sometimes you'll see a gay character, or at least see the creator say a character is gay on twitter, but you'll never see a Bi-sexual haracter or Trans character. They got L and g down, but no b and t. If they just did representation equally for all orientations I think everyone would be a little more accepting of it rather then it being a race to make their lesbian ships cannon first.

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>blacking ty lee
You take that back.

It's all about diet and metabolism, user.

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>tfw grew up gifted and talented, in GT and AP classes in school
>tfw am actually fucking brilliant as an adult, as well

I guess that makes me Toph.

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>gifted but lazy in elementary school
>get way too lazy in middle and early high school, only in a couple honors and AP classes
>get my shit together and become a straight A student from Junior year all the way through college
The real solution is to ruin everyone’s expectations ahead of time so you can bring it back without the pressure when it’s actually important.

Measure Each Step to Infinity is my favorite Azula fic. For one with the tag you mentioned, try Dominion, though it is rather dark.

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Damaged goods call out for the beta orbiter spirit to help. Beta hopes to get the loyalty of a 10/10 waifu by helping her through the shit, but once the waifu is out of the woods she will go straight back to Chad. Chad dumps her, rinse and repeat.

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It says ozei actually. an seeing as it's a native name, it'd be in Hiragana.

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Apparently there are multiple reasons and way to see it but mine is usually different what people post.
I'm a pathetic manchild so it is natural I'm drawn to competent strong women (like my mother). My mother was crazy, not Azula tier but I got a similar emotional roller coaster what you can expect from her. She didn't show many emotions but played with mine. Told me several times how disappointed with me but still did everything in her power to make me depend on her and never leave her. I enabled her back. Dou to my upbringing I 100% believe there is no way a non damaged woman could ever love me. Even a damaged one would only care about me if I serve her crazy needs because no other sane man would do it. Azula embodies everything I could wish for in a woman and on top of it she looks hotter than hell.
I don't have dreams about saving her, I want to enable her madness. That is the only thing thing I am for.

if only there were more wholsome Azuko fanfics in the world I would be a happy user
I am getting to the point of thinking about writting one myself...

ah a fellow intellectual

Awesome Avalanche?

As if Tatsumaki does.

I'm not following things much. Really? Azula will be a lesbo? I mean her domming the girls trying to fill the hole in her hearth is okay but she is bi at worst.

Yes. A good big brother like me. I'm used to bitch sisters, I have two.

I ain't complainin'

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Azula is the product of a bad upbringing. Sociopathy, like most mental disorders, is not a black-and-white thing.

Really into this sociopath thing, huh? She's a teenager from a really messed-up household.

I wonder what mental disorder is hallmarked by an obsessive need to always interpret a situation in the worst possible way?

>I really don't know what's worse, the netflix adaptation making my wife gay, or the netflix adaptation shipping my wife with a traitorous whore like Ty Lee
why tho
the only sexual tension Azula had was with Zuko?
where this fire girls being gay meme even comes from all of them display only heteronormative behaviour

>Zukocest preferred but not required
abandoned sparks on fanfiction is one of my favourite

Sociopaths don't get better because they don't get negative emotional feedback when they fail. Azula clearly suffers when things don't go her way.

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You already suck.

Also I never thought her feet were animated all that well in that scene.

She did not appear to think so herself as she was one of exactly two people she let into her inner circle.

Sounds even better.
>have the hottest wife who doesn't let you "ruin her"
>the only time you have sex is when she wants an heir and you are only allowed to put it in for a short time before you cum
>she wants to own you so you have to service her with your mouth regularly
>she even executes every girl who dares to look at you
>eventually she grows paranoid and forces you to masturbate in front of her every day until you are completely empty
>she abuses you verbally and sometimes physically because she loves to see you squirm but at the same time she treats it as a favor since you are obviously get off on it

>MPP consistently draws the hottest Azula
>now she's fat

4 Element love route when you give up the throne as Zuko is great. She mellows a bit but not much. She is happy and loves you in a way. Important to not make her a degenerate publicly.

This. Even when someone draws her asian, as she was (practically) intended it looks weird.

Lesbians are PC fanservice. You can say you are inclusive then put two hot babes in kissing each other.

Strong and proud, but chastened. Occasionally she catches herself being cruel or thoughtless, and then she's ashamed, because once she drew the conclusion being what she was, was wrong, she resolved to be as good at being good as possible.

Basically, she started out trying to be like her father, then she tries being like her mother, until she finally realizes she has to be herself.

"Compassion is not weaknes. And cruelty is not strength."

That's American racism for you. If someone speaks ching-chong they have to be slant-eyed or you're a racist. All races have to abide to the cultures imagined by Americans. God forbid some other culture becomes dominant.

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Why didn't Zuko's mom just poison Ozai at any other point?

I see you're my brother.

He would've seen it coming

Lesbians exist despite your horny levels, not the other way around.

I spoke about their over representation in media. When you need LGBT the overwhelming majority of them are attractive lesbians because hot girls making out is hot. And you can get the PC points too.

How though?


Attached: 133909385597.jpg (323x282, 47K)

>Azula slightly too thick
There's a problem with that?

my african-american brother!

that is.... well how could't I see this until now?

for some reason Azula only turns me on when she's fucked by her brother but other wise does nothing for me

I wanna lick her sweat

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Azula has the perfect size.


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I agree. Not too big, not too small. Just right.

Very nice

I wish someone would have made a proper fbx export of these files.

this thread is kinda shit

Attached: tfw.png (1018x710, 410K)

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Would still do

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Same here dude

Why do you do this user? The salt that's coming will drown Yea Forums. The end is nigh

They have all the input this time around, they are making it

Sozin did nothing wrong!
Azulon did nothing wrong!
Iroh got subverted by the Illuminatti!
Ozai is a fuckup!
Zuko got turned into a cuck!
Azula went insane!
Kuvira did nothing wrong!


Attached: sozin.jpg (683x494, 54K)

>completely untraceable
What did she mean by this?

why do fags just have to ruin everything
I fucking hate them.....

Reminder that Sozin is based Firelord who stood up to an experienced Avatar 1vs1, eliminated the airgypsies and started a 100 years of Fire Nation Domination.
Reminder that Azulon was maximun prodigy firebender who btfo the southern Watertribe and slapped the Earth Kingdom around while colonizing it.
Reminder that Ozai is brainlet who got beaten by a group of children led by a young and inexperienced Avatar and whose whole plan for world conquest was "BURN EVERYTHING"
Reminder that Zuko is pacifist Cucklord.

Attached: atla_firelords___sozin__azulon__zuko__ozai_by_botanicaxu_dbu6u79-pre.jpg (1034x773, 156K)

She's been gay but her handsome brother makes her question her sexuality.

>Sozin rocking a full beard, hotman and firepilled like a true volksfuhrer
>Azulon doing his hipster fu-manchu, probably ironically (sad!)
>Ozai thinking a soulpatch is acceptable, in any Avatar cycle
>Zuko the cucklord can't even grow a beard

>She's been gay
things that never happened

Attached: 1513323099879.png (1440x1080, 1.21M)

Zuzu's been busy I see

>Awesome Avalanche

was yue really that big?


This. There's literally nothing there. Which ironically is how I feel about most incest ships, but in this case it's actually somewhat apparent.

Toph also never got over her weakness of fighting on sand or any other non solid surface so as long as Azula can bait her to an area where sound and vibrations are hard to detect, its all over.

>I wonder what mental disorder is hallmarked by an obsessive need to always interpret a situation in the worst possible way?
I was being facetious, discord tranny. Projecting much?

what a nice comfy thread
maybe some writefags show up next time?

can someone do a 'just fuck my shit up' eyes edit, thanks