Who wins?
Who wins?
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Prime is a retard with retard strength even by Superman standards. He has no weakness and he always goes for the kill. If Goku doesn't fight him at his strongest at the start of the fight then he dies. Therefore Prime wins because Goku's a bigger retard that always relies on his opponents also being retards.
There has been 0 good moments in the entirety of Dragon Ball and note this is what weebs say is their best work
The original was good as a gag/battle manga. It went down the shitter with z and has been there ever since.
>There has been 0 good moments in the entirety of Dragon Ball
I know you're baiting but come on, man. Even the most basic casual knows that shit isn't true.
How would prime touch goku in ui
Prime crushes Goku
Superboy Prime. It's not even a contest.
And Goku would not enjoy it, either. He's fought lots of people - tyrants, would-be conquerors, righteous warriors, killer robots, insane cyborgs, genetically engineered monstrosities, demons...
But he's never faced anyone as twisted as SBP. Or who would hate him so much for so little reason.
He would never lose hope, though. Right up until Prime tears him to bloody pieces.
Holy shit death battle faggots really don't know when to stop
Z was fine until literally the exact moment Trunks showed up. That's when it started going down hill, and even then it was passable until the Buu saga.
....Not that user, but... honestly, it's never been very good.
Goku really wouldn't be starting the fight at UI though.
>t. Seething over Ben 10 losing
Simple. Goku never starts off at his strongest. Prime would rip off one of his limbs before he even goes ssj. This is the difference between superheroes and Dragon Ball characters. Prime doesn't have to power up to get to 100%, he's already at that level. And he doesn't play around. He's a pissed off kid that'd rather beat people with their own severed limbs. Even if Goku started powering up immediately Prime would just rocket right into him. Goku's best bet is some contrivance happened or if Goku's friends jumped in and got killed to push Goku to UI before Prime can react.
I was a Hal fan anyways, regardless death battles are stupid because half the characters don't even kill.
Anyone over the age of 12 does not care about "Death Battles"
Bart needed to absorb the entirety of available speed force in the universe to even match SBP. There is no way prime is not tagging UI Goku, as fast as he is, his speed and reactions arent infinitely fast.
With ease.
Never liked Z. The Saiyan saga is arguably well done but it lost almost everything that made it Dragonball, when the focus turned to transformations and fighting only. Even fighting technique and styles were shafted to the side and fights became really monotone. Super is a dumpster fire in general.
I like Z, but yeah it lost a lot of the soul the original DB had. Super was over all boring trash, but I'd be lying if the fucking Broly movie didn't remind me what it was like watching DBZ on Toonami as a kid again, it got me back into the series hard.
Prime beats every version of Goku, besides Capsule Corps Goku.
me. first I would show my face with utter, pure fucking endless infinite rage and I would summon an infinity of infinity of infinity x a billion and use it to make their minds live out a trillion trillion lifetimes of endless torture in a matter of seconds. see how fucking powerful they are after that, no, they would be blank husks staring into nothing.
capeshit is fucking retarded.
Goku never goes full power because he wants his opponents to be at their best before he does so. Unfortunately for him, Prime's best is his natural state, and unlike Goku, Prime's manchild nature is less "let's have fun" and more "IMGOINGTOFEEDYOUYOURFUCKINGDICKREEEEEEEEE"
Even when he was in UI, Jiren still hit him at times.
No one
Pffffft.... Shaft this guy low 3-C.
>note this is what weebs say is their best work
No one says this
What a dork
Prime would break into ONE's house and just delete all his webcomics.
People who think Superman only solves his problems with his fists are bad as those that take Saitama seriously as a fighter.
I don't understand why some people are mad that Saitama is unbeatable in a fight. It's like they think his invincibility is being played serious. Whenever someone bring up the fact that it's a joke and the whole point they get madder.
He isn’t. If Goku reaches UI it’s game over for Prime
Because Saitama is powered by toonforce. It'd be like pitting comic and anime characters against Popeye or Droopy. Also, Superman has made a habit of outsmarting Mxy so he actually has an advantage against Saitama.
Jiren could hit him in UI, Superboy Prime stomps his teeth in.
>People always draw Saitama looking serious and menacing whenever he’s fighting when even in universe he’s described as boring and plain looking
Super Boy Prime?
More like, go back to class kid, the adults don't have time
Go to bed, Darkseid.
...It occurs to me Prime might be able to fuck even Saitama up.
He is, after all, the embodiment of the heroic ideal gone wrong. Not its inversion, its failing.
....Would Prime be stronger than Silver Age Ultraman?
My solution? He is completely invicible - in his own universe. In the DC universe, he'd just be a hairless former sarariman - in excellent physical condition.
>And then he murders the class and the adults, screaming incoherently throughout
>Because Saitama is powered by toonforce.
No he's not.
Prime not only kills Goku but he turns to the camera and shittalks Goku fans.
"You fucking weebs can take you manga and shove it up your ass!"
I can't wait for Death Battle to feed Saitama to someone just for all the One Meme Mans to get as booty blasted as Benniggers and Gokucks.
"Here I go-"
>When Death Battle clocks his feats at solar system level
Swan's going to tear one-meme man apart.
Isn't Prime implied to be unkillable?
So what you're saying is, is that Death Battle lies and skews things in their favor?
I don't care if he loses. I'm just surprised that so many people are mad that he always wins.
Honestly the only fight you can really give him is Kenshiro but due to Musou Tensei Ken just and the way his martial art works Ken just ins.
They could but him against Juggernaut. Unstoppable object meets irresistible force.
We all know who he'd be put up against.
Literally how
Pay attention weebs.
This is what toon force looks like.
Not one-meme shit.
Both Goku and Superboy's powers only work in their home universes. If either one of them steps outside their territory to face the other, they're fucked.
More than implied, I should think. Nothing works. He survived everything. He's faced the Anti-Monitor, he ripped open Monarch and destroyed a universe, he killed a Guardian releasing his power, he laughed at Black Adam's lightning...
The only thing that ever hurt him was artificial Kryptonite tuned to his vibrational frequency. Red sunlight can depower him, but it takes a lot of it - they flew him through Rao and it just about stripped his super-power away.
Do you mean home multiverses?
That's because PC Kryptonians were explicitly immune from physical damage unless it ticked one of the weaknesses boxes. Captain Marvel was the same way. He could be hurt, even stunned a little, but never harmed.
It took Anti-Monitor to legit physically crush one to death and even then Supergirl nearly killed him and Prime Time crushed him (I guess male Kryptonians are just stronger than females?)
We since Superboy would know what Ki is, he would'nt know how to supress it, thus giving Goku the knowhow to take the fight 100% seriously.
>Kryptonians are only hurt by K with their own vibrational frequency
>Superman is the heart of the multiverse
So would a composite Superman be weak to all Kryptonite or immune to all Kryptonite?
Goku can beat Superman but would instantly be killed by Prime
>Prime Time crushed him
Yeah - AFTER everybody else had a go at him and he was severely weakened. That's the only reason. They faced off before and TWO Silver Age Supermen couldn't do shit against him.
Hmmm. Would post-Crisis Anti-Monitor be weaker, as well? His species is explicitly subject to narrative decisions.
For a while it was implied Supergirl was more powerful than Superman due to being exposed to sunlight for much longer than him, but they did away with that.
I dunno, it would have been an interesting choice though. Sounds almost like a Viltrumite thing.
Every person who comes here from Yea Forums does
>Goku can beat Superman
That is very debatable. Superman is still crazy powerful.
Why are DBZfags always the most insecure about power levels?
>Linking this faggot and his annoying voice
They can't stand not being at the top
Because that is literally all there is to their retarded shitshow.
All these years and Goku STILL is as flat as Brie Larson's ass.
Because the only appeal of the show is power fantasy, like OPM and Demonbane.
What did this autistic avatarfag say? I'm not giving him clicks.
What should I read for Prime Time?
Goku >= Superman but any of Supes powerups instantly btfo goku
Goku tried to fight Beerus and was completely outclassed at his strongest. He fought Jiren and had to go through his transformations after realizing that they didn't do anything. Goku fought Broly as red until he got beat down severely and had to struggle to go blue. Goku has never, ever, ever taken a fight seriously and gone at it 100% from the start.
COIE, and the tie in comic where Prime and Superman met, I forget the number.
Infinite Crisis.
Sinestro Corp War, might as well read all of John's GL run while you're at it.
His Blackest Night tie in.
Ignore his Teen Titans Appearance and Countdown, just read a synopsis of what happened and keep that in the back of your mind as a possible springboard
Superman: Secret Identity.
>can goku beat superman?
>how about now?
>how about... now?
>just go home
This how every thread has gone since deathbattle.
The current Superman? Nope. He's got all those juicy New Earth feats mixed in with Superbro now.
How does he reconcile Superman lifting monitor mind, breaking Hypertime, punching through a tower of infinity, surviving a source wall rupture, etc, etc with shit like Vegeta Blue dying from a single exploding planet?
It sounds like he's a Gokufag trying to eek out a compromise.
The only answer to this retarded shitshow.
Fuck me I almost forget the most important one, Final Crisis: Legion of Three Worlds, read it before Secret Identity.
Don't forget Legion of 3 Worlds before Adventure Comics which are the Blackest Night issues with him.
I didn't watch the anime, but I'm pretty he goes directly to Blue in the manga. Also, Goku was holding back against Broly because he only wanted to subdue the guy, because he could somehow sense the good in him.
Don't forget those Joe Kelly feats.
Reversing the reality control of the Hollow Men. Walking out of Hell. Vibrating a universe away and saving the omniverse. Beating up a god of death.
And then there's the Dominus feats.
He just keeps going and going and going...
>goku gets shot by a normal laser, even in his blue form
>everyone not saved by whis dies when earth blows up
RoF set powerlevelfags back decades. Superman can take those in his sleep and not wake up.
>holding back against Broly
He damn near conceded when he was still red and talking to Piccolo telepathically.
Dean Cain.
Z Fighters are giant glass cannons that can't lift more than the Thing and can't survive an exploding planet to the face.
They have great destructive power, and they can appear to have great duability through their ki manipulation which allows them to block and redirect the ki blasts of others, but once they go up against someone that's not using ki they're absolutely fucked.
>Madoka higher than Sakura
This is why having the squaring off against superheroes that have dozens of powers, unlimited stamina, and don't have to spend several minutes to power up is stupid. They operate on completely different scales.
And DB scales only go up to 10.
Nah jiren powering up shook all of the infinite universes and Goku beat him
In Dragonball Super's tournament of power Super Saiyan Blue takes absolute zero and a blackhole with no issues though.
That was because he knew he couldn't hold back against Broly anymore though, which is why he goes Blue immediately afterwards.
Yeah yeah and Master Roshi and Piccolo blew up the moon. Goku and Beerus fighting allegedly shook the universe despite such power would've destroyed the Earth since they were fighting in the outer atmosphere. And Goku while blue shot a kamehameha at golden Frieza straight into the water on Earth when Cell's kamehameha shot down into Earth would've destroyed Earth. And base form Frieza was to immediately destroy Earth and kill everyone. And out of everyone not named Ultra Instinct Goku, Android 17 was able to do the most damage to Jiren.
The moral of the story is that people say shit all the time and power levels are inconsistent and make no sense as time goes on.
I watched the movie user, I don't know why you're trying to lie to me and pull stuff out of your ass.
>this how you weed out people with no taste.
Plenty of feats are stated in dc and they’re respected
If kai says they can destroy the universe I believe it
But they say it. When people say that Superman vibrated and phased a planet or bench pressed a planet for five days that's because it was done and shown. We all have seen DB characters talk out their ass and then stuff is retracted or retconned. Remember how Beerus was at 60% of his power when fighting Goku when he first went red and then reverted to ssj? And the 17 powercreep is the biggest bullshit I've seen in the entire franchise. You can't get that strong farming poachers for several years!
Y'all to young to know who Dean Cain is?
Do you know were the actual King Kamahamaha* lived?
Do you believe in the "H" on the belt of a Hercules that people prayed to? Or is this all just fantasy for you all still?
Brandon Lee Gohan
Dean Cain.
>note this is what weebs say is their best work
Only North Americans with no palette say this. Dragon Ball isn't even top 20 in its own genre.
>E-Everything in the universe shook a little
Big deal. How many people died?
AHAHAHAH! Some universe level feat!
King Kai has been wrong before. As a matter of fact, he's wrong a lot of times.
We saw the next shockwave. The universe didn't die.
>We saw the next shockwave. The universe didn't die.
Because Beerus explicitly was said to nullify its energy. It did create a burst of light that was visible from Earth to the Kai planet which is the most distant point of the universe, close to the afterlife.
Can't King Kai observe shit anywhere in the universe from his planet?
he said that prime beats all the none video game gokus (apparently those are the strongest) and that there are 4 supermans that can beat any goku
What were his 4 Supermen?
How did he rate Superfriends Superman?
Fucking punch-wizards, man.
How did he rate Silver Age Kal-El and Kal-El?
How the fuck do the vidya Gokus beat Prime?
How did he rate Strange Visitor, Sword of Superman, 1 Million, KC, All-Star, and Thought Robot?
my bad there were 5 that beat all:
Theta State Post Crisis Superman
Quantum Superman
Dark Side Superman
Cosmic Armor Superman
Milkman Man Superman
>How did he rate Superfriends Superman?
he didn´t also there were a lot he didn't do even though he sais he was going to do like parallax superman.
>How did he rate Silver Age Kal-El and Kal-El?
golden age, silver age and post crisis can bet Gogeta ssj4 but can´t beat super ssj god goku.
>How the fuck do the vidya Gokus beat Prime?
some games like Xenoverse has him fighting people that can destroy infinite timelines and in some others he can fuse with 5 guys at the same time including bearus and the angel people
>How did he rate Strange Visitor
above the fusions ( the one with 5-way fusions) below xenoverse
Having stomped the shit out of Xenoverse I can say without a doubt Demigra and Mira are not threats to infinite timelines, the only reason that could even happen was because they'd just assault the time nest.
Death Battle wouldn't be so bad (IMO) if they stop killing each other.
>Theta State
>Dark Side
Who in the fuck?
Also why the fuck is Milkman Man that high up? Why is Strange Visitor below Xenoverse? Why is Silver Age below SSJ God when he broke infinity and took a big bang to the face and was explicitly immune to physical harm to the point he couldn't be teleported and survived anti-matter?
>Milkman Man
He fought with the Doom Patrol then cried when he found out he was Casey's weird nothing-person love child and ran off. How can you say how powerful he is when he hasn't done anything?
That's usually how anime wank works. They always leave some sort of detail out.
If someone hits a button that activates a machine to blow up a universe, fans wank him to be a universe buster. Think the Captain Falcon punch meme where he appears to punch a galaxy.
I know but like in Xenoverse a fucking Saibamen could destroy every timeline because they're all just contained in scrolls in a room.
Mira absorbed the power of a universe in Xenoverse 2, but canonically the Time Patroller beats him before Goku shows up.
I win cause i just like hearing people talk about dbz on Yea Forums
>>Milkman Man
>He fought with the Doom Patrol then cried when he found out he was Casey's weird nothing-person love child and ran off. How can you say how powerful he is when he hasn't done anything?
The idea is he works for that company the retcons the dc universe and they could keep him under control
you the captain atom from that universe that is kind of like Watchmen eath-4 I don´t know why he chose him he is barely a superman.
>Having stomped the shit out of Xenoverse I can say without a doubt Demigra and Mira are not threats to infinite timelines, the only reason that could even happen was because they'd just assault the time nest.
Apparently, demigra is beyond time and space or some bullshit so he considers him 4th or 5th dimensional
also, he gives all the time trapper feat to superboy prime because they turn out to be the same person which makes the fact that he lost to fusions Goku a little ridiculous
People aren't mad that Saitama is unbeatable, they are mad because is being shoved down their throat unironically and constantly. People like Goku and Superman for various different reasons and I can tell you that none of those several reasons between Goku and Superman are shared with Saitama.
Didn't he basically forgive Jiren at the end?
Didn't prime exist outside the sourcewall of the universe?
Ui goku could fight him but would run out of ui ala jiren.
Holy FUCK that list is garbage just from the Superman side let alone the Xenoverse wank.
Fucking avatarfag youtubers can't do anything goddamn right.
Post is about equal to Pre as Post's fight with Kal-El showed. One lifted monitor mind. The other tanked the big bang to the face and broke infinity.
It should be something like this:
Thought Robot
Captain Adam, Sword of Superman, DC 1 Million, Strange Visitor
KC, All-Star, Silver Age Kal-El and Kal-L without any sand Superman fuckery, Rebirth (might go up a tier if he legit soul punches super-Manhattan to death), Post at around Joe Kelly and OWAW, Captain Marvel, Super Friends,
Byrne-era Superman and generally Post up until about Morrison JLA. Silver Age with his power sapped by the sand Superman. DCAU. Snyderman. Superbro.
>Cant' fly tier
Kal-L until he absorbed enough solar energy to level up to Kal-El.
>No limits fallacy: the character
I feel like if Demigra were that tough he'd have been able to escape the time void without Towa and Mira having to fuck shit up first.
I mean yeah but that is the point of the character
Holy fuck you're mad lol
Did he though
>They couldn't control him
They couldn't control Doom Patrol either because they were continuity unstable (as a matter of fact, they couldn't retcon Superman either. It's why Batman and Wonder Woman got retconned into 1950's versions while they had to make Milkman Man from scratch. Superman's proximity to Ahl god of Superheroes makes him resistant to reality fuckery (as Dr. Manhattan learned in today's Doomsday Clock).
>Captain Adam
Okay, that does actually make sense. He's technically a Superman. All Multiversity worlds have a Superman rep and he's his and the Final Crisis Superman team was made up of Supermen from other worlds.
>Demigra is beyond time and space or some bullshit
So is any generic cosmic bad guy. It's a meaningless statement. Fucking Booster Gold is "beyond time and space."
Then don't bring him up in character battles if your entire argument is a fallacy and you can't use actual feats.
I cant' wait for Death Battle to humble One Meme fags like they humbled Benniggers.
Yes, did you see the fight?
So how is anyone alive in d.c. still
Cope harder
Because DBZ is nothing BUT power levels.
>Goku can't beat up [alien threat] yet so he'll be off training somewhere while the other Z fighters get their face push in until Goku comes and piss drink for a while until he fucks off again so more Z fighters get their asses plastered until Goku unlocks SSJGUδ and finish the [alien threat] in 5 extra more episodes.
That's what they're going to tell you when Juggernaut kills Baldy.
the fucker is either a gag character that one punch line called no limits fallacy
or he is planet level plus and he gets stomp by a lot of character out of his universe
god i fucking hate vs wiki tiering retardation.
Most settings have there own conciets and ideas, its kinda like how each writer has there own idea of what 'dimension' means but vs wiki treats all of them the same, or how after like 4 it just starts spewing bullshit that doenst work on any level but narrative like 'BEYOND INFINITE MULTIVERSE' 'BEYOND ULTRAVERSE'
>His species is explicitly subject to narrative decisions.
This is honestly what im thinking of bitch creator of reality in justice league at the moment, since it completely contradicts everything beforehand.
Do we know who is behind doomsday block yet? dr manhatten noticed everything always centers round superman.
He doesn't have the feats to be the former, so he's the latter.
Guys like Superman actually DO flex against infinity. We see it on the page. We don't have to say "Superman can lift infinity because that's what he does that's his thing that's his gimmick" because we've seen him actually do it.
Vs Battle Wiki is pure garbage.
They have Simon Belmont as universe level above Superman and Goku.
From Castlevania.
The dude with the whip.
A good example of what you're talking about is the term "omniverse." Which is commonly used by people that write stories to mean "multiverse." Roma and Merlin are protectors of the Marvel omniverse...aka the multiverse. Superman once defeated an incursion (before Hickman) and saved the omniverse...also called the multiverse.
No one besides the VS Battle Wiki autists use that stupid "omniverse
Not even Ben has this much revenge art and his fans were mad as fuck at Hal spanking him.
I can only imagine what One Meme fags will do if they have this much revenge art and haven't had a single death battle yet.
Yeah I saw the whole castlevania being 2a or whwatever, I understand in all likelihood castlevania character are superhuman but cant really show it off due to game restrictions but they go a bit far.
The only people I know of in general to use omniverse correctly is transformers, they seperate the multiverse than theres a buffer like metaverse that is shows tangibly related through crossovers and the omniverse is anything that could possibly exist or has exist or wont exist and so on.
Anyone who says 'superman is the protector of the omniverse' or 'this is the creator of the omniverse' misses the utter point of the omniverse, its everything and anything there is no creator for it
>Darkrai slightly above Devilman
No, just no.
What if DB goes in our favor, will you cry and kys?
>ill take on both corps
I thought Lanternfags were saying Hal>>>>>>>superman?
Superboy’s universe is literally destroyed and he still has powers. The fuck you on about?
and yet here you are in DB thread
Turns out that being powered by a chaos god that rules over an entire dimension grants a few perks.
>humbled Benniggers.
The fight was shit and you know it
I mean any technopath could curbstomp ben, ben outside of the omnitrix is still a human who doesnt really use much magic, anyone who can prevent ben from using the watch would win
yes but that is more of a hard counter
>prime shattered dimensions with a punch
>Goku hasn't done that feat solo
Gee I done know.
Look, we have Gogeta now and he had a similar dimension shattering feat in the Broly movie AT LEAST use him.
wouldn't this guy make more sense against prime?
He also is a weird alternative universe evil autismo version of the main character
That took Gogeta and Broly together to do.
Technically he's a different guy, not just an alternate Goku.
>hasn't done that feat solo
He did shatter Hit's pocket dimension
Plus gotenks created a dimensional hole in the HTC way back in Z
Still better than base Goku. Plus the destruction of the pocket dimension happened when Gogeta knocked Broly out of it.
you think that they are going to explain this or is it going to be some bullshit that happened in this movie and is never acknowledge again?
I don't think it's ever going to be brought up.
>simon Belmont is omniverse level?
Does anyone explain anything like that in anime, manga, cartoons or comics?
Feats are just things that character can do that makes the character seem cool at the moment.
The problem is that they make some feats up so the character seems cool "at the moment" instead of considering it as something the character can actually do and use it later in future plotlines.
That's why you get shit like SSG with sudden universal destroying power but then jobbing later to a laser in a much stronger form. Same with comic characters.
The writers never consider feats as some shit in a character's arsenal that can do incase a potential threat comes up. It's always treated as some "in the moment" thing to make the character seem badass.
>but then jobbing later to a laser in a much stronger form
To be fair that was actually explained.
Can a Diamond be considered planet level?
really? what was the explanation?
He let his guard down, that was one of the big things te movie tried to explain, Goku is too relaxed while fighting or something like that so it's easier to catch him with shit.
Something like that he had his energy down cause he was being arrogant, which makes it seem like ki is a buff aura.
They won't. You can't cuck Swan.
that's not a good explanation, you'd figure in Blue his resistance would be enough
after all, he's been tanking bullets without even trying as a child
>Ring, hack that fancy DNA device
He's done it before. Hell, Sinestro hacked the Super Friends computer in the Super Friends cartoon.
Look at the wiki. They have him at that level because they're fucked in the head.
They also have Link as solar system level.
God only knows what those giant cuckoos are.
That's a rather lame explanation.
So Superman just Ultraman snipes him from space and Goku what, dies?
according to non-canon DBS, yes
well, anything after Buu saga isn't canon
They were mostly mad because Death Battle did a really bad job with that fight. Hal had every right to win, but they definitely low-balled Ben and contradicted their own statements.
>Hal had every right to win
Disagree with there mate
>Attack Potency: At least Multi-Solar System level, possibly Universe level+ (Fought against and defeated Count Dracula)
>Durability: At least Multi-Solar System level, possibly Universe level+ (Endured attacks from Dracula)
but still has to go to the fucking castle, go up the fucking stares and fight skeletons
Half the time there 'scaling' ever works off two fallacies
X thing in real life is same as X thing in setting, like how they make a lot of characters faster than lightning cause they dodged magic lightning.
or they use scaling like X fought Y so X is as strong as Y.
>be superboy prime
>fly over to earth prime
>autistically watch dragon ball
>argue with power level nerds over the internet for a few weeks
>go back to fight goku
is the fucking castle stronger than the universe?
>Durability: At least Multi-Solar System level
What does that even mean?
Superboi Prime is a whole new level of nigga. Lantern niggas and regular Kryptonian niggas don't usually come close to this level of autism
>Superboy is in this thread right now
>Superboi Prime is this thread baiting people with Saitama images
Does superboy prime write fanfics?
Never underestimate how autistic vs battle wiki is.
They took a line in the lore about the Castle being a pocket dimension of chaos and took it to mean its the size of the universe and that Dracula must be as strong as a universe because he controls Castlevania and therefore Simon Belmont is strong enough to punch stars because he beats up Dracula.
I'm dead serious.
They're that stupid.
God only knows what they think of Cube 2 Hypercube...
It means they think Simon Belmont can tank supernovas.
>Castlevania has infinite space inside it
You literally get a map of it in each game.
How is that infinite?
What the fuck?
The worst part is that they seem to be ignoring that Simon's weapon is Dracula's Kryptonite.
>note to self
>Hunt down Kamala Khan to literally rub my superior, fanfiction in her shitty face.
Behold, a fight between two Universe level + entities.
I mean people dont understand that not all pocket dimensions are infinite, like castlevania is eldritch like in aria of sorrow and I could see some weird eldritch infinite size but yeah vs wiki is stupid
>Superboy Prime/Kamala Khan ship when?
Say Castlevania is infinite in size, Dracula never uses that infinity. He never uses any of that infinity to do anything but make fucking platformer stages. He could win easy if he put a solar system between him and Simon or just ordered the walls to wall on him but he doesn't because HE CAN'T.
If a level 5 Dungeons and Dragons wizard multiverse + because he can summon Mordenkaiden's infinite mansion?
So I guess the skeletons are at least solar system level based on their analysis right? In that each little bone hits with the force of the Death Star.
>VS Battle wiki saw this and thought "Yeah. That whip? Hits with more force than a supernova. Easily."
And the big one hits with the force of a million Death Stars.
Yeah main continuity Superman loses to Goku narrowly but any of his amps hand Goku his ass easily
Superboi prime is actually OP
>Seth the Cuckgramer
>I'm here to call you the N word and
>to destroy, super boi prime is weak according to my sources
>the creator said superboi prime is the strongest in the universe and this obscure comic
>agrees, except cuck, toriyama invented powerlevels
>gokek beats everything when has Gokek ever really lost? never don't look it up
>Goku wins
>Superboy kidnaps Kamala Khan to write fanfiction together
>Of course Superboi being the absolute wretched monster he is, he really just forces Kamala to watch as he forces random people to dress up as characters and make them act out fanfiction
>Every wrong move that results in a cut, results in an actor being turned to mush or worse
>The worst part however?
>Every fanfic he's torturing people for is from Kamal's own writing
Fanfic collars sure are tough, also weirdly hard from this.
bruh look at the rematch of this universe busters
Fanfiction collabs are tough. Also got a boner, what the fuck
This just reminds me of how powers wiki is somehwat decent it also goes full autismo with things like 'ultioptence' or 'meta absorption
It's kind of hard to gauge Superman because of how much his power fluctuates, but I'd say:
Superboy Prime (Retard Mode)>>>>UI Goku>Superboy Prime>Buu Saga Goku>=Usual Post Crisis Superman>= Usual New 52
End of DBS Goku has ridiculous physical stats. Multi Universal attack and durability, billions upon billions of times FTL speed (however fast it is to travel across superclusters in minutes), reality warping, and of course literal autododge. It's at the point that pretty much any battle is he either he stomps them horribly or they stomp him with hax. But from what i can understand, Superboy is essentially above all physicial attacks when hes going all out. Goku is essentially the ultimate flying brick, if you can be punched to death he can do it. But can full power SB Prime acrually be killed that way?
Maybe Beerus could Hakai him?
Goku black casually tears through the multiverse and spacetime with basic attacks. Goku is vastly stronger than him now
Considering Superboi is a fucked up guy, you think he would just whip it out and jack it right then and there, while Kamila is right next to him, when watching his victims reenact her lemons?
Oh yeah totally, the real question whether Kamala can resist the urge to schlick herself while her lemons are being acted out IRL
Both of them are weaker than ultra instinct combined though
>billions upon billions of times FTL speed (however fast it is to travel across superclusters in minutes)
Come on user, the entirety of ROF was that Earth was too far away to fly to so he had to teleport. What, you think Goku can’t hold his breath for a few minutes? Or handle the cold of space?
>Multi Universal attack and durability
>Reality warping
Now you’re just lying user
Beerus’ Hakai wouldn’t work as it’s absolute physical force or some dumb shit. Zeno himself would have to kill Superboy Prime. UI goku could fight him for a bit but would die instantly when UI ran out. He could beat usual post crisis Superman though pretty easily actually.
Cosmic Armor and Strange Visitor dominates too
Jiren is confirmed multiversal and agony beat him. Goku black is also seen as being multiversal and is old news
>Jiren is confirmed multiversal and agony beat him. Goku black is also seen as being multiversal and is old news
Really user, where is this information coming from
Jiren shaking infinite time and space while powering up and Goku black literally ripping open multiversal portals and time to infect the multiverse
I think she'd be more terrified and repulsed of how her own lewds are figuritively being raped by Superboi. Plus Superboi would either force her to do so, or get her off himself. Either way, Superboi wins and Kamala loses
epic youtubers with autistic extended universe dbz character as their avatars
>Goku black literally ripping open multiversal portals and time to infect the multiverse
>Being able to create portals in space and messing with time is considered being multiversal strength now
Guess Rick Sanchez> Goku then right?
>Jiren shaking infinite time and space
>Making the general area shake is considered being multiversal
Is this what people mean when they say DBZ tards overhype their feats?
Personally I see him forcing her to do so than easing her into letting him get her off. I could see him moving on up into taking actual heroines and depowering them so they act out Kamala’s fics, maybe even him taking Carol in front of Kamala
Goku and Beerus were going to desteoy the universe with their clash. Im not arguing this with you, this universal debate was sorted out 4 four years ago. If youre gonna be an autist and say the Kaios, the narrator and the screen were lying or something and shockwaves then i dont know what to tell you. Then theres all of Jiren's ridiculous feats, Goku shrugging off the center of a black hole, and Kefla saying she could easily blow away a universe (no reason to think shes lying, thats how DB usez character statements )
Try to downplay this lmao. itll be funny
>Takes Gogeta and Broly together to do something Superman did but on an even bigger scale
isnt cosmic armor literal superman as a narrative?
Considering Gogeta knocked him the fuck out of the dimension it's still his feat
Oh man that would be depeaved, especially with the amount of yaoi I'm sure Kamala makes. Also Superboi can invade other universes right? Just imagine the horrid selfcest he would make just to fully complete Kamala's smutfics
im unfamiliar with strange visitor superman
He sure can. Doesn’t matter what Kamala’s fanfic is, he can make it true and force her to watch as he makes those people fuck, all while Kamala feels guilty and depraved watching it since she wrote those stories, succumbing to Superboi’s twisted mind
And just to keep things fresh, he would make her write new fanfiction, reviews them and if it's too soft for his liking he edits them to make a Serbian Film look tame, and if he likes it as is he edits them anyways.
Basically Superman becoming as literally cosmic abstract that was capable outrunning or overpowering entropy of the universe. Can tears holes into dimensions that 5d Imps can't reach.
Gets to the point where Kamala deliberately writes the most depraved shit she can think of, with each time Prime makes it real just driving her more and more wild to the point she’s reached his level.
letting brainlets think for you?
Get mad powerlets
which comic was this?
5d imps are weird and it seems some comic writers think there prescense tier while others make them able to be nerfed or beaten up by the spectre
Both are too weak
post characters who could solo a fusion of the casts from DC, Marvel, Dragonball, and OPM
>You're getting better at this, but not by much. Here let me just make a few edits here and there
>*10 pages later*
>And voila, masterpiece. You know Kamala, you're the real person causing all their pain, aren't you so happy?
>Kamala's sanity: critical
Red, green, etc.
By moving massively faster than UI Goku and causing the atoms in his body to desintegrate just by proximity of his fist to Goku's body.
Is not hard.
One word: Popeye.
The one doing the choking
Kamala just breaks at that point. Learning to get off at the power she and Prime have over them, that they’re in control. No more fluff or cuteness, if it doesn’t have rape and abuse, she’s not into it. Always excited whenever Prime puts on a show for them
DAmn how does christopher robins fit into Hypercrisis?
He'd rape everyone.
Think you're going a bit too fast there but I can roll with it. Now, what fetishes would both of them insertbinto their writing? Because I'm getting some serious Slaanesh vibes from this now, and making the people acting out their ideas is going to become an even worse experience
Who else here is strong enough to take superman?
>Goku never starts off at his strongest.
Perfect Cell, Kid Buu.
Technically he's so perfect that fusing him with anyone else reduces his perfection.
Goku, easily. Prime is trash and so are DC characters.
Reminder goku had so much power it took effort for him to not punch apart the universe a couple powerups ago
man dbztards found this thread late
I like this one.
Goku's powers work outside his home universe. So do Superboy's. What are you smoking?
I love how they look more and more inbred with each passing generation
Disn't Prime die to a universe destroying blast?
By being faster anyway.
wtf is this ?
Also even if Goku started the fight at full power Prime would still easily kill him.
Goku is a universe busting, faster than time, universe durability, with instant dodge reaction and a technique that could literally destroy evil beings on a molecular and spiritual level.
And he makes wonderful pancakes!
Literally none of that is true.
Normal, everyday Superman shits all over Goku even in his best forms.
That's Vegeta. Goku is more like the grilling kind of guy.
Beerus nullified the merged energy of the attack, not the shock wave. In fact, the third wave was supposed to kill them both, they should have been dead the second it touched them. Face it, that feat is a load of crap.
this Prime is just too over powered.
its the power called Comedy.
Like slappy squirrel said pretending to be Obiwan Kenobi
>dying is easy, its comedy thats hard
superman is crazy buff no doubt. the thing is Goku's character relies on fighting foes that out class him to gain a power up.
Because Goku nullified that. Did you even watch the show. They specifically stated that Goku is continuing to learn his power and manage to hit Beerus without destroying everything.
As a dbz fag, I dont like to be associated with other dbz fags. They still think powerlevels are a thing when the whole point of power levels is to show how pointless they are.
Did you? He didn't do shit about the wave, as in, the third shock wave caused by KI ATTACKS and NOT PUNCHES. You can literally see the third wave happening.
why is Goku so fucking hot
something about his comfy ass looking clothes, sweet muscles, and cute face just make me want to fuck him with all my heart
Oh god just imagine cumming inside his tight, harder than diamond asshole as you pound his prostate
I'll cum so heard my sperm absorb some of his ki and go SSJ5
Please Toriama, i just need you to draw me fucking Goku, god please
Let me slide my tongue down his thought while i stroke his cock
god yes
The wave destroying everything was from punches. The beam clash created the energy bomb. One was nullified by Goku while the other by Beerus. What's so hard to understand.
>Beerus hits max strength
>Universe still there
What the fuck?
Dbz will struggle and it's be a good fight but prime will take this and then break the walls separating him from the rest of the dbz and start killing them
SBP is a reality puncher, you can't escape that
>People think Goku is "faster than time" or whatever that means because he beat Hit's Time Skip
>When Jon managed to overpower a full on Time Stop
>Fucking Jon
Just give up DBZ tards, your biggest feats were outclassed by literal children
There is no version of Goku that can take on Superman Blue
This is some next level anime shit.
Calvo > Blanco > Blue
What did they mean by this?
I have to do something
To get back at death battle before I croak
I will not let this go for as long as I live
I will never forget what they did
Not once but twice
And they relish in it
Its a game to them
Even if I have to pay someone to do it for me
I will have my revenge
They besmirched my God
Who would be a good match for him, considering how crazy he is
doing another DC character or even another character that they have already done may be their only option, but would there be any other characters who would be a good fit?
the speed difference, flight, and ability to sense life from across a planet would make that near impossible for hulk
Is superman just incredibly more powerful than other kryptonians, or is he just way more powerful for some reason
You better not be talking about punched Jason back to life shit because I know that had to be done in some special dimension not something he can normally do this is why I can never take dc fags seriously in any vs debate you bring up some ridiculous feat but leave out important context
naw, Hulk has on the fly evolution powers although rarely used. Ability to sense life is irrelevant he's smart, and no one at the end of super could sense each other because different universes.
Speed doesn't matter when he can tank hits and flight doesn't really matter when he can leap and absorb energy, it'd make a good contrast fight.
He was stuck in a pocket reality after COIE and then punched his way out to free himself, Kal-L, Lois, and Alexander Luthor that is literally his origin.
Yeah but wasn't the reality punch a sort of domino effect from the dimension being in the center of the multiverse or some shit plus if remember correctly he had to wail on that dimension for hours
he did, but once he got out he only became stronger, he's a weird character like when he time time trapper for a while.
Superman canonically blew out a star that was hundreds of light years away instantly. Funneling that much energy through space in that period of time would imply reality bending powers meaning all mortal characters can't do shit against him. And Prime is stronger.
He's more familiar with his powers that's all, other Kryptonians don't just magically get up to his level by being on earth for a week.
This. Hal should have beat him with offensive/energy feats. Instead he beat him with time travel, something that Omniverse shows Alien X can detect and counter.
Goku is too niave. After fighting or when he thinks he wins he lets his gaurd down way too often. He gets sloppy sometimes because he is too preoccupied on finding someone really strong to fight.
How it works is that people like goku and vegeta arent bullet proof persay they have to be on guard. Like you getting sucker punched and it knocks you out as apposed to you seeing the punch coming.
These abilities are like a charge. You power up and you are bullet proof as long as your ki and stamina remains.
Dbtards doesnt even knows how things works on the serie. UI doesnt ma
he grew up learning his powers.
Are you talking about the TV adaptation of BoG? This shit was so stupid because it created a ceiling that was way too low, so they inevitably had to ignore it. Goku matching Beerus at 10% power causes universe destroying waves to wipe across multiple planes of reality.
Yet in the new Broly movie, Broly going retard mode against a much stronger Goku does nothing of the sort. And he's full on berserker mode, so you know he isn't holding back.
At least with Jiren you can argue they weren't fighting in normal space, but they were in normal space when fighting Broly, so there's no excuse. The universe should be quaking each time Goku matching a blow with Broly.
well i know one user will bitch, but the anime version isnt canon anyways. Dont know why they bothered to redo it. I always got by what the ORiginal author makes.
Yup. Wasted time on the remakes.
The original author isn't in the pilot seat for ether versions this time though. So it's just people arguing about which one he prefers/worked on more closely, which is mainly conjecture.
I will say the movie versions were way better than Super's respective arcs. I really hope they don't spend a whole arc making a worse version of the Broly story if the show comes back.
it's only a thing when two gods fight and more-so when it's a god of destruction the same thing happened with Champa
Why should it matter if the destructive force of the GoDs has been surpassed by the time of the Broly movie though?
Enter CHADren
>The original author isn't in the pilot seat for ether versions this time though
he is though. he is the pilot while the others are co pilots.
>Proclaims he rejects justice
>Doesn't actually display any behavior or decision making that implies he has changed his moral standing
>In fact he emphases that saving his universe is important above all else once he goes GoD
ToP had shit writing.
Toei and Toyo both have a lot more control than you realize. They are pretty much shaping vague guidelines to their whim.
its dragonball the writing was never Pulitzer prize winning material.
All non toriyama writing is not even passable, at least Toriyama was good at dumb fun writing
the only guide lines they shape are minor details. Like when Zamasu got split in half when the fusion wore off, Toei and Toyo got to make their own version of what would happen. AT would say, Ok goku and vegeta defuse and the defusing for zamasu and black warps them because of immortality and he begins to take over the galaxy and goku summons Xeno to stop him.
Toriyama gives specifics when nessesary but shit like Ssb Kioken and Controled Ssb are the minor things fans argue over. So ai just go with the manga because toriyama has a direct link to toyo where as you got a bunch of directors at toei adding shit out side of ATs view. Adding things like Goku not being able to control his ki and placing a hit on himself so Hit would fight him. Shit like that.
Easily Second most powerful Superman second to only Cosmic Armor Superman.
Funny how this thread suddenly became a /dbs/. Where's the cute gang tho?
The Man has spoken.
>Superman lifting monitor mind
Wat. No. He just lifted a book.
>the infinite universes
I thought there were sixteen DB universes.
No, there are twelve. Twelve? Goddamn.
Let's see.
The first time he was pulled out of the universe by the Flashes working together, and then stranded on a planet with a red sun. That depowered him until he created an armor which can convert any kind of radiation into yellow sunlight.
He came back, then fought, well, everybody, until the Supermen from Earth-2 and New Earth fought him and dragged him through Rao - Krypton's red sun - which depowered him again. Afterwards he was imprisoned inside a red Sun-Eater, a being which feeds on suns and apparently retains its qualities sufficiently to keep him under wraps.
He was broken out by the Yellow Lanterns and joined them for a time out of curiosity, finally turning on the Anti-Monitor who was leading them at the time, but when he fought a Guardian of the Universe, the latter exploded and the explosion pushed him out of the universe.
He wandered the Multiverse for a time, trying to find his perfect world, until he found the one he was looking for had just been ruined by Monarch. He fought Monarch and tore his armor, and the resulting explosion destroyed that entire universe... but he survived again.
He ended up in the distant future, where he ended up fighting his own future self; but when they touched each other they negated their existence, and the younger version ended up depowered - for a time - in a version of his original universe, where he fought and destroyed many Black Lanterns. It was implied he was killed, in the end, by one through trickery, but it didn't happen.
He was finally defeated in the present by.... the Teen Titans? Young Justice? Anyway, they stuck him on the Source Wall and he hasn't been seen since.
No. Unless it still counts if a feat takes thousands of years.
If they are proportionally as strong as normal Gems - and they probably are stronger than that - they are immensely powerful, though. Even a twig like Pearl, who isn't even supposed to fight at all, is about as strong as Spider-Man.
The Diamonds should be Hulk-Level, at least.
Hmmmm. Prime never did face off with Darkseid.
Uh. The Sentry. The Plutonian. Vartox (the original).
No. He ripped open Monarch's armor, destroying Earth-51, but he survived.
Yes, his character relies on that, so it kind of sucks that in this case, he can't.
>Cosmic Armor Superman.
Who is not Superman, but a robot in Superman's image, powered or at least activated by Ultraman and Superman together.
Most of its power probably comes from Dax Novu.
He never died.
Send Toriyama your nudes as a start.
Doomsday Clock has Guy mention him
He is the only one to grow up under a yellow sun, he is genetically a league above other kryptonians although they are crazy powerful under a yellow sun as well.
The universe shit was kinda explained because Goku figured out how to nullify the energy with ki control.
>using UI at will
>using UI from the start
1) Kara was continually exposed to artificial (and concentrated?) yellow sunlight in her rocketship.
2) Superman is never shown to be stronger than Kryptonians under the same circumstances even if they were literally only exposed to yellow sunlight just moments before.
3) How is he genetically superior? I know the story used to be Kryptonians die when they leave Krypton and Kal-El was altered by Jor-El to allow it, but this is evidently no longer the case.
"Spanked Superbrats out to destroy us" - Huh. Is this some 'Rebirth' effect?
Wouldn’t be surprised if Manhattan had something to do with it. Wonder if they’ve met
>perfect cell
Because he knew he couldn't win and the fight was just for Gohan's benefit
During his fight with Fat Buu he was holding back because he wanted the kids to have a chance and even then he asked for a chance to power up. During his fight with Kid Buu he was already at that point since he was fighting Super Buu and was ready to fuse with Gohan. The time between the fights was them getting ready for the fight with Kid Buu on the Kai's planet.
Wish we had lewds for Superboi and Kamala right about now
Weridly kinky somewhat meta stuff, Surprisingly I’m into it
He didn’t shake infinite universes, his energy started shaking the Void where the Tournament of Power was taking place. His feat is literally no different from when Goku turned SS3 and everyone in the after life felt it. Characters are doing shit they’ve always done but they have to pretend like they’ve never felt something like this to hype up the new characters.
I like that it's all based off of fanfuction and Superboi being a sicko. It all writes itself, but how would Kamala develop besides her inevitable corruption?
I hate the Xenoverse wank so much. Demigra supposedly becomes a reality warping time fucker when he absorbs that stupid time bird, yet all he does is shoot Ki blasts. In DC, you had Extant aging people, erasing timelines or warping people out of different timelines and alternate realities. Parallax destroyed and nearly recreated the universe. The Time Trapper constantly fucks with time to the point entire universes are changed. In Marvel, Kang has literally gone back in time and killed the Avengers where they were babies or some shit. Demigra doesn’t do fucking ANYTHING creative with those time powers and DB fanwankers expect me to just believe the dude is super mega powerful? Fuck off. Demigra’s a bitch that, even with his stupid time bird powers, was still afraid of fighting Beerus. The fucking game even states that Beerus fighting the guy would result in Beerus probably destroying a galaxy or two in the process. Demigra can go fuck himself, and so can Towa, Myra and all of Xenoverse and Heroes for all the wank the fanbase makes up for it.
I’m sensing possible Stockholm Syndrome vibes
DB fans think Demigra created his own time prison and that the crystals contain timelines. They’re fucking retarded. Demigra is a bitch that resorts to mind manipulation cause he’s not really that strong until he absorbs that stupid time bird. With the power of fucking TIME at his disposal, what does he do? He shoots ki blasts and mind controls people. He’s a shitty, incompetent, stupid and cliche villain. Even Towa and Myra do this bullshit. DB writers make all power ups just be more power in blasts and fists and nothing else.
>applying Western sensibilities to Eastern writings of man punching men while screaming
There's your problem.
The only way Demigra is beyond time and space is that like Towa his time travel can change timelines isntead of making a new universe.
Prime got sent to the Phantom Zone and he punched his way it’ll out so hard it cause fucking time anomalies in the origins of many Teen Titans characters. Fucking Beast Boy could be seen warping in and out of his pre-Crisis and Doom Patrol self. Prime is bullshit strong. The dude has literally punched holes in reality and once did exactly that to grab Mxysptlk out of the 5th Dimension.
Well growing up under different than normal circumstances is bound to alter your DNA, to adapt. For other points, Kal holds back all the time.
I feel that part of it would be Superboi telling and showing Kamala nonstop 'The Aristocrates' jokes involving her favorite heroes and villains, and each joke gets worse and more depraved than the last
Just watching all people who look like her heroes perform such perversive acts, each one ruining the heroes in front of her eyes, all for Prime’s sick amusement and eventually to he rshame, Kamala's
>Offhand comment by Wolfman
Nigger Manhattan even confirmed PC was infinite. Get the fuck out of here.
>Alright, now doing Hulk x Wasp hyper lemon take 42. Now you better go balls deep in there this time, or else I'm gonna help you out
Esto es el fin, Grande padre
Must you people add Kamala Khan to every fucking thread ?
>I-i-it doeant count because I didnt like the episode
That bastard.
Not so fast
Imagine being so retarded you care about death battle's opinion and no I am not saying Ben should have won I know almost nothing about alien x
>Well growing up under different than normal circumstances is bound to alter your DNA, to adapt.
...No, absolutely not. That is not how that works.
You can suck it. Wolfman was the writer. He determines what is canon.
But hey, this was the pre-Crisis universe. It would have to be finite, otherwise the Anti-Monitor would never have gotten to the final universes to destroy.
She's multiversal.
I miss the Stan's Rants Series, shame he stopped doing them years before he died, but he was getting tired of it i guess
>That is not how that works.
I am not discrediting Zod's or Supergirl's feats but supes has always been stronger than them, it's the other factors that make them measure up to him. It makes sense that a kryptonian growing under the light of a real yellow sun during his formative years, would physiologically be different from his race which grew under a red one.
gods are special, the emit certain energy's especially gods of destruction.
I guess the cursed ship makes sense
>The beam clash created the energy bomb
AND also causes an identical shock wave, you can see it happening.
1. Part of the prediction was Goku and Beerus would die
2. The waves gain strength over time, so at their origin point, they are weakest.
3. This means for the third wave to kill them, and for the prediction to be right, they should have dropped dead instantly, when the wave was at it's weakest, right when it touched them.
The universe feat is bullshit.
Well Goku would die cause he can't survive without atmosphere and beerus would die from the the death of the supreme kai
dude he was fighting in space what do you mean he can't survive without atmosphere
>he can't survive without atmosphere
Then how did he get those men to the moon as a child? Space is not instantly lethal to saiyans, even weak ones. Which also means when Earth exploded Vegeta in super saiyan blue MUST HAVE been killed by the blast, there simply hadn't been enough time to suffocate. Had he lived, why did he never go looking for the survivors? He can sense ki, he'd know where they are and they they lived somehow, why wouldn't he try to reach them so he could, you know, not die? The only explanation is the blast killed him. SSB is below planet level, the power scaling in the DB community is bullshit.
What if I told you when Goku reached Namek his physical limit without ki (and that's being generous) is 6 tons at most? His training on the way there, in 100 gravities, was only against his own body weight. His body weight magnified a hundred times is 6 tons. Goku arriving on Namek isn't even Spider-Man level. And how about the time he had to go super saiyan to lift a mere 40 tons?
I am pretty sure he was just in the exosphere
you can't breathe in the exosphere my dude he'd also freeze to death
Goku dying because of Namek is strictly because of this. Goku can't breathe in space, they were fighting in a portion of the atmosphere where there was still oxygen.
No shut up, the moon has been blown up twice. Nothing in the DB universe makes sense but they specifically say that Goku can't breathe in space.
his god form can survive in space just fine, that's the only take away that makes sense
No what you can take from it is that they fought in a place where they were able to speak and hear each other.
Yeah my bad apperantly toriyama said they were in the stratosphere
From what I remember he reached the moon and back pretty damn quick so he maybe he was in and out before he could suffocate plus it was more of a gag manga back then
not possible that high up, low earth orbit isn't dense enough for that but if it was the stratosphere wind moves at 60m/s they wouldn't be able to hear shit unless god powers allow for it.
the maximum temp in the stratosphere is -15c
Asking how the can hear each other is dumb you don't nitpick comics like this and ask how Superman and flash hold conversations while moving faster than the speed of sound and so what if it's - 15C it just means Goku can survive those temps
nuh-uh he had on a jacket in the Broly movie that means he can't
Goku can't breathe in space. Either believe that they were in a part of the atmosphere where they can breathe or just come to the same realization that all DB fans have decades ago and that's that Toriyama just half asses most of his stories. And for the love of God do not read any of his interviews, he's doing horrible, horrible damage to his characters.
what level of damage are talking here Lucas or Rowling?
I think my favorite Toriyama interview is the one where he thought Yamcha was Goku's brother.
No it doesn't maybe he feels cold normally but can survive it
Sauce, I need this.
>db minus is now canon and makes it so that bardock is more sensible and a loving father and they straight up copy superman's origin even more than before
>toriyama has stated that goku sees his wife and son not so much as family but rather companions
A little from both.
gotcha, the Jor-El/Bardock thing is pretty shit it honestly seems like he watched the Ocean dub and decided it's canon. And making Goku even stupider and more callous really doesn't help with that hole pure heart theme he's had since DB
You keep making that claim without backing it up.
The claim about his DNA is still bullshit regardless.
God your stupid the fact is he survived the stratosphere just fine
DBH Goku rapes Superboy and cums on his face.
not if you watched that little anime they've been pumping out, dude got outclassed by Jiren.
That's just the tip of the iceberg. He decided on blue on a whim even after stating he felt that blue seemed like a weaker color than red. The reason Gohan got shafted during the Buu arc was because he felt he was writing him too much like Goku and decided to drop him for the real thing. He doesn't like Vegeta and only keeps him around because fans like him.
I thought he said the OG super saiyan was supposed to be blue not yellow but the anime screwed it up.
I think that was about Trunks' hair. The anime made it purple because having it blue would've ruined the twist that he was Bulma's son. So they changed it back to blue in Super and pretended he was always that way. Bulma described him as having blue hair before seeing him again in Super.
Nigger Goku can breath in space. There was no atmosphere for Goku to breathe during his Beerus fight. It’s fucking BELOW him!
>Simon Belmont downplay have you ever wondered that the arsenal is irrelevant to overall power
>No one besides the VS Battle Wiki autists use that stupid "omniverse
You're saying that a depowered Goku could breathe in space even though it's been stated he can't breathe in space and that by the very nature of being able to communicate with Beerus would mean that there is oxygen. So you're arguing against canon and science.
Wov says he was in the stratosphere though now that I think about it the stratosphere is one of the lower layer's so either bad translation of interview or toriyama mixed up his atmosphere layer's I do that all the time the important thing is that he said there were still in the atmosphere
Meant WOG
DBH Jiren is on the same level as DBH Goku (who is Universal+ - Multiversal) then. Problem solved.
Do you not know who superboy prime is?
Though actually taking a closer look at the the interview he just says "I thought that things would get out of hand if they fought right there at Capsule Corporation4, but naturally, the location changed. (laughs) To think that they’d go all the way into the stratosphereT1……but thinking about it, they’re both aliens5, after all. Maybe they can just barely breathe." He never said the didn't continue to go higher but he mentions needing to breathe
That's Toriyama alright.
Yes, he's a Dragonballfag and that's what they do.
no he's stronger, he took on that evil aura saiyan and didn't break a sweat when that fool essentially killed Goku go watch it.
>Hyperversal (which is a word that describes 12-dimensional beings), and Outerversal (which is just a word to describe having no dimensional limitations)
Shit pulled out of their asses with no applicable meaning based entirely on speculation? I mean their first fuck up is assuming dimensions are consistent across works of fiction (they fucking aren't), so everything hyperversal and above is easily discarded.
Okay, DBH Goku is still Universal+ - Multiversal due to his feats from the games and the manga. All this means is Jiren is on that level too.
>Shit pulled out of their asses with no applicable meaning based entirely on speculation?
Based on how the character is written, yes. If you really have that much of a problem, why don't you just make a CRT and ask them.
Goku Xeno is strong but Jiren is stronger since Cunber took on SSj4 Gogeta Xeno and shrugged it off until Jiren showed up.
>punched cumber in his base form
>gave zamasu a reason to show off his regeneration powers
>sent to the ground by hearts who just laughs at him
>stuck inside a cube and gets 17 ptsd flashbacks
>ditched and forgotten by goku and the gang
Jiren did pretty well but he also kind of got shit on.
sorry Vegito and SSB Vegito
well yeah he kinda breaks the struggle since he can just walk all over everyone
By hitting him too fast for Goku to react. Yes, he can move that unbelievably fast.
Prime is faster than thought but so is UI but Goku won't have the chance to go UI
The best I can say about Jiren is that he didn't get absolutely stomped. Yet.
>(I guess male Kryptonians are just stronger than females?)
They're about as much stronger as your average person of their height, weight, build, etc. would be than a woman of the comparative height, weight, and build.
It's more like a multiplier than a flat number they all get buffed to.
Notice how OPMfags like to jump in and when Popeye or Droopy are mentioned they get all quiet?
>they get all quiet
that's a lie
>Wolfman determines what's canon
Its stated several times in the story Crisis on INFINITE Earths that its an infinite multiverse under attack. An offhand joke about how many heroes he killed doesn't refute that, and it doesn't refute Wolfman being work for hire whose contribution to the canon has been clarified by other writers stating that yes, the PC multiverse was infinite.
Here's an example of why the VS Battle Wiki tier list is bullshit.
In DC, the 5th dimension is OP because its literally imagination and imps can do anything. This has caused some people to assume that beings like the goddesses from Tenchi Muyo can BTFO DC because they're like 13 dimensional or some shit. But it doesn't work that way in DC. Dimensions aren't power levels.
Batman 1 million was taught martial arts by 8 dimensional octopi. Those aren't stronger than imps. You also have mention of other dimensions higher than 5 in passing throughout DC history like in pic related.
Math doesn't apply to the 5th dimension. The 5th dimension is beyond quantity.
That's just one example of how you have to take into account how terms are used across settings.
Saitama has low level toonforce. His power is based on a joke mocking shonen and superheroes. So when he's paired up against someone it needs to be another person with toonforce. Popeye is easily his best match up but when Popeye eats spinach he's a reality warping unstoppable punch wizard. Droopy is just immovable object. Saitama punches Droopy and Droopy blows up and then Saitama pulls his face off to reveal that he was Droopy the entire time. Saitama can go up against Bugs or Daffy but he'd be driven insane by them and would lose based on him bouncing about into the sunset. You can even go a little bit under toonforce and into unkillable range. Lobo just regenerates and Deadpool fucks with Saitama by using his meta breaking jokes. And don't get me started on Butterball. Saitama would be punching that boy for days and tire out while Butterball watches TV.
That's true. In Super Friends Superman was BTFO by a giant Kryptonian dragon because it was Kryptonian but also a dragon.
>Goku (who is Universal+ - Multiversal) then
That is complete garbage, Goku is nowhere near that powerful.
it's DBH Goku he's like a what if version of Goku
Exactly. While saiyans need to breathe, just being in space doesn't kill them.
How many universes did he destroy then?
None it's stated earlier that he's only that high because he beat Demigra who threatened every timeline soley because he threatened to contain the room they're all contained in, but Xeno Goku never fought him due to Xenoverse's good ending being that Goku doesn't show up and it's cleared up by the Time Patroller.
Literally all you had to say. If there's noe evidence he's universe level, then he's NOT universe level, and this is just DB fanwank desperately trying to keep their husbando close to Superman's level.
No I know that because this argument came up earlier in the thread, they're scaling him to a character that didn't actually do anything and I felt that was important to mention.
Power scaling in DB is a trap, because the DB fanbase is...REALLY bad at it.
Goku when he got to Namek's limit was 6 tons. Goku's physical, non-ki using limit at the start of the Buu Saga was 40 tons. These are facts that can't be denied. Another fact is Cell saying he could destroy the solar system was a lie, because it took less force than that to kill him. The DBS universe feat is a lie, Vegeta died to an exploding planet in SSB, Goku was harmed by a bullet in DBS and taken down by a common laser while in SSB. There is a multitude of examples of why DB characters simply are not what the fanbase thinks they are, but they always ignore these events, it's like they go blind when these things happen.
The absolute truth is, common, everyday, non-sun dipped Post-Crisis Superman, could take down every single DB character even after they did a mass fusion dance and became one person. No Thought robot, no Prime, no Silver Age or One Million required. That's just how it is.
Oh, and "ki control to keep from destroying planets" is also a lie, the Instant Transmission kamehameha proved that. every time a ki attack hit a planet and it didn;t explode, and the same attack hit Majin Buu or SSB Vegeta or Vegito or Gogeta or whoever you want to name, and they were hurt? That was less than a planet level attack, and they were still threatened by it.
>"ki control to keep from destroying planets" is also a lie, the Instant Transmission kamehameha proved that
Do you think their is air in fucking space or something
are you fucking retarded?
Why do you retards never whine about Superman's punches not destroying the earth all the time but throw a fit about the same thing in dragonball
Goku teleported to avoid hitting Cell.
Goku could have remained where he was and fired anyway, which would catch Cell by surprise.
Had ki control as dB fans know it actually existed, it would mean the planet was never in danger.
The Kamehameha is a narrow beam, not an explosive attack, it should have just drilled a hole, yet Goku teleporting proved the planet was indeed in danger, or he would not have bothered.
Ki control=lie. It's based on Vegeta's Big Bang not destroying Earth, but that was just Vegeta changing the SHAPE of an attack to not be directed at the planet in the first place, NOT the commonly held fan theory that an attack more than planet level could hit a planet without destroying it. So when Beerus was fighting SSG Goku, and his attacks were hitting the Earth, those were LESS than planet-level attacks, yet Goku was still in danger regardless. DB characters are exponentially WEAKER than the fandom believes.
Do you think holding your breath isn't a thing in DB or something? Fucking think before you post, retard.
Because Superman, unlike Goku, is a genius who knows better than to hit a planet that hard, yet in a recent JL event he had to jump off a dead planet to escape a lightless universe, after having been drained so low he couldn't fly, yet his jump was so powerful the planet shattered behind him. Superman is easily capable of that level of force, it's just almost never needed.
Saitiama is actually not that strong when you consider one of the most powerful beings in their universe wasn't even Frieza-level.
How do you know he wasn't Beerus level?
If you do hold your breath, the loss of external pressure would cause the gas inside your lungs to expand, which will rupture the lungs and release air into the circulatory system. The first thing to do if you ever find yourself suddenly expelled into the vacuum of space is exhale. Even they could they wouldn't be able to forever
Unless your flesh is tougher than human, like, say a saiyan.
I am pretty sure it would be needed when he's fighting someone like Zod or Mongul or are you saying their lower than planet level
Doesn't he himself say his ultimate attack would kill everyone on the planet? Not even destroy the whole planet, just kill everyone in it. I don't see it being implied at any point that Boros is planet-buster tier, not even close. If so that puts him below Frieza and I say Frieza because he's the first character shown to be easily able to destroy a planet even in base form, but if we take what he says literally then even Vegeta could burst a planet in Saiyan saga.
Reminder that SSJ3 was so powerful it cause planet-wide damage just by the energy release alone. OPM is visually impressive but as far as feats go it isn't peak anime bullshit, not even close.
Look freeza said Saiyan's can't breathe in space twice he would know
Kryptonians are a special case, they seem to be able to more easily harm each other than other species of comparable strength.
For fuck's sake I never said a saiyan can breathe in space. I said being in space doesn't instantly kill them. How is this such a hard concept? You can't breathe water, does that mean you instantly drown when your head goes under?
Then what is your fucking point
The fucking point is to stop reeeing just because Goku is in space. Also it helps prove SSB is below planet level.
Based on what this seems like rather dumb headcanon and what Mongul
No it doesn't
>Superman, unlike Goku, is a genius who knows better than to hit a planet that hard
>ki control doesn't exist
your posts reeks of bullshit
That's not what happened. He did it as a fakeout so he can fire a full-powered kamehameha at point blank range without any need to control or hold back. It was also because Cell and everyone else believed he was just faking it, that he wouldn't fire any semi-powerful attack at the earth. He basically played Cell for a fool.
>all this reaching
Holy shit you can't be serious
Just because Goku isn't shown to bust the planet doesn't mean he can't. The nigga fucking defeated planet busters using brute strength alone.
It doesn't narratively make sense for Goku to suddenly bust a planet or universe (even though he's able to) because it's not in his character.
Yes, it does. It means Vegeta had to have been killed when Fireza destroyed Earth, rather than suffocating in space.
Prove me wrong then.
Literally addressed that already, a better fakeout would have been to fire from the air, which Cell was completely confident Goku would not do. And why would anyone GIVE A SHIT if Goku fired the attack at the Earth, if ki control was real and the Earth wouldn't be in danger anyway? Teleporting to surprise Cell=failed argument.
Yeeeeah, how many planet busters has Goku defeated? Or He didn't beat Cell, he needed help to beat Buu, all he did was beat Frieza, once.
>prove me wrong
Did you not look at the fucking picture? Jesus christ user he explicit mentions ki control you fucking tard
>inb4 goalpost moving or "I-IT DOESN'T COUNT" posting
So you agree that he did defeat a planet buster and can bust planets? Glad we're on the same page
>all he did was beat Frieza, once.
twice, retard do you even watch DB?
Yeah they said Goku was able to mimic Berry’s and use his own universal attack to nullify Beerus’s
Downplaying characters: the post
No t doesn't first of this fiction where suffocating in space usually only takes a couple seconds assuming and even in real life it only takes 90 secs I believe more importantly freeza was a planet buster in his first form and good took blows from his final form and the opponents have only got stronger you are being peak retarded
thought I deleted that assuming
If the Saiyans existed in the DC universe, while also adhering "only" to the logic and rules of the DC multiverse, how would they work? I could see them working as a literal and metaphoric polar opposites of Kryptonians.
>a better fakeout would have been to fire from the air, which Cell was completely confident Goku would not do
He would need to restrict himself. Point blank, aimed upwards means he doesn't need to do any controlling because there would be no fear of hitting anything he doesn't want to hit. Control or not, he wanted to unleash a massive attack without holding back at all.
The average Saiyan is below Nappa level. They'd be more than street level but a great number of superheroes would defeat many if they get too rowdy.
Ah yes very street level
>They'd be more than street level
And Nappa is a high level saiyan. The average one would be strong but easily manageable.
Oops my bad
>nd can bust planets?
How many planets has Goku destroyed? None? Okay then.
Nope, that's just what is presented in the show. Goku trained against his own body weight in 100 g's on the way to Namek. Goku's weight x100 = 6 tons.
>freeza was a planet buster in his first form
False, assumes facts not in evidence.
>opponents have only got stronger
The problem is fans are deluded about the rate at which they got stronger.
Which he could have done from where he was.
>freeza was a planet buster in his first form
>False, assumes facts not in evidence.
Holy fucking shit, you stupid dumb retard. Freeza is a fucking planet buster on his first form.
Okay you have to be bating
Not at all. His blast blew out the back of Cell and did damage behind Cell. His blast was meant to be a no control, all out blast. Also, if he fired from that distance, Cell might dodge. Cell's reasonably faster than Goku was.
At no point in the original source material does it show exactly how Frieza destroyed Planet Vegeta. It shows him laughing and pointing at Bardock but not an attack.
>but finger beams
Unless you want to argue he shoots beams literally every time he points, that's not an argument.
The blast he threw was angled upwards, of course it didn't hit anything else. But if ki control existed as the fandom thinks it does, he would not have needed to move because the planet would not have been in danger. Literally everyone there, from Cell to the peanut gallery, thought Goku was risking the planet. WHY would they think that, of ki control was real?
>But if ki control existed as the fandom thinks it does, he would not have needed to move because the planet would not have been in danger.
He wanted an all-out blast. He didn't want to control anything or have to minimize his shot like Vegeta's Final Flash.
>iterally everyone there, from Cell to the peanut gallery, thought Goku was risking the planet. WHY would they think that, of ki control was real?
Because they knew Goku wanted to do an all-out attack with all his effort onto killing Cell and none for control. Cell at that point was far stronger than Goku. Any half-hearted effort or controlled and contained effort would automatically fail. He had to put everything he has, as intense as he can.
Plus theirs the latest broly movie I think was stated to be canon
>He wanted an all-out blast.
Which he could have done from the air, if ki control was real.
>He didn't want to control anything or have to minimize his shot like Vegeta's Final Flash.
>they knew Goku wanted to do an all-out attack with all his effort onto killing Cell and none for control
So your argument is all those other thousands of attacks were basically pulled punches? An interesting position, one I haven't seen before. I look forward to evidence that supports your claim.
>Which he could have done from the air, if ki control was real.
You make a large contradiction. I'm saying he wishes to not hold back in the slightest. No control, all forward. You're saying he can put control when every last bit of his attention is intensifying his own attack?
>So your argument is all those other thousands of attacks were basically pulled punches? An interesting position, one I haven't seen before. I look forward to evidence that supports your claim.
Goku vs Frieza on Namek. It's mentioned that Frieza could have blown up the planet easily but panicked so he screwed up and the planet will blow up in a short time, rather than instantly.
Vegeta's Final Flash. It's mentioned he made it smaller.
Congratulations, you've done something 99% of DB fans are incapable of. Providing evidence rather than autistic screeching. Okay, I concede Frieza was in his first form.
>expecting the good guy of the story to bust a planet
Ok retard
Yeah, you;re arguing that ki control means focus has to be diverted from power to control. I look forward to how you will show Fat Buu (the moron) and Kid Buu (the sadist) were also doing this. Because you have to prove this idea for literally post Namek fight.
So this is how stupid DC fans are. Unbelievable.
You really shouldn't argue anything you know this little off, kid.
Here's a good panel.
The recent Broly movie was written by Toriyama, it's main selling point, being canon.
>saying a character can definitely do a thing despite the fact they never have
Okay retard.
>You really shouldn't argue anything you know this little off, kid.
I know more about DB than the vast majority of it's fans.
>defeated a planet buster character using his own strength alone
>"n-no he still isn't planet level"
It's called power scaling for a reason dumbass
>I look forward to how you will show Fat Buu (the moron) and Kid Buu (the sadist) were also doing this.
Fat Buu wanted fun and was smart enough to tell Babidi that Babidi can't seal him away without Goku killing him.
Kid Buu tried blowing up the earth the millisecond he showed up. Then they went to the world of the kais which is more durable than earth.
>"I know more about DB than the vast majority of it's fans."
>says ki control isn't real
>thinks Freeza isn't a planet buster in his first form
You're either baiting or extremely retarded
And power scaling in DB is grossly exaggerated most of the time, we've been over this.
>says ki control isn't real
Because it isn't.
No no, I mean you have to prove the Buus did this for literally every single attack they used that touched the ground. Not just Kid Buu's first shot, ALL his shots.
>freeza was literally shown blowing up a planet
>in his first form
>Goku defeats said character with again, jsut pure raw strength
Fucking idiot
seeso you're retarded then
>world of the kais which is more durable than earth
Oh, almost missed that. What are you basing that assumption on? Because it can't be gravity, Hercule and his puppy were also on that planet for the fight, so that Kai world couldn't have had anything but normal Earth gravity.
If you think this is relevant, I can only assume you're posting from your special ed class. We're talking about ki ATTACKS being controlled to avoid collateral damage, dingus.
For all of them, Fat Buu wanted nothing more than to torment people, spending far more time scaring people and causing fear for fun's sake than any motive to destroy the planet. Especially after befriending Hercule. Super Buu has Fat Buu holding him back, thus why the Human Genocide attack didn't hit Hercule, he was aware Hercule was still on earth. He also wanted fun tormenting people and humiliating them. Kid Buu fired two shots on earth. One which was aimed at earth and Vegeta deflected. The second was that large Planet Burst attack which successfully destroyed earth.
>We're talking about ki ATTACKS being controlled to avoid collateral damage
>specifically said "Ki control=lie" in
which is it faggot?
Dear god, why are people arguing things they know shit about???
Dragon Ball Chapter 511. Old Kai says that their world won't be destroyed easily. The issue is, most of the scans online are those older scans and say something different from the VIZ manga translation I have.
Hey dumb ass I noticed you avoided answering
>user getting blown the FUCK out from denying obvious DB facts and feats
They'd be a GL enemy, run through shadow brokers as mercenaries and actually be working for the Daxamites and there would be Daxamite/Saiyan hybrids running around, well all kinds of saiyan hybrids actually.