Spider-Man: Life Story

>Spider-Man: Life Story
Fuck, this was good. Did anyone have a hard time reading this besides me? I love Spidey, to the point that recently - after Slott - I haven't been able to get into the later comics for fear of being disappointed or worse, pissed off. But this caught my eye.

A story about Peter growing old and not-as-good - I want to think it's impossible. He's Spidey, and always will be a step above everyone else. Always able put on the suit and spin webs because his powers keep him from aging as badly as others.

But this story managed to make it NOT about that, but how his choices affect his life. It's one of the best showcases of that I think. And I hate it for that. I want Peter to be happy and to have earned his happy ending definitively. This was a hard read for me. What do you think about it Yea Forums?

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I don't have a problem with Peter getting old either, it's just... Kraven in the story said it best. "Heartbreaking."
>You were once beautiful. A warrior. And so you deserve a warrior's exit.
I like the way Zdarski handled that. Good dynamic between Kraven and Peter. Even more, I like how he handled the symbiote, Flash and Peter, MJ, Norman, Harry, Gwen... I hate and love this book at the same time.

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This is the old man Spidey story I can gel with. Without any of the heartbreak. Peter's earned his happy ending, but shit happens. He was framed, but he has a son with MJ and they grew old together. And he goes down... clean.

You know how they say his life is suffering? Life Story is suffering.

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Just look at this. I don't know if I like it or if I hate it. It's good, but Spidey begging for mercy? Or is he just thinking about his family in his last moments? I know hate it, but I don't at the same time.

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I hope we get this costume during the later Life Story issues.

I kind of don't. I'm afraid how far this rabbithole of suffering will go. Is he going to get divorced, MJ leaving him? Will his kids grow up hating him or will they die? It doesn't seem like things are going to get better for him.

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Obviously Aunt May is currently the issue here because Peter isn't willingly to let her go. So I'm betting that by the end of the 90s issue Peter and MJ will be together again.

I'm more concerned about the symbiote. It was a good change of pace what they did. I hope it doesn't hate Peter, but it will definitely hate MJ.

It's good but I think two depressing issues in a row make it feel too bleak. I think it needs an issue between #2 and 3 to see how Peter and MJ's life was like after Peter lost Gwen and before the Secret Wars.

I think it shows what you expected and you think you wanted doesn't always match up to what reality can do

People always has this expectations, but you can't run away from the consequences of the action the person commited. There are blowbacks to this, and whatever mistakes you made it will come back to haunt you

Life will make you suffer and you will bleed. The question is what do ou do with it? In Peter's case he's always going to be the same boy from highschool. Talking about power and responsibility to others, but never to himself. He is destine to fail himself because of those mistakes. All because he can't truly take responsibility for anything. He never truly matured from his highschool days

We are locked in a fantasy we wish to escape in, but that's not how real-life works. We can't run away from it. We can't force it. Reality is going to hit you regardless. He's kinda like Luke from TLJ. For he suffered from his failures, and Peter's failure is not taking responsibility

Sometimes what you wanted is not what you get, because there are no shortcuts in life. Not unless you actually make the right decisions in life that matters more than yourself. If you don't think what you wanted for others and be selfish about it then then you will never find true happiness. If Peter wishes to be happy then he needs to earn it by actually taking responsibility and make the right choices. Otherwise, he'll fail and will live his life in misery

You can't always get what you want - Rolling Stones

>kinda like Luke from TLJ.
Your mistake was using Last Jedi as a proper example for anything.

It's a proper example of what not to do and how to fuck up a beloved character.

It's not a mistake when it's the point. That life is shitty and there are decisions in life you have to take or you're going nowhere. That is what Peter is now becoming

That's what life is, and the fact that you take offence to it only proves the point. You are stuck in a fantasy that life cannot provide, and trying to force an outcome that it can't give. Unless you earned it by acknowledging your mistake and take responsibility for it

You can't become the person you wishto be based on their merits. You must earned that right with your own merit. If you cannot earn it then it means nothing

The point is that bad writing on TLJ is gettting compared to (so-far) good writing on Life Story?

>Obviously Aunt May is currently the issue here
I disagree.

The page before the last Peter's literally telling MJ he "can't keep her safe" and that he will always screw up and MJ's not happy with him for a boatload of reasons besides May.

May was with Peter in his room in the last page because she can't do anything. MJ chose to leave.

Bad writing? Or an actual story which had a point that no one sees because it's not in their headcanon

TLJ had a point, and it's showing in this by Peter's own choices

This comic is really making me really sad for Peter you guys. Even when he has everything it's still bad. Fingers crossed for a happy ending for him in this mini.

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>Bitches love Spider-Man
>Spider-Man must suffer
Truly, he encompasses the duality of man.

>Everybody enjoying a Chip Zdarsky comic
shit, this means he'll never be without work

That bit with Spidey in the latest Daredevil issue was pretty greet too ngl

>A long time in America
>It is my home
I love that line

So how IS it that Kraven is more physically fit than Peter? They don't explain how he's not as fast or strong as he used to be, just is. Meanwhile Grandpa Kravinoff is getting the upper hand on him. Maybe Peter is feeling withdrawal from not using the symbiote or the emotional stress he's under is making him weaker?

So is the writer gonna handle all that Other and Totem stuff in the 90s, and will Peter get de-aged as a result?

I wonder how they'll handle BC? Considering Peter is aging and been at the game for about 30 years maybe she's a fangirl because she grew up watching/following him?

That'd be nice, but then MJ will still be MILF-age unless there's symbiote fuckery. I for one like the Other and hope that if it does come to pass it'll get Peter out of this shitshow funk.

Or maybe the 90s is when MJ fucks off to Cali.

She'll probably be the same age as him, I assume.

spidy was taken aback that it was kraven and that moment of shock let kraven stab him with a coated poison blade that was fast acting and that's why spidy is on the ground begging for his life

>Quesada let his incel jealousy get the best of him

>begging for his life
Still think that was an odd turn. Spider-Man... Begging for his life. It just sounds wrong.

He won't have one I think. Peter is going to die alone. Peter is going to be that one guy who had it all multiple times, only to lose repeatedly due to poor life choices.

Considering this is following real world age it does. Peter is in his mid to late thirties to early forties. He's slowing down. His Spider cells can't stop father time.

Still, this is Spider-Man we're talking about. THE Spider-Man. He's supposed to go down swinging like , not like .

He's the guy who says "Not every battle can be one, but no man should fall without a struggle!" Having Peter beg for mercy is just insulting.

Let's hope not. I don't want him to turn into Bruce Wayne in the DCAU.

different peters the one in Last stand was due to a lot more fighting and lost the one in life story was more settled down just had children that he wanted to see grow
I am interested to see what his final moment will be

Life changes people though too don't forget. When Peter didn't have kids and wife he could "go down swinging". Now that he has kids, he's obviously going to want to raise them the best he can. Its a life ANY Peter could want. Which he throws away for the suit ironically.