Batman: Last Knight on Earth #1 Storytime

Book One: The Cave

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Everything before Omega is kind of idiotic honestly.

You should have just lead with Omega. The idea of normal people who decided fuck it lets turn on the heroes could work if they were being lead by some stronger than Darkseid figure but the number of fucking people it would take to take down Aquaman or even Black Canary is improbable to borderline idiotic.

This feels like it was presented in the wrong order.

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Fuck yeah, Snyder and Capullo delivering again.

Why not Eric Border?

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Bruce is definitely not crazy because learning fighting skills from a hospital coach in an insane asylum is insultingly stupid.

Is this a stealth sequel to future's end one-shot?

>Garden of Eden references
>Captions arranged as a snake
Coincidence or Diana's probably lying?

wait a minute, what? im missing something here, what was with alfred keeping bruce in the asylum with all the villains? what was that all about? how did he end up in the desert?

Nah. Probably to do with Tom Taylor's new mini DCeased.

>Bruce building a machine to make Batmen
That sounds really wrong to me. Snyder's Batman interpretation is weird.

OMEGA = Damian

Snyder wanted really hard to make Paul Pope's Batman: Year 100 canon somehow and lost himself.


So. Something about this spread is probably going to be expanded on or revealed as a twist, but just at face value.
How the fuck did a bunch of edglords rip literally bullet proof Aquaman apart. And Black Canary? If they killed Ollie she'd have fucking just murdered the lot of them with her voice.

those villains were decoys made by toyman. the asylum is probably buried under the sand.

It kinda is.

I think I'm retarded none of this makes any sense to me

might be.

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Batman was shot and is delirious imagining an apoc world and a psychic ward while bleeding out on the wet pavement. This is Batman's mind fizzling out while his body dies.

This is my theory, at least.

I think the weird narration by Bruce Wayne plays into that theory.

Is Snyder one of those writers who keeps playing with the whole Batman/Bruce Wayne are two different minds in the same body thing?

>more likely one of your disciples
You know who it is.

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Obligatory 4U



The face-value plot is people of Earth went crazy, started killing everyone, and then somebody named Omega came in and started mind controlling people. Big war happened, most of the earth is fucked. Bruce died during the initial revolt against heroes. Alfred takes the Batman-cloning device underground and attempts to build a city under a desert so that Batman could live a happy life, but Batman clone wakes up too early and quickly realizes it's all bullshit and leaves to the surface where he finds head-in-a-jar Joker. They meet up with most of the surviving civilians and heroes who are going to fuck off and live in Hades, where it's safe while Joker decides to look for Supes.

"Twist" is probably something along the lines of: - Omega's probably something his dying (or drugged up if he's recovering) brain imagines that winds up being some manifestation of him and his obsession, or it's whoever came up with the initial Batman outline mystery to lure Bruce and then shoot him.

*while him and Joker decide to look for Supes.

The absolute mad man

The events where he gets shot at Crime Alley and what Diana recalls is his death at the hands of the mob don't match up
There's a huge chunk of "what really happened" still missing
Also we don't know who put Joker right there at Alfred's doorstep

da fug?

red (mund) hudd? Oh come on!


Anyone else getting a real The Prisoner vibe from this?

Better than I expected

Fuck ya'll. I like the idea of Batman having a cloning machine so that he can clone his future selves. It's a crazy, weird, and cool idea.

Thanks OP

well no it's bad writing, because if we follow Batman's logic, the one he'd make a cloning machine for is Superman

this was pretty good
much better than anything King has shat out in 3 years

Seems pretty fucking convoluted. If he's arrogant enough to believe that the world will always need a Batman and that Batman has to be him, then Bruce should just get a Lazarus Pit.

So Luthor giving a speech telling everyone to be an asshole is enough to make everybody act like a murderous asshole?

No. The clone machine is for there to always be Batman, not Superman. Superman is already near immortal.
It's about not passing the burden of the cowl to anyone else (but his clones).

That's the thing, everything we get in this apocalyptic setting in terms of answers doesn't really make sense, and if it's the case that this is all bullshit (Batman dreaming/dying/hallucinating) then the "real" explanations of this apocalyptic world ultimately don't really matter. It's still kind of lazy writing if it's never addressed, but still.

Good catch.

This is a pass for me. Thanks OP, btw.

This is about the death of Batman. Be it in the future where he really did die and was resurrected in a world where there are no more heroes, or be it in the idea that Batman doesn't really exist and it was all a dream.

I know what the clone machine is there for, and I said it's bad writing because Batman's actual character would never make it for that or any reason

Wait is Darkseid omega or did Omega kill Darkseid?

oh a wise guy, eh?

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>Batman's actual character would never make it for that or any reason
Why not?

So, not even a single f-bomb. Why is this M rated again?

>that KAra

Because his goal is never to pass down his struggle, he aims to end it in his lifetime. That's the point of his war on crime, so that other people will never have to do what he does. He never wants anyone to go through or live the life he lives and this should apply even to a clone because it's still a different person.
This clone bullshit is a cop out by a bad writer who thought he was being clever and/or cool.

Bu-but what about Year 100?

Unf. I wish I was their prisoner of war.

Come on man, there have been a ton of comics where bad writers have written characters, out of character, which have carried over to later comics before finally getting fixed
Look at what Bendis is doing to Superman right now. Just the Phantom Zone alone is a huge mistake.

No, i get you. I was just making a dumb joke on Snyder's expense. I feel the same as you about Batman.

For some reason writers like the idea of an immortal Batman, but have issues with the Lazarus pit. Hence this shit.

Alright, glad we're on the same page
hope to read with you in future issues

>We need to repopulate Earth
>You'll have to do, kid
>We can start right now, just pick any of us
I will never not be mad that DC will never make official porn comics

Did you even read the run before? this machine was referenced several times before

I'm pretty sure it's a stealth sequel to the 27 story from Detective Comics #27

>the Yea Forums reads comics meme

And the rest...

So we're doing All New All Different Moon Knight now?

I knew about the machine before and it turned me off Snyder's run.



>post apocalyptic setting
>stupid hair
How original.
So is this Metal 2 or something ? Surely sounds as dumb. Premise was promising but this is already beyond repair.

I don't like the fact that Diana backs up from a fight and that out of all people it's her who makes a deal with Hades. But it's probably all a setup for a TWIST that she will come in a clutch to save Bruce's ass once again.

She's trying to save lives, user.

So this ties in with Snyder's Justice League, right?
>World goes to pot
>One of the key factors is one of Bruce's disciples
I think I know where this is going.
Not my first guess, but still possible.

At the very least, the guy who designed the first series of DC Superhero girls or whatever does his own softcore pin-up porn.

Did Snyder play Danganronpa?

The one that felt like Barbie Dolls?

Is anyone else tired of Snyder's boner for Wonder Woman? He always tries to present her as this baddass hero. I bet she's going to have pages and pages dedicated to her at the end with she saving everyone.

Yeah, the whole premise seems to me a bit confusing , like this.


>Omega has the anti-life equation
>Controls a coastline with it
>Amplify it a thousand times and he might control a planet
I guess Darkseid died of disappointment

Oohhh come on. This is so trivial

Oh shit so this does tie to Justice League. I wonder if it's canon

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Fuck, some Yea Forumsmrads remember Future's End. All I remember is the psycho loli with Deathstroke.

I still have this image.

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Since when DC civilians are Marvel civilians?

This is literally the only time I’ve seen him write her in any extended way. She’s all but absent in his JL run (probably because he can’t make her fuck his self insert hero)


He wrote her in Superman: Unchained and METAL. Always the same stuff. Just character wanking her out of the waazoo.

>I'm pretty sure it's a stealth sequel to the 27 story from Detective Comics #27
27 happens waaaaaaaaay in the future, around 270 years from present day, but pic related has the same cloning device as So if we could consider all of snyder's stuff to be canon within one timeline, I'd say it could go like
Futures End>Last Knight>27

Future's End was fun, dumb fun, kinda bummed they will never bring up Tim Drake from that timeline ever again.

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Because he got Manhattan'd.

Snyder started the clone thing with the Future's End one shot, but i think he liked the idea so much he included in his run. Super-Heavy, Batman arc, is all about the cloning device. So is his story in Detective Comics #27.

>kinda bummed they will never bring up Tim Drake from that timeline ever again.
He already ruined an entire Batman Beyond comic that had no reason to exist.

Who's that chinese girl with Tim?

Best thing about this book is the simple fact that Snyder is gonna have 2 Bat books outselling King while Johns outsells HiC

>It's about not passing the burden of the cowl to anyone else (but his clones).
That's just not a very convincing argument. Ignoring that a clone would be considered a separate person in their own right, that just sounds more inefficient than just passing the mantle to someone else.

Leave Snyder's boner alone.
Someone has to atleast try and make WW look like she matters

She was obnoxious as fuck in the Drowned Earth cross-over between Justice League and Aquaman. Pretty much became Aquaman's master Yoda.

4 U

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This was kinda dumb but I liked it

Duke or Jason

Duke is off fucking Gotham Girl so I guess it is Jason.


I mean the guy wrote a book called Batman Eternal.

truly a snyder kino.

Back in new 52 bruce had a holographic mask, it's in the very first issue of Court of the Owls

what's up with Snyder and flies?


Nice catch

Shit I generally don’t care for Snyder and the majority of his Batman run, but this has me intrigued.

What are the odds that some Gentry adjacent being is behind all of this?'s gonna be one of THOSE stories isn't it?

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>Snyder/Capullo kino back on the menu

I swear I've seen this EXACT Batman story at least once. More than once, in fact. I know it was one where a psychiatrist tried to gaslight him into insanity, and the ending implied his insanity was the 'real' world.

It's very similar.

Neil Gaiman's Whatever Happened to the Bat Crusader.

Well it's just a post apocalyptic story at the end...

Legends of the dark Knight by Talbot. Happened even in a silver age Batman story.

>Joker makes lame ass jokes the entire time
I appreciated this.

Damn, Batman has really been desconstructed in every which way you can think of, huh?

Maybe if more old plot lines show up, it’ll be intentional.

If Snyders whole thing is it's own canon, I'm betting Arkham Asylum is just the way to make sure the clone develops properly, with any clone that gives up gets destroyed and another is born till it works. Otherwise, why the fuck is Alfred alive 270 years or so after? Not to mention the time inbetween Bruce dying and the clone being born while the Amazons all look unaged as well?

Is this that big status quo changing thing we were supposed to be getting? Because this is just that episode of Buffy the Vampire Slayer.

When you have been around as long as Batman and Superman have, people tend to run out of new ideas

I don't really care for all the outside elements like Gemworld or Wonder Woman, like, the way they're used here isn't all that fascinating to me, and the Omega plot sounds like a Year of The Villain lead in. I liked the beginning a lot, Joker and the art. I think this could've all been better if it only used Batman characters and stuff.

that's fucking gay holy shit

all is forgiven snyder

huh, ended up really enjoying this. Has that Old Man Logan vibe to it.

user, that was in King’s run.

This was a damn good issue. I think in particular what we need to think about is how Snyder is framing it. He said that Morrison told him that every Batman writer post-Miller needs to have a beginning story and an end story. If Zero Year is his beginning story, then this is his end story. His TDKR.

So far it's a damn good end story.

Yo did any one see the trailer for thic book on Instagram it's pretty cool

Post-apocalyptic DC, Joker's head in a jar.It's nice someone remembers Infinite Crisis.

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Personally, I hate it. It implies that Bruce doesn't trust anyone but himself to watch out for Gotham and the rest of the world. I'll always be more of a fan of Morrison's take, which is that no matter what happens to Bruce Wayne, Batman and Robin will never die. There will always be successors, always be someone who takes on the ideal of Batman. Whether it's Dick, Damian, Terry, or that one dude from Batman One Million.

Everyone has their own way of coming to the resolution that the true end of Batman is realizing it's okay to pass on his mission to someone else

It's like said, it's pretty arrogant of bruce to assume that only he could be Batman.

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While Snyder is kind of a one trick writer, I absolutely loved his bat run (mostly for Capullo' s art, but also for Snyder's fresh takes. Out of all the new 52 forced continuity adjustments, Snyder's were the most creative IMO). The first act of Zero Year has some of the best action, fan service that is actually good, and potentially Capullo's best art of the entire run. Superheavy with Gordon as Robobunny Bat-private security firm was just crazy enough to work and tied together his new 52 run quite nicely. It may have it's issues and errors, but Snyder and Cap's run is the only other bat run besides Morrison's that has been remotely close to memorable (I'm talking multiple years long runs). I'm glad to see the team back together... these past few years have been so shitty for Batman and DC in general that it makes Snyder and Capullo look like fucking O'neil and Adams! Capullo is certainly tight as ever, dude has grown into a master. Its funny, I hated his art in Batman #1 and now he's my favorite modern bat artist. Im sure he has his various inspirations, but I don't see other artists in his style like you can see with somebody like Quitely, Kubert or the countless Latin artists DC hires for pennies.

Maybe actually teaching a lunatic how to fight isn't such a good idea after all.

What's with the weird number of people trying to put this in-continuity? I mean it builds off Snyder's Batman run but what the fuck is with the people thinking this is the fucking 'twist' Tom King was talking about or this being related to DCeased?

Maybe because I haven't seen Buffy, but this reminds me heavily of Lemire's MK run.

I think it could work as a last resort, i.e. there was no one else to take up the mantle. Though the original story it shows up in, Snyder portrays it as Bruce’s go to solution. That I don’t like.

He said it was his end story for so many others, the guy's a hack.

So, remove Joker's ability to kill on sight and suddenly he's funny and charming? Hold the fucking phones.

Getting caught was part of the plan

->Not good odds
>Right. For you.
What awkward phrasing

Snyder always rights Alfred as being a controlling lunatic

Getting caught was part of my plan


I haven't seen this.

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I thought Joker only had flies around because of his face.


It appears so.

I have to say I was pretty entertained by this so far. Normal Batman issues aren't really doing it for me anymore, but something that's really weird and not following the main canon like this is pretty good.

It's weird that this is unequivocally the best Joker Snyder has ever written and all it took was for him to remove everything from the neck down so he couldn't be tempted to have him do anything

What's with the sudden rise of the Anti-life Equation recently? First DCeased and now this.

Pretty popular fictional device that lets you do any mind control plot. At this point I find it overplayed.

Wait how is Eric in the hospital, if Joker's head is in a jar?

Diana, I don't understand what happened, Diana

Looks like somebody didn't proofread this page

>So this ties in with Snyder's Justice League, right?
Feels like it.

Moon Knight was far from the first comic to do it.

Everyone in Arkham (and everyone that would be in the fake Gotham) except Alfred were robots set up by Alfred and Toyman.

The disciple thing is a red herring, Omega is old man Bruce

Lollipop Chainsaw?

>Master Blaster reference

Euch. Bottom of the barrel post-apocalypse memes.

Snyder himself said lkoe was non canon

>Batman & Noggin

I wish I wasn't such a basic bitch when it comes to humor.

Even if he didn't wake up early, did Alfred really think he could trick nu-Bruce for at least the rest of his life?

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This is the weirdest version of Wizard of Oz I seen since the one with the gender swap princess.

I'm getting caught up on King's Batman, and I realized the other day that I read King and Snyder's Joker as John DiMaggio. Weirdest thing.

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There is a manga where a kid who got in jail for killing his parents gets trained in mixed martial arts on prison. The logic there is that by teaching them how to fight they would learn when not to fight.


Tell Gina I said 'Hi'

oh god this batman omega symbol is pure sex

This is an interesting concept. Never thought the projections could become self aware.

Underrated Joker. John was able to depict him as this gruffer, but still very monstrous Joker and a believable human schmuck back when he was a patsy Red Hood:

Nah... OMEGA is.. Harper Row.

Or you could just do what Bane did and invent your own fighting style out of necessity in countless prison brawls.

I liked this Joker

user, what do you mean, user?

He's right after Hamill as far as I'm concerned. And there's something about that 'seething hatred just under the surface' really fits in with Snyder's take on the character.

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This is straight up fury road lol

That might have been my issue. I'm gonna try and reread the Synder stuff with the DiMaggio voice instead of Hamil's

Couldn't hurt. I mean, I know reading Morrison's Joker with Hamill's voice greatly enhanced the experience for me.

I'm enjoying the hell out of this, it's basically Fury Road but with Batman, and that's absolutely my fetish. But man am I ever with you, the Doom shit is dumb as hell on every level. So, what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna just assume that it was the Anti-Life Equation that did it, made everyone strong enough to kill Aquaman with their bare hands and proceed from there. The comic is absolutely the kind of dumb that I love overall, but the Doom shit is the bad kind of dumb and Snyder needs to stop with that shit.

I want to FUCK nurse Harley

Yeah but that was before the new 52
Remember that by the end of it Morrison turned "Batman and Robin will never die" from a hopeful phrase to a cynical "Time Warner will always have Bruce as Batman, we are never getting out of the status quo"
Which is pretty much what Snyder did
Bruce Wayne will always be Batman, because you need to sell toys to the normies kids

The idea that all the Robins DESERVE to Batman is also shitty as fuck. Specially when the whole idea of Nightwing was to step outside the shadow of Batman and forge a brighter destiny. Bruce would never want for his sons to pick his cowl. The Batman burden is HIS, no one elses.

Fair enough, but I don't think there's anyone on Earth that wants to be Batman as much as Damian does.

Yeah, but even Grant made a point of showing that's a bad idea. Damian sold his soul to the devil in order to be a competent Batman and Gotham ended being overrun by Jokerzied zombies and being nuked by the White House.

Well, he's thirteen now, and is supposed to sell his soul to Hurt on his fourteenth birthday. Various writers have all said that Gotham is still headed in the direction of Damian not being enough to keep the city from being nuked, so it all depends on if he sells his soul or not. If he doesn't, he's just a competent Batman, instead of a godly one, and Hurt doesn't tell the president to burn Gotham down and salt the ashes.

But the idea that Grant was trying to prove is that Damian shouldn't force himself to be Batman.

Yeah, and that's what I'm saying. If he sells his soul, then all bets are off the table and he's signed himself on to that future. If he doesn't do it, then he's leaving the door open to other ventures, one of which includes being Batman. And if he does, then he would be coming at the role from a better, different direction than if he'd sold his soul. Less obsessive, less dark, less ruthless, that sorta thing.

Omega is Alfred. There’s going to be a reunion in the rain as Batman finally realizes what else he’s been doing with his time.

Got it.

Actually this raises an interesting point, Why HASN'T the Wayne Foundation tried to buy out and re-from Arkham Asylum?
Closest I can think of was when Bruce went broke and Arkham moved into his Manor. Good shit, that comic.

Probably liability reasons, much easier to pump money into the place and make demands.

call me stupid if you must but this is the kind of what if balls to the walls silly stuff i like in comics

>Bruce would never want for his sons to pick his cowl. The Batman burden is HIS, no one elses.
That's such pretentious bullshit in trying to excuse a contrived premise of Batman cloning himself.

It's a jump, but he gives you just enough to puzzle it out, and not with any difficulty.
Something horrible happened, and Alfred got Toyman to make robots and a stretch of fake Gotham.

There's still a few holes in the premise, but there's plenty of pages left.

>Not Joe Kerr

Ah shit, here we go again.

Just have them fuck already, Snyder. We all know you want it.

>Bruce dying broke Alfred so hard he decided to kill everything
Now that's a twist

Thanks for the storytime.

gorgeous page

>purple lightning
Oh shit.


>who killed the world
I think you're on to something here, user.

That's Scarecrow, note the noose and syringe fingers.

Those are Scarecrow and Bane

Snyder's really good at writing nightmare scenarios.

>the bat symbol is just ‘W’ for ‘Wayne’


>Redmun Hudd

What did he mean by this?

Red Hudd

You're right. This is a huge breath of fresh air compared to King.

I think Tomasi's Detective Comics is good too though so it's not like this is the first good Batman book in years.

>Batman and Noggin

God dammit.

So he stole Man-Bat's fingers?

I am very upset at myself for not getting it without help.

Me too, user. Me too.

Entirely possible, but that looks like metal until the knuckles.

I was like "Okay, there's some joke here that I'm not quite getting."


That's exactly what I was thinking. I even went through a couple pages of paper trying to work it out "Jumble" style, rearranging the letters and not getting anywhere.

Those look more like robot claws with syringe fingers to me.

>these designs

Attached: death by snu snu.gif (480x360, 1.71M)

So I guess this is gonna be fucking weird then huh


Attached: BANE.gif (371x500, 2.13M)

>since the one with the gender swap princess.
I'm gonna need a name, user.

Getting caught was part of my plan

Diana's mohawk is stupid and I'm not fond of the slight buzz in Ivy's head.
Kara is perfect though.

Alright, Snyder, you got me just don't fuck it up this time.

It especially works with the lines where he's reciting a limerick.

Because Batman wants a shitty AA so the inmates will escape and he can catch them again.

i like this "prince lothric and lorian" team up

What was that miniseries from a few years ago, where they relocate Arkham into Wayne Manor? I wanna say it came out around the time as Gotham Academy, but then again, I'm pretty damn sure Bruce was Batman at the time. Damn. All I can remember is it takes place in winter, and was surprisingly good.

So Alfred just kept him sedated and wanted Bruce to think he murdered his parents and he was crazy all along just so Bruce wouldn't be Batman?

thats what im wondering. that doesnt sound like alfred at all. im guessing snyder had a concept that he just tried to fit a cool story around, which is how he writes and could be the reason he cant end a comic to save his life. thank god capullo and glapion are here to pull most of the weight

This is realy really weird.

To be fair, there seems to be quite a bit of time from the end of the world, and this Bruce we see here. Considering the chalkline is done by a giant hand literally drawing it, there’s got to be some crazy shit doing on.

Maybe Bruce waking up in AA is just one of the clones from the machine being activated but then why give him the origin of having killed his parents?

To keep him in Arkham, and try to prevent him from going into the outside world for as long as possible. Alfred said he woke up a few years too early, so he was probably winging it at that point to stall him for as long as possible.

This sounds like Morrison's Zurr-en-arrh story but much more grand scale. I think I prefer Batman brain hacking himself with a back-up personality better than being a clone/his brain dying

>Well, he's thirteen now, and is supposed to sell his soul to Hurt on his fourteenth birthday
Is Damian in Gotham now? Because Batman getting shot in Crime Alley in the beginning of this book would tie in real nicely with the origin of DamianBats. Drawing a chalk outline 5 feet at a time just to lure Batman into a trap and then shoot him seems like a very Doctor Hurt and/or Antichrist Batman thing to do too.

Another pretty big reason to dislike the Batman clone machine is that it's an idea that came from fucking Darkseid, and it didn't even work when he tried it. I'm just waiting for the shoe to drop and for this machine to backfire on Batman in a really bad way.

Attached: RCO008.jpg (1056x1600, 376K)

There isn't a giant hand drawing the chalk you fucking dunce. There are random 5 inch lines being drawn all around the city and when ran through his dumbass computer it showed that they lined up to create an outline

tynion wrote batman eternal my nigga