HEROES IN CRISIS #9 Story-Time of Pain

Here it is. Tom King's magnum opus.

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Tom King is a crybaby

Ablooo momy i was i iraq

Mama agooo bobobob

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Welp, strapping myself in to be pissed off. Thanks OP

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So, from any speakers here, how shitty is that French?

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The book has been a failure and now we're all just worried about just how fucked up Wally is gonna be at the end. I hope it's not too bad

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>and now we're all just worried about just how fucked up Wally is gonna be at the end.
Pretty sad that this is the major take away. I wonder how King feels about that. That people only care about his grand story of mental heath in that they wonder how badly it fucks over the characters he put into it.
Hopefully like shit, fuck that asshole.

This silly thing with the Robins is going to happen throughout the whole issue.

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>at the end
What kind of silver lining would you even expect at this point?

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They can't all be Mister Miracle, folks. This series reeks of executive meddling.

I am definitely on the "fuck King" wagon now.

Took me longer than some since I don't care about Batman.

>I don't even know what Will is
Nice that they allowed Hal to be retarded for a bit

>"Then he comes back and they're like "hey, you're hope, you're rebirth, this is wonderful for you," and he's like "yeah, and where's my family?" They're like "no, no, don't think about that. Just ignore that, you're rebirth now, you're hope." I feel like it's that moment that people come back from being overseas, and they get off and they're home and they're like "oh, that's great, you're a soldier, thank you for your service, you're a hero now." And I'm like, "well you know, I kind of had some experiences..." "No, no, don't worry about those experiences man, you're the fucking hero, you're the best person alive now. You're a symbol of America." And how am I going to live life as a symbol for America when all I can feel inside is like I've lost something, you know? That's what I was trying to say with Wally."
>Tom King

Isn't that what Rich Johnston was also trying to claim about it?

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I like King too! I just feel bad for him. no one bats 1000

This is just as shitty as Mister Miracle

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Props on Johns for remembering Kole.

What a lil bitch

>You are the funny guy that everyone loves nightwing..

This better not end with Ivy becoming the new protector of the green, I swear to god if he fucks Swampy over as well.
>I like King too
lol, fuck King

Why King have to always run a joke into the ground? Same thing with Kiteman and the whole "Fuck yeah!" thing.

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What a nice moment for these murderous supervillains.

Fuck off

I get the idea but he just flubbed it real bad. I think structuring this as a mystery fucked it.

>Not giving them a kiss



Heroes In Crisis #9 Review – A Narrative Failure With Some Lovely Vistas and Headshots

Posted by Rich Johnston

Heroes In Crisis #9 by Tom King and Clay Mann is published on Wednesday. This is intended to be a non-spoilery review – if you want spoilers and wish to read behind the lines, you will find some of what you seek here.

This series has been a hard comic book for many to love, if only because it promised much. A story about superheroes dealing with the psychological impact that lives must play on them, written by an accomplished comic book writer and former CIA agent, it felt as if it could use the superhero analogy to explore how real life people deal with such trauma in the lives while serving on the line, and yet get up, go back and face it again – or are unable to. Some of the best superhero books have been ones that have used the graphic immediacy and adrenaline of the genre to highlight aspects of real life, sometimes clumsily and sometimes with great nuance – and in doing so speak to people in a way that dry textbooks or real life documentary simply could not. This was the promise of Heroes In Crisis, and from the offset it failed that promise, giving us the deaths of almost everyone at the Sanctuary, a fight between the two suspects, Harley Quinn and Booster Gold, both believing the other to be the guilty party, and the book turning into a whodunnit as the details of everyone’s therapy sessions went the way of Wikileaks.

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>Not liking King's Mister Miracle

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I hate how thematically inconsistent those confessions are within the same page, you get serious stuff like Guy doubting himself or Kole's whole deal but then it also has hurr durr which one am I and "my head's on fire bruh"

>Wally giving himself a pep-talk now
Wait what

As superheroes streak across the sky…

Throughout the book, we still see those ‘testimonials’, these tiny snippets into the characters’ real lives, and they have continued to intrigue, entertain and provoke, one of the books’ successful aspects. And these tiny headshots stand in contrast to Clay Mann’s vistas, especially the title pages, giving us the kind of grand scale that suits what this comic has become. With the final issues, all these aspects are at their peak, Mann forming Heroes In Crisis as clouds in the sky as the superheroes streak through it, leaving trails.

And the headshots expand across the DC Universe, the final issue especially scattering the testimonials of all the different Robins who seem to be obsessed with how people see everyone else who is a Robin, while also dropping in psychological insights into a variety of characters – and some potential upset for Dr Will Magnus. Indeed, many of these headshots could spin off into their own series, with just their one line for inspiration. The Rotten Frankenstein? It begins here.

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Don't bring Detective Chimp into this shit show. Fuck you King, leave him alone.

If Ivy is the new Swamp Thing, does that make Harley the new Abby Arcane? Also Fick you King, if you're gonna to make them meet again the very least you could do is giving him a kiss scene, you coward

A narrative failure…

But for all this style and snippeting, Heroes In Crisis is an overall narrative failure. Not as much as, say, Identity Crisis (oh and that comes up in Heroes In Crisis as well) but the comic seems to concentrate its storytelling on that which should have mattered least. It threw away a fascinating concept that could have been explored in depth, reducing it to a trope about the dangers of the mentally diverse, and ending up with ‘with great power, there must also come responsibility’. It’s very pretty but in the end seems to say so little, when it had the potential to say so, so much. Instead, we get a very special episode of Saturday Morning Watchmen.

That’s more true of the final episode though, previous episodes have a lot more to recommend them in part. The previous issue that saw Wally West go through his rationale for doing what he did, trying to cover up the accident, trying to put things right before taking his own life, spoke to me deeply. But it felt like it was meant to lead to something that now it seems just wasn’t ever there. With the final chapter much of that seems to have been thrown away, or countered with pat answers, Flash’s five days seemed wasted, leaving me disappointed.

A curate’s comic…

There do appear to be many fingerprints on those narrative choices, but that’s neither here nor there, the finished comic is the finished comic. And it is by no means a bad comic, in the words of the curate, some parts of it are excellent. But overall, given what it seems to promise, it is a disappointing one. As ever, your mileage may vary.

And we’ll always have those headshots and Clay Mann vistas…

>now I suddenly don't want to kill myself and know better!
What the fuck
What is this writing

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Clay Mann really is a fantastic artist though

Kyle is just Mexican in this now.

He stated he did not know Spanish back in his own run around 98. But now he apparently does.

>my whole run is bombing harder than the Enola Gay what do
>I'll throw some /u/shit at the internet
And like that he's conjured an army out of thin air. Fuck you King.

Yeah, I happen to like Kirby's Mister Miracle

>What is this writing
I don't think this is writing, I think it's editorial mandate.

I am furious that they don't get a proper kiss

I'm honestly baffled right now. I thought this couldn't get any fucking worse but now Wally SUDDENLY DOESN'T WANT TO DIE despite wanting to die 2 mins ago and nothing actually happening to change that besides Booster and Harley being retarded in the background.

Yeah, poor little King is 100% free of blame
I swear this board is full of schizos

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>bringing my nigga Tommy into this

King wrote Kyle as a Catholic and Spanish speaking speaking naive fool who was left depressed and suicidal by his his experiences in Omega Men.

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Review: Heroes in Crisis #9 (of 9)
by Johnny "The Machine" Hughes

Here we go!

The Flashes are together, along with the heroic posing “not a team” of Batgirl, Harley, Booster and Blue Beetle. Throw in Ivy doing a Swamp Thing impression and you have the ingredients of the final issue of a series that promised so much; it’s up to you to decide if you think it has delivered.

The “not a team” has caught up with young and old Flash. Alarms have been triggered which means that Batman and the League are on the way. Now is the time, no pun intended, to resolve the what’s happened, has happened and how to get out of it.

Hate when they try and write the Robins like that. So fucking garbage.

>white washes Damian
>makes Kyle full beaner
Is this reverse racism?

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Sideways was actually in-character at least
Imagine being this retarded. If anything editors told him to knock at least a bit of the retarded shit off, though now this whole thing is just stupid (I mean it always was but now it just doesn't make sense)

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Meanwhile Kyle had no fucking idea he was half mexican until he met his father. In his mid 20s.

Tom King, the recently announced deportee of the Batman book and writer of an upcoming Bat and Cat 12 issue maxi series, continues to try and cover as much art as possible with word balloons. As is the norm, we get some more therapy sessions. By now, they are not as fun or as intriguing as they used to be. I guess that’s what happens when you over use a trope. That said, the various Robin’s perceptions were interesting to see, though including Nightwing is a bit of a stretch considering what is going on in his book. In fact, not to be the continuity police here, but Jason Blood doesn’t have a demon in him anymore, Jessica Cruz is in the Ghost sector, Martian Manhunter is stuck out with the Justice League……do I need to go on? For the most part the dialogue is better than in previous issues, focusing as it does on the Harley and Ivy reunion, the Flashes and Booster being, well time-bonkers Booster. Which leads to one of the big problems in the book. To resolve the problem of the dead body, the body that caused Batman and Barry Allen problems, we get a one panel explanation of going to the future to “fast clone” a body. So the end of a nine issue run, that answer is to time travel to the future to solve a problem. Now that this particular cat is out of the bag, why can’t “travelling to the future” be used to solve every problem? Don’t know how to catch the Joker? Zip ahead to the future, see how you do it, then go back and do it! Don’t know where the hidden hideout of whomever is? Zip to the past and follow him as he’s builds it and then back to your own time to catch him! To all intents and purposes this is a lazy deus ex machina of the very worst kind!

Tom King is the fucking worst

wait, what's with Kyle?


Thanks for the gratuitous shitty Spanish, King. Was this run through Google translate or something?

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He is from fucking Mexico you goddamn moron. He was invented to be the multicultural lantern back in the 90s

Read a fucking comic

I thought DC was trying to move on Dr. Rape.
Why the fuck is she implying that shit. Goddamn Didio. What did the Dibneys do to make you hate them so much?

Sideways.. I missed him.

What in the goddamn hell caused Wally to take this sudden 180 on his stupid retarded plan

It was King fucking up hard enough to ruin Rebirth's momentum that forced Editorial to step in.

Agggghhhhh!!! Why in this book?!

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Umm yea, he's from Tijuana and is from a traditional family. Of course he would be Catholic and speak mostly Spanish

No he wasn't you jack ass. He wasn't an Irish/Mexican mix until Winick.

You're the one everyone wants to fuck, Dick.

Why lie on the internet of all places?

at least my man Sideways is showing up...


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Reminder that time travel is busted right now which is why Captain Cold is stuck in the past

He was raised by a mother as an Irish Catholic.
His deadbeat dad was a mexican that he didn't meet until halfway though his series.

Goddamn that Red Hood costume is garbage why don’t they go back to the old one or take the ones from the Arkham Game.

Thanks for sparing me the pain.

I speak french and her sentence makes no sense.

because King is just using the ship as window dressing, he's not going to call the coin toss DC has gone to such great lengths keeping up in the air

Rayner isn't a Spanish surname. Are you brain damaged or something?

I sure as hell know that it's not a fucking emotion, Hal.

So you are talking about 2 universe reboots ago. Actually 3. Lots of shit has changed since Winnick, and this is one of them.

I am fine with disgust

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you're literately lying or retarded

What was the point of this event other than ruining Wally?

Thanks, that's what I figured.


Rayner is a French surname, retard. His father was later retcon to being a Mexican by Judd Winick.

I didn't see this coming and it honestly got a chuckle out of me.

Kyle Rayner only started to speak Spanish in Tom King's Omega Men. Bad Spanish too.

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The stupid thing is they even half assed ruining Wally since no one but I guess the child murdering Harley) cares.
This is fucking dumb


When he has been present on the book, Clay Mann has produced some fantastic art. This issue is no exception. Gorgeous, fluid lines are used to emphasise the characters, both in the aforementioned action poses and in the more sombre Flash with Flash scenes. There is an exuberance to the Harley and Ivy get together that speaks volumes of the love that this pair have for each other. Mann has courted some controversy with how he has depicted the women in this series: I don’t have a problem with it at all, though I am sure something will be said about the Batgirl pose early on in this issue. My final comment on the art, I am glad that someone thought it a good idea to put the names of the characters who were receiving therapy in the panel; I wouldn’t have recognised Spoiler in a million years and I am a huge Spoiler fan! The colors are gorgeous. Tomeu Morey has been spectacular throughout this series, giving the book a very mature look and feel. Letterer Clayton Cowles has also been fantastic, handing the sheer verbosity of the dialogue with sublime skill.

Jesus Christ, King

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Whole fucking world was reboot in Rebirth and again in Flashpoint. Barry is a mopey smartass, Superman was not married, Wally is a black guy, and Kyle is a chicano from Tijuana now. Shit is different and it was explained a long damn time ago

Killing of some Titans I guess

>is that a Vision refrence?

I dont... i have no words...

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>Red Tornado
>literally used for a shout out to his retarded Vision series

King trying to be deep in a way that really cemented how shallow he truly is.

Why does King always make Catwoman meow? It's not cute or endearing, she just sounds retarded.

Fucking hell he's trying to lay the groundwork for Red Tornado to become DC's Vision.

>seems legit

Yelp. That's it. What are you guys opinion of it?

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I agree with Manhunter.

I mentioned above that the “fast clone” was one of my problems with this issue and probably the story as a whole. In my opinion, there is a greater problem and it boils down to the final production of an otherwise well intentioned idea. Heroes in Crisis was billed as “how does a superhero handle PTSD?” This is taken from DC’s own website by the way. We have been given Sanctuary, a place where heroes can get treatment. Though for Wally West, that treatment pretty much failed him, and when he acted out, through the throes of his mental health condition, he gets put in jail!

I am going to just let that sit there.

Wally West has a mental health breakdown and was put in jail!

Is this really the message that Tom King and DC want to put out there to their readers, any of whom could be having a mental health moment. When dealing with real life problems, I find this outcome wholly unsatisfactory and wholly irresponsible. Through comics, in fact all entertainment, you have an opportunity to reach people and change minds. Heroes in Crisis, in the very end, only manages to re-establish the stigma of mental health.

Writing – 0 Stars
Art – 4 Stars
Colors – 5 Stars

2 Stars

Fucking garbage

Has Jim Corrigan been listening to Linkin Park or some shit?

So Superman asked America if he goes crazy will they still call him Superman?


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So Rich lied about King ever thinking about killing Bunker since he was a no show in this. King probably has no fucking idea who he is.

I can't believe I'm saying this but I hope Johns uses Doomsday Clock to retcon this bullshit 100% out.

>the end
Wait, wasn't this supposed to be 12 issues?

>Red Tornado is building a family
Is Champion gonna be canon?


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It was supposed to be 8

This is the dumbest thing...it's like King inserted a golden age bit into the end? What kind of a fucking schizo? Jesus.

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Since when has Rayner been a Spanish surname?

No, it was actually shorter originally before they made some filler issues because Mann was falling behind


DC Comics reviews for 5/29/19 – Heroes in Crisis #9
by Jeffrey Lyles

Heroes in Crisis is done. Maybe the most divisive comic book event DC has done since Identity Crisis is over. Was there any way writer Tom King could stick the landing and make sense of it all? In a word: no.

King had dug himself too gigantic a hole to fix in 25 pages. It didn’t help that he wasted too many on the Sanctuary confessionals. They’re to show despite the major tragedy, it’s back up and running with no fallout from Batman, Superman and Wonder Woman’s superhero retreat.

Batgirl & Harley Quinn and Booster Gold & Blue Beetle arrive at Sanctuary just in time to stop Wally West from killing his future/past self. This was convoluted and despite using some valuable page real estate trying to explain it, King can’t make it work. It’s at this point where the spotlight issue on Gnarrk seems like a huge waste of time.

I really hate King’s take on Harley Quinn as he gives her the mentality of a seven-year-old who talks in fragments instead of full sentences. The Harley/Batgirl pairing never works either and the level of familiarity where Batgirl calls Harley “hon” seems amazingly out of character. At least Booster and Beetle are entertaining.

The whole Wally accidentally killing everyone at Sanctuary and then framing Booster and Harley doesn’t really get addressed. It seemed like this series really needed a conversation between Wally and Barry Allen, which we don’t get here.

This felt like King realized he needed to wind things up and tried to cover all the bases, but so many subplots he introduced feel slighted and underdeveloped. That’s frustrating when King had nine issues to work with, but so many earlier issues failed to properly move the story forward.

Why is Kyle praying in Spanish?

That’s the only time in 8 months has King written her in character

Until this shit is retconned i'm done paying for DC based stuff. This has been a failure on every single level and shows just how shallow and poor at writing King really is.
Fuck it, I hope Marvel really does kill the company because DC fucking deserves it with all this awful shit lately.

It might be DC's worst event.

It's certainly up there. Others were terrible,but at least they didn't think they were important and insightful.

Clay Mann’s art is gorgeous. He’s exceptional in these dialogue heavy issues and this issue was no exception. Tomeu Morey’s color work is incredible and really sells the countryside chat tone of the issue.

Heroes in Crisis is going to go down as one of those well-intentioned series that never quite clicked. Exploring heroes’ mental health is a great idea, but King never managed to find the right approach. If you stuck with the series hoping for a good payoff this one is a huge disappoint, which encapsulates the series as a whole.

Rating: 3 out of 10

This is nonsense. It doesn't even deserve an autistic 5 minute Linkfaggot speech. It's just nonsense.

My god why would they reopen this hell whole.

That was just way too easy a resolution. He might as well stood there and said "Speed force" and walked away with no one bother with him at all.

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Words fail me to describe this... this... this thing.
I'm pretty sure King is responsible for the deaths of dozens of soldiers and civilians in the Middle East and this hodgepodge is his intent to convince himself it wasn't his fault using West as an expy of himself. This man is clearly delusional and needs to be instituinalized for the rest of his life


Heroes in Crisis #9 Review: Fast casualty

Trying to put heroes in the “real world” doesn’t work.
By Alex Curtis

In the words of Mark from Spectrum Pulse… this is a big one, folks. To prep for the end of Tom King’s controversial, divisive mini-series, I reread all of Heroes In Crisis. What I found was a series with some serious ambition in trying to tackle trauma and superheroes marred by bad pacing, irritating main characters, and distracting storytelling choices. So, no. The finale does not turn things around. In fact, it compounds problems that reveal the very concept as a fraudulent attempt to be gritty.

Before I get into specifics, let’s look at the broad picture. Inherently, the concept for this series doesn’t work. King’s gimmick for this series is that superheroes, if they were real people, would suffer PTSD like soldiers, cops, or other people in intense professions.

But the fantasy for us readers is that these heroes face evil with gumption and a drive to protect the little people (us). We paradoxically want to be these heroes but crave peace and a lack of conflict. Trying to put heroes in the “real world” doesn’t work because, well, comics aren’t real life. Granted, “traumatized heroes” could be an interesting Else Worlds piece if done better. But, sorry Tom King and Zack Snyder, heroes aren’t real and trying to put them in a real world is a clumsy paradox. We’d all do better to think of superheroes as Grant Morrison does, as: “magnificent bullshit.”

This page is pretty much Tom King complaining about you guys hating on his work and telling you guys that he's smarter and know better.

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So Roy, and the rest are still dead?????

Which Question is this?

Roy will be brought back in a few months, he always does. The rest are fucked

As far as I know, this story is in continuity. So apparently while Superman is zipping around, protecting humanity with a smile in Brian Michael Bendis’s wonderful comics, he’s stewing inside like the rest of us. That shatters the fantasy these comics allow. Instead of inspiring, Heroes In Crisis insists these fantasy beings are just as miserable as the rest of us. There are some brilliant gritty DC comics, but those are almost always out of continuity and therefore function on their own terms, i.e, The Dark Knight Returns.

SPOILERS for Heroes in Crisis #8, but the killer is Wally West. Devastated by his actions, past Wally West is confronted by the future version, who extends a helping hand. Meanwhile, Booster Gold and company stand by, forgive Flash, and help him “fix” his mistake. Grossly, the heroes dismiss Flash’s mass murder as, “Oh well. We all slip sometimes, right? Bros before heroes!” This mentality is incredibly disturbing if you replace heroes with soldiers or cops. If this series were rewritten so Flash’s actions actually happened too quickly, it might work. But he took his sweet time covering the evidence and didn’t turn himself in only to say, “it all happened so fast.” Yeah right, murderer.

I don’t want to dismiss trauma or say people that have done bad things can’t redeem themselves or be good. But if King wanted Flash to represent people with trauma…he’s the one who should be worried about dismissing people in pain, because Flash and the forgiving heroes come across as despicable.

>Metamorpho origins
is that a Doomsday Cock reference?

Remember when DC was advertising this story during SDCC and they had King and Didio on bathrobes in CBR's yatch roleplaying like folks were in Sanctuary or something?

On that note–what does anybody learn? Flash learns to forgive himself despite his hideous crimes, but what did Booster and Harley and Bat Girl get out of this? The Trinity would have been far more interesting protagonists, but the last few issues cycled them out. I suppose if you’re invested in Harley Quinn and Poison Ivy you might find their reunion cute…but once again, nobody learns anything or changes. Even if you strip away all the other problems, Heroes In Crisis doesn’t even work as a basic story with interesting characters or a cohesive narrative.

To make it worse, this sorrowful predicament is “fixed” by some convoluted time travel plan awkwardly explained by Booster Gold. Heroes In Crisis, most of all, is a tonal trainwreck, and the finale is the worst example.

So, a beloved hero just mass murdered a truckload of heroes in a story about PTSD written by a former FBI agent who served in Iraq–but he’s able to fix it by going into the 25th century with Booster Gold before Harley Quinn knees him in the crotch. King has been shooting himself in the foot since #1 by having Booster Gold and Harley Quinn as the main characters, but now they exemplify the grating tonal problems. King tries to go 100% in both whimsical super antics AND depressing trauma drama; and by doing so, both are failed, especially when propped up against each other.

Dick is the accidental success. Batman was flying by the seat of his pants and managed to raise a better person than himself.
Jason is the regretful failure. Bruce thought he could do it again, but didn't realize Jason wasn't Dick soon enough.
Tim is the more perfect model. Batman knows what works, where he screwed up, and where he doesn't have a damn clue.
Damian is the unexpected son that he has to train to hold back and be an actual hero. When he actually bothers with the boy, he's doing a good job.

While it’s nice to have somebody with the structural formalism of Tom King, all too often his adherence to structures stifles, like the 9 panel grid confessions, which cram in lame pop psychology about every hero he can think of. These snippets rarely transcend beyond the level of a 12 year old “truth bombing” that Batman would be crazy in “real life.” On top of that, these intermissions act like speed bumps that keep taking us out of the narrative.

Most of this issue consists of people standing around spewing overwritten excuses, which leaves Booster’s complicated plan only two pages (count ’em) to happen, relayed by voice-over. King has always struggled with pacing in the comic medium, but I don’t think I’ve read such a rushed conclusion even from him.

Clay Mann can draw some beautiful art…but he’s not exactly given the best material. Most of this issue consists of people standing around in a desolate field. Luckily, there are some splash pages where Mann can show off his acute understanding of anatomy.

I truly adored these threads while they lasted, just watching this whole board go fucking apeshit. It was so genuinely entertaining. I’m gonna miss these cold winter mornings.

Isn't that the question of the day?

That's the Question

Is it good?

If the point of this series is to make a grand statement on trauma and those suffering from it—Heroes in Crisis miserably fails. Instead, it’s insulting and offensive. If the point of this series is to be entertaining with a semblance of a good narrative—this series fails once again. Hopefully this mostly panned series will force King to reconsider his style.

Occasionally beautiful panels

Problematic concept with an awful resolution

Tonal nightmare

Heroes are irritating and most learn nothing

Terrible pacing

Clay Mann isn’t given much to do and hardcore shirks on backgrounds

Score: 3 (Meh)

I hate harely so much

So the worst mental health care facility imaginable just keeps going with no changes?


So Wally is forgiven for killing everyone. Despite Wally's death being a "fixed point in time", Wally doesn't die. He turns himself in and that's it. This story exists just to put Wally in jail.


Heroes in Crisis #9 Review

by Hussein Wasiti

This has been one of the most genuinely strange comics I've ever read from DC, and not in the "it's so goofy and fun, I can't believe they're publishing this!" kind of way. No. I've said my piece about this series but with its conclusion I obviously have some new thoughts on the matter.

Clay Mann and Tomeu Morey do some fantastic work together. I'm still not entirely sold on Mann's style. There's something stiff about his figure work that I can't exactly put together, and I'm not the biggest fan of his faces. Morey is the star of the show for me, shining a gorgeous light on these pages and creating a unique visual style that doesn't look like any other book on the stands right now.

I'm getting mixed signals from this book. It was billed as a murder mystery but the very structure of the piece didn't support that kind of storytelling. There were no proper suspects aside from all the readers trying to come up with a list in their minds, Tom King didn't provide any worthwhile interesting clues to get readers to play along, and so forth. This has gone on for eight issues so I couldn't help but assume that there's more to the story aside from the mystery aspect.

No, fine works too.

That's implying Mister Miracle was good though. King hasn't put out a good book since Batman annual #2

He stole it from an episode of Dr. Who.

Why are they acting like leaking Sanctuary was a good thing? Because he didn't just leak Sanctuary's existence, he violated the privacy of his friends by watching their confidential testimonials and then sending them to the press.

As an examination of mental health, especially the trauma of Wally West, I must say I found this comic to be entirely and unequivocally unsuccessful to me. I found this to be a cold and unmoving comic, providing barebones mental health analysis in an attempt to elevate it. There aren't any hard, real consequences to this story and I can't help but look at Wally as anything other than a deranged person, a person willing to go through extreme hoops to not only cover his tracks, but to provide a kind of distraction by releasing confessionals of all his fellow superheroes. King can try and justify this all he likes in order to provide some explanation to Wally's choice, but it isn't working for me at all. Couple this with the really egregious dialogue and chemistry between Booster Gold, Blue Beetle, Batgirl, and Harley Quinn and you have a pretty frustrating comic.

Ultimately I can't find anything more to say that I haven't said already. This comic is unsatisfying, contrived, pandering, and boring. Other, better comics delve into their characters' psyche in a much more profound and unique way. Seek those out.

Our Score:

Because Tom King is LITERALLY insane

I think that's questions to ask the convention panels.

Didn't Neron already do this in Underworld Unleashed?

>I don't even know what the hell "will" is.
This is just dumb.

nice to see sideways again

It was certainly a book?? I'm not sure what happened to change Wally's mind? But he's not totally ruined. King tried hard but the first half felt like a lot of filler than a rushed final two issues. The mystery aspect meant we couldn't see the character who it's actually about Wally for most of the book! I guess you can look at it as a triptych of Booster, Harley, and Wally but by making it a mystery and making Wally the killer it makes his 1/3 overloaded and fucks it. I actually liked the Booster stuff and don't care about Harley and Wally was ok enough to get me to his next appearance.

I liked most of the jokes in the 3x3 this issue, but it doesn't explain how they fixed Sanctuary?? I hope it's just normal therapy now?

Attached: wally's ending.jpg (830x1280, 385K)

The entire comic is fucking baffling.

No other book has so perfectly displayed what lazy, shiftless cunts the entire DC editorial and management staff truly is.

I think that Tom King and Daron Nefcy should have an affair, I want to study the result for science.

Very good book.

Wait a minute, isn't Terra alive? Did Judas Contract even happen the same way in this continuity?

>But he's not totally ruined.
He's a murderer who framed innocents and leaked his friend's deepest secrets and insecurities to the media.

I think it's just further making Beast Boy a cuck, not that shes dead or whatever
And none of them cared besides the child murderer and even then likely not a lot

I would like to point out another failing of this book.
Even though Tom King makes a big deal about the public finding out about Sancturary and how it'll change things, WE NEVER ACTUALLY SEE ANY CIVILIANS REACT TO ANY OF THIS.
This book only shows how heroes react to things. We don't get any scenes of normal people or even the media (Lois Lane doesn't count) discussing the revelation of Sanctuary's existence and what that means. No scenes of civilians realizing that heroes are normal broken people like them, just heroes moping.
Why make such a big deal out of this if he had no intention to actually show it?

you're the smart one, Tim. That's always been your thing

I like how writers pretend Beast Boy hasn't had any character development since being cucked

There's King's run on Batman!

>and leaked his friend's deepest secrets and insecurities to the media.
I doubt Lois published any of the stuff we've been seeing everyone talking about. If only cause that would have given away at least some people's identities like Blood

It was bad but at least I didn't read this shit alone.

Ok let me get ask a different question.
Is it the one with boobs?

I THINK Wally is trying to say that because he didn't get help he eventually overloaded and killed the people at Sanctuary unlike all the other heroes who did use Sanctuary properly, so to speak. In the grief he just kills his older body but the Bug crashing gave him enough time to reconsider and talk himself down? And it's a stable time loop because they have the body from the first time. and now he's in jail.

I vaguely remember an user here months before this event happened correctly predicting Wally to be the murderer and Poison Ivy surviving. If what he said was right then, DC are planning Wally to be part of the suicide squad.

>but the Bug crashing gave him enough time to reconsider and talk himself down
Oh yes, those extra five seconds REALLY FUCKING helped him to change his mind.
Fucking stupid

The only good that could have come from this shitshow is Ivy getting killed off and King couldn't even do that because he's so obsessed with making women look good.

Worst event in comics history. Nothing else is close. A shame that some really good art was wasted on this.

The ones from this issue I think are supposed to be from the new Sanctuary

The story and writing was fucking dog shit, but the threads were entertaining.

Although Barbara going back to Sanctuary is fucking hilarious given how shit that place is, haha.


Also, did King forget that Priest spent like two arcs trying to keep the original version of The Judas Contract from being canon?

Everyone is so obviously out of character it's actually painful and frustrating to read.
>I don't even know what "Will" is
Fuck off

You are never alone, you've always got us!

Retcon this Wally to being Dark Flash.

I honestly hope King gets a ton of fucking shit for this whole event,

Who actually fucking knows because we have almost no context for anything that fucking happened here. God I hate this event
>did King forget
He just doesn't give a fuck

Retcon this to be being ignored and never mentioned again

Is her character a speedster? Because otherwise no, he completely fucked up again.

Oh noes Sweetie.

Eh, could have been worse. At least he isn't Raven or Starfire who are completely different characters at this point.

roy is leviathan

I kinda get it as a suicide thing. The extra second and you change your mind.

The pacing is insane. I wonder how it reads in one go.

I can't make up my mind whether it was worse than Amazon attack .I think Amazon was worse than Identity crisis due to being 100% irrelevant to future characterization and events.

Seriously, ditch the whole fucking thing.
There was not a single positive in the writing.

>No scenes of civilians realizing that heroes are normal broken people like them, just heroes moping.
This. Tom King's message would have been better if the book ended with a person dealing with mental problems finally getting the courage to seek the help he needs after finding out that even superheroes need help. It would have sort of vindicated Wally.

King needs to drop off a cliff head first.

I'd argue that's better.

The best shitty events are the ones the publisher tries to ignore.

so how the fuck can you be put in jail for killing yourself?

>The best shitty events are the ones the publisher tries to ignore.
Hopefully the same happens here

He needs to see a therapist.

At least to learn how retarded Sanctuary is.

Why did they decide this story needed to have stakes any more severe than just superheroes in group therapy? Why did they feel the need to make an even dumber murder mystery than Identity Crisis?

He got put into jail for the whole accidental murder thing, not the killing himself bit.
I guess.
I mean it was legit an accident, everyone there knows it and Booster is already shown as full on forgiving him for the whole framing thing so it's not like anything is going to come of that

For the people he accidentally killed

I'm not optimistic.

God, don't remind me. Worst part is that several issues ago, Anons were saying that Sanctuary being badly set up was on purpose and that King would address it. Didn't happen.

Putting Wally on the Suicide Squad would be so hilariously offensive, I just really thought about it

He framed Harley and Booster.

I just read this whole series in one sitting. I want my evening back

Not only was this event shit from a narrative point of view, as a standalone story, but the way it has re-arranged the pieces of the great DC chessboard is terrible. Save us Manhattan.

Harley is a wanted child murderer and Booster clearly doesn't give a shit going by this issue

I am fucking astonished that it's reopened at the end.

>A woman being wrong or harmed in a King book
Oh I don't think so.

5 bucks that this is why King got taken of Batman

Is Tom King insane?


What does that have to do with anything. My point is that it's not like Harley can go file a police report about it.

I really hope so. No sane man should write like this.

He's just dumb and weak and sad.

Mr. Terrific's trauma is that he's so smart, people sometimes think he's dumb, but in actuality, he's playing dumb until he shows people up with how smart he actually is.

Jesus fuck, King.

Burn it to the ground. Pretend it never happened, Bendis style

Just like Arkham

She's not a child murderer in the Kingverse.

Is he more or less insane than Daron Nefcy?

I think J'onns got this one right.

Wait, does Heroes in Crisis take place before or after Doomsday Clock?

Government Agent Vic

>tfw Psuede did a page featuring Orphan that was better than King's entire """magnum opus"""
>Red Hood was fucking outed by Batman
>"let's have him do a confession"
What the hell is Sideways doing here? He has almost no connection to any big hero and here he is talking about his mother's death even though he got over it


King is a Terra fan. Even more reasons to dislike him

>people (rightfully) bitching about the stupid Beast Boy and Tornado panels
>no one pointing out this complete waste of fucking space

Attached: 1546767777287.png (440x680, 470K)

>Spectre panel

Did King really just make fucking GOD a traumatized edge lord, too?


>no one pointing out this complete waste of fucking space
Her name is Catwoman. "Complete waste of fucking space" is just her nickname.


Being fair, he already wrote A FUCKING LOT OF THINGS WITH CATWOMAN.

This is gibberish.


Is this really the ending, is it? King got cut off right?

Wait. but Terra's fine..BB could go talk to her fucking any time.

This is one of the worst books I've ever read. Holy shit. I want my time buck for this.

He's talking about before she cucked him

I hate that new Batgirl outfit so fucking much

Its better than the last one.

Who cares? That's the fucking question

Okay so there's so much bad here but like... the worst to me is you have Wally turning himself in.. and you have Barry there.. and there's NOTHING between them? that's a massive diservice to both of them.

One of?

Doctor Who stole that from Sonic the Comic

Actually no
I have never been a fan of mentally ill murderers getting pronounced insane and basically getting away with it
There must be justice for the victims and any family they have

There are a good ten or fifteen plot points you could arguably say is the worst. There truly is something for everyone.

Fucking WAIT.
That's how Steins;Gate ends.

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Where do you think King got the idea for this whole story?

That's retarded here because it was literally an accident with his powers doing something they've never done before.
There is zero justice here for anyone. Not to even bring up the flaw in your logic is that you just want someone punished so that someone is punished

who's mademoiselle marie
that black lightning one is worded strangely but is at least better than all other confessions on this page, the dove one is kinda good too
kole's face doesn't fit her stuttering
frankenstein's could work but because of my hateboner for king it comes off as unintentionally funny
who's june robbins
what the fuck is wrong with vixen
will magnus' mental state is interesting but knowing king he'd just be IM DEPRESSED SO I HAVE SEXBOT
i hope every robin say what the hell am i for maximum accidental comedy
jaime what are you on about
cass looks fucking dumb in that panel, she's not mute at this point in continuity, she just has limited vocabulary
j'onn sounds edgy but it's king, what do you expect
mera what do you mean by multitudes
mr terrific doesn't really have an inferiority complex, just because he's third smartest it wouldn't get him down
hell yeah sideways
doctor light has a point
lesbian ice and fire?i mean,ice maiden was a thing
the robin joke is ruined. it was better as unintentional comedy, not actual 'serious commentary' on the robins
if you're going to fucking psychoanalyze beast boy use the doom patrol or him being a kid actor jfc he should be over terra by now
red tornado's family isn't canon anymore?
fuck off with catwoman king
fuck off with what spectre said
absolute kino thank you based king

Did you miss Harley Quinn being a protagonist in this comic or something?

>who's june robbins
One of the Challengers of the Unknown

It's not about logic.
Someone being punished simply so that someone is punished is an essential justice axiom.

Attached: JustMercy.jpg (1422x2142, 1.43M)

She barely did anything so it's easy to miss.
Actually no one really did anything. It was just constant dumb shit happening for 9 issues

Just 5? Sales on Batman are tanking and this sold horribly. King names has quickly become poison

>that set up for ivy’s redemption arc
Oh boy

>Someone being punished simply so that someone is punished is an essential justice axiom.
Oh, so you're retarded and edgy. Good to know

This event was so bad it's the sort of issue that DC needs to examine how they handle events going forward.

There's no way this should have been printed.

It's really painful seeing Wally in Doomsday Clock and then seeing this hack job. And Doomsday clock isn't even good

My boy sideways

More women of the Batman universe being wanked off by King. Nothing to see here move along.

I swear, if she becomes the new goddamn Swamp Thing

>Doesn't talk about how she's literally drinking away the pain because of the wedding and how much she misses her Bats

The funny thing is that the Ivy League, the crazy Poison Ivy fan-club, fucking hate whatever King does with the character.

Hic and Dc are good.

Do you really think King reads or cares about Joelle Jones' Catwoman book?

Man I can't wait for Tom Kings Batman/Catwoman Book.

Bat. Cat. Bat. Cat. Bat. Cat. I know Bat. But Cat I do.. Meow.


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This post might come off as a joke, but i'm being sincere here. I feel as if i had been violated. As if Tom King held my arms upwards, zipped his dick out, and just raped my face. I feel violated and used. I think i finally understand what Tumblr has been talking about all these years. I get microagressions now.

Question is, can i report King for rape?

I can feel King's smugness at knowing he's ruined this character completely

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As glad as I am having totally given up on DC years ato, I am still sad to see the idiots running things have hit new lows.

Attached: Jim Lee Geoff Johns (22).jpg (225x225, 17K)

Lel, that's actually a funny Vision joke.
And just like that, any momentum this scene had has been killed.
>wraps up in two pages
>essentially a chekov's gun in the form of the speed-cloning that's inconsequential to the plot, same with replacing the body. This is the worst possible way this could have ended.


Interesting commentary.
I dunno if I fully agree, but I do think this garbage takes a serious subject and treats it with all the tact of a bad saturday mornng cartoon

>all the pro reviews for this comic are legit fucking awful and at like 2 stars

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6.5/10 not enough genocide

Dc is finished. Hope marvel buys it.

At least they're more likely to treat Wally with respect at this point, fucking hell

I can’t believe I’m saying this but this Wally is now a better character.

Fuck you King Fuck you Didio Fuck you DC

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Low effort bait. No (you)s for (you)

It'll be good after Manhattan reboots the DCU and retcons this shit.

No, someone just needs to retcon this shit

So Wally ends up as a mass murderer in prison/jail.

Starting to think that rumour about Wally being in Suicide Squad is true, now. This basically leaves him in the exact spot Waller would snap him up from.

It's come to something when we're hoping a supervillain saves us from King's writing. But here we are.

To hell with Blue Dong. Have literally anyone else but him reset the DCU at this point. Hell, I'd take another Thawne or Superboy Prime fucking shit up at this point

>that black lightning one is worded strangely
because King is showing some restraint instead of straight up having him say "I'm black, they're not."

Wallyfags, what would you do to King knowing that he ruined wally forever?

every book besides that Walker flash book from that time already came out
so maybe

He didn't ruin Wally forever but I still don't want him to ever write another comic again. I don't even just want him fired because he might jump ship and ruin even more characters I like over at Marvel.
I legit want him to never touch a pen again

How do you put a bomb in a neck of a man who could kill you before you hit the button and could phase the bomb out of him anyway? Seems too stupid even for Waller.

Take him to therapy

King seems to really pride himself on being the guy who has "seen some shit" and "hurt some people", so I'll pay him back in full by getting a bunch of whores to dress up as Ivy, Harley, Batgirl and Catwoman and then snuff them in some thoroughly Slaaneshian manner in front of him.
Maybe then he'll finally fucking kill himself.

How can wally be saved? With another parallax like recton bullshit?

Easy. He doesn't have a bomb. He's doing it because he thinks Waller gives him a chance at making up for what he's done.

>no one remembers steph was a robin
This is the one and only one funny joke

retcon or it's just never mentioned again after this stupid prison arc is over. Obviously people that don't like him will bring it up at every chance they can get but there's nothing you can do about that

He wouldn't be the first speedster on the team.

DC would just science babble some reason for the bomb to be unable to removed.

We just ignore it.

Bendis isn’t that crative

Something broke him during his tenure at the cia

So Wally would be the retarded one?

Haven't they kicked him enough?

And all the good will from visions and that one green lantern one shot are gone

> still having didio as the boss
>hoping that this stuff can be ignored in some way

Petition to fire Didio when?

HIC: lies

Fire with a gun,i hope

>Wolfman kills off Terra
>DC revives her anyway and it leads to a really weird decades-long Clone Saga
>DC says fuck it and makes Terra good again in N52
>Then they retcon it in Rebirth so that Beast Boy and Terra never met each other
>Then Tom King retcons that because he needed to fulfill ONE panel in one of the worst events of this decade
This is reaching Jean Grey/Cyclops levels of ridiculous.

'those that Jupiter wants to lose, he first takes their (ability to) reason'?

Any mercy you show to a criminal is an insult his victim



Is Blue Beetle trying to be Tom Holland Spiderman? Kara's is nice. Cass looks drugged.

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Bros before sales

I hope someone kills you and they let the killer off due to a technicality

Nice message about hope. This event as a whole was not so good though. Not good at all.

Whine harder about your strawman

>le strawman defense

If someone accidentally killed me and it was legit 100% not their fault in anyway, yes I would be cool with them getting off.
I'm not a sociopath

That is some edge right there boyo.

This somehow out shitted Doomsday Clock and became the worst DC "Event" of all time, hell I'd be the worst comic event if it wasn't so boring or the absolute creative bankruptcy of Marvel didn't give us Civil War 2

man I was hoping this was going to be a parody of those porn interviews except at Sanctuary

Goddamn it Kyle, you’re not even a real Hispanic. You’re white as snow and were raised as an Irish paddy with no knowledge of your Mexican heritage whatsoever. Cut this shit out already.

I think it's neck to neck with Civil War 2.

>it was legit 100% not their fault in anyway
try living in reality

Doomsday Clock is nowhere near this in terms of shit or one of the worst events DC has done.

Fuck, the Sanctuary interviews do indeed feel like those porn interviews. Now i can't stop imagining all these characters being fucked rough by the trinity.

,>Broken Spanish
Can Yanquilandia stop doing this, please?

I get everyone’s mad at this series but this is literally the only time King wrote her well.

That's not a good thing when he has written her plenty of times.

user, please. I can't tell if your underage, autistic or just edgy but your philosophy is fucking trash and there's a reason civilized places don't go with it.

Only good think about this book is that it's 2019 and we are bound another retcon event soon enough

Not been reading Doomsday Cock then? It's being retconned right now.

>but your philosophy is fucking trash and there's a reason civilized places don't go with it.
The symbol of justice in civilized places is Lady Justice, you ignorant spineless coward.
Justice is blind, therefore the guilty must always be punished
before you try to lecture people on what you think is "philosophy", get a life first.

Based and Gammapilled

There's a difference between justice being blind and charging someone for a crime that wasn't their fault.
I mean, i'm not surprised you don't understand the difference since you're clearly ignorant but try harder.

And in post-Flashpoint comics, Kyle was restored to being raised by his single Irish mother. He meets is Mexican dad for the first time AGAIN in New Guardians.

>Justice is blind, therefore the guilty must always be punished
And he thinks this makes any sense at all.

>Wally West's powers killed those guys
>You: But it's not his fault guys!!!
end of discussion

Did you even read this event or are you just pretending to be stupid?
For your sake I hope it's the latter. Also because I can't blame you for not reading this shit heap

No point in doing so.
King's been wasting 2.1/2 years with her and is gonna waste another 1.1/2 ~ 2 years with his shitty """"""romance"""""" book

The year is 2036, A former DC comic book writer kills himself. In his suicide note, King references Heroes in Crisis.No one who read the note noticed the reference.

Attached: 1508339778686.gif (320x218, 335K)

>the guy who has to do the thing
Tom King is a genius at writing dialogue. The depth he can fit into one single word balloon is astonishing.

What a "whatever" ending to a shit mini

Fuck me, i'm seeing people defending this shit by blaming on the editors fucking with King "vision".



>Johns gave Ronnie a massive problem in DDC

>King plays Ronnie for a simple laugh

I swear these motherfuckers are from different planets

Attached: E895C470-E022-4A83-A13F-2F41E0C81F73.jpg (320x498, 90K)

Tom King seems to actually despise the silliness of comic books. He's always taking something that's outlandish about a character and using to poke fun at it. He does it constantly with Batman complaining about the bat thing, the pointy ears, and so on.

We should constantly make fun of King on his social media
let's see how he likes it

Attached: Batman 012 (2017) (2 covers) (Digital) (Zone-Empire).cbr-Batman (2016-) 012-006.jpg (3975x3056, 3.93M)

It feels like King likes the basic premise of supehero comics. The science fiction, the fantasy, the shenanigans. But he hates superheros because they way they act is not "realistic".

>I swear these motherfuckers are from different planets
Johns has a lot of faults but he respects the characters and history. King will change the characters just for the sake of his own plot.

Proves he’s only in capeshit for the shekels

Attached: tom, really.jpg (131x271, 17K)

He should go write Games of Throne fanfiction then.

Kind of like Bendis.

...Did you forget he was a CIA agent? It's not exactly the smartest idea to annoy one of them.

It’s not even that. That’s all well-known fact. It’s how King literally seems to be doing the opposite of what Johns is on purpose.

What's he gonna do? Send me manuscripts for his next comic that whines about depression?

>It's not exactly the smartest idea to annoy one of them.
Tom King isn't going to put you in a secret gulag for calling him a faggot on twitter

Wow he looked at files what a dangerous man

He should. Good fucking riddance.

Why did he need 5 days to leak anything to Lois? Wouldn't it have taken like, a single minute to send that shit in?

The Zatanna one actually sounds badass. When did she fight Satan?

Did you forget he was just a pencil pusher?

Wow, what a big threat.

I tweet him almost every week calling him a bad writer and a faggot. The dude has such a big ego that he respond to me as if we were friends, which just pisses me off more. Dude is good at sucking the joy at everything. I'm starting to think he gets of on me calling him names.

King needed more fap material of Lois in lingerie

oh boy I sure am scared of the big bad ex-CIA with "PTSD"

>He doesn't know that Once a CIA agent, always a CIA agent.

The very premise of this series was flawed from the get-go, and it was all King.

No he doesn't. Johns retcons like a motherfucker and he kills off characters like he's Ted Bundy. If Johns didn't like a character when he was a kid then that character is useless and should be killed off.

That Zatanna one is embarrassing. It summarises one of the more minor reasons why she's such a bad character well though.

is he?

This is house style as fuck

>What's he gonna do?
He'll tell his mommy-wife that you were mean to him.

He’s got the Rian Johnson traits

Show us.

What the fuck was even the point of this shitshow?

Johns kills C list titans.
King killed Hotspot, Kid Devil, Lagoon Boy...
Cmon now.

>Wally in HIC "that's what Barry did and it remade the world"
>Wally in doomsday clock literally tells Manhattan that he knew what he did
Damn Wally really get your facts straight.

He's in jail for mass manslaughter, abusing time travel, and the hacking and illegal distribution of personal medical files.

Priest would actually agree with the Nightwing panel.

You can be put in jail for framing innocent people of murder, user.

Why did Harley bring two hams in her back pockets to this scene?

I'm related to fucking Elliott Abrams. He'd probably send King to go get raped in El Salvador if he so much as tried to touch me or my family.

While I wouldn't put it past King to shoot a place up one day, being scared of him is silly

Because sex appeal is her only appeal.

You know what gets me? In that stupid Batman arc where he fights monsters with Wonder Woman for a million years, when he first shows up in that armor Catwoman's all like "dohohoh you look ridiculous" but it's just... armor. It actually looks kind of cool. At the same time, he's the guy pushing for retarded fanservice-y shit like Harley's old costume or putting making Superman and Batman wear their underwear over their pants again. He's such a manbaby that I can picture him sitting in a child chair with a birthday hat on and screaming "I WANT MY CAKE AND I WANT TO EAT IT TOO!"

>Tom King takes Yea Forums to church

So why did Wally need to frame Booster and Harley specifically? As long as he left his own future corpse there, nobody would ever suspect him or go looking for him, so there's no need to frame anybody. If he really wanted to frame someone, why not frame Reverse Flash or something?

Take your pills

This is a thousand times worse than the final season of Game of Thrones and those fuckers were rewarded with a bigger job as their follow up too.

In comics, like Hollywood, absolutely shit talent fails upward. Real talent is in the shadows.

Wtf, wasn't this Wally about to murder this other Wally, or vice versa, 30 seconds ago? What did those flying idiots crashing into them actually change?

Those are different scenarios. Barry made Flashpoint, Manhattan made this universe. Barry still made the universe where his kid never existed and Manhattan just tooled around with the outcome.

He pushed pencils and got PTSD from paper cuts. Fuck his CIA bullshit. They're the biggest crooks in Washington

pretentious and waaaay too long.


Because in a normal universe framing a villain who kills children would be a good move.

>failing upwards
user, you might wanna catch up on comic book news cause king is getting relegated to a batman/catwoman mini where he can continue is retarded shit

I dropped Batman, because King is tryharding to be deep. This is even worse. This dude is worse than Bendis. Fucking Pseudo Moore.

The first 3 arcs or so were solid. I really liked Gotham and Gotham Girl.

They're trying to do a "Batman & Robin" type of thing and they expect "Bat and Cat" to be a constant top 10 every month, which is possible. But yeah, you're right, let's pretend he's not failing upward as he laughs himself to another Eisner.

he's getting Hollywood deals and bigger secret DC things

They really weren't.

Reading bad comics with anons is like watching a bad movie with friends.

Johns likes some Titans, particularly Superboy, Beast Boy and especially Cyborg.

The Eisner votes think if they can’t understand a work it must be brilliant

Wrong, Bendis the comic writer loves comic book silliness. He loves comics. Or his idea of comics. His, Brian Michael Bendis', idea of comics. With the silly dialogue and pop culture references and legacy characters and ripoffs and poor continuity. He loves it. More than anything in the world, Bendis loves comics. No other medium would ever allow him to do what he does. Him, Bendis, the comic book writer. It's what he is.

King, you stupid fuck, Wally was in the middle of "getting help" in your shitty therapy torture chamber.

>I really liked [...] Gotham Girl.
Are you related to King?

>They're trying to do a "Batman & Robin" type of thing and they expect "Bat and Cat" to be a constant top 10 every month, which is possible.
It really isn't.

At least this has an ending.

>but at least they didn't think they were important and insightful.
Eh, Identity Crisis got it's stink all over the DC Universe right up until Flashpoint.

Identity Crisis wasn't as bad as this, not by a long shot.

>his grand story of mental heath
doesn't read as such, at least from the faint recollections I have
I don't even know how many issues I've read
The story is not something that's happening and you can see why it's happening, it's just a convoluted chopped up bullshit without perspective

Wasn't Flashpoint a big thing since Barry tried to change a seminal event that happened decades ago? What harm could happen if half a dozen people don't die a few days ago?

Also, why don't they do this with all the bodies there? Just get their DNA, clone up some bodies in the future and swap them out while Wally is murder-sperging out?

Time travelling Wally apparently witnessed all this or whatever. It actually makes no sense.

>I was a CIA drone operator
>I fucked up and blew up some kids by mistake
>now I write comics
God, fuck Tom King

Wally time traveled immediately to the future. It happened an instant ago.

Eisner voters don't read comics besides people who care about the kids books

Welp, for starters, it's a story of heroes.

That are in crisis.

That's the point.

Heroes in Crisis.


>Blew up kids
>Lost job
>Blamed kids
>Got back at all kids by getting paid to make shit comics while jerking off to his waifus
Makes sense.

>last panel ends with "you're still running"
>he literately isn't running but locked in a prison
I don't get it

Reminder that Tom King never knew his dad and was raised by his mom. On Father's Day he was complaining about nobody mentioning the mothers like a goddamn retard - They've their own day, King. You should know this. Also some anons joke that he married his mom because he genuinely believe that men are nothing without the women and that women will always be the fix all to every men's problems.

He also hates masculine characters, like James Bond, for toxic masculinity.

More like,

Super Heroes In Trouble, amirite?

Tom King needs to get the fuck out of DC right now.

I was waiting for this. My monthly dose of pain Thanks bro.

More like,

Bro's in a pickle.
They're pickle bro's.

>Also some anons joke that he married his mom because he genuinely believe that men are nothing without the women and that women will always be the fix all to every men's problems
I thought the joke is that he has mommy issues. Something that comes across clearly from his comics. Hell, the incident you mentioned about him sperging out on twitter on Father's day and wishing every woman a Happy Mother's Day because women are the true heroes says enough,

After HiC and his Batman run, I never want to read anything else written by King for the rest of my life. He's the fucking worst.

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James Bond is a pretty shit character. A mary sue as much as any.

King doesn’t know what will is because he’s a defeatist fuck

Morning King. Just a reminder that everyone hates you.


Wally turning Suicide Squad into the Thunderbolts(actually reforming villains), would be kino, especially if he does that by going angainst Waller

eh, DeMatteis had him eating all sould in Heaven and Hell.
God suffering because his children are suffering is in-character enough

Wally is getting punished for the crime he committed.
There is a Mr. A story dealing with this, a bad guy jailed by Rex does his time and goes out, staying legal.
Because he actually repented, Mr. A has no issues with him

You remind me of the people who whine about Superman but have only ever seen parodies or deconstructions of him.
I highly doubt you've so much as watched a pre-Craig Bond film in your life.

Smuderfags 2.0, literally

Cyborg what the fuck are you talking about? "I'm a cyborg now" and "does my daddy love me?" have been all your character is for nearly a decade now. Your own damn book was literally just those two things on repeat for every single arc

Fucking typo

That's the problem Harley. Exactly what you say. You did much worse and once you were sorry and a "good guy" no good guy kneed you anymore. You get no comeuppance.

you mean dull and boring

Maybe that's why the Spanish is mangled, he's trying and failing to connect

I love this Personal intemate moment being ruined by 4 literal retards blocking everything with their inane bullshit
>Well that was a thing
Fuck off King

Of only this art was in a good story.

Dr. Light was back to being a villain over in Deathstroke, but so far nothing has been said about him being a rapist.

Tom King should go to church

This just reminds me of that picture of the two frogs hugging.

King needs him to be a rapist because he hates men.

Wait didn't they make beast boy gay or some shit?

So. Standard King, then.

People are dead....

Isn't Countdown and Cry for Justice worse tho

Harley and her hons

Hey, whatever allows that cognitive dissonance of yours to keep on trucking so you can enjoy self-inserting as Sean Connery for the 20th time. Movie Bond is and has always been a shit character. Most super spies are because they have no struggle.

Is this officially worse than Cry For Justice? I hope King gets shit for this on twitter

James Bond comics (besides Ellis and Kot's recent druggy sh stuff) are normally pretty damn good

>Wally is getting punished for the crime he committed.
Which is why is wrong.
However because the comic is still absolute nonsense it's not even clear what he is being punished for.
He should be punished for all of it.
And Tom King too.

I'd say almost

>It seemed like this series really needed a conversation between Wally and Barry Allen, which we don’t get here.
Would have been better than Wally talking himself down

No. They might have been if editorial hadn't stopped them from going full retard, but this is going full retard. No one told King to stop.

In what way is Cry for Justice not Going Full Metal Retard: the Retardening with a Vengeance?

>in Brian Michael Bendis’s wonderful comics
suspension of disbelief can only go so far

Mentally ill murderers can get all the help and support they need, once they are behind bars.

Why can't King decide if he wants to use these for serious discussions or cheap jokes?

And how is that Guy's biggest issue when his dad used to beat him bloody every other day.

I mostly hate it because I know kings faggot fans act like it adds anything to the story.

He's not even sad, he just accidentally went there, heard someone say "will" and has been confused since.

if Waller is written competently, the bomb is mostly to show the other members she doesn't do favourites, not even former heroes, but she's perfectly aware Wally could remove it at any time of his choosing but she's banking on him being a legal-good guy at heart.
She'll likely keep some secrets from him that will make him quite angry once discovered, resulting into Waller realising she was actually dealing with a Super Hero, not just any villain.

If she's written badly, she'll believe it works and will do something to make him quite angry(like, say, threaten Linda), resulting into Waller realising she was actually dealing with a Speed God, not just any villain.

in both scenarios, Captain Boomerang would keep laughing every time Waller would threaten Wally with the bomb

>his grand story of mental heath
Unstoppable Wasp did it SO MUCH BETTER

Ah yes, "meeeow" what a deep insight to the character. A valuable use of panels

It's what I like to call an 'anti-tisement' for King's run on Batman, as if this entire book wasn't one already. Hell, maybe this anti-tisement was leading up to this moment. Brilliant. Modern art, really.

Who fucking cares

Never forget that if you hate this comic, you're stupid and a clickbaiter

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I really don´t get what was the point of this story. I guess the same overdone feminist message about how evil and inferior white men are? And how all white men should be locked up since their "entitlement" for happiness will only lead to violence?

King has fans?

Do they not read comic books?

>Unstoppable Wasp did it SO MUCH BETTER
Gwenpool is also better than Watchmen, but good luck convincing anyone on Yea Forums of that.

>He should be punished for all of it.
the deaths were complete accidental

Legally speaking, Wally should be guilty only of tampering with a potential crime-scene and faking his own death, I think.
Maybe revealing private information? But I'm unsure if that's a thing in the USA

Then need to get Harley's arse in there so King can pretend he's still peeking on his mother.

I had fun in the threads. See you guys at the next dumpster fire!

Rex's eyes have seen things.

if people are collectively focusing on the "wrong" part of the story, then the story is told badly

Unless it's a story aimed to people suffering depression and anxiety, but it wasn't advertised as such so not-target readers end up being the majority of the readers, messing it up

Nah, just implied it (and later forgot about it) in N52.

The law is literally at fault if it doesn't punish the killer for being guilty of the accidental deaths and attempting to frame others of murder.
The victims of an accident are still victims. The one guilty of an accident is still guilty.

The threads were fun. The comics were like watching a car crash in slow motion, it's like we were watching Wally's character fly through the windshield.

But if he is going to be in the Suicide Squad, they sent Wally to Belle Reve, which is just a prison for costumed criminals. Better than Arkham, I suppose, but the only asylum for the criminally insane in mainline DC is just a lair of monsters. There is no healing or redemption or rehabilitation, just recidivism when the next writer can't think of a new villain.

Attached: Killer Croc06.jpg (1024x1633, 540K)

>I leaked the personal therapy files of heroes to show people that therapy is good so they don't end up like me. despite the fact that i was getting therapy as well from the same place those heroes were

Kyle's mask is eating his face and forcing him to spreak Spanish.

It's almost poetic. Watching a speedster crashing and burning in very, very slow motion.
God help your autistic soul, king

People died, secret identities have been leaked and you barely know him.

This was, without a doubt, one of the worst series I’ve ever had the misfortune of reading
I can’t say it’s as bad as something like Marville but it was overall a miserable experience and in my mind Tom King cannot recover from it

Marville isn't even a comic really

21 years can give way to change

That actually makes it hilarious

>I don't even know what the hell "will" is
will is a few panels before you, hal

>super fuckable Clay Mann Kara
>Hal being dumb
The only good thing about this

You monster.

I unironically wish that Immortal Hulk sells more than Batman and HiC again

>this is Didio's Magnum Ops
>he ditched Rebirth for this

let that sink in.

and then he complains about comics stuck in shelves

This issue was okay. The rest of it was unmitigated dogshit. I'm glad it's over.

Rayner is not spanish, you mongoloid

very, the colorist is really the one carrying this book

You know the best part?
At least it's in character for Hulk to be smashing them.

>This issue was okay
No it wasn't. I think you have Homestuck Syndrome.



This on you, fuckers.

>no letting them swap spit
>but dat Harley ass

Posts like this ares why Harley needs to fuck off forever. Make her the founder of the new DC34 label where all the characters only used for sex appeal can have official porn made of them and keep them out of the rest of the universe.

Well there you go, the only thing I hate more doesn’t even count

Ah shit you're right I didn't notice that

Nah, my girl just needs to be written better is all.

Attached: lel.jpg (182x277, 15K)

"Your girl" has been written well exactly once, and that was a cartoon. She has no value outside of fetishes.

Nah, there were plenty of spergs crying during Omega Men. Maybe YOU need to wake up and pay attention before losing your shit like this. Also, Kyle is a mess and a typical american made diversity character made only for the diversity points, "oh look at this mexican character that doesn't look mexican, doesn't speak mexican and wasn't raised mexican but he's totally not another generic straight white american, no sir".

HE'S NOT FUCKING MEXICAN! If anything, he was a typical arts major white guy. A weaabo to boot.

The truth is that the New 52 was so fucking bad, with so many dumb ideas and stupid books being made, that people lost their ability to judge quality and well... you still see people praising shit like Demon Knights.

well now he's a beanboo

>Doc Manhattan and Supes join forces to erase King's bullshit
Doomsday Cock would finally be worth something then.

Why did raven say "my father loves me"

She has value in cartoon fetishes.

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>reddit first
You have to go back

A lot of people want Kyle to just be Dick with a Green Lantern ring

Oh, fuck. Don't remind me of people that want Dick to be Romani just because he came from the circus.

That's why she should be on DC's porn line.

I thought he officially was?

try reading Gabby's America book
compared to that, this is high literature

There are white Mexicans. They're descendants of Spaniards.

The thread has over 500 replies. If the marvel theory that "controversy sells" holds true, then you can be sure Didio has got his money's worth with this event

It's the original. Because the scene is literally r*ddit.

Star Vs. finale has maybe +4000 replies total and yet I'm pretty sure that show did not make money.

I just tweeted King to go fuck himself. Have you tweeted King yet, Yea Forums?

You should. Just dont... threaten him. He used that before to cry uncle.

Is it crying uncle if people are actually sperging out and threatening him?

4000 replies from the same 10 people maybe

>he was a typical arts major white guy
until someone wanted special diversity points in which case he'd remind you hes mexican despite being drawn white and written white.

Marker even on the current autism thread is at 92 though.

If you call telling him to just jump already a threat...

How many people here do you think are gonna actually buy this train wreck? Have you seen the numbers so far? Relatively low for an event.

I'm saying this thread is a sample, indicative of the larger population.

>I am considering building a family

I guess Blue Dick erased the one he already had. Or King just doesn't know he has one

What an awful story, there was nothing redeemable about the writing.

this artist NEEDS to draw porn.

>All so
Lol, Wally that kidder.

So did they ever explain how lagon boy died? WTF? This reeks of retcons mid story.

Imagine being this retarded.

>Nothing from Catwoman about the ruined wedding

fucking A.

the whole loop thing means there's STILL 2 wallys out there. WHAT THE FUCK KING

>Yeah, poor little King is 100% free of blame
>I swear this board is full of schizos

haha the board forget that he got rid of a editor


Young Wally goes back to become Old Wally.
Old Wally doesn't die and tells Young Wally to not kill himself.
Old Wally goes to prison.

>He is from fucking Mexico you goddamn moron. He was invented to be the multicultural lantern back in the 90s
>Read a fucking comic

It was a retcon you fucking idiot

he only learned of it later on his life

oh ok, I get it now.

Ben there, Done that. Another situation, another stimulus.

Daily reminder that HIC got retconned so Wally accidentally killed people. The retards denying and defending King last thread were btf

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Wait so that means Old Wally showed up just to tell Young Wally he didn't feel like being killed by himself?

>So you are talking about 2 universe reboots ago. Actually 3. Lots of shit has changed since Winnick, and this is one of them.

stop making excuses for King.

King made kyle a stereotype

>Fucking hell he's trying to lay the groundwork for Red Tornado to become DC's Vision.
he is laet. I remember some comic or animation that red tornado had kids

Bitch can get ne on the prison and the other being a hero.
I guess wally on suicide squad is very possible

Love the theraphy scenes

Thank god at least Damian doesn’t have an existential crisis.

yay sideways :3

Why would Wally kill people with bullets?

user do you know what a bullet even looks like?

Mental illness isn't a get out of jail free card.

I'm kinda the same way.

I mean I loved Vision and Omega Men and I thought Batman started out ok but as it went on it just became a slog and I really didn't like how he wrote Bruce and Selina together and eventually I checked out.

I'm only keeping up with this to see how much damage there'll be at the end.

Good for Tommy Tomorrow, not everyone needs a therapist.

Did user miss a page?

Some of them I actually like but most just seem really out of character.

I don't see Jason of all people asking what Robin he is, he's moved far and away from that for example.

Sideways the only one here with actual human problems.



i think it's the opposite

terrific has canonically been #3 smartest man for a while. i think this is terrific saying he's actually lapped everybody and is #1 but everybody else thinks he's only #3. this means kangz poster will use michael in their shitposts for company war threads

>Que eres me

That doesn't make sense, what the fuck.

the absolute based madman priest definitely let the door open on dr. light being a rapist

because king read wiki article about how he's half latino even though kyle gives 0 fucks about his heritage and has spoken spanish maybe one time in his entire history, jessica would've been the better choice if he was going to do that but king is a hack