Marvel Studios' Power Pack (Film)

it has been talked about very much recently that Marvel Studios possibly has a Power Pack film or Disney+ series set in the MCU in development with Jonathan Schwartz, executive producer of Guardians of the Galaxy Vol.2 & Captain Marvel overseeing the project. I've come to tell you that the rumours are true. I was hired among a few other graphic designers to create a logo for the film and the attached image is the final logo. I apologize for the low quality as I had to take a photo of it on a monitor with my phone back in April when we finished, as the image is stored only on Marvel Studios' files. the film is set to release on May 6th, 2022 and the rumours of Jonathan Schwartz, executive producer of Guardians of the Galaxy Vol.2 & Captain Marvel overseeing the project as director and executive producer along with Kevin Fiege of course while the script is from Henry Gayden, writer of Shazam (Film). I do not know much other than what I previously stated and that this Film and the rest of Phase 4 will be publicly revealed along with their release date and logo (such as the photo attached) later this summer. That's all I got.

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Huh. Do you atleast know when it's set?

I hope you're just making this shit up, for your own sake.

Please be lying. Live action Power Pack is the absolute worst thing that could happen to that franchise. Now if it were animated, that'd be a different story.

>Possibly there's a film or a TV show in development that might be announced in the future?

>Live action Power Pack is the absolute worst thing that could happen to that franchise.


Let's pretend that's not bullshit.
No way it's going to be an all-white family like in the comics.
They will all be orphan kids adopted by Mr and Mrs Power, so that one of them can be black, and another one asian, right?

Attached: bionic-six_480_poster.jpg (480x327, 94K)

Animated Power Pack means that status quo is god and actions don't need consequences, great for making kids happy.

Live Action means that we can go into the fact that these kids are more or less fucked in the head by the stuff they go through, I'd be unsurprised if they all had nightmares by the end of the movie about the people/aliens they'd killed.

This is going to annoy me alot.

Shazam's script sucked, I don't believe this

I made and posted this last year as a joke
I'm sad I won't be wrong

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>I was hired among a few other graphic designers to create a logo for the film and the attached image is the final logo.
looks like shit tbqh

>using real life kids in the MCU

That's retarded. They're only going to be children for either one season or two movies. And after that they're just less sad Clak and Dagger.

It's the same reason Moon Girl doesn't work.

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I'm not sure about a movie, but a disney+ series would be great! Power Pack was always fun

They just need to make a film every 2 years to keep them kids. It's exactly like Spider-Man and it works.

> No way it's going to be an all-white family like in the comics.
It will be. Feige has never race bent main characters. There supporting cast will minority as fuck but the 4 kids will definitely be white.

>They just need to make a film every 2 years to keep them kids
it has to be a tv series, if they hire 8yo kids they could keep that 5 seasons, if they do movies it would be 2 at best
you wrong whiteboy

>it has to be a tv series, if they hire 8yo kids they could keep that 5 seasons,
Nope they kept Spider-man 16-15 by making a film every 2 films. The same can be for the power pack so they can be kids and pre teens for a trilogy.
> you wrong whiteboy
You wrong retard. Black kids don't sell. Feige ain't no retard. The kids will be white.

>Black kids don't sell. Feige ain't no retard. The kids will be white.
They do that in the movies because that gives them free adds, the more you rage the better for them, you should know that, they could racebend all of them and make them Mexicans just for that :^)

Kinda like that episode of the Brady Bunch from 1974?

>Feige has never race bent main characters
The Power kids are about as "main" as Valkyrie.

>animated is sounds good and not shit
>meanwhile live action sounds dumb and edgy
Yeah...what was your point again?

They’ll be accused of copying Shazam.