Tell me, Yea Forums, when did cartoons begin to lose their soul?
Tell me, Yea Forums, when did cartoons begin to lose their soul?
When autistic neckbeards began throwing money at anybody to make more cartoons for them to argue/jerk off over.
When you insisted you can only evaluate animation that comes from The Cartoon Network or Disney Channel and everything else doesn't exist
When faggots like you prejudge shows and pay attention to the shit that you don't like.
Ironically, that show has slightly more soul than Marvel's other current cartoons.
When they were cut down to 15 mins
The exact day they decided to can EMH
When you got old.
Cartoons cannot have souls. They are merely collections of colored rapidly moving images that have no capacity for sapience or intelligent thought. Therefore, it would be impossible for them to lose their souls.
What the fuck does that even mean
Why bother with spider Gwen in this? Why not mayday? She’s everything Disney wants in a character, a legacy character accepted by the fan base a strong young woman with a good backlog of issues to reissue.
I didn't realize they added a dude. Lucky bastard.
>We have to give Benett more money or she won't be our party tray at the next finance meeting.
>Throw her at a cartoon, that will shut most of them up.
Judging shows before they come out. Calling them garbage or equivalent based on gut feeling or because of the people who work on them (despite the fact their in positions of little influence)
There's a fucking cornucopia of shows out there. At least 1 of them has to appeal to you. How about instead of focusing on the shit you don't like, focus on the good ones
Right around the same time our colleges were subverted by Social Marxists and their graduates entered the workforce with the progressive mind virus.
That's a fat ass squirrel girl.... shit her legs are bigger than Patriot's.
I know, right? God, I wish they were wrapped around my neck.
I'll be honest, I'd probably hit this version of Squirrel Girl sooner than the classic one or the more recent one.
Squirrel Girl is 2thicc4me
How much longer do all these "women and minorities" projects need to invoke "Rising" metaphors? Are they "there" yet?
Until they figure out they gotta show some skin if they'll make anything Rise.
Not until every last white male is exterminated from the earth
how many of you people have even watched rising?
I haven't, it looked like trash.
Is it any good?
I have. It's not horrible, just a bit bland. Highlights are Kamala and Squirrel Girl's friendship and Squirrel Girl's thickness.
About the time of 2014. TTG was starting to air and adventure time had frost and fire air that year and that was the tipping point where the show went downhill.
Shut the fuck up with this stupid shit. There is always good and bad cartoons that come out and it's a fact of life. No medium can be 100% perfect. For fuck sake, we got Hilda late last year (a cartoon that's highly underappreciated even though it's essential viewing). Don't bitch that 2010's cartoons don't have "soul" when you all skipped out on such a gem.
Given all the bitching, I can only assume it hasn't even premiered yet.
I liked what I saw, but I'm hardly one to judge.
I enjoyed the episodes released on the Marvel YT and very much like the line up of V/O talent. It's clearly meant for the teen crowd of 13 to 17, so the approach to the stories are already not meant for my general demographic.
I like Ms. Marvel and Quake, but Squirrel Girl easily steals the show in every scene she's in.
Would strongly recommend it for Comic-loving Chads who had kids 13 years or more ago to watch with their kids.
If you're a basement chud, don't kid yourself, nobody makes things for you, cause you complain about everything.
i have, it's not fantastic, but it's an ok couple of specials and some shorts, character interaction is probably the highlight really and even then it's pretty standard, it is however kind of refreshing personally to see a cape cartoon use characters that haven't been used to death already. really the big negative i've had so far is some can just come off as annoying and i'm not a fan of the pop soundtrack.
pretty much this, kamala and sg's interactions are pretty great a lot of the interaction stuff is kind of funny.
it's a bunch of shorts and some movie esq specials, i don't know what the airing situation is but there available on yt for free. so it's out.
a n d where back.