If every Yea Forums related super genius was dumped into some massive, planet-sized arena, with access to all of their inventions, equipment, and bases of operation, who would be the last man standing?
Hard Mode: No capeshit allowed.
If every Yea Forums related super genius was dumped into some massive, planet-sized arena...
It probably ends up being a tossup between Jimmy and Dexter. Jimmy has the ability to invent seemingly impractical inventions that are actually highly practical, and can think on the fly, while Dexter's only limit seems to be the rule of cool, and he has actual high-level combat experience.
I-I-I heard you punks th-th-thought I couldn't kick literally anybody's a-ass.
>Jimmy wholly rejects magic because SCIENCE for some reason.
>Rick denies the existence of magic despite seeing it constantly because he's a fucking hypocrite.
>Dexter gets exposed to magic frequently and ends up accepting it even if he has initial doubts
I feel like Dexter might have an edge just from this alone.
> Dexter is the only one following the scientific method
>Hard Mode: No capeshit allowed.
Fuck off.
How do the ppg fair? Technically they're fighting on professor U's behalf
Doesn't matter. Dee Dee and Pinky would, somehow, warp through space and time to get there and screw up everything there for everyone.
Realistically, user, if we do allow capes they'd easily dominate the discussion, the heavy hitters of the big two have decades of history and intelligence creep which kind of gives them a massively unfair advantage.
They get stalemated by Monkey
>Dee Dee and Pinky win
I wouldn't even be mad.
Well user I'm sure with my "Bully Proof Vest" I'm sure to give my competition a run for their money.
I Could see Bubbles refusing to hit Monkey at all. Monkey wouldn't draw first blood so they wouldn't fight in The first place.
If he did though, i could see Blossom and Buttercup beating him
Are you sure there will be a survivor ?
It's only going to take a planet cracking invention or two going out of control to destroy the planet/arena, killing everyone.
If Dan Harmon is writing then Rick kills everyone because Rick is worse than Doom when it comes to powerwank.
If anyone else is writing then Dexter and Jimmy come out on top but have to fight a greater threat before a clear winner can be announced.
Does pic related count as Yea Forums-related? Because if we're talking about power level wank and plot armor this dude is like if Doctor Doom and Rick Sanchez fucked.
The Needful Things episode showed that Rick's interpretation of magic is basically the "Sufficiently Analyzed Magic" trope. He's a big enough sue that he would without fail find a scientific explanation for anything he would come across.
I'd question whether or not he qualifies as a super genius, but the fact that he mana to build a functioning rocket that took him and his dog to the moon and back answers my question for me just because he wanted to go to a vacation spot with plenty of cheese answers my question for me.
lol, I love watching capeshitters get btfo
Depends. Can Rusty bring Brock with him?
I can't see Wallace defeating the competition, but Gromit would probably kick some serious ass to keep his master safe
not a super genius
How many can he stomp by virtue of being a big robot before he's inevitably blown up by his own crappy invention.
>ricks therapist shows up and verbally btfos them all out
i'd watch this.
Not necessary
>Rick beats everyone else
>Rusty beats Rick just by calling him out on his bullshit
Well, we’ve seen Dexter’s ass in a lot of episodes, but Jimmy was never naked on screen even when he went streaking. Not enough data to draw a conclusion.