>'ate faggots
>luv Midnighter
>read Wild Storm
>he gets revamped as a boring negro
Who okayed this? Seriously, he's awful. Also, why is Apollo some spic or something? His name is /Apollo/. Why is Ellis ruining everything he built?
'ate faggots
Unpopular opinion coming: Midnighter and the authority were always shit.
>His name is /Apollo
you mean he should be some greek instead?
Pretty sure Ellis has the beginning stages of alcoholic wet brain
The original team was SJW as fuck so I dunno what exactly you're complaining about here.
Wait, Midnighter is black now?
Ellis is a hack
He should be blonde and handsome.
You think they ruined Midnighter or Apollo? Look at fucking Swift, that thing is not Swift.
stop reading garbage my mate
because i
luv midnighter
love appolo
love jenny
love lifting shirts
jsut avoid this shitty reboot mate
swift isnt there ?
its jenny
the female doctor
long haired hawksmoore
He was only ever blonde in the New 52. Wildstorm Apollo had white hair.
Either way the "blonde and handsome" look is best left to Grifter anyway.
i have a thing for blondes he fucking rocks it as an apollo look
hes named after a god that fuck ran off to the hills with some dude to bum him while hunting blonde is the true patrician gay colour
The Wildstorm feels like Ellis attempt to streamline the universe for like an HBO show or something.
I hope the race change thing isn't permanent just because I don't like people fucking with long-established characters. Hawksmoor's new look is also terrible and I'm really hoping they change him back.
im suprised it isnt yet desu
>2 queers
> an all powerful young woman with incredible power and not knowing what to do with it
> a chink spiritualist
> an extremely smart mexican half caste
> a drug taking dutchman
> a generic white american male
its not in the dc/wildstorm universe its just wildstorm
midnighter is stillw hite and apollo is blonde or white haired (gays dye their hair them colours for some reason )
The female docto is Swift.
are you sure im sure as fucking hell she uses purple magic bullshit
>characters' creator decides to do different versions of them
>old issues if The Authority and Wildstorm in general still exist
>the author does not burst into your house and burn your old comics
>bitch anyway
Literally one of the basic elements of The Authority is that there's a vast multiverse. Other versions of characters are fine.
>Unpopular opinion coming: Midnighter and the authority were always shit.
It'd be pretty disappointing to learn that's really an unpopular opinion. Such awful cringy tryhard garbage. I can't even imagine how anyone could begin liking it.
because hes the only likable faggot with a decent story and decent freinds to rebound off unlike whatever lgbt bullishit you've been reading
>because hes the only likable faggot with a decent story
>unlike whatever lgbt bullishit you've been reading
So wait, you literally read comics based on them having characters who are gay? I don't read "LGBT bullshit" at all, user. I read comics with good writing and art.
I think you really underestimate how influential The Authority and Stormwatch were. They basically paved the way for adult-oriented superhero comics.
Yes. I can't think of a more embarrassing comic. How are a thousand "I'm so hardcore and cool" quips entertaining to anyone? They're always smiling and rolling around in their own edgy shit.
>I'm so tough and badass. Better watch out bad guys, gonna beat you up real good with my magic fight computer! So sorry I pulled out your intestines lmao I just really like violence. Fuck yeah, I'm so cool. Hey look, I'm gay with this other guy yet still totally masculine and assertive! Fucking groundbreaking positive role model right here, knocking stereotypes down, hell yes, gonna go scare some more punks with my awesome powers, oh yeah!
>They basically paved the way for adult-oriented superhero comics.
Nope. That'd be Frank Miller and Alan Moore.
You have to be 18 to post here, son.
A minimum of five queers on the team. Cry more faggot.
The over-the-top tryhard edginess is literally part of Midnighter's charm.
>the author does not burst into your house and burn your old comics
Yet. This is Ellis, after all.
And they only really work because deep down, he's a sweetheart who loves his daughter and won't let people mess with his friends.
He already wrote what he wanted of OG Midnighter and Apollo, and they both found an afterlife and space in mainline DC Universe. Why would he waste time writing the same arc again, especially when the (great) new Wildstorm is built on doing different takes and putting a spotlight on different Wildstorm characters from the old universe.
It only influenced shitty Ultimates and the Civil War, Civil War Clones and Civil War-lite that ensued, the world would be better off without Wildstorm.
I agree
>>'ate faggots
>>luv Midnighter
So brave.
The only time Apollo ever looked halfway handsome was in new 52, every other iteration are shit. Midnighter is consistently decent.