
One for each.

Which ones and why?

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bold of you to suggest id last enough to go through two of these acts, nonetheless all 3

I imagine you'd have recharge time between, mang.

Can I do all three with Cassie?
Donna is my favorite but she's the cutest

No, one for each.

this thread isnt getting replies because its bent as fuck
not that im complaining

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Bent as fuck?

oh for fuck sakes
i didnt type "this board is bent is fuck"
the threads hetero as fuck but Yea Forums....well not so much

surperise buttfuck for wonder woman, she strikes as secretly a masochist

None. I prefer pegging.

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so wonder woman is sat on a roof top sunbathing with superman and the invisible man spots her......

Why those? When I play that game I either imagine man on top, woman on top, and from behind or variations of a specific position (missionary, legs over shoulders, knees pinned).

Hard is this question. Diana is the love of my life, I would love to do anything with her but strictly speaking vaginal offers the most fun.
A blowjob from Cassie. She has a lovely face and her being the youngest and probably most cheerful adds a lot to the excitement.
Donna gets the titjob then. I'm not a huge fan of her, she is beautiful but every time we play this game she always gets the leftover.

Well then, one for each of those three.


How old is Cassie?

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For sake of argument, we'll say 18-19

blowjob, vaginal, titjob

>2 actual responses

Blowjob: Donna
Titjob: Diana
Vaginal: Cassie

Do you ever think about changing the OP image when you post this?

Marry Cassie
Ignore the two anti-male dykes

Alright. I'll oblige all three then.

Cassie: Blowjob. More appealing than a titjob and I'm more attracted to Cassie than Donna.
Diana: Vaginal. It's fucking Wonder Woman. Of course I'm going to fuck her.
Donna: Titjob, by default.

Man on Top: Cassie
Woman on Top: Diana
From Behind: Donna

Legs Locked: Cassie
Knees Pinned to Head: Diana
Legs Folded Over Shoulders: Donna

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Well done, user

Oh dear... why limit myself?

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Titjobs feel like nothing. You'd know that if you weren't an incel.

>Knees Pinned to Head: Diana
True taste, as all who like WW have

Agreed. Unless she had massive fake bolt ons.

In which case...ew.

...I see. You are expecting and answer out of such a question. However!

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same question but with
>Jubilee, Rogue, X-23.

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Can I forgo the other two to become a lifetime sub for Wondy?

I hate it when questions are asked and no one answers.

Thanks. Why do you like it user?

Titjob from rogue, blowjob from laura, sex with jubilee

all of it, to the 3 of them, at the same time

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I don’t have boobs or a vagina.
Is it still a bj if she has no dick?

Cass because blondes know this shit
Donna because she's got bigger tits although not the biggest
Obviously I would go all the way with Diana until she bears my children

I reject your titjob and substitute for anal.
Wondy for anal, Troy for bj, Cassie for vaginal.

Feet from all.

Must your ruin everything I love, Richard?

Again, substitute titjob for anal.

X-23 anal, Rogue bj, vaginal Jubs.

Wonder Woman, because she's my waifu and also who doesn't want to say that they got to go bareback inside Wonder Woman.

Cassie looks experienced.

Donna because she's the last one left.

X-23 because healing factor vagina.

Rogue, because Jubilee is flat. I'd do her last though since it'd kill me.

Jubilee's probably got strong jaw muscles from constantly chewing gum.

Vaginal, anal, titjob.

Vaginal for x23 since I want to do it missionary and look her in the eyes
Blowjob from jubilee
Handjob from rogue if she uses gloves.

Why do you want to look in her eyes?


>Thanks. Why do you like it user?

I can tell you why. Imagine having the strongest woman in the world, the princess of the amazons, the next queen of the ultimate matriarchy in the most open and submissive position possible, to pin her knees to each side of her head and have nothing of her impossibly curvy and strong body hidden from you, to have the solid muscles of her shapely thighs tense under your firm grip, to see her toned, well defined muscles sweat and her well endowed chest bounce with each movement, to feel her nails stroke patterns into your back until they eventually settle down and hold your ass firmly in place, to look straight into her blue eyes as you bury yourself repeatedly to the hilt, to have her husky groans steadily grow as she encourages every thrust until she finally tells you to let it all go. Then you collapse in her arms and she coddles you with massages and ear kisses until you're ready to go again.That's why.

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O feel like that would upset her, but the rules compel her to obey.

Diana: Kick me in the balls.
Cassie: Knee me in the balls.
Donna: Punch me in the balls.

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>X-23 because healing factor vagina.

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Blow Donna
Tits Donna
Vag Donna
Dinner Donna
Marry Donna
Love Donna
Sex Donna
Feel Donna
Breakfast Donna
Hug Donna
Rape Donna
Squeeze Donna
Lunch Donna
Donna Donna

Which Donna does it for you? I'm digging shorter hair Donna.

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