Seriously, what the fuck was with this show and crossdressing?

Seriously, what the fuck was with this show and crossdressing?

Attached: rps.png (950x715, 782K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Crossdressing is funny to normal people.

It was basically Looney Tunes with Sonic characters, and they did that shit literally all the time back in the day.

>That Scratch.

As long as he doesn't speak, i'd give it a go.

used to be funny but now its considered brave and you shouldn't make fun of people who are brave because they can't handle it

And they were inspired by cartoons of the 30s and 40s

>Fem Scratch
Why has no porn come of this?

Attached: 1417354677974.jpg (355x314, 22K)

men dressing as women is unnatural and funny
>but muh trans people will be offended

Attached: 1496867326059.png (480x360, 262K)

People used to find it funny, but now it's a fetish.

in progress


It's hot.
Just look at Scratch

tism. esp

This better not be a false promise, I swear to God.

Attached: 1424395060446.png (296x298, 119K)

Then you'll just have to hope I finish this tonight

Attached: leg.png (351x536, 38K)

go dilate

Not a tranny

where is it!?

Don't let us down, user!

>Haven't drawn porn in over a year
>See this thread
>Goes back to drawing porn
Why do I do this to myself?

Attached: 086ACD48-0659-4E26-94D9-179D6CD4E2E8.jpg (567x567, 34K)

Sorry it took so long, I'm just kind of a shitter at this

You did good, drawfag. You did good.

Attached: 1416811154507.png (1010x430, 190K)


Why not do this to yourself? All of us will be going to hell anyway so there's nothing to worry about.

Attached: 1557800757561.jpg (401x372, 30K)

my dick moved

Thank you very much. I'll take a shot at coloring it in, if no one else was planning to.

Attached: 1554334511495.png (626x223, 124K)

Posting this because thread is empty right now.

Attached: ss+(2019-05-29+at+01.26.16).jpg (866x848, 111K)


>"Bwa-ha-ha... HUH?!"

Colored version

Please finish this

It's 2 in the morning for me right now. This is the closest to done I can get right now.

Attached: ss+(2019-05-29+at+02.15.27).jpg (921x898, 85K)

Damn straight.


Thanks mate.

That chicken needs some dickin’

Literally no one complained about that at the time, and it was never on any creator's mind.

they're saying it now user and you get all kinds of idiots talking about how "problematic" it is to laugh at crossdressing cartoon characters

>but muh trans people will be offended
Good, they even rant about shemale porn actors.

i thought trannies celebrated shemale porn actors and ranted about people who fetishize traps

like what about that comic where some faggot is scrolling through a porn artist's profile admiring all the "trans" stuff and claiming its "representation of trans people" only to realize all of the artist's content is traps so he loses his shit