That episode where we discover that the supreme leader's job is so widely despised by the KND that they have to choose...

>that episode where we discover that the supreme leader's job is so widely despised by the KND that they have to choose who gets it by playing a global game of tag

Attached: I.T..jpg (300x225, 15K)

Hey, being in charge and having all that power sounds great on paper, but then you have to start doing actual work.

Incidentally, this is why world domination always seemed like a dumb goal. It's just logistically impossible.

Bureaucracy in a nutshell.

True. It's like what happened with Scar in the Lion King, being a ruler doesn't mean shit if you don't have the experience and/or the willingness to do your part in keeping your domain stable

kids are bad at delayed gratification.

but really, it is a terrible position, because you'd have to be on the older side to do it effectively, which means you'd almost immediately age out of it.

Wasn't there an 80s TMNT episode where Shredder took over the world and he begged the Turtles to go back in time and fix things because the pressure of ruling the world was too much for him?

Did Trump lose his game of tag between the candidates?

Pretty much. He was drowing himself in papers and demands.

Rent free
Rethink your life

Oh come on. If you know anything about the type of person Trump is, its pretty clear he wanted to be president for the sake of being president, and its clear he regrets that decision.
Trump despises criticism, this was obvious long before he even considered running for president, and theres perhaps no one on earth more criticized than the president of the United States

Has nothing to do with comics faggot go to /pol/

Rethink YOUR life, faggot.

Or how about you discuss politics on the board it’s for? Fucking loser rethink your life


Scar did nothing wrong. You can't control a drought

Scar could have stopped the hyenas from eating everything that moved and subsequently driving all the other animals out of Pride Rock, depriving the lions of food

I love the idea of a usurper temporarily succeeding, only to find out they actually suck hard at being a leader. That's what happens when you desire power for its own sake, you fail to realize that power means having a job.

>MFW Father becomes leader
Hard to imagine a bigger "AH SHIT" moment than that

Funny you should say that, cause thanks to the Lion Guard Scar actually used to have that power as long as there was a cloud in the sky in the backstory thanks to MAGIC ROAR, sure he lost it by the time of the first movie but food for thought.

>that episode where it shows them all gorwn up
>numbah 1 president
>numbah 2 vice
>numbah 3 press secretary
>numbah 4 secretary of defense
>numbah 5 in prison
Lord they could never get away with that today.

>numbah 5 in prison
I don't remember this episode. What did she do?

Nice try faggot, you should've at least kept numbah 3's position correct. We all knew she'd be working with Rainbow Monkey's corporation in some way.

Shut the fuck up.
Nothing outside of the original movie is worth regarding.

She didn't sell out like the others.

This was a false dream test given to Nigel by the GKND.
It wasn't their actual canon professions.

Its a shame we will never get that, i dont know if they could have gotten too much material out of it but a season would have been nice.

>he doesn't Mandate of Heaven

It was just a joke, based on the topic of this thread.

Hahaha I was thinking the same thing but forgot what that was called. Literally thought the drought happen as a kid because God didn't like Scar. Thanks user.


Warburton said he had more ideas with GKND than he did with KND

How man of those ideas aren't just parodies of old scifi flicks?

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