Cute lamp

Cute lamp.

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She is definitely going to get roofied at some point

Too bad she got fat.

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She's already a lesbian, nothing is worse than this

Mom's genes, duh

Is there still a punk scene somewhere she could be into?
What kind of music does she like anyway?
And why has no good music been produced since 1985 or so?

>What kind of music does she like anyway
Dadrock, I suppose

So what like Dio? Cream? Molly Hatchet?

Maybe? user, how could I know, Luna won't tell me anyway...

Fucking Danzig is probably considered Dad rock now.

People who were young in late 80s are now having kids, so why not

She's a lamp, the writers are hacks; be prepared to get by on fanart as the show explores the depths of boring.

Dadrock by way of what the writers think dad rock is. The British bands of the seventies.

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Good a place as any to post the Wrongest Infographic of All Time

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>The British bands of the seventies
The Hollies were that but they have also been recording since then.

Is this from an episode or an edit?

It's from the new episode. People are just saying that this one off character looks a lot like Luna.

as someone who knows nothing about rock myself, redpill me on what's wrong in this

*shares the same VA*

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Hggggnnn more

There's nothing of substance. Every decade got pissed on and most of the hate was directed to modern music. Not that there's any love for older music. Music is just worse now.

What happened with her music career?

She's also voiced by Nika Futterman.

Would you rather to see her get shot?

Better dead than fag

To an incel, any woman, who won't lay them, is a total meany.

Shot full of jizz, maybe.

So MishaLover, how did it feel being in the new episode?

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It's insanely reductive as the 70s onward had an enormous amount of experimentation in Rock and Roll.
Tom Petty was charting around the same time as stuff like the Ramones.

It also makes the common mistake of shitting on 80s "Cock Rock".
Artists like Eddie Van Halen and Slash were incredibly talented and influential.
It also ignored evergreens like the Hollies or David Bowie who constantly sought to innovate.
In short I have autism and this triggered it.

I just don't see it. That man obviously has all his teeth and is tall.


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probably already happened with Chuck

Don't forget that he's wearing pants

Luna just hit the wall
she never had it all

This is cringe
>t. A Yea Forumstant

Why do tards like you completely insist on posting the smallest quality of images that I literally need to update my prescription just to read?