I vote Kamala.
Who is the best new comic character in the lest 10 years?
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>reminder that Kamala refers to all non-Muslims as "infidels".
The Batman Who Laughs
I start reading comics because of her.
Yeah, I'm that newfag
That’s what makes her best girl
Jonathan Kent
>The Batman Who Laughs
Batman like 80se?
Shade the Changing Girl
>Batman like 80se?
English isn't a hard language to learn, user.
TBWL I wouldn't say is the "best". He's a good threat to the DC universe storyline but he's a bit too edgelord.
As for best I'd probably go with pic related.
>Blackest Night was almost 10 years ago
Larfleeze beats this bitch up any day.
I prefer to ship them
Funny thing, HYDRA's guards wore blue shirts and caps
1. Kamala Khan
3. Moon Girl
4. Kid Kaiju
Kenan Kong
Finally, someone with taste.
The Silencer, AKA: Assassin-MILF
White Rabbit is in that range?
Larfleeze, Jaime Reyes, Red Hood, Kamala, and Miles.
Which characters have biggest harem?
good taste user-kun
1. Jon Kent
2. Gwenpool
3. Kalama
her religion does not stop her
What did she have other than "Sexy"?
>actual shipping
That's awesome
Her power is 'fission' she splits into two people, presumably anything can happen to her counterpart but it "never gets caught" whatever the hell that is supposed to mean, just because the real girl is a mastermind. She has potential and a cottontail
Kamala shipping herself with everyone in her stories but never actually losing her virginity ever, just like a real life incel
The Crossed
at least one Kamala could turn Bruno into a Muslim
and eat his delicious unfaithful flesh
Kamala Khan, Miles Morales, Sam Alexander, Robbie Reyes (PRE-AARON), Gwenpool (during her original run), Kid Kaiju and Moon Girl.
Kenan Kong, Sideways, Silencer and Jon Kent (PRE-BENIS).
I'm pretty sure there are some that I have missed but these are the ones I can remember from the top of my head.
Is this the 70s or why is she swinging a Walther like she's Scottish and handsome?
because she's a hot milf
Kamala and Miles are the most successful but personally I have enjoyed Robbie Reyes, Mosiac, and Moon girl's stories more.
If only Pete knew what Kamala was thinking about.
His dongus?
Sam is good. I don't like or don't care about everyone else. Robbie is fine too, I do like his car alot
They have books, right?
Goddamn, the cancer that is killing this hobby.
... Mosaic? What the fuck. You must be Geoffrey Thorne, since not a single other fucking soul read that book.
Would Kamala settle for Hebrew nation infidel meat or would she form an angry crowd to harass the grocery store until they removed the product?
Does this answer your question?
I forgot Gwenpool and Reader too. I don't dislike Kamala but best thing about her comic was background gags and Aamir.
Not really since Kamala is going to town but her friends are looking on in disgust
>the same one who first told Bruno that he could not be with kamala for being Italian-American and then marry an African-American
She was a good muslim girl so it's fine
Please tell me the comic doesn't just make a fool of him and they keep in contact
It doesn't make a fool of him per se, but Lunella is still at an age where boys are icky. She stays in touch though.
and bruno is not?
literally, he becomes invalid to continue with kamala but still tells him that he loves her
I keep saying the same thing, the comics are handled with brands, kamala is a brand and it depends on the writers and their ideas that so faithful or contradictory can be a new comic with the lore
Moon Girl is no slouch there. But she's a Kamala fangirl, it makes sense she'd try to emulate HER harem.
Is Kamala really successful?
Kid Kree knows what's good
The ebony part I mean. Not the loli part.
Compared to the rest, sure. But nearly as much as Marvel would have you believe. Plus she has had way more exposure than most of them.
As a muslim myself, i demand Marvel comics to give Kamala big breasts and a skimpy outfit.
if someone more experienced could answer this would be great
also is nº73
But that's not Haram?
but I too honestly
> "With this mask, no one will ever know I'm secretly a cam girl!"
>Team up and magnificent massively over shipped
>Magnificent going out of the top 100 on it's second chapter
It's terrible, and if it gets cancelled she will get a relaunch because they are pushing her. Her sales numbers are lower than Loveness's Nova and I guarantee you this shit won't get cancelled in 7 chapters.
I wonder how much money carol has donated to kamala's stream?
>Compared to the rest, sure
But the rest are trash.
I’m thoroughly convince this place is tumblr now
A true man of taste an culture. Nothing can overthrow this cinnamon beauty
She’s a cutie
Kamala is the least annoying character with being "inclusive", she barely says phrases in her language, besides outside of her solo comics she is the typical American teenager
"Her language" is English.
me too. time to leave.
yu lying cunt cant even pretend to be more than a shill can you?
>in the last 10 years
She barely squeaks in but she's the best. Kamala is a close number 2 though I'll give you that.
kek, nobody mentions their religion
she simply follows the customs (not Islam itself) for her parents, the only one who is really Muslim per se is her brother but between that he is a neet and that he left home, well, Islam is hardly something that is "mentioned"
removing the title of "Muslim" would be very damaging to Marvel because that is how they sold to Kamala in the first place, but people want Kamala more for their attitude than for their faith
So she is in limbo, I want to see what happens to her in the future, many other people too
besides, it's cute
She's waifu material
wow, that is some garbage taste
The based tranny from Saga. I forgot their name.
The real question is what would happen to the best character in the last 10 years, 10 years into the future?
Then show me your list of characters you liked if you believe your taste is better.
>I forgot their name.
Not very based then, is it?
ketchup is like, the most basic of hot dog condiments. why is the crowd making a comment on it?
Tonta. I think that was less than ten years ago.
> Ketchup
Not ketchup. Katsup!
What's katsup?
>kat sup
>cat soup
My man. Came here to post this.
Jessica Cruz
so what, if i ever went to the middle east i wouldnt be able to stop myself tempting for the "cute little brown meat"
i smell your white guilt.
Few shades darker, buddy
Can we just undo the fact that her alter ego is known to the public
She’s cute
Because she wants to dehumanize them to better exterminate them.