The War of the Realms #6 Regular Cover - First Look

Courtesy of PREVIEWSworld. There's a chance that it might be wraparound.

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Unite the Thor's from across time to beat a B-Lister villain. How charmingly original?!!

I'm really over All-Black the Necrosword. And Aaron.

It took Aaron 6 years to finally get to this. Jesus christ.

Into the Final Crisisverse

>make the final villain of your 7 year plotline fucking Malekith with a symbiote

You should have been over it before it even started with a name like that.

Everyone should have been over Jason Aaron immediately, instead of sucking the chrome off his ball hitch up to JaneThor and then getting butt hurt.

He was always shit.

>He was always shit.
Ghost Rider was good

If nothing else, this gives us pretty cool Art Adams covers. I wish Marvel would just put a book out with all his coverwork. He's done some damn good stuff.

When is this happening?

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hopefully never

How many of the things that Ulysses saw have actually happened?

No it really wasn't.

this is fanfic tier

Wasn’t his whole Schlick stuff that “””””””may”””””””” happen, but everyone misunderstood and thought he was precognitient?

So Malekith has both the Venom Symbiote and the Ebony Blade?

the Necrosword is the first symbiote

Hell no, it wasn't. Just because Way was writing immediately beforehand does not make Aaron any less awful than usual.

Wasn't his Wolverine run good?

Up to Get Mystique, yes.

He ruined Ghost Rider by diluting the concept to the point where its unrecognizable.

But we've seen him steal the Ebony Blade from Black Knight, and he's been fucking around with the Venom symbiote for a while

Or is that stuff not going to lead anywhere and he'll just get the Necrosword?

In Aaron's last arc, finishing his Old King Thor story. Loki got ahold of All-Black last time we saw that plotline.

Guys, that's not the necrosword, it's the Venom symbiote. The necrosword is still in a black hole in the present, and is stuck there until Ego gets it in the far future

Well I guess Galactus got it first, then Ego stole it from him, and now Loki has it.

No it was not.
I don't know, since wolverine comics are wankoff material for eunuchs who fantasize about being bullies instead of Dorito graveyards.

It wasn't really explained since in the same sequence we see that Thor vision we also see non-canon stuff like Days of Future Past, Killraven, and Age of Ultron, and then Secret Empire didn't do the "Miles kills HydraCap" thing, so... no idea.

>wolverine comics are wankoff material for eunuchs who fantasize about being bullies instead of Dorito graveyards

The incredible amount of DCshills replying to this post and this thread is disgusting, such a dishonesty. I'm so over this fuckery.

I think that's Venom

You are replying to Tommy, the king of the Dcucks, Marvel us living in his head rent free since probably some Marvel chad beat his ass over and over

oh for fuck sake who let Ennis post on Yea Forums?

I don't know if that's better or worse

Just one more arc after this and he's gone, then pray that Cates doesn't take over.

I pray that Immortal Hulk outselling Batman has made Ewing a golden boy

No, it's just Tommy Ladderbro making those posts.

>He was always shit.

Yeah...NAH. But I get how you'd have that opinion if all you read is superhero comics.

Come back around with a new opinion once you've read some real comics.

Cates is writing like three things right now, plus that Carnage event in a few months and is working on a movie, so I doubt he will.

why thor and asgardian shit still the core of marvel comics 12 yrs later? after SIEGE?! the JaneF fiasco? what kind of leverage Aaron have in this company?

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What do you mean by this? Genuinely curious, I rather enjoyed his Ghost Rider myself but haven't read any Ghost Rider outside of that and the Robbie Reyes stuff (who is basically a completely original hero in all but name).

nigga b y e e

I would pay even higher issue prices, just so they dont join in events.

the revelation that their are thousands upon thousands of ghost riders

I'm more annoyed that for some reason Venom gets to be a Necrosword. Cates's shitty new cosmic stuff is supposed to have your average symbiote as essentially a foot soldier or a single bullet in his arsenal however you want to look at it while his avatars and armaments are the ones that actually matter for fighting other cosmic entities.

Cates would drop a book for the chance to write Thor.


Fuck off, you fakey pretentious dipshit. Other side was acceptable but Scalped was garbage, so I assume Other Side was good because Cameron Stewart is good as hell at his job.

You can tell I'm not Tommy because I haven't sperged out about Doom getting omnipotence. Also, DC's been 95% garbage since the New 52.
I'm just a guy who watched Thor fans gargle Jason Aaron's fucking cock absolutely nonstop because he powerqueened off his ass, and they called it (shit, I am about to sound like Tommy) the Apex of fucking writing. There were "one page that makes you want to read comics" threads nearly every fucking day with the "Every god prayed to Thor" splash from the God butcher arc. They were so happy lapping up his shit because Thor was so powerful.
Then Jane Thor happened and they whined nonstop for years.

Fuck them. Fuck you. Aaron is garbage.