Was this the best ending to any cartoon?
Was this the best ending to any cartoon?
>implying I don't live in perpetual fear of cartoon network rebooting it
If I recall, Antonucci was wise enough to retain the creative rights to the show. They can't do anything without his say-so. They can air it, repackage it, sell it etc., but they can't make more without him.
So before the pitch he had a contract ready or something?
According to the ol' wikipedia, he first took the idea to Nickelodeon, but they wanted creative control over the show, and Antonucci wasn't willing to give that up. So he took it to CN and they were willing to let him retain all creative direction on the show.
It's why the show remained so pure and damned near perfect for its entire run, it was run entirely off of Antonnuci's own very specific vision, with no executive meddling the muddy the waters.
>tfw live in the no EEnE reboot timeline.
But who gets the rights when Antonucci dies, any will they sell the rights for a quick buck?
By the time he dies (assuming he makes it to say his 80's) the property will be worthless and of no use to anyone.
It's already been gone a decade at this point.
>show goes off the air for a few years
>returns with a made for tv movie finale
>its perfect
Theres no reason BPS should have been as good as it was.
Big Picture Show was the best possible ending for the show.
Only other cartoon that was remotely close for me was regular shows final season.
Was weird having it become serialized but I dig it.
Also some of the best specials just like EEnE
BPS is definitely up there with my all time favourite western animated films
Complete series and movie BD release when
Technically the school season was demanded by CN, but outside of that you're right. Not really sure how they even managed to do that, seems like a breach of contract.
You'd think they would have done it this year, since it was the 20 year anniversary of the show's beginning AND 10 year anniversary of the conclusion, but nothing.
>tfw Antonucci's studio hasn't made anything since Big Picture Show
>tfw seems to be the case with a lot of the networks golden era shows
Feels bad man
Courage’s entire series randomly came out on dvd years later, so don’t lose hope.
His studio has been coasting along on contract work and they tried to make a really kiddy pilot that went nowhere
Only in Australia, though. Australia gets a lot of random disk releases because their streaming services suck
The bar for cartoon endings is very low, so yes.
didn't Danny create the show out of a dare?
I'm not sure if CN demanded the episodes be set at school, but I do know that that's half true.
If Ed, Edd, n Eddy was to continue with a new season and a movie, they would have to switch to digital ink and paint as opposed to the traditional they've been doing up until that point. The other CN shows like Johnny Bravo, Dexter's Lab, and Powerpuff Girls had already made the switch to digital, and it was getting too expensive for them to continue doing cels. This was of course to the AKA Cartoon crew's dismay, as their motto is "Fuck Digital, Draw!" and they snuck the phrase in various S5 episodes.
He'll take it to the grave with him
>implying he hasn’t written his will already that no one will make EEnE related anything for over 50 years since his death
Canadians are crafty fucks